What is it with Sweden?

People think the Swedish meatball started rolling with Trump.

Wrong. The Swedish meatballs started rolling with the Muslim refugees. First, President Trump’s remarks from his recent Melbourne, Florida rally on February 20th.

Then, CNN weighed in as did Sweden.

The Swedish Prime Minister was “surprised by Trump’s comments.”

“I was, like many others I believe, surprised by the comments made about Sweden this weekend,” Lofven said during a joint press conference in Stockholm with visiting Canadian Governor General David Johnston.

Trump, speaking in Florida on Saturday, said; “You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible”.

Trump was referring to this documentary by Ami Horowitz about Sweden and its Muslim refugees.

The problem, of course, is that so-called “no-go zones” in Sweden are real, as opposed to assertions by the Swedish government, embarrassed as it is by its soft white underbelly revealed. They are not the “humanitarian superpower” they think they are. The Swedish government cannot admit any fault. Their moral superiority regarding multiculturalism cannot, must not, be damaged. They deny and will continue to deny because their GOWP hearts won’t allow otherwise.

The secondary problem is that Sweden then lit up with riots. But you can’t say that. And you can’t say that President Trump was correct. Or can you? Please listen to the woman in this video, as she provides a cogent explanation for all. Frankly, there is nothing better than video examples of these issues. They need to be seen and they need to be heard.

Yes, there was a “worldwide uproar” about Trump’s comments. But the comments were in fact proven true and, worse for Sweden, upheld by Swedish police officers.

A SWEDISH police officer has launched a seething attack on the country’s politically correct approach to immigration as he claimed migrants were to blame for the most serious crimes.

In a Facebook rant, Peter Springare said his post was not politically correct, but he did not care as he was soon retiring after 47 years of service. 

Sweden has been hard hit to cope with unprecedented levels of crimes and incidents, as the National Criminal Investigation Service admitted last year that more than‘no-gowhere police did not have control.

In the report, attacks on police officers were detailed, along with incidents of

Taking to Facebook to share his frustration, Mr Springare, who works as an investigator for the Örebro police, said the lion’s share of the s were committed by migrants. 

Even back in January of 2016, Swedish police officers stopped reporting about the ethnicity of criminal suspects for fear of being branded as racists.

Swedish police have been ordered not to release descriptions of crime suspects which include race or nationality to avoid being branded racist. A memo handed out to all officers instructs them to withhold the information from the public when reporting all routine crimes, including burglary.

From now on, crimes must be reported on the police website without mentioning basic descriptive information such as “height, skin colour, nationality and race, etc.” the memo, seen by Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), reads. According to the paper, the new regulation could be applied to everything “from minor traffic accidents to serious crimes like muggings, beatings and murder.”

The memo makes it clear that the instruction has been handed down to avoid accusations of racism, telling officers: “The police are sometimes criticised for reporting on peoples’ skin colour. We are perceived as racist. As the police are not racist, nor should be perceived as such, from now on, please apply these instructions.”

This, of course, is in-depth information you won’t find on other websites, other government reports, other cable channels. Because they don’t have the time or the inclination for it. What I do, with each post, is take an idea or a theme and then write about it logically, cogently and chronologically — as I do here.

The bottom line? Sweden’s government is trying to cover up Muslim refugee/immigrant violence because it doesn’t reflect well on Sweden’s GOWP philosophy of “all people are equal and all cultures are equal.” Guess what? They’re not.

According to Sweden, to reveal the truth about Muslim refugees/immigrants is tantamount to a Thought Crime or a Hate Crime.

Between 2012 and 2016 the murder rate climbed almost 70% in Sweden. These are official Swedish statistics. Rape between 2007 and 2015 is up almost 70% as well. In Sweden you can be imprisoned for providing an unpopular opinion. There is no such thing as the First Amendment in Sweden.

