The Dalai Lama is correct

Dalai LamaFrom

Dalai Lama Warns Against Taking Too Many Migrants, Arab Domination: ‘Migrants Should Return’

by Raheem Kassam

The Dalai Lama has said there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against the continent becoming Arabised, and claiming the solution is the eventual repatriation of migrants.

Agence France-Presse has reported that the leader of Tibetan Buddhism said: “When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them.

“But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment… Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany”.

“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”

The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.

Even the Dalai Lama knows that every country has a right to its own sovereignty, to self determination, to its own borders and culture.

He is completely correct when he says:

“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”

‘Taking in a few thousand refugees is wonderful but in the meantime you have to think about a long term solution too – through development and education in these Muslim countries.”

Now, if we could only convince Mr Obama here in the US, and the GOWPs of Europe.



Yes, I know Cassius Clay died.  Not important to me.


Barack Obama proves that he is a SCOAMF

God bless the internet and video immured roughly forever now.  Watch as Mr Obama stammers uncontrollably.  What truly happened?

Mr Obama is so overtaken by an adrenaline dump because of his hatred for Trump that he momentarily loses the ability to speak.  On the other hand, no one ever accused Obama of being the world’s finest extemporaneous orator.

My guess?

The TelePrompter broke.



LEFTISTS determining to LIMIT free speech

Freedom of Speech StoppedAnd not a shock considering the history of Leftists insisting upon control — death-grip control — of speech across the globe.

Europe first.


Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours

by Stephanie Bodoni

U.S. Internet giants Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Google and Microsoft Corp. pledged to tackle online hate speech in less than 24 hours as part of a joint commitment with the European Union to combat the use of social media by terrorists.

Beyond national laws that criminalize hate speech, there is a need to ensure such activity by Internet users is “expeditiously reviewed by online intermediaries and social media platforms, upon receipt of a valid notification, in an appropriate time-frame,” the companies and the European Commission said in a joint statement on Tuesday.

But what is “hate speech”?  And who makes that determination?

As an American, I understand that Europe has no real First Amendment as do we.  There is no history, in Europe, of valuing true free speech.  As is commonly said in America, however, the First Amendment exists not for everyday or pablum-oriented speech, but challenging speech.

The code of conduct arrives as Europe comes to terms with the bloody attacks in Paris and Brussels by Islamic State, which has used the Web and social media to spread its message of hate against its enemies. The companies said it remains a “challenge” to strike the right balance between freedom of expression and hate speech in the self-generated content on online platforms.

“We remain committed to letting the Tweets flow,” said Twitter’s head of public policy for Europe, Karen White, in the statement. “However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate.”

But it looks like, when you get down to it, the objection by these large techies isn’t necessarily terrorism as in the standard definition of the word — specifically as with regard to the Brussels attacks.  Perhaps that was the original intent a month or so ago.

Read this, from the on the same topic:

“The internet is a place for free speech, not hate speech,” said Vera Jourova, the EU commissioner responsible for justice, consumers and gender equality. She added that the code of conduct, which will be regularly reviewed in terms of its scope and its impact, will ensure that public incitement to violence to hatred has “no place online.”

The firms themselves say there’s no conflict between their mission statements to promote the freedom of expression and clamping down on hate speech.

But again, WHO determines the definition of “hate speech”?  We already know that Facebook has been caught short-shrifting and minimizing stories involving conservative issues of import.  We already know that the IRS targeted conservative groups.  We already know that every newsroom in the US is 85% + Leftist.  We already know that Google, Facebook and Twitter are run by Leftists, and that Google, Facebook and Twitter have suspended the accounts of conservative persons for no stated specific reason whatsoever whilst simultaneously allowing the same behavior to occur on behalf of Leftists for Leftist causes.  Facts in evidence.

Obama Billionaire Corporate DemoratsWe already know that Obama and DC don’t hate all capitalists.  They love Leftist tech capitalists.  Just look above.

Now?  It would seem to me that the definition of “hate speech” is expanding.

What is “hate speech”?  Is it, “Allahu akhbar, slay all the infidels and behead the nonbelievers, run their parts through a wood chipper and set that liquid on fire”?

Is it “kill all the Jews, may their corrupt Zionist bodies be blown to bits and their children slaughtered in their beds with the sharpest of machetes”?

Or is it when BZ writes that “black lives don’t matter”?

Is it when BZ takes umbrage with the word marriage meaning one man and one man, one woman and one woman — even though BZ couldn’t care less that two gays or lesbians enjoy a “civil union” and should be afforded precisely the same benefits as one man and one woman?  That he just despises the meanings of words being hijacked?

Is it when BZ writes the word “trannies”?

Is it when BZ says that Leftists are every bit as hypocritical as everyone else and frequently more so, or that most Leftists have no concept of reality, or that Obama is one of the most dangerous persons to the United States ever installed in the White House?  Or that the electorate is increasingly brain dead for Free Cheese?

Is it when BZ writes emphatically that illegal Mexicans should not be allowed into the United States?

