Bloviating Zeppelin began on June 19th of 2004.

I never thought it would last more than a few months.

I was convinced I’d lose interest.

The first post I sent via e-mail just to my family. They never read it.

I wrote only for myself. I had no idea how to embed links, how to post photographs. I could do nothing but write and click the “PUBLISH POST” button. My thanks to Texas Fred and Robert from American & Proud for bringing my graphics into the 21st century.

Since then, my life has taken any number of turns I could never have forecast, too many to enumerate here.

I’ve written for me; I’ve written to document portions of my life so I won’t forget; I’ve written to bloviate, to excoriate, to yell, to educate. I’ve written when stone cold sober and remarkably inebriated. I’ve written with tears running down my cheeks. And I’ve written as the snow fell and stacked up, over six feet, on my deck.

Throughout all this, my greatest thanks go to you, my readers. Thank you for trusting me, for visiting, for taking the time to comment and interact.

With all the hubris, arrogance, violence, hate, discontent, confusion, lack of understanding and, mostly, lack of time, I know that each and every one of you are challenged in your lives.

Yet you still come by.

I stand amazed. And incredibly thankful.


Iran Update

I’m certain you’re aware of the demonstrations occurring in Iran — demonstrations that have been ongoing for four days now — following the Iranian presidential elections wherein Admadinnerjacket allegedly won a landslide over fellow candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi (not a particularly pristine candidate himself). From Bloomberg news:

Today’s protest follows a June 15 rally that was the largest anti-government demonstration since the Islamic revolution ousted Iran’s shah in 1979, triggered by opposition accusations of vote-rigging to re-elect President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Several people were reported killed. Tehran’s bazaar merchants, a group that backed the 1979 revolution, may strike to protest the election, the BBC said.

The estimate of civilians killed range from one to 8 to 12 to 20.

A man named “Sam” on Z’s blog (geeeeeeZ!) wrote in her comments of this post:

Hi zin; Many thanks to Pris and you and all the BRAVE Americans who support our uprising, Just now, there is a Bloody FIGHT between the youth and the regimes thugs in VANAK SQUARE at the north of Tehran, TODAY, again 8 deaths till this hour, Please go to this site below Prey for our young people; THANKS, SAM

Sam recommends this website for an update (Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran; quite well done, actually) and then subsequently makes this additional comment:

Hi zin; Please don’ persist where am I; Moussavi has participated on the Genocide of the 30,000 prisoners 21 years ago when he was the prime minister, There is no difference between those 4 candidates, all of them were approved by Khameneii, the people have profited from their internal struggle to up rise. We are against all of them, Moussavi asked the people to enter to their house, he wants to save the Mullahs regime. For the Rifles, yes Zin we have seen their MADE IN AUSTRIA. Zin, in BABOL, a northern city, a green dressed commando was arrested by the students, HE COULDN’T SPEAK PERSIAN!!! Venezuelan I guess. Zin, if we were not Disarmed by the US FORCES on 2003, we could overthrow the MILLAHS in two days, without having the thousands of victims, Zin, do you remmember 2 years ago, when I said on FPM that there is a plot against your forces in IRAQ, and against GWB?!! I can not write more now, I’ll tell you why all the US ADMINISTRATIONS WERE SUPPORTING the Mullahs from 30 years ago till now, GWB didn’t wanted to continue this dirty politics, that’s why he was smashed. he was the only one who resisted, but, even GWB did a huge mistake by keeping our resistance on his terror list, And OBM was born from that mistake.The History never forgives the monumental mistakes. SAM

Might this actually be the fomentation of real revolution in Iran? Can the regime be toppled?


China and the Dollar

As if there isn’t enough concern in the world. From Bloomberg News:

June 17 (Bloomberg) — The leaders of Russia and China agreed to expand use of the ruble and yuan in bilateral trade to lessen dependence on the U.S. dollar a day after they took part in the first summit of the so-called BRIC countries.

“We agreed to take further steps in this direction, including, perhaps, by adjusting contracts and laws that already exist,” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told reporters in the Kremlin today after talks with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao.

Russia, the world’s biggest energy supplier, wants to start selling oil to China in rubles, said Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who is also chairman of OAO Rosneft, Russia’s biggest oil company. Energy sales in rubles are a “strategic” issue for Russia, he said, adding that oil exports to China over the next 20 years will surpass $100 billion.

Brazil, Russia, India and China agreed yesterday to push for more clout in global financial institutions during what Medvedev called BRIC’s “historic” first summit in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg. China and Russia have called for a more diversified financial system to give emerging economies a bigger say in economic affairs, including the creation of alternatives to the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.

I think I could be quite safe in writing:
China holds a massive amount of American debt.
If China disavows the dollar, this is how you’ll have to purchase a loaf of bread (not unlike the Weimar Republic) at your local store — if there is bread to buy, and if you have sufficient paper:

I can tell you one thing, otherwise: at this point in our history, many persons I speak to are just about “at threshold” with regard to their ability to cope, to process, to understand, to endure more “change.” Think: Alvin Toffler’s “Future Shock” on geometric crank.
And Mr Obama continues to push and push and push.
Something’s got to give.