There is this much-ignored article from WSJ.com:

Trump Is Right: Sweden’s Embrace of Refugees Isn’t Working

by Jimmie Akesson & Mattias Karlsson

When President Trump last week raised Sweden’s problematic experience with open-door immigration, skeptics were quick to dismiss his claims. Two days later an immigrant suburb of Stockholm was racked by another riot. No one was seriously injured, though the crowd burned cars and hurled stones at police officers.

Or this insightful article from the UKSpectator.com:

How Sweden became an example of how not to handle immigration

by Tove Lifvendahl

We’ve taken in far too many people and we’re letting them down badly – especially the children

For a British boy to be killed by a grenade attack anywhere is appalling, but for it to happen in a suburb of Gothenburg should shatter a few illusions about Sweden. Last week’s murder of eight-year-old Yuusuf Warsame fits a pattern that Swedes have come slowly to recognise over the years. He was from Birmingham, visiting relatives, and was caught up in what Swedish police believe is a gang war within the Somali community. Last year, a four-year-old girl was killed by a car bomb outside Gothenburg, another apparent victim of gang violence.

The acknowledgment of which is refused by the Swedish government. Because the truth, eventually, will out.

For years, Sweden has regarded itself as a ‘humanitarian superpower’ — making its mark on the world not by fighting wars but by offering shelter to war’s victims. Refugees have arrived here in extraordinary numbers. Over the past 15 years, some 650,000 asylum-seekers made their way to Sweden. Of the 163,000 who arrived last year, 32,000 were granted asylum. Sweden accepts more refugees in proportion to size of population than any other nation in the developed world — when it comes to offering shelter, no one does it better. But when it comes to integrating those we take in (or finding the extra housing, schools and healthcare needed for them), we don’t do so well.

Did I not specifically quantify Sweden’s idealistic vision of itself, above, as a “humanitarian superpower”? The focus then becomes more strident.

It may be news to the rest of the world, but gang warfare has been a feature of our country for years now. Stockholm has been witness to Dickensian scenes of young pickpockets and thieves playing games of cat-and-mouse with the police, who feel powerless. Until fairly recently, Sweden was admired for its progressive social policies. Today, one in seven voters supports the Sweden Democrats, a populist party until recently reviled in polite Swedish society.

The cost of accommodating our child refugees is enormous: £160 per child per day. That could be money well spent, if it worked. There are serious concerns, though, about children falling victim to predatory adults who have lied about their age. Earlier this year, a boy of 12 was raped in refugee accommodation by another refugee who claimed to be 15. A dental X-ray suggested the attacker was closer to 19. Later that month, a 22-year-old Swede (herself the daughter of immigrants) was stabbed to death by one of the refugees she was caring for — another adult claiming to be 15.

The problem with Sweden is this: the huge dichotomous conflict. The Scandinavian country received more refugees per capita than anywhere else in Europe last year. The total population of Sweden, for example, is 9.5 million. This is not far from the population of, say, New York City at 8.4 million.

Some facts:

1. Germany and France have the largest Muslim populations among European Union member countries. As of 2010, there were 4.8 million Muslims in Germany (5.8% of the country’s population) and 4.7 million Muslims in France (7.5%). In Europe overall, however, Russia’s population of 14 million Muslims (10%) is the largest on the continent.

2. The Muslim share of Europe’s total population has been increasing steadily. In recent decades, the Muslim share of the population throughout Europe grew about 1 percentage point a decade, from 4% in 1990 to 6% in 2010. This pattern is expected to continue through 2030, when Muslims are projected to make up 8% of Europe’s population.

3. Muslims are younger than other Europeans. In 2010, the median age of Muslims throughout Europe was 32, eight years younger than the median for all Europeans (40). By contrast, the median age of religiously unaffiliated people in Europe, including atheists, agnostics and those with no religion in particular, was 37. The median age of European Christians was 42.

