Obama spits in the face of all Jews

It has taken me a good 24 hours, since appearing on Ken McClenton’s radio show Monday night (please see his The Exceptional Conservative site here), to calm down sufficiently to craft this post. I vacillated back and forth a number of times; do I take the high road? Do I mince words? Do I attempt to remain as diplomatic as possible? Or do I provide my opinion in a completely unexpurgated fashion?

I have decided to be as gracious as I have been for the eight years under the most Leftist and authoritarian United States regime in my seven decades on the planet.

Historically, the US had a 30-year tradition of supporting Israel at the UN. With one resolution the United States has cast Israel to the proverbial curb.

“Friends don’t take friends to the security council.” — Benjamin Netanyahu

A “no” vote from the US was a vote to stop the resolution. The US abstained. Let’s get some background. From USAToday.com:

U.S. abstains on U.N. vote condemning Israeli settlements

by Doug Stanglin

In an unprecedented diplomatic rebuke of Israel, the United States abstained Friday on a United Nations Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements, allowing the highly charged measure to pass.

The resolution was approved 14-0 with the one abstention. The vote was greeted with loud applause in the packed Security Council chamber.

Because the UN then and now has historically been aligned against Israel.

The measure demands Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.” It declares the establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.”

In abstaining, the U.S. brushed aside calls for a veto by president-elect Donald Trumpwho, in an unprecedented move, managed to delay the vote a day by weighing in with Egypt, the initial sponsor of the resolution.

To continue:

The American Jewish Congress also expressed dismay with the move.

“In the strongest terms possible, the American Jewish Congress is deeply disappointed with the Obama administration for shamefully abstaining on today’s anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution,” the group said in a statement. “By the U.S. abstaining, President Obama abandoned long standing American foreign policy of vetoing one-sided resolutions against Israel at the United Nations, and in doing so, he steps away from his presidency, turning his back on the unbreakable bond with our great ally Israel.”

Even worse, the US Ambassador to Israel, Ron Dermer, says that Barack Hussein Obama is behind the resolution. From Breitbart.com:

Israel’s U.S. Ambassador: Obama Administration Behind United Nations Gang Up Against Israel

by Jeff Poor

Monday on CNN’s “New Day,” Israel Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer told fill-in co-host Don Lemon that the Obama administration was responsible for a United Nations Security Council resolution that condemned some Israeli settlement construction to be adopted last week.

In that vote, the United States abstained. Dermer argued that despite that abstention, it was the Obama administration that orchestrated the vote, calling it “outrageous” and “shameful.”

Let’s watch the video. Please notice that Don Lemon cuts Dermer off.

Then let us note the input of Charles Krauthammer, not the most consistently-reliable supporter of Donald Trump.

John Bolton has said “I cannot think of a worse way for the Obama administration to go out. It’s a needless tragedy and reflects Obama’s sick ideology.” Obama still has two additional weeks to disadvantage Israel. His abstention, representing the United States, only gives rise to the empowerment of anti-Israel forces. As an aside, I believe the Trump administration has made a grievous error by not acquiring the services of John Bolton in any was possible.

The United States funds a full quarter of the UN every year, to the tune of $8 billion dollars in “mandatory payments.” The rest of the planet contributes when it feels so motivated. Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Meh. The truth is this: the United States — meaning YOU, the American Taxpayer — supports the United Nations, pays for the upkeep of the building, security, and provides budgetary patches when other nations find themselves “hard pressed.”

In other words, we pay for other nations to excoriate us, vote against us, rail against us, with little if any benefit to us. You. Me. We pay for that. We pay for that.

This was what some quantify as a “gratuitous act” by Barack Obama. I say it is this: a final act by a lame-duck president that speaks to his core values because, for once, he absolutely answers to no one for anything and has a last-chance gasp to express his disdain for Israel with no repercussions whatsoever.

Is the UN completely irrelevant when, for example, New Zealand votes in favor?

Bolton says that US contributions to the UN should be voluntary and not assessed or mandatory.

I couldn’t agree more.

