Republicans Just Do What They’re Told:

To a degree I have to admit he’s correct; however, I completely differentiate Republicans from Conservatives — who happen to have minds of their own.

No lobbying? Complete transparency? Most ethical administration ever?

Right. Conservatives. Just doing what we’re told. Completely unlike the Demorats, who are such independent thinkers. . .

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Sound like Our Hero will be out for TV news with “The Fairness Doctrine” as with terrestrial radio?



A Committee of 8-Year Olds:

From The Hill:

Democrats lock Republicans out of committee room

By Susan Crabtree – 10/20/09 05:47 PM ET

Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.) locked Republicans out of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee room to keep them from meeting when Democrats aren’t present. Towns’ action came after repeated public ridicule from the leading Republican on the committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), over Towns’s failure to launch an investigation into Countrywide Mortgage’s reported sweetheart deals to VIPs.

Why the lockout?  Gosh — could it be because Mr Towns himself received a mortgage loan from Countrywide but — naturally — “insists” that he was not part of the VIP program?  Right.  And waves don’t turn rocks into sand.  Towns further said he purposely didn’t start any investigation because he “does not want to interfere with an ongoing Justice Department probe into the matter.”  

Or is it also because GOP’s Darryl Issa used technology to create a video which embarrassed the Demorats?  

The truth is this: Towns has been ignoring Republican requests to subpoena records in the Countrywide case (Countrywide now owned by B of A). Last Thursday, the Oversight & Government Reform committee Republicans, led by Issa, were about to force an open vote on the subpoenas at a Committee mark-up meeting. The mark-up was canceled quickly. Only Republicans showed up, whilst Demorats failed to appear. 

Imagine that.  The Dems playing as 8-year-olds.

Issa’s spokesman said the Democrats readily acknowledged to Republicans that they changed the locks in retaliation to the videotape of the Democrats’absence from the business meeting even though committee rules allow meetings to be taped. 

And all this in the name of Mr Obama’s TRANSparency.  EVERYthing must be TRANSparent.

Uh.  Except when there is a conflict.  With reality.  And truth.


Pledge To Support And Defend The US Constitution: Then You’re A Suspected Terrorist And A White Supremacist

(Thanks Judy.)

The Las Vegas Review Journal seems to think that if you take your oath to defend and protect the United States Constitution seriously, you’re a terrorist, Right Wing extremist or a white supremacist.

Stewart Rhodes, left, founder and spokesman of Oath Keepers, talks to Kyle Zortman, 17, of Cedar City, Utah, right, along with Oath Keeper members John Francois, second from left, and Pat Kerby of Pahrump during the Crossroads of the West Gun Show on Saturday at Cashman Center. 

Photos by K.M. Cannon

A member of the Southern Nevada chapter of Oath Keepers who declined to be identified works on the group’s Web site during a meeting to plan the inaugural national conference of Oath Keepers in Las Vegas later this month. 

Dave Freeman, national peace officer liaison and Southern Nevada director of Oath Keepers, right, says the group, which was founded in Las Vegas earlier this year, is standing up for the constitutional rights of Americans. Critics of the group say Oath Keepers draw members into “a world of false conspiracy theory.” 

Dave Freeman, a leader of Oath Keepers, right, and Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath Keepers, discuss plans for the group’s inaugural national conference in Las Vegas later this month. 

Depending on your perspective, the Oath Keepers are either strident defenders of liberty or dangerous peddlers of paranoia.

“Oath Keepers”?  Who are they?  Go here.

And the LVRJ just happens to be “involved” now because Oath Keepers are holding their 2009 conference in Las Vegas on October 24th and 25th.

From the LVRJ article:

Launched in March by Las Vegan Stewart Rhodes, Oath Keepers bills itself as a nonpartisan group of current and retired law enforcement and military personnel who vow to fulfill their oaths to the Constitution.

Because those who support and defend the Constitution are already suspect under the current Obama Administration — and because the Obama Administration already asked citizens to “turn in” other citizens when their information was not congruent (“fishy”) with the propaganda issued forth from the Obama White House — the comparisons between various fascist regimes are naturally forthcoming.  Bush, the “labeled fascist” that he was — even GWB didn’t attempt to mark and limit those who disagreed as Mr Obama and his minions do now.