One final article, from DailyWire.com:

How Muslim Migration Made Malmo, Sweden A Crime Capital

by Michael Qazvini

Scores of Swedes took to the streets of Malmo, a southern city in Sweden, on Monday to protest an epidemic of violence that has taken the lives of far too many young people. The last victim was 16-year-old Ahmed Obaid. He was killed last Thursday after an unidentified gunman unleashed a salvo of bullets.

“Our kids should sleep well, play at play parks, feel safe,” Housam Abbas, the victim’s cousin, said, according to the Local.

Malmo, this once quiet city, is now overrun with violence. The culture of fear is so palpable that parents are no longer comfortable sending their children out to play.

“You have to look over your shoulder when you go out at night now. I don’t let my little brother go out at night any more,” said one high school student at Monday’s protest in front of city hall. “I hope that the politicians actually view this as a serious problem and start to solve this in Malmö.”

Stand by for the truth.

After being handed a list of measures to curb the violence in the city, Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson stated in a matter-of-fact tone: “We have to get rid of the weapons, we need tighter punishment so that those who are held for serious gun crime can be arrested immediately and not just be released a few days later.”

What Johansson failed to mention, however, was the fact that the bulk of the violence stems from one community.

The Muslim immigrant community has a crime problem. It’s a truism that Swedish (and European) politicians have denied in bold-faced lies and assurances to the public.

But wait. Wait.

Didn’t President Trump say that Sweden had a problem? And didn’t Sweden and other Fake News organs say it wasn’t true?

I think you can draw your own conclusions.


DNC almost goes off the deep end

But not quite.

Instead of electing Keith Ellison as DNC chair — which I had so desperately hoped — the Democratic National Committee punted and elected Tom Perez as DNC Chair. But wait, they didn’t entirely puss out: Keith Ellison is Assistant Chair. I guess that’s if Perez somehow has a “heart attack” (air quotes) or some such thingie. Then wouldn’t that be a joyous day indeed?

Note to Perez: ensure your life insurance is paid up. Then have an employee check your lug nuts daily.

From the WashingtonPost.com:

Thomas Perez elected the first Latino leader of Democratic Party

by David Weigel

Former labor secretary Thomas Perez was elected the first Latino chair of the Democratic National Committee on Saturday, narrowly defeating Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) at the end of a contentious battle over the fate of the beleaguered party in the age of President Trump.

Perez’s victory concluded the first contested race for the DNC leadership since 1985, a contest the party had extended by a month to allow more debate. It put in place the Democratic leadership that will navigate thousands of state and local elections — where the party hopes to reverse the losses of the past six years — and a 2020 presidential race that could divide the party again.

Yeah, right, blah blah blah. Get to the good stuff.

Ellison’s defeat was a blow to the party’s liberal wing, personified by activists, labor leaders and organizers, many of whom had supported the presidential bid of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and had come to Atlanta to cheer Ellison on. Many of them warned that by picking Perez, the party was alienating the growing “resistance” that has organized against Trump.

See? Didn’t I say just that? Haven’t I said that all along? Ellison needed to be elected DNC chair so that he could right the wrongs of a thousand years.

The race was close enough that it required a second round of balloting, with Perez winning 235 of 435 votes cast. With tensions still high as the result was announced, nine Ellison supporters chanted “Party for the people, not big money!” and stormed out of the room.

President Trump weighed in on a Tweet in a fashion that I would have embraced:

Trump, in classic fashion, responded to the election by simultaneously congratulating and belittling Perez in a tweet: “I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!”

I am, however, quite sad insofar as — though the DNC went a little left — it didn’t go as hard-a-port as I had so fervently wished. We knew the Demorats believed they had to double-down on whatever strategy didn’t work because, after all, the New York Times said so:

Move Left, Democrats

by Steve Phillips

The Democratic National Committee will choose its next leader on Saturday, and when it does it should choose a leader who will resist the pressure to pursue the wrong white people. Hundreds of articles have been written about the imperative of attracting more support from white working-class voters who supported Barack Obama in 2012 but then bolted to back Donald J. Trump.