Israeli President Netanyahu has declared that he is not going for the proverbial “two-state solution” with the Palestinians. Instead, he said he will re-assess Israel’s relationship with the UN, to include funding issues. For decades, Israel has pursued a policy of constructing Jewish settlements on territory including the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem which was captured by Israel in the 1967 war with its Arab neighbors, also called the Six Day War. Egypt, Jordan and Syrian forces along with those of Iraq, Kuwait and Algeria were on the cusp of an Israeli invasion; Israel, vastly outnumbered, conducted air strikes and gained tactical advantage.

John Kerry, in response to negative comments and feedback from the abstention, said

“The truth is that trends on the ground, violence, terrorism, settlement expansion and the seemingly endless occupation, they are combining to destroy hopes for peace on both sides and increasingly cementing any reversible — an irreversible one state reality that most people do not actually want.

Today, there are a similar number of Jews and Palestinians living between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea. They have a choice. They can choose to live together in one state or they can separate into two states. But here is a fundamental reality. If the choice is one state, Israel can either be Jewish or democratic. It cannot be both. And it won’t ever really be at peace.

Moreover, the Palestinians will never fully realize their vast potential in a homeland of their own with a one state solution.”

According to Kerry, it is Israel’s duty to create the “Palestinian State” by giving up its own home soil and it is every bit arrogant to declare in a Stentorian voice that “Israel can either be Jewish or democratic, not both.”

What of those massive Muslim states surrounding the miniscule Israel? Why is it they cannot find it within themselves to donate land to their Muslim brethren? Why is it Israel’s “duty”? Easy answer: anything to hurt the nation of Israel; anything to hurt or help eliminate the Jews.

Obama continues his haughty talk at the end of his presidency. If you recall, some persons were intimating that Barack Hussein Obama would do his best to enable a third term — illegal, of course, under the 22nd Amendment. He has as much said he’d hold sway, stemming from his Monday comments (“I could have won a third term”) that, had he run for a third term, he would be president now. The naked arrogance of his statement is stunning. Specifically:

I’m confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it. I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is a good one.

Not only is that a direct slap in the face to Hillary Rodham Clinton (essentially set up as Obama’s proxy), whom Obama typified as “the most qualified presidential candidate ever,” but it also flies against actual facts. Under Obama, the American voter has consistently rejected the stance of the Demorats (including Mr Obama) for the past eight years by (2008 to 2016) as they lost 63 seats in the House and 10 seats in the Senate. Let that sink into your Mark I, Model I Brain Housing Group for a moment or three.

Barack Hussein Obama created Bernie Sanders and Donald John Trump. And those states Trump won would have been the same states won under an Obama candidacy. All the people who were confident of an “Obama win over Trump,” if you didn’t predict the Trump victory and what did happen, you’d fail at what would have occurred. Cake? Eating it?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Republicans (from 2008 to 2016) gained 900+ seats in state legislatures, along with 12 governorships across the US — meaning that 2/3rds of the governors in the nation are now Republicans.

Further, Mr Obama can be proud of the fact that in his “home town,” run by Leftist Demorat Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Chicago boasts a wonderful 770 homicides to date as opposed to 492 in 2015. Go team! Let’s not only conduct what amounts to genocide on black babies by way of abortion, let’s also try to kill the bulk of young black males in Leftist urban rat cages. Good times. One reminder: Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. Chicago’s Police Superintendent, Eddie Johnson, wants even more restrictions. Because what you’ve done to date has been effective?

Yes, that clearly indicates the wide-ranging success of Barack Hussein Obama and obvious support for his plans and policies. The Demorat party is in weaker shape now than it has been since the Depression in the late 20s.

Hmm. Kind of like current US military forces.

Obama ran on being a “middle-of-the-roader” and turned out to be anything but. Those of us, like myself, who took the time to examine Obama’s formative years knew this was untrue. Obama’s “legacy” and “signature” piece of legislation, ObamaKare, is about to be revisited and changed markedly.

Then there’s this, a third of the Senate will be up for election in two years — and the heavy majority of them are Demorat seats. They involve states where Trump either won or won big.

Worse yet, the Demorats are deflecting. Their loss to — my God, Donald Trump of all people — is due to hacked elections, the Russians, “fake news,” too much Fox News exposure, tidal pull, sunspots, delayed borborygmus, paint thinner and women hating women. Everything except the truth: Hillary Clinton was the worst possible candidate at the worst possible time. Again, see my comment above: my God, Donald Trump beat her for Christ’s sake.

