And the racist blacks just keep on coming, now from Ferguson


‘Peaceful’ #Ferguson Protesters Beat College Student & Chase Him Down Street Screaming

by Jim Hoft

The Ferguson protest movement held a meeting tonight at St. Mark Family Church on Glen Owen Drive.

The protesters took time out from their meeting to beat a college student.
Then they chased him down the street screaming.

Finally the man was rescued at the local Walgreens.

Ferguson What Happened In MeetingThey knew him, just another white Chuck from some college — who had joined with the black protesters before — so what the hell, they beat him anyway.  Just another peaceful protest.


Life goes on, things like this mostly unreported.



Once AGAIN, black racists weigh in — this time on Mia Love’s GOP win

Let’s start with the original Tweet:

Mia Love Tweet KneegrowBesides being stunned at the audacity of the words, in this day and age, I decided to go back and see if this was some kind of very poor joke.

It wasn’t.

Here’s the Twitter site of the writer, Monica Roberts.  Note how she typifies herself.  My guess — call me wacky — is that Roberts doesn’t vote Independent or Republican.

Monica Roberts On TwitterMonica Roberts doesn’t stop with the above Tweet.  She continues:

Monica Roberts Tweet 1It’s clear that Monica Roberts cannot see the world through anything but the glasses of race.  As in: Mr Obama’s post-racial world.  Except that she apparently cannot help but stoop to blatant racism herself, within her own melanin count collection.  But there’s more:

Monica Roberts Tweet 2The problem is also with the others who weigh in.  My guess is that NBW isn’t quite pleased with the one who “just went downstairs to get her kids ready for the school bus.”  Gosh.  I wonder, I just wonder, who that might be?  Anyone?  Bueller?  Any guess as to that person’s melanin count?

Monica Roberts can’t resist calling another black female the pejorative of “kneegrow,” because Mia Love doesn’t conform to Roberts’ own personal philosophy.

As far as Roberts in concerned, Mia Love may as well just trot right on down to the plantation and shuck cotton for her Caucasoid Masters, as the “sellout” she is.

For those uninformed, Mia Love is the first black female to be elected from Utah to the House of Representatives from Tuesday’s midterms.  She said:

“I wasn’t elected because of the color of my skin. I wasn’t elected because of my gender,” she said during the interview. “I was elected because of the solutions that I put at the table because I promised I would run a positive issues-oriented campaign and that’s what resonated.”

That was bad enough.  But she also had the audacity to say:

“Washington has gotten too big and people have gotten too small so we’ve got to start rolling up our sleeves and making sure that we bring balance back to government,” she said.

Mia Love QuotationLove’s philosophy is above.  As you can see, her beliefs are such that she does not demand Free Cheese for blacks.  Worse, she thinks the government should step away from enslaving blacks by way of broken promises, as the Demorats have done for decades.

That was too much for Monica Roberts.  How dare Mia Love, the bitch, kick aside government Free Cheese?  How dare she advocate for less instead of more government?

Once again proving black racism is alive and well and that philosophy trumps melanin count in the Demorat world.  As far as Monica Roberts is concerned, Mia Love may as well be some Soccer Mom White Chick.

If you wish to weigh in, Monica Roberts can be contacted here on Twitter.  Be nice.  But be truthful.


Mia Love Quotation 2

Ferguson: turn everything upside down

Ferguson PD

Ferguson PD.  How many of these officers represent outside jurisdictions?


Shakeup of Ferguson police force expected

by Trymaine Lee

The first steps in a major shakeup of the Ferguson, Missouri police department – including the resignation of Chief Thomas Jackson – could come as early as next week, according to local and federal officials who’ve been briefed on plans still being worked out by city and state leaders. 

The plan, described by a source with direct knowledge of the plans as “extremely delicate,” said the details are still being hashed out in closed-door meetings between Ferguson city and St. Louis County officials who have sought consultation from the Justice Department, which is conducting a civil rights investigation into the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in August. The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the plan could include not just the resignation of Chief Jackson but the resignation of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed Brown on a Ferguson street, setting the city into weeks of unrest. 

This would, of course, include Officer Darren Wilson who has been found guilty of — wait for it — nothing yet.

First, the website of Ferguson Missouri itself:

Then the website of the Ferguson City PD.  Specifically avoiding any reference to travails whatsoever.

Further, however:

The source who spoke with MSNBC said Chief Jackson and Officer Wilson are expected to be eased out of the Ferguson police force, before what could be a full-scale take over of the Ferguson force by the St. Louis County police.

Eased out.  Despite no conclusions being made on any level for any one in any amount of time.  And yet, simultaneously, Ferguson has no retort and is apparently guilty of any and every accusation made against it directly and peripherally.

Who would I kick to the curb, if you asked me — a law enforcement officer with more than 41 years of experience in the venue?

The Chief would be toastal history.  And my officer would be protected as much as he could.

The Chief, no matter his pay rate, was and is incompetent.  He made too many holdbacks and didn’t grasp the importance of being frank with the media where and when he could.  Because, I suspect, his department was/is generally puerile and susceptible to the ministrations of local and national media that was twenty steps ahead of him at every turn.

You pay your Police Chief to be competent.  Jackson was not.  He Grokked not the concept of the release of information if and when you can.  He Grokked not the concept of approving tac sniper teams pointing long guns at protesters.  And he Grokked not the concept of processing your active crime scene for forensics as rapidly as possible given your unstable surrounding populace.  As a body lie on the ground in the heat.

In a two words — very much like Mr Obola — Jackson was frankly “tone deaf.”

But should his entire department suffer because of his inexperience and lack of 2014 political competence?

No, it should not.  He should go.  No one else.

Further, melanin makes no difference to the police force.  If 50 out of 56 officers have pale skin, that is completely indifferent.  Competence should be the bottom line.

The competence or incompetence of a given agency is not predicated upon the melanin count of its employees — unless, of course, you are the federal government.

Wait.  I tend to make my easy point now.



Blacks can’t be racist, Part XLVII:

From the

Mayor: New high school won’t be named after President Obama

by John Byrne, Juan Perez Jr and Dana Ferguson

Mayor Rahm Emanuel backed off Thursday from naming a new elite high school after President Barack Obama amid ongoing criticism from African-Americans who felt the honor inappropriate for a school slated for a wealthy, predominantly white part of the Near North Side.

Instead of naming the new school after his former boss, the mayor indicated he would consider other names for the selective enrollment high school set to be built near the site of the former Cabrini-Green public housing project just northwest of downtown.

Excuse me for a moment.  I generally don’t know crap about Chicago, but I happen to know about the Cabrini-Green public housing projects in that city.

And the former Cabrini-Green projects were the toilet of Chicago.  From Wikipedia:

At its peak, Cabrini–Green was home to 15,000 people,[2] living in mid- and high-rise apartment buildings totaling 3607 units. Over the years, gang violence and neglect created terrible living conditions for the residents, and the name “Cabrini–Green” became synonymous with the problems associated with public housing in the United States. The last of the buildings in Cabrini–Green was demolished in March 2011.[3]

Cabrini_greenTo the point that Chicago had to physically blow up the buildings and take them down.

To continue:

Powerful far South Side Ald. Carrie Austin, who represents part of the Roseland neighborhood where Obama worked as a community organizer before getting into politics, said she told Emanuel shortly after the announcement that the name was a problem given where it would be built.

“If they’re going to name a school after President Obama they should put it somewhere else,” Austin said Thursday. “Either in Roseland, where he got his start, or in the Hyde Park area, where he lived and has a home. To put it (on the near North Side), that just doesn’t look right.”

It wouldn’t “look right.”

Translated: the new area was too “gentrified”with Caucasoids and wasn’t sufficiently “ghetto” in order to honor the name and “strife” of Barack Hussein Obaka.

Mayor Emanuel caved.

“He backed off on the name,” Austin said. “To his credit, he heard what we were saying and he listened and took it to heart.”

But here’s the black political Crux of the Biscuit in Chicago:

The name change comes as Emanuel tries to win back faltering support from African-American voters heading into the February 2015 municipal elections. Mayoral opponent Ald. Robert Fioretti launched his campaign against Emanuel last week by charging that the mayor’s policies have benefited wealthy Chicagoans while leaving working class residents behind.

Chicago Teachers Union president Karen Lewis, who is weighing a mayoral run, has been critical of Emanuel’s school policies as well, also saying they favor the wealthy at the expense of poorer residents.

Karen Lewis.  This Karen Lewis?  The “harpooned whale” Karen Lewis (at least she’s eating well courtesy of her dues-paying blue collar teachers)?  I submit that the phrase “weighing a mayoral run” is quite the poor choice of words.

Karen-Lewis-CTU-PresidentChicago teachers strike: want a 16% wage increase

CTU President Karen Lewis laughs about lying to parents, turning students into ‘hostages’

Yes.  That would be one and the same.

Yes.  Demanding that a school not be named after the first black president because the area isn’t “sufficiently black.”




Direct from the “Of Course, It Isn’t a Hate Crime” Department:

Racist BlackTake One:


Gang of Black Teens Beats White Memphis Grocery Store Employee into Unconsciousness

by Warner Todd Huston

Late on Saturday night, a mob of black teens swarmed a Kroger grocery store in Memphis, Tennessee and proceeded to beat two store employees and one customer to the ground.

However, you have to go seven paragraphs down before you discover:

Video taken by customers on the scene attest to the viciousness of the attack. It shows screaming, joking, laughing black members of the mob attacking and kicking a white Kroger employee lying immobile on the ground.

Take Two:

From the

High School Girl Taunted, Beaten At Bus Stop For Acting ‘Too Much Like A White Person’

by Eric Owens

A 16-year-old high school girl in Rock Hill, S.C. told police that another high school girl taunted her on a school bus and then beat her up after she got off the bus. The assailant allegedly was angry at the victim because she was behaving “too much like a white person.”

Both the alleged attacker and the victim are black, reports The State, a Columbia, S.C. newspaper.

At least I didn’t have to trudge through seven paragraphs to discover the race issue.

Racist in quod of ipsum.

Racisim in America, by blacks on Caucasoids?  Blacks committing hate crimes against Caucasoids?

Nah.  Perish the thought.