The “wrong white people”? So there are proper white people? What does this tell you — again — about the Demorats? That is this: they see everything, everything, in terms of only two things: race and sex.

Any more, that’s all they have.

The far more important — and largely untold — story of the election is that more Obama voters defected to third- and fourth-party candidates than the number who supported Mr. Trump. That is the white flight that should most concern the next D.N.C. chairman, because those voters make up a more promising way to reclaim the White House. The way to win them back is by being more progressive, not less.

Right. What a play. Insist on doubling-down on what didn’t win and, instead of a bit of self-examination, make the play for “it’s everyone’s fault but ours.”

Whoever prevails as chairman must resist the pressure to follow an uninformed and ill-fated quest for winning over conservative white working-class voters in the Midwest. The solution for Democrats is not to chase Trump defectors. The path to victory involves reinspiring those whites who drifted to third-party candidates and then focusing on the ample opportunities in the Southwest and the South.

Correct. Those Caucasoid working-class morons in the Midwest — all flyover states — don’t mean shite. The only Caucasoids who mean anything at all can be found in northeastern newsrooms and DC enclaves, as well as Left Coast cities like San Francisco, Lost Angeles, Seattle, Portlandia and Sacramento.

Let’s remember, after all, that American blacks — a massive Demorat base — don’t know how to vote. Hell, they don’t have the first clue as to how to even get ID if required to vote. Right? That’s so oppressive on its face.

Wrong. As you can see.

So what was Obama’s so-called “legacy” — upon which the Demorats feel so incredibly compelled to double down?

His legacy is that of division on every political and social level imaginable. Sam Stein, for God’s sake, Senior Political Editor for the Huffington Post, said that Obama leaves the party “in a much worse position,” the “states are decimated,” he “lost control of the House and Senate,” the “governorships are decimated.” All factually correct.

Under Obama, the American voter has consistently rejected the stance of the Demorats (including Mr Obama) for the past eight years (2008 to 2016) as they lost 63 seats in the House and 10 seats in the Senate. Republicans (from 2008 to 2016) gained 900+ seats in state legislatures, along with 12 governorships across the US — meaning that 2/3rds of the governors in the nation are now Republicans.

As the Divider-In-Chief, Obama’s entire agenda revolved around striating people by class, sex, race, religion, earnings, region, state, city, county, clothing, music, laws, wages, healthcare, culture, employment, family, mode of transport, energy consumption, food, cable channels watched, media consumed, social settings, the way you view America, even your writings, statements and thoughts.

Good times. The DNC semi-dodged a bullet but only by half.

Let’s just see how much Keith Ellison steps all over the face of Perez. And if the Demorats allow him to.



Here’s what the Demorats and the DNC are NOT doing:

The Senate has only confirmed 14 of the 549 senior federal positions that Trump needs to run his government. Cabinet secretaries and people who run the departments, bureaus, agencies and the rest of government still need confirmation. The hold-up is due to Demorats only. And the written interrogatories being sent back and back by Demorats.

So please note: the REST of the government is being administered and run by career bureaucrats and Obama holdovers. Read that: Obama holdovers. Do. The. Math.

There are another 120 vacant federal judgeships and, of course, the Neil Gorsuch nomination to the Supreme Court. Each requires Senate approval.

Guess what? The Senate is on vacation. What I suggest? Fill all those mounting court vacancies by “recess appointing” judges on March 21st.

Not like there isn’t precedent for that or anything.



BZ’s radio show: the Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, 2-23-17

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, as well as appear on the Sackheads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Thursday, 2-23-17” on Spreaker.

On Thursday night’s show, “The Aftermath,” I did something heretofore unencountered: I went into overtime. In order to fit all the information applicable, the show ran to 2.5 hours instead of the standard two. We covered:

  • Marine Le Pen destroys Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande;
  • Maxine Waters destroys herself;
  • California kills cops;
  • Local CHP officer killed;
  • The Swamp Strikes Back;
  • John McCain disgusts thinking people

I quantify The Aftermath as “all the stuff I couldn’t fit into the Tuesday show.”