Bill Clinton sat center-left and was successful. The Demorats have moved left and now resolve to — what? Correct. Move further left. I’d now like to introduce you to the definition of insanity, thank you.

Why did Obama do this? For three reasons. Number one, he is clearly anti-Israel. Number two, he greatly dislikes Benjamin Netanyahu. And finally, because he can and because, as a lame duck, there will be no repercussions.


Barack Hussein Obama, this is your legacy: you are completely reprehensible.



To George Ciccariello-Maher, I say: you FIRST, sir

Does GCM want, at least, to have any kind of “discussion” about his puerile prattle? Of course not. His Twitter account is walled off like an elitist’s home.

GCM also indicates we have misrepresented him as “alt-left.”

Here we have his advertised “specialty” at Drexel (which, Mommy and Daddy, will empty your account to the tune of $34,000 per year):

It would appear not just by his Twitter account’s header but also by his self-bio above that GCM is enthralled with “la pelea” in Venezuela and that icon of South American success, Hugo Chavez — whose regime was not necessarily true Communist but some form of raggedy hybrid compendium of Socialism, capitalism, nationalism, redistribution and dictatorship. Chavez in fact encouraged the middle class to emigrate. Good decision.

The presidential replacement for Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, is not better but, unfortunately for he and Venezuela, presides over the now-current collapse of Venezuela on most every level imaginable. This is the nation possessing alternately the highest or one of the highest homicide rates in South America. Venezuela is also blessed with what is the highest “misery index” score on the entire globe in 2013, 2014 and 2015. Both Chavez and Maduro have made clear anti-gay statements. Drug money has fueled Maduro’s campaign. Venezuela’s current state of affairs is precisely because of its government.

This is the country and system that GCM so idolizes?

Let’s go further. Inflation is 370% or higher in Venezuela. Economic growth is at -10.1% for 2016. There is an estimated 80% scarcity in general products, massive corruption, leakage of public revenues. Oil production has dropped though Venezuela is oil-rich. It has mismanaged its currency and condoned three exchange rates which results in a massive black market of, well, everything. The government blames this on peoples’ hoarding. The massive spending programs of the 2000s did nothing to prepare anyone for the oil crunch. Electricity runs intermittently. Small riots are occurring when the basic necessities such as food and medicine cannot be found. There are two-day government workweeks. Rolling blackouts occur. Woman are having themselves sterilized as an answer to the country’s economic crisis: no children.

Perhaps that is what GCM ultimately seeks. The elimination of the human being from the planet.

Now there’s a Utopia.

Me? I think this is wonderful. GCM has provided me with the absolutely prototypical illustration of what I term a GOWP: Guilty Overeducated White Person. They are so ridiculous as to be parodies of themselves.

GCM stands up for what he now terms his “satirical” comments on Twitter. From the DailyCaller.com:

Drexel White Genocide Prof Won’t Apologize, Says ‘Violent Racists’ Smearing Him

by Blake Neff

A Drexel University professor who called for “white genocide” Christmas Eve isn’t apologizing, and instead says critics of his “satirical” remarks are “violent racists” who are apt to commit genocide themselves. Drexel is promising an investigation.

Ciccariello-Maher, meanwhile, isn’t apologizing, and is currently trying to protect himself by claiming the incident was an elaborate joke.

“On Christmas Eve, I sent a satirical tweet about an imaginary concept, ‘white genocide,’” he told Philly.com in an email. “For those who haven’t bothered to do their research, ‘white genocide’ is an idea invented by white supremacists and used to denounce everything from interracial relationships to multicultural policies … It is a figment of the racist imagination, it should be mocked, and I’m glad to have mocked it.”

The professor also denounced Drexel, saying the school was giving in to fascism by denouncing his advocacy of genocide.

Just a joke. Move on. It was funny as hell, right? Just as funny as black genocide, right?

An important question: Have we now gotten to the point as a culture where universities actually pay associate professors to advocate for genocide? Have we sunk that low?

Furthermore, why would anyone pay a piece of self-loathing hyphenate human flotsam/detritus like Drexel University’s “professor” Ciccariello-Maher a wage at all? You can read more insightful and scintillating material in any given 4th grade class.

Luckily Drexel University, itself a private institution, is not amused.