The LVRJ article continues:

More specifically, the group’s members, which number in the thousands, pledge to disobey orders they deem unlawful, including directives to disarm the American people and to blockade American cities. By refusing the latter order, the Oath Keepers hope to prevent cities from becoming “giant concentration camps,” a scenario the 44-year-old Rhodes says he can envision happening in the coming years.

It’s a Cold War-era nightmare vision with a major twist: The occupying forces in this imagined future are American, not Soviet.

“The whole point of Oath Keepers is to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here,” Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale-trained lawyer, said in an interview with the Review-Journal. “My focus is on the guys with the guns, because they can’t do it without them.

“We say if the American people decide it’s time for a revolution, we’ll fight with you.”

That type of rhetoric has caught the attention of groups that track extremist activity in the United States.

Including the US government, the FBI, the Southern Poverty Law Center?


Here is the oath I took, originally, back in 1973:

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States, the State of California, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Oddly enough, this is the same oath sworn by various state and federal law enforcement and military personnel.

Myself, as well.

So, under Oath Keepers, my original oath is now, somehow, deemed threatening to the current Obama Administration?

Because I am an EDUCATED MAN with regard to my own Constitution and because, after all, I am not only knowledgeable with its content and also with its implications and interpretations?

And that these so-called “interpretations” may possibly not be “in keeping” with the goals and directions of the current Obama Administration?  To continue from the LVRJ article:

What Rhodes terms “the rise of executive privilege” during the post-9/11 years of the Bush presidency will in his opinion only accelerate with Obama in office. What’s worse, he said, is that “gun-hating extremists” now control the White House.

Two things have happened since the Homeland Security Department and Southern Poverty Law Center released their reports on extremism: Membership of Oath Keepers has spiked dramatically. And Rhodes has had to do a lot of explaining.

“We’re not a militia,” he said. “And we’re not part and parcel of the white supremacist movement. I loathe white supremacists.”

Oath Keepers doesn’t offer paramilitary training; nor does it have a military command structure. It instead has board members, which include directors in seven states and outreach coordinators to currently serving local and federal law enforcement and military personnel. The group’s state director in Montana, who goes by the name Elias Alias, has said Montana and other states should consider seceding from the United States in protest of the federal government’s conduct.

And myself as well.  I am not a white supremacist.  I am, however, a believer in the oath that I swore.  Twice.

But more pointedly:

Rhodes said he hopes Oath Keepers members think about the lawfulness of day-to-day orders they receive.

For example, if a police officer feels he is being asked to do an illegal search of a home or vehicle, he should stand down.

Rhodes eventually wants to create a legal defense fund for Oath Keepers who are disciplined by their employers for defying orders they deem unlawful or immoral.

“The message to law enforcement is not to become a tool of oppression,” he said.

And to the Obama Administration I say:

If you were NOT afraid of the lawful and proper dissemination of information, thoughts, opinions — you would NOT be attempting to dissuade anyone or any organization from any speech.  There wouldn’t be a concerted effort to discredit Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

Free Speech is the BEST speech.  And dissenting speech should be the MOST PROTECTED speech of all.

So sayeth the hallowed First Amendment.

To Mr Obama: your attempt to silence dissenters is, in fact, FASCISM.

It is a truism and an appropriate label.  DEAL with it.


In Mendocino:

Typical Leftist.  Obama-Biden sticker, Save The Earth, Save The Nematodes, Save Armpit Hair On Women,  Impeach Bush, No Drilling, Outlaw Butter, No Carbon — driving an early 90s American hog Buick four-door which averages 15 to 16 mpg and last had a tune-up in 2002.  Completely trashed and thrashed interior.  “Hypocrites, table for two, please” anyone?

Beautiful waves.  Little breeze, looking south from the town of Mendocino.

Looking east, Highway 1 bridge over Big River, through the sand flats at low tide.

Closer, Highway 1 bridge over the Big River.