Beards & Turbans in the United States Army

You knew it had to come, sooner or later.

The Sikh community is challenging the US Army’s policy that beards and turbans, amongst other items and practices, cannot be worn, an article from says:

The Sikh community is hopeful it will win the policy appeal; in an April 29 letter to the Sikh Coalition, the director of the Army’s Human Resources Policy Directorate said senior leadership was aware of the issue and was gathering information to make a decision. Toni Delancey, a spokeswoman for Army personnel, said the appeals are under review.

Our army is not the Sikh army, nor any other. American soldiers have their own tradition of shaved hair in training and “high and tight” in service. This doesn’t just affect the seemingly paltry external and visible elements mentioned, it ultimately affects discipline, pride, identity, efficiency, the ability to carry out the mission of our military forces — not “just” a politically correct application of outward appearance issues.

Additionally, please understand that there are two issues at work here. One involves the simple disagreement with current military standards regarding facial hair and headwear on males.

The second issue involves the forced relaxation or outright change of standards in general in our culture, to be sacrificed on the altar of alleged diversity and solely for the sake of diversity.

Let’s stop there just for a moment. I would refer you to the Culturism blog of John Kenneth Press, an adjunct professor and doctoral student at NYU. He has an entire book and numerous websites regarding culturism, which he defines and references as this:

Culturism holds that majority cultures have a right to protect, promote and guide themselves. All non-western cultures are culturist. We have a right to be culturist as well.
We are losing the rhetorical debate. Injecting culturism and culturist into our vocabulary will help protect the West.

This is how culturism counters the words multiculturalism, racism, and individualism:
Multiculturalists say the West is just a random assemblage of different cultures from around the world. Culturism recognizes that western nations have unique traditional core cultures to protect, guide and promote. Multiculturalists ask us to “celebrate diversity.” Culturists don’t think they take cultural diversity seriously enough. At heart multiculturalists think all cultures are interchangeable and only refer to food, festivals and fashion. Culturism, the book, looks at the Aztecs and headhunters to show how diverse cultures can be. But 9/11 should have put the West on notice that not all cultures believe in democracy, individualism, the value of individual lives, the Protestant work ethic, female rights, gay rights, the relative separation of church and state or other parts of western culture. Unlike multiculturalists, culturists think the West has a core culture, think it requires protection, and take cultural diversity very seriously.
Charges of racism are used to silence all of those who would talk about the negative parts of cultural diversity. Worrying about racism makes some sense. But immigration concerns are not about race, they are about culture. Racism is stupid and dangerous. But if diversity is real, culturism is necessary.
Individualism is the third word. Culturism seeks to promote individualism realistically. If the West does not survive, individualism and individual rights will be discontinued. Individual rights being used to protect anti-social behavior can go to destructive extremes. Individual rights are now used to defile our airwaves, claim asylum and avoid culturist profiling. Being a citizen means sometimes considering what is best for the society you purport to love.
Culturism’s definition holds that majority cultures have a right to guide, protect and promote themselves. Multiculturalism has told us that the West has no majority culture to guide, protect and promote. They have also told us to stick up for it is racist. Furthermore, they seek to undermine the West iin the name of indivudal rights. To survive, the West must must be as culturist as other nations.
Protect the West, fight abuse of the word racism, stop multiculturalism, and safeguard individualism.

Don’t be fooled; this challenge by Sikhs isn’t simply about some hair and a hat. And do what I call the “logical extension” as well.

If approved and overturned, the acceptance of beards and turbans will negatively affect other standards, trickle down to every other government agency and assure only to embolden Islamists — or anyone else seeking to enforce their culture on ours.

That oft-used and famous Teddy Roosevelt quote comes now to mind:

“In the first place we should insist that the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equity with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming an American and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language. . .and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Teddy Roosevelt was correct in 1907 and is correct in 2009.


ObamaKare: It’s NOT About Choice

Please watch the video; as opposed to what Mr Obama says, it’s NOT about your having a “choice,” it’s about your being forced to enter government-controlled and rationed healthcare.

Further, have you heard or read of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy“?

In summary, from American Thinker, it is this:

The Cloward/Piven Strategy is named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven. Their goal is to overthrow capitalism by overwhelming the government bureaucracy with entitlement demands. The created crisis provides the impetus to bring about radical political change.

We already know that Mr Obama patterns his political ideology after Saul Alinsky and his book “Rules For Radicals.”

We already know that Mr Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, has said that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Continuing, from American Thinker:

Making an already weak economy even worse is the intent of the Cloward/Piven Strategy. It is imperative that we view the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan’s spending on items like food stamps, jobless benefits, and health care through this end goal. This strategy explains why the Democrat plan to “stimulate” the economy involves massive deficit spending projects. It includes billions for ACORN and its subgroups such as SHOP and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Expanding the S-Chip Program through deficit spending in a supposed effort to “save the children” only makes a faltering economy worse.

Oh America, you have little if any idea what you’ve even remotely done by electing Mr Obama and the concomitant placement of his minions.