Back to GCM’s advocacy.

I say: you first, sir.



Just had a thought: perhaps GCM is instead a young black man, in the sense that Rachel Dolezal is a young black woman, eh wot?


PC Leftists don’t care if YOU die for their ideology

Scania 18-wheel big rig at Berlin Christmas market attack, Monday, December 19th, where 12 people were killed and 56 injured by Anis Amri, ISIS-inspired Muslim terrorist. Amri was later shot and killed on Friday, December 23rd at a railway station near Milan by Italian police. Prints from the truck matched those of Amri.

They’ve show this to be the case time and again. Leftists here and abroad couldn’t care less if you or anyone else perishes because of their politically-correct belief systems. Their ideology trumps your safety any and every time.

From Breitbart.com:

German Politician Prevented Police Sharing Image of Christmas Market Attacker ‘to Prevent Racism’

by Victoria Friedman

German police and judiciary have accused Hamburg Justice Minister Till Steffen of delaying the release of pictures of the Christmas market attacker Anis Amri because he was worried about provoking “racist” comments on Facebook.

And completely logical, don’t you think? Weighing the search for a naked murderer against potential comments. Perfectly normal.

Green Party politician Steffen cited “privacy concerns” when he initially prevented law enforcers from releasing pictures of Anis Amri.

However, it has been claimed by members of the judiciary and the police that Steffen, who is the head of the judicial authority in Hamburg, denied the release of images of Amri because he was concerned it would incite racial hatred.

It is alleged that he only released images after a 12-hour delay following a call from German newspaper Bild.

“Privacy concerns.” Because, as anyone knows, all murder suspects deserve consideration of their privacy when being sought for the ultimate capital offense.

Parliamentary leader André Trepoll, who is a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, called “Scandalsenator” Steffen a “security risk” for delaying the search for the world’s most wanted man.

Accusing the Hamburg justice minister of “fetishising” data protection, Trepoll added: “Green data protection fetishism should not delay the public search for a terror suspect.”

That’s not the worst. Read on.

CDU judiciary spokesman Richard Seelmaeker called for a special meeting of the Justice Committee, stressing: “Anis Amri allegedly murdered twelve people, but instead of using all means necessary to search for him, Hamburg’s green justice senator was more concerned about the state of comments in a Facebook post – which hindered our police.”

Political correctness on the part of Leftists has crossed a line — a terrible line. To the point where Leftists in positions of power are now jeopardizing the safety and security of persons in lesser power who do not have their own personal security contingents, do not live in a bubble or behind gates or walls, aren’t insulated by money and power and surrounded by deference.

Leftists continue to prove that anyone and everyone can be sacrificed on their altar of ideology, as long as it serves their purposes of being politically-correct in any social or cultural situation. Common sense, logic, proportion, rationality, history and facts must never be allowed to stand in their way.

It is far past time for this madness to stop.

Perhaps this might change a bit in 2017.


At Christmas

[I originally wrote this in December of 2007 after one of our deputies had been shot and killed at Christmas time. On the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, I reprint the story now as it’s a stark reminder of how and why we should give thanks for our lives and count our true blessings. May you enjoy your Christmas and please remember: there are many who toil for us all, day and night, so that we may enjoy this day and be freeBZ]



I just came in from lowering our flag to half-staff. Outside it is dark, cold, a light mist. Mirroring the faces of my fellow officers.

At Christmas.

A newlywed wife lost her husband Wednesday of this week, as he bled out on the street, having been shot in the neck.

At Christmas.

My department has had four deputies killed in two years.

Deputies Joe Kievernagel and Kevin Blount died on July 13th of 2005 in a helicopter crash near Lake Natoma. Pilot Kievernagel, having lost power, managed to maneuver the helo away from the heavily populated recreational area just beneath him at the time, which took him into the side of a hill in full view of hundreds of summer swimmers and boaters.

On October 27th of 2006, Deputy Jeff Mitchell was disarmed and shot to death by a suspect following a traffic stop. The suspect is still at large and unknown. Following his killing, my department began furiously installing in-dash camcorders in vehicles. Deputy Mitchell’s car was not so equipped.

And this week, just yesterday, my department lost an undercover narcotics detective. At 37 years old, Vu Nguyen gave up his life for the job he loved. His wife weeps. His family grieves, my department and the community feel the loss.

At Christmas.

Engine 56 and Medic 12 of the Sacramento Fire Department wanted to be anywhere but where they were that day.

Being the first to respond, and hearing that a deputy sheriff had been shot, they threw protocol away. They refused to stage and wait for a suspect to be declared “in custody.” They decided, on their own, they were going into the hot area, a completely unknown area, and they were going to apply state-of-the-art lifesaving techniques to that deputy. A man they didn’t know at all. They didn’t know his ethnicity, his assignment, his religion, his height, his weight. It didn’t matter. He was an American and a law enforcement officer and a fellow emergency responder. That is, literally, all they knew. And that they, like he, had valued and loved wives and children at home. And still they went because, frankly, they didn’t care. That was their job. That’s what they signed up for.

At Christmas.

And what they found was a deputy on top of a chicken coop, shot directly through the front of the neck. The second they placed the leads on him he was in V-fib. And they knew immediately about that 37-year-old deputy, right there. The 37-year-old deputy, Vu Nguyen, who had just gotten married in April of this year. A brand new wife. Who expected her husband back, that day, at the end of his shift.

At Christmas.

Three firefighters climbed into the back of the box rig and headed for the trauma center, performing heroic lifesaving measures. Giving their best. Knowing the truth. Awash in his blood. Vu Nguyen officially died at the hospital in surgery.

And Mrs. Nguyen had to be found, to be notified. Of the death of her husband. By violent gunfire.

At Christmas.

The area became flooded with cops. SSD, SPD, CHP, other local agencies, 100 to 150 officers. Three helos, two SWAT teams, multiple K9 units. Schools were locked down. Anyone callous enough or violent enough or indifferent enough as this killer was certainly capable of finding a child and taking a hostage, or worse.

Finally, many, many hours later the perimeter was taken down. No suspect was in custody.

No one stopped. No one gave up. No one went home. Leads were developed. Evidence documented and collected. Photographs taken. The investigation started. There was a job to do and no one complained or stopped for food or drink. There was only one thought in mind: find the suspect. Take him into custody. Now.

But make no mistake. There were many phone calls made on cells. To loved ones. “That wasn’t me, honey,” was what the bulk of the calls said. Perhaps a little guiltily. But truthfully. Because their wives deserved to know. Now.

People didn’t stop. No one went home, no one slept. More leads were developed. And now, today, there is a suspect in custody.

It is a 16-year-old suspect. A known Asian gangbanger. 5’4″ tall, 130 pounds. Who made his bones and will be spoken of, with reverence, in his own cloistered and demented groups. He made his bones, acquired his respect. Respect that will follow him, in the gangs, in the jails, in the prisons, wherever he goes now. Until he dies. Forever.

In the meantime, we’ll continue with the investigation, collect more evidence, document, process and do what we are tasked with and what we have sworn to do: our jobs.

We’ll don our hats, wear our gloves, a black band over our badges, attend the funeral, watch the motors in the procession. One of our own has fallen.

And then we’ll go back to our jobs, every day. And love our wives, our husbands, hold our kids. Shed tears. Probably clutch and hug our dear ones even harder, closer.

Because life is so precious.

Not just at Christmas.

But all the time.



TDS: Trump Derangement Syndrome

Soon to placed into the upcoming DSM 6.

The first major issue this past week involving TDS occurred between two male married Leftists on a Jet Blue flight, who decided the interior of a thin aluminum tube was the perfect place to publicly excoriate the daughter of president-elect Donald Trump, Ivanka, in front of her husband and three children. This was not a private flight but a common carrier in coach class.

The American Media Maggots are, therefore, doing their level best to minimize and couch the facts. From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Newsrooms are sanitizing that Ivanka harassment story

by T. Becket Adams

Two men were ejected from a JetBlue flight Thursday for reportedly harassing Ivanka Trump and her three children.

We know about the alleged incident because one of the men tweeted about it in real-time, and JetBlue confirmed in a statement that there was indeed a “conflict” aboard one of its planes.

But despite the airline’s statement, and the fact that one of the men involved specifically used the word “harass,” some headlines have sanitized the reported incident to the point where it’s basically a story about nothing.

