HERE is a cop: Capt Clay Higgins

Finally, someone in law enforcement — besides Sheriffs Clarke, Babeu and Arpaio — who are serious and plain speaking.

The ACLU says Capt Higgins shouldn’t call the referenced thugs “heathens.”

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

St Landry Parrish (LA) Sheriff’s Department’s Captain Clay Higgins is only controversial to those who don’t much care for law enforcement doing its job on the streets of America.


Capt Clay Higgins

McConnell holds his mud?

GOP Not The Opposition Party

How I customarily think of the GOPEE.

And it couldn’t have occurred at a more important time.

The GOP is actually starting to make mouth music like they possess a pair.


McConnell: Not a ‘snowball’s chance in hell’ I’ll relent on SCOTUS

by Lauren French and John Bresnahan

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told a group of staunch House conservatives there isn’t “a snowball’s chance in hell” that he will back down from his opposition to confirming a Supreme Court justice before a new president is elected.

McConnell’s comments came after Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, the chairman of the Freedom Caucus, urged him to stay the course and not back down from a fight with the White House and Senate Democrats.

At first blush I must admit that I am surprised.  Considering the history of the GOP, I expected Mitch McConnell and the rest of the GOP to do what they do best: bend over and capitulate to Obama, Demorats and Leftist pressure.

After all, the GOP is responsible — good or bad — for the creation of Donald Trump.

Voters and a number of conservatives got tired of the GOP reneging on its promises and going back to what I term its GOPEE (GOP Establishment Elite) roots.  That means: “we’ll go along to get along because, at the end of the day, we’ll be bending elbows with our good friends the Demorats at local DC watering holes.” wrote:

Senate GOP: No hearings for Supreme Court nominee

by Manu Raju, Ted Barrett and Tom LoBianco

Washington (CNN)  In an unprecedented move, Senate Republicans vowed to deny holding confirmation hearings for President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee — even promising to deny meeting privately with whomever the President picks.

The historic move outraged Democrats and injected Supreme Court politics into the center of an already tense battle for the White House.

Yes, let the Leftist Demorat breast-beating commence.

“I don’t know how many times we need to keep saying this: The Judiciary Committee has unanimously recommended to me that there be no hearing. I’ve said repeatedly and I’m now confident that my conference agrees that this decision ought to be made by the next president, whoever is elected,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday.

Why would the GOP stick to its guns now? you may ask.  Because they realize the SCOTUS results are indeed so entirely critical.

Because, after all, wasn’t it the Demorats who said that elections have consequences?

“Elections have consequences and Eric, I won.”
— Barack Hussein Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009

Well, ladies and gentlemen, elections do in fact have consequences.  So swig a big cup of Get The Fuck Over It, Demorats.  Finally, the GOP may actually wