The truth about black-on-white crime begins to emerge

Black StatisticsAnd from one of the oddest sources, the Washington Times, as DC is predominantly black:

Race-based hate crimes spike in D.C.; whites most common victims, but underreporting feared

by Andrea Noble

Race-based hate crimes jumped in Washington, D.C., last year even as most other types of bias crimes decreased, with analysts saying such incidents could be vastly underreported among minority groups uncomfortable coming forward to authorities.

D.C. police say that of the 18 race-based hate crimes in 2013, the majority of victims were white and the majority of suspects black. The number of incidents was up from the 13 race-based bias crimes reported in 2012.

Hold the presses.  Is the Washington Times certain it really wants to go there, considering the temper of the Leftist times?

This is an amazingly frank statement — albeit true — for media to admit, much less a DC outlet

Census data in 2013 put the District’s black population at just under 50 percent, with whites making up 35 percent of the population and Hispanics another 10 percent.

Of the 18 victims of race-motivated hate crimes last year, 10 were white, four were black, two Hispanic, one Asian and one of another race, according to D.C. police.

Finally, at least one American media outlet reporting the obvious — which is what I’ve been emphasizing for years: racists come in all colors.

And frequently they are black.

An interesting video from Bill Whittle coming shortly.

Your thoughts?



Interesting article here.


Grading a paper = racist

RaceEmoticons are racist.  Everyone knows that.

Further, making corrections as a Caucasoid teacher to a black student’s paper is also racist.  From

Professor Called Racist For Correcting Black Student’s Grammar And Punctuation

by Brian Anderson

I thought the race debate reached a new low when Gummy Bear maker Haribo was accused of racism for making African mask Gummies, but what happen at UCLA this week makes that look sane. 25 University of California Los Angeles students participated in a sit-in protest because, get this, one of their professors had the gall to correct grammar and spelling issues on some black students’ papers.

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the target of the protestors for what they feel was racial insensitivity. Describing themselves as “aggrieved minority students,” they claim that the professor was wrong to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the papers of black students.

Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color, the group which launched the sit-in, said the act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression.” But it’s much worse than you think. The group issued the following statement:

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor. The barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

Did you get that? Trying to hold black students to a college level of proper writing skill is a hostile act of racism. And you know they are serious; just look at all those big words they used in their statement.

I cannot read this and not think of the absolute disaster called “Ebonics,” a failed 1996 Leftist program stemming from the Oakland School Board in Fornicalia, which insisted that “Ebonics” was an actual, embraced, logical and promoted language.

This amazing paragraph:

For students whose primary dialect was “Ebonics”, the Oakland resolution mandated some instruction in that dialect, both for “maintaining the legitimacy and richness of such language… and to facilitate their acquisition and mastery of English language skills.” This also included the proposed increase of salaries of those proficient in both “Ebonics” and Standard English to the level of those teaching limited English proficiency (LEP) students and the use of public funding to help teachers learn AAVE themselves.[1]

Please allow me to dredge up another statement from Captain Obvious: “Ebonics” was another Leftist ploy to make excuses for lazy black instructors and black students who had no incentive to excel, as they were held to few if any quality standards by said instructors.

Unmotivated and excuse-providing black teachers expected nothing from their students but to portray and embrace themselves as victims.

Expecting actual performance from a black student is racist.  Keeping him ignorant and stupid is not racist but to be promoted.  This kind of thinking mystifies me.

And, in truth, helps to keep a permanent underclass just that.



Holder: to oppose Obama or myself is to be racist

Race Card PlayedFrom

Holder sees ‘racial animus’ in opposition

by Justin Sink

Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he and President Obama have been targets of “a racial animus” by some of the administration’s political opponents.

“There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me [and] directed at the president,” Holder told ABC. “You know, people talking about taking their country back. … There’s a certain racial component to this for some people. I don’t think this is the thing that is a main driver, but for some there’s a racial animus.”

Holder said the nation is in “a fundamentally better place than we were 50 years ago.”

First: I profoundly disagree on a logical and fundamental basis.

This administration’s paranoia makes Nixon’s look like that of children.

This administration sees racists in every closet, under every bed, behind every closed door.  And speaking of closed doors — the Obama administration is roundly referred to as the least transparent in history — as many reporters bemoan.

He also stood by his controversial comments made during Obama’s first year in office, in which he said the U.S. was a “nation of cowards” when it comes to race.

On that comment I too profoundly agree, though in a manner I’m sure is 180-degrees opposed to what Mr Holder means.  Yes, this nation is full of cowards when it comes to race, because they fear to confront facts about race and to call blacks out when they are themselves racist.  It is the GOWPs who are cowards — the Guilty, Overeducated White People.  Agreed, Mr Holder: cowards.

But to casually distill disagreement down to racism?  Frankly, I’m tired of this ancient racist pap.  And it too is starting to wear on the American public.

I ask: who’s the racist here, Mr Holder?

Check your mirror.


Eric Holder: why have you lost 12 decisions, 9 to 0, via SCOTUS, sir?


Black Crime

Who said it? Who told the truth about blacks?

blacks-cant-be-racist-posterTwenty years ago, who said:

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”

This man has an interesting take on the state of blacks in America, having called some blacks “sub-human.”

“You know you fear black males.”

And, oh: who actually made the quote above?

Why, that would be the Reverend Jesse Jackson.

The truth about blacks: out of the mouths of themselves.  Shhhh.  Don’t let the truth escape or be placed into the mainstream.