Even before the flight itself, the man who created the incident Tweeted:

Do people not realize that most everything today is immured digitally in some fashion?

Here is what Twitter user and Hunter College professor Matthew Lasner tweeted Thursday morning about his husband: “Ivanka and [her husband Jared Kushner] at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil.”

He then tweeted picture of Trump’s daughter, with the caption, “Ivanka just before [JetBlue] kicked us off our flight when a flt attendant overheard my husband expressing displeasure about flying w/ Trumps.”

The photo and Tweet itself are above.

Lasner later deleted the tweets, and he appears to have suspended his Twitter account altogether following the incident.

Imagine that. Leftists trying to erase evidence of bad or unethical behavior. Perhaps we’ve seen this somewhere before? Recently? Sound familiar?

According to TIME, a male passenger on the flight reportedly began shouting at Trump, saying, “Your father is ruining the country.” The passenger and his husband were removed from the flight shortly after. One of the passengers involved, Matthew Lassner, tweeted about the events, before later deleting the tweets, saying, “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chased them down to harass them. #banalityofevil” and “Ivanka and Jared on our flight. My husband expressed displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane.” This contradicts that the passenger had been “yelling” at Trump, but ultimately JetBlue did decide to remove them for “causing conflict.”

Let’s read an actual news outlet’s coverage of the incident, from the UKDailyMail.com:

REVEALED: The Brooklyn lawyer who chased down Ivanka on a JetBlue flight and his Hillary supporter husband who BOASTED about the verbal attack before they were thrown off

by Chris Spargo

  • A passenger on a JetBlue flight accosted Ivanka Trump on Thursday morning 
  • ‘Your father is ruining the country,’ said Dan Goldstein, a lawyer from Brooklyn, who had a child in his arms
  • He then began demanding to know why Ivanka was on the flight and not travelling on a private plane while she sat with her kids
  • Ivanka ignored him and tried to preoccupy her children with crayons while the man berated her 
  • A fellow passenger said later that Ivanka told security and flight staff she did not want to make the incident a thing and have anyone removed from the flight 
  • The man’s husband, Matthew Lasner, later tweeted: ‘My husband expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off’
  • However one hour before that he wrote on Twitter: ‘Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them’
  • Lasner and Goldstein were accommodated on the next available flight according to JetBlue, and Lasner deleted his Twitter account soon after
  • Ivanka and her family are heading away for the holiday, meaning they will be spending 12 straight hours on the plane 

A Brooklyn lawyer confronted Ivanka Trump and said her father is ‘ruining this country’ while she was on a plane with her children.

Dan Goldstein and his Hillary supporter husband Matthew Lasner were thrown off of the JetBlue flight from New York to San Francisco on Thursday when they accosted the future first daughter and started shouting at her.

While holding a child in his arms Goldstein, 35,  began screaming: ‘Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private.’

Then let’s read what a great deal of the American Media Maggots wrote:

  • From the Associated Press: “Man says he and husband removed from JetBlue flight after ‘expressing displeasure’ that Ivanka Trump was aboard.”
  • From Yahoo News: “Man kicked off JetBlue flight for questioning why Ivanka Trump was on it.”
  • From the Atlanta Journal Constitution: “Passengers kicked off flight after run-in with Ivanka Trump.”
  • From the Washington Post: “Passenger who confronted Ivanka Trump gets kicked off Jet Blue flight.”
  • From CNN: “JetBlue forced a man off a flight after an apparent incident involving Ivanka Trump and her husband.”

“Forced” and “apparent.” You see the word “harassed” in there anywhere?

Leftists then weighed in with their lofty, unbiased and informed opinions.

Most of which are completely intolerant, illiberal, judgmental, profane. Yet many people seem to think that it was a completely appropriate thing to do.

There were other Twitter comments as well, to include in defense:

Then there was this, the veritable crux of the biscuit:

Yes, clearly, the American Media Maggots would have gone insane had this occurred to Chelsea Clinton and her family. But somehow it becomes acceptable if the word Trump is involved.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is early, very early, in the Trump presidency.

We have all just begun to witness the insanity on behalf of Leftists and Demorats.


Regarding TDS, let us not forget the incredibly-informed and classy Keith Olbermann, a wonderful Teutonic name — Sieg Heil, mein Olberfuhrer.