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

Also check @BZep on Twitter and Gab to see if The Aftermath is scheduled for each Thursday at the same bat time, the same bat channel.

My guest, Pat Dollard, couldn’t make it tonight but we’ve rescheduled the show for next Tuesday, February 28th, at 11 PM Eastern and 8 PM Pacific. Come listen to the eclectic and irascible Pat Dollard — he’ll open your mind like a bad can of cat food.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.


The swamp strikes back

In an absolutely unprecedented series of moves by most every element in not only DC but the northeastern US — as well as across the nation — forces have been arrayed against one man in the White House for the purposes of his utter ruination.

Those forces seek the destruction of Donald Trump. That a person can exist in this kind of toxic environment and then not only survive but thrive speaks greatly to the strength of that individual.

Most every newsroom across the US and a good portion of the globe is against Donald Trump. His intelligence agencies certainly are. From the WSJ.com:

Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump on Leak Concerns

by Shane Harris & Carol E. Lee

Decision to withhold information underscores deep mistrust between intelligence community and president

U.S. intelligence officials have withheld sensitive intelligence from President Donald Trump because they are concerned it could be leaked or compromised, according to current and former officials familiar with the matter.

The officials’ decision to keep information from Mr. Trump underscores the deep mistrust that has developed between the intelligence community and the president over his team’s contacts with the Russian government, as well as the enmity he has shown toward US spy agencies.

On Wednesday, Mr Trump accused the agencies of leaking information to undermine him.

In some of these cases of withheld information, officials have decided not to show Mr Trump the sources and methods that the intelligence agencies use to collect information, the current and former officials said. Those sources and methods could include, for instance, the means that an agency uses to spy on a foreign government.

First “who” are the “leak concerns”? They are. The “deep state.” I asked the question again and again: where is the proof that the Russians hacked the US election and were out to force Trump into the presidency? Answer: “uh, no real proof, you’ll just have to believe us.” You know, us. The intelligence agencies who swear they have no political agendas when in fact that’s all they have. Lt Col Tony Shaffer weighs in:

They continue to fail to realize they exist to serve the president, not to hold sway over him. They hate that Trump is skeptical — amongst other things.

We know all the Demorats are, as well as their linked cabal of Leftists and outright anarchists and what I term the Religious Left — that is to say, those to whom it’s all about emotions and faith, the facts be damned.

Even a substantial portion of the GOP is after Trump’s head, to include Lindsay Graham and those too afraid to be outed in public but are working sub rosa to sever Trump’s achilles tendon, like Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush. Establishment Republicans and Republican pundits hate Trump because they have been made immaterial by him. They no longer matter. They’re having a more difficult time getting a seat for lunch at the Old Ebbitt Grill. The Ruling Class GOP has declared war on Trump. How dare he interfere with their importance? How dare he bypass them and fail to kiss the rings? Worse yet: Trump isn’t hiring any of them. What a shock. They excoriated him then expected him to forget their disdain?

Those Republicans who hate Trump hate Trump because he has removed their influence. Period. They can only be redeemed if Trump implodes in a huge way. Therefore.  .  .

None are working harder against Trump, however, than John McCain.

Listen to McCain continue on and on with the “new world order.”

Remember, it was John McCain who purposely leaked the so-called dossier about Russia “cultivating” Donald Trump. Please read my article here so that you can fully understand the despicable depths to which McCain will sink in order to torpedo the administration of President Trump.

In addition, Bill Kristol has completely delaminated, having said “Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.” That said everything you need to know about Kristol and others like him. Kristol also wrote “Idea for : Replace the Trump & Milo CPAC sessions by one with Bannon. Why listen to the marionettes when you can get the puppeteer?” Also: “Honest Q for conservatives who aren’t just working with or around Trump, but rationalizing him: In your heart, don’t you know you’re wrong?” And: “It’s not “The Southern White House.” It’s a fancy if vulgar country club.” Just come out and say it, Kristol: “he’s not my president.”