Is it when BZ writes that “Islam is as Islam does”?

I’m certain by now you see where I’m going with this.

LEFTIST WORD POLICEThe Dream Police are here.  So sayeth Cheap Trick.  The Word Police are setting up shop and already have a logo.  The Thought Police are deciding what color uniform to purchase.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Thought Police.  You realize, of course, that technology is already being developed in order to truly read your thoughts?  For shame, if you think I’m writing out my ass.  Click the links here and here.

So I ask again:

Just what is “hate speech”?

Who gets to decide?

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.” 

Eric Arthur Blair is shaking his head and saying “I told you so.”



Memorial Day 2016 in Chicago

Tomb of the Unknown 3 SoldiersWhile some of America was taking time, albeit too briefly, to reflect on the sacrifices made by our courageous US military personnel on Memorial Day, the city of Chicago was continuing its all-important job of killing more black people.

Because black lives don’t matter.  They don’t matter to the Demorats, they don’t matter to Leftists, they don’t matter to the local Chicago politicians, and I can make an excellent argument that black lives don’t matter to blacks themselves.

Chicago Black ViolenceFrom

Chicago’s Bloody Memorial Day: 66 Shot, 6 Killed

by Warner Todd Huston

An incredible 66 people were shot, although just six were killed, over Chicago’s Memorial Day weekend. The carnage pushed the number of gunshot victims well above 1,500 this year in this Democratic-run city.

One of the youngest victims was a 15-year-old girl who was killed on the city’s famed Lake Shore Drive while a passenger in a car driven by a known gang member.

The blood continued to flow all weekend, with victims in their teens and early 20s dominating the mounting tally.

Memorial Day 2016 outpaced the toll of violence for both 2015 and 2014, but not the death tolls. In 2015, 45 were wounded, and 12 deaths were recorded. In 2014, 21 were wounded and eight killed. While far more were shot this year than any other Memorial Day weekend, Chicago can take some solace that fewer ended up dead.

So far this year there have been 1,514 people shot in Chicago. Of that number, 228 have been killed by the gunfire. An additional 26 murders by other means pushed the death toll to 254. Sixty-two of those homicides happened in May.

So just who kills whom in Chicago?  Let’s examine the statistics — not just from “conservative media,” but from governmental and the American Media Maggots as well.

Chicago Homicide LocationsFrom the

New study shows likelihood of being shot in Chicago

by Frank Main

The study, called “Tragic, but not random: The social contagion of nonfatal gunshot injuries,” was published in the January 2015 issue of Social Science & Medicine. It shows the risk of becoming a gunshot victim in Chicago is “more concentrated than previously thought,” according to Andrew Papachristos, one of the authors.

And as was previously known, race was a key risk factor in getting shot, the study noted. For every 100,000 people, an average of one white person, 28 Hispanics and 113 blacks became victims of nonfatal shootings every year in Chicago over the six-year study period.

Are you perhaps sensing a trend here? then weighs in on some statistics — Allen West being a retired Lt Colonel in the US Army and a former Florida Representative.  Who is himself black.

On average, 4,472 black men were killed by other black men annually between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Homicide Reports. Using FBI and CDC statistics, Professor Johnson calculates that 112 black men, on average, suffered both justified and unjustified police-involved deaths annually during this period.

This equals 2.5 percent of these 4,472 yearly deaths. For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. The, at most, 2.5 percent of the problem generates relentless rage. And, yet, it is rude-to-racist to mention 97.5 percent of the problem.

The notion that America’s cops simply are gunning down innocent black people is one of today’s biggest and deadliest lies”.


Chicago: 75% of Murdered are Black, 71% of Murderers are Black

The numbers are horrifying

by Devin Foley

Simply put, Chicago has a massive Black-on-Black murder problem. All of the data below comes from the Chicago Police Department. You can access it here.

What stands out the most looking at both charts and knowing that 90% of the victims are male is that a lot of young, Black men are being killed in Chicago. No race comes even close to overall deaths by homicide. Keep in mind that based on 2010 Census numbers, only 33% of Chicago’s population was classified as Black. 

The data on offenders also tells a troubling story: Young, Black males are overwhelmingly committing most of the murders. Based on the data on the victims, that means young, Black males are primarily killing other young, Black males. What a terrible situation. 

“Black Lives Matter” have no problem with excoriating anyone and everyone not in sync with their racist mantra.  Anyone suggesting — and that includes any and all Leftists — that “all lives matter” is hoisted on their own Leftist petard.

But the only logical bottom line is this: there are any number of reasons that blacks are murdering blacks at remarkable rates.  Those aside, that law enforcement is a “major player” in the demise of young black males is an out-and-out lie.  Repeat: a lie.  Young black urban males predominantly kill young black urban males.  That is a fact.

The logical extension is this: blacks continuously demand what they term “respect.”  Let me state the obvious for those who cannot ken the obvious: when blacks truly respect each other, then and only then will respect be 1) given and 2) earned.

Blacks: earn it.

Law enforcement isn’t the problem in your “black community.”

Try some introspection.