We came downstairs in the Mendocino Hotel this afternoon for some cups of tea.  We’d first gone to the Gallery Bookshop in town, where I purchased The Memoirs of Wild Bill Hickock by Richard Matheson — a rarity in the publishing world, particularly in paperback.  
You might recall that Richard Matheson is the author of Nightmare At 20,000 Feet (you remember William Shatner in, essentially, his first starring role — on The Twilight Zone?), The Incredible Shrinking Man (again, made into a film), Hell House (another movie), I Am Legend (made into a recent movie starring Will Smith and an earlier 1971 film with Charleton Heston entitled The Omega Man), What Dreams May Come (a 1998 film with Robin Williams), Somewhere In Time (a 1980 film with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour), A Stir of Echoes (1999, with Kevin Bacon), and the author of a story translated into the very first movie directed by Steven Spielberg (on TV): Duel.  He also wrote The Enemy Within for the original Star Trek series.
Author Richard Matheson, by the way, born in 1926, is 83 this year.  Matheson has influenced any number of creative artists to include Anne Rice, Stephen King, Steven Spielberg and George Romero.  
What an incredible body of work Mr Matheson possesses.
I would hope you’d be inclined to pick up some or many of his books.
The foghorn still sounds, outside our deck.  In the darkness.

Live From The Pacific Ocean

Clearly there was no Friday post — but only because it was a “day off” and my wife and I were driving to one of our favorite coastal towns for a five-day vacation.  Rumors have it that all “discretionary” time off is about to be canceled at my work and I decided to “discresh” whilst I still could.  Because I already live in the Sierra Nevada mountains, our general locale of refuge tends to be the Fornicalia coastal areas, from roughly Big Sur to Eureka and all points in between.  This will be our celebration for my birthday — early — because I could get the time, at this point.

And so: here we be, adjacent the ocean once again.  We both find the ocean to be mitigative, refreshing, powerful, cerebral, relaxing, therapeutic.  It’s not just the sights; it’s the sounds and smells as well.
The coast mirrors some of what’s occurring recently inland; the humidity is up exponentially (at least for Fornicalia) due to the tropical systems swirling into the area from the south.  We had torrential rains and winds about five days ago.  As soon as we crested the Mendocino coast range and dropped down towards the cliffs, the temperature plummeted from the 80s into the 60s — yet the humidity remained and, in fact, increased.
Right now, as the light diminishes, the fog has reduced our ability to see the ocean much past the mouth of the harbor where we watch the waves pound the L-shaped protective jetty.  The foghorn still sounds and alternatively appears to be closer or much further away, dependent upon — well, I’m not sure what makes it sound near or far.  The fog is so thick it’s actually like rain.  I’m watching the drops run down from the overhang protecting our room’s veranda.
I treated ourselves to a local couples massage today and we visited an excellent antique bookstore where my wife acquired a number of books, and I purchased biographies of T.E. Lawrence, D.D. Eisenhower and Thomas Jefferson.  I’m quite looking forward to learning about Mr Jefferson as I admittedly know little about his life or words — and clearly to the consternation of the ubiquitous Mr AJ.  In a fit of pique and decadence, I scheduled ourselves for a second 90-minute massage two days from now.
I also purchased a hardback by Vince Flynn, who is an excellent author and his newest is entitled Pursuit of Honor.  Also out in hardback is Evil At Heart, by Chelsea Cain.  An author that, unfortunately, many people have never read or heard of — Chelsea Cain isn’t simply some sort of “guilty pleasure” — she is a full-fledged literary force in the realm of fictional serial killers.  Her Gretchen Lowell character is robust, fully-fleshed out (sorry), transfixing and challenged by her nemesis, Portland PD Detective Archie Sheridan.  Run, do not walk, and pick up this and the previous two books in the series by author Chelsea Cain.
And now, at 7 pm, it’s mostly dark outside.  The fog is almost complete.  Whereas before, absent fog, at this time I could have at least seen the mouth of the harbor — it no longer exists.  I have never seen the fog here so thick.  This is new and intriguing.  And somehow mysterious and mesmerizing.
The sheer curtain over the sliding patio door is alternately blowing out and being sucked into the room.  It’s almost like the room is breathing.  This is indeed a very strange phenomenon.

This post — and some others to be published on vacation — was created on my Apple MacBook Pro.  I’m starting — just a bit, mind you — to get the hang of this thing.