Let’s not forget Kristol’s “I’ll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: it is profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim “America First.”

So that we keep our terms identified, the “deep state” is that which is considered to be the quasi-hidden horde of faceless bureaucrats, elitists, officials, retired officials, legislators, contractors and American Media Maggots who support and defend everything “establishment” about the US government and its policies. They cannot bear change. I’ll get to why later.

Tony Shaffer thinks these people are behind the Michael Flynn leaks.

Hell, let me just explain the bottom line up front: Trump cannot be allowed to succeed under any circumstance. Successes from him, no matter how they may benefit the people of the United States, repudiate the thoughts, philosophies and the entire belief systems of the very people out to assassinate him at every political turn. That’s the point.

When the American Media Maggots were absolutely up in arms and livid that the DNC and Podesta emails hit the ether via Wikileaks, they are now beside themselves with glee because of leaks in the Trump administration. Verified sources be damned; the AMM is in love with “anonymous” sources.

Let’s use the Michael Flynn situation as an example and, for that, I’ll cut to the chase and make things simple. The truth is that the AMM and the public don’t know for sure what Michael Flynn said to the Russian ambassador. The truth is that the AMM and the public don’t know for sure if the Trump campaign had significant contact with the Russian government. But that is apparently immaterial.

Al “Pay Your Taxes” Sharpton stated on last Wednesday’s Tom Joyner radio show:

If there was dialogue and negotiations with the Russians, with the Russians, which is clearly against the law and clearly an act that cannot be pardoned. If the president knew while it was going on and did not stop it or in some way authorized it, that can be impeachable.”

Uh, wrong, Al. It’s not illegal to speak to the Russians. It is only illegal to negotiate with foreign powers on behalf of the United States when you are not so authorized and you are formally attempting to undermine. Michael Flynn was a citizen when the call with the Russian ambassador occurred at the end of the Obama administration. Did Flynn lie to the FBI when contacted? Again, no one yet knows. The end game is to subvert and delegitimize the Trump presidency in any way possible.

Michael Walsh of PJMedia calls the situation a “rolling coup attempt.”

“.  .  .organized by elements of the intelligence community, particularly CIA and NSA, abetted by Obama-era holdovers in the understaffed Justice Department (Sally Yates, take a bow) and the lickspittles of the leftist media, all of whom have signed on with the “Resistance” in order to overturn the results of the November election.”

Walsh continues and nails the bullet points:

Now, up is down, black is white, and in is out. This is, of course, how you play the game, to keep everyone in a state of maximum confusion. So let’s cut to Main Narrative, as retailed by the MSM, with timely encouragement from the CIA and Democrat operatives masquerading as journalists:

  • Trump is unfit to be president. Plus, Hillary is unbeatable, so give up already.
  • Oops — Trump wins.
  • The Russians stole the election.
  • Trump is too cozy with the Russians.
  • Trump’s people are too cozy with the Russians.
  • No wonder the Russians stole the election for Trump.
  • Flynn called the Russian ambassador — and lied about it!
  • The coverup is always worse than the crime! Flynn must go!
  • Flynn’s gone — but here comes the ghost of Howard Baker —
  • “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
  • Trump is doomed.

Enter now the usual sycophants and deracinated old men, such as war hero John McCain, his lovely sidekick Lindsey Graham and various other useful idiots, adding their capon voices to the leftist choir: let freedom ring!

Please fully read the rest of Walsh’s article.

Victor Davis Hanson writes in the National Review:

Seven Days in February

Trumps’ critics, left and right, aim to bring about the cataclysm they predicted.

A 1964 political melodrama, Seven Days in May, envisioned a futuristic (1970s) failed military cabal that sought to sideline the president of the United States over his proposed nuclear-disarmament treaty with the Soviets.

Fake news proliferates. House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and Representative Elijah Cummings recently attacked departing national-security advisor Michael Flynn by reading a supposed Flynn tweet that was a pure invention. Nor did Trump, as reported, have a serious plan to mobilize “100,000” National Guard troops to enforce deportations.

Other false stories claimed that Trump had pondered invading Mexico, that his lawyer had gone to Prague to meet with the Russians, and that he had removed from the Oval Office a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. — sure proof of Trump’s racism. Journalists — including even “fact-checker” Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post — reposted fake news reports that Trump’s father had run a campaign for the New York mayorship during which he’d aired racist TV ads.

Here is where Hanson focuses like the proverbial laser beam and exposes the soft white underbelly of the frothing DC banana slugs who can readily be found by simply following their signature trail of slime.

1) As we saw from his recent free-wheeling press conference, Trump’s loud, take-no-prisoners style is certainly anti-Washington, anti-media, anti-elite, and anti-liberal. He often unsettles reporters with bombast and invective, when most are accustomed to dealing with career politicians or fellow liberal officeholders who share their same beliefs. As part of Trump’s art-of-the-deal tactics, he often blusters, rails, and asks for three times what he might eventually settle for, on the expectation that critics of his style will be soon silenced by the undeniable upside of his eventual achievements. This is a long-term strategy that in the short term allows journalists to fault the present means rather than the future ends. Trump’s unconventional bluster, not his record so far, fuels the animosity of elites who seek to delegitimize him and fear that their reputations and careers can be rendered irrelevant by his roughshod populism. He also has reminded the country that some of the mainstream media and Washington–New York elite are often mediocre and boring.

And here you see the spark. That spark of one thing: naked fear.

2) The Democratic party has been absorbed by its left wing and is beginning to resemble the impotent British Labour party. Certainly it no longer is a national party. Mostly it’s a local and municipal coastal force, galvanized to promote a race and gender agenda and opposed to conservatism yet without a pragmatic alternative vision. Its dilemma is largely due to the personal success but presidential failure of Barack Obama, who moved the party leftward and yet bequeathed an electoral matrix that will deprive future national candidates of swing-state constituencies without compensating for that downside with massive minority turnouts, which were unique to Obama’s candidacy. The Democratic party bites its tail in endless paroxysms of electoral frustration — given that the medicine of broadening support to win back the white poor and working classes is deemed worse than the disease of losing the state governorships and legislatures, the Congress, the presidency, and the Supreme Court.

There is no more telling an indicator of this than the DNC pulling hard to elect Keith Ellison as its chairman.

3) Usually conservative pundits and journalists would push back against this extraordinary effort to delegitimize a Republican president. But due to a year of Never Trump politicking and opposition, and Trump’s own in-your-face, unorthodox style and grating temperament, hundreds of Republican intellectuals and journalists, former officeholders and current politicians — who shared a common belief that Trump had no chance of winning and thus could be safely written off — find themselves without influence in either the White House or indeed in their own party, over 90 percent of which voted for Trump. In other words, the Right ruling class is still in a civil war of sorts.

But wait! There’s more!

For some, the best pathway to redemption is apparently to criticize Trump to such an extent that their prior prophecies of his preordained failure in the election will be partially redeemed by an imploding presidency. It is no accident that many of those calling for his resignation or removal are frustrated that, for the first time in a generation, they will have no influence in a Republican administration or indeed among most Republicans. Yet, in private, they accept that Trump’s actual appointments, executive orders, and announced policies are mostly orthodox conservative — a fact that was supposed to have been impossible.

I repeat: fear. Naked fear.

4) Since 2000, what might have been seen as irrational and abnormal has become institutionalized and commonplace: record U.S. debt approaching $20 trillion, chronic trade deficits, an often destructive globalization, Hoover-era anemic economic growth, polarizing racial identity politics, open borders, steady growth in the size of government, sanctuary cities, unmet NATO obligations abroad, crumbling faith that the European Union is sustainable and democratic, and a gradual symbiosis between the two parties, both of which ignored the working classes as either demographically doomed or as a spent force of deplorables and irredeemables (or both).

Please read the full article of Victor Davis Hanson.

An important corollary question is this: do we still have a free press? In one way yes, in another way no.

Yes, we have a free press in terms of their ability to write anything they wish for any reason they wish with very little blowback. No, in terms of their interest in the truth or even the half-hearted possession a slightly curious mind. They are fundamentally lazy, incurious and exist as the propaganda wing for Demorats and Leftists. They’ve been so for years now but only recently been called on the carpet by an individual whom they cannot really damage, but not for lack of trying every hour of every day.

90+% of every newsroom consists of registered Demorats. It is thought that, in the AMM, there is a ten-to-one alignment of liberals to conservatives in the industry. The American Media Maggots constantly bleat about the need for adversarial qualities in any free press. But those adversarial qualities are applied in an unfair fashion and only against those persons with whom they philosophically disagree — conservatives, Republicans to a degree and those who believe in smaller government. If newsrooms question a Demorat or a Leftist the puffy softballs emerge and they place Nerf suits on those they interview so feathers remain in place and unruffled.

In other words, objectivity is gone.

The entire discussion begs this question: what has Trump done in his first four weeks? He has installed people in cabinet positions that will tend to remove the Draconian rules and regulations in, say, the EPA and education. He has cleared the way for the Keystone XL and Dakota access pipelines in an attempt to make the US more energy independent and less dependent on what I term blood or conflict oil from the Middle East. He is attempting to stabilize medical care. He has undone regulations imposed by the Obama administration. He has made an excellent Supreme Court nomination. And he has mostly guaranteed roughly $78 billion dollars of American business commitment to the United States that wasn’t there under Obama. Trump also has about a 55% approval rating. It is trending up. Slowly. But up.

Truly, though, what’s it all about?

What is it ever about? Power and money, money and power. Mostly power. And the fear engendered with the actual and perceived loss of power.

People who have great jobs, usually for life, producing little work, not subject to election, making fabulous salaries, being treated with deference and living in stellar homes — their incomes and perks having risen whilst the average American’s wages have stagnated or dropped. They possess great healthcare. They have wonderful retirements. Their neighborhoods and schools are fabulous, untouched by gangbangers or gunshots or filthy immigrants or the homeless pissing on their front steps. They have great gyms, pristine jogging paths, espresso machines that sound like you’re hocking the ultimate loogie, vegan beer, quinoa, gluten-free gluten, and the newest Porsche Cayenne for the mommies.

“The spice must flow!”

Yet: they are the underminers and obstructionists — in both parties — because, finally, the focus is now on them. And they don’t like it one bit.

Those are the people who live here, around the DC Beltway, which is one of the richest and most expansive, desired places in the US. Above is some of the most expensive real estate in the country. Why do you suppose that might be?

The final question for purposes of this post is: What can be done?

First, he must continue on the current path of acquiring his cabinet and his various government appointments. He must fight like hell for Judge Gorsuch and the next SCOTUS vacancy because, after all, there will be another opening if not more during the next four years.

He must next direct his applicable beleaguered cabinet members to fire and eliminate wholesale as much of the upper and middle-management staff as humanly possible, because this is the true locus of hate, discontent and dissent in each agency. He has to continue or should begin to assume that opsec is prime. Mellow the rhetoric. Make your plans in private and not so public. Keep your cards close to your vest. Fire all the US attorneys in every district — they’re all Obama appointees. Fill all those mounting court vacancies by “recess appointing” judges on March 21st.


What if Trump kicks the country up to 3% + GDP growth? What if he brings more jobs to the US? What if he actually begins to bring jobs to the inner cities? What if he strengthens our military? What if he begins to make America energy independent? What if he begins to reduce waste in government? What if he reduces the size of government? What about those seats in 2018?

In four words: what if Trump succeeds?

Demorats and Leftists know: they’ll be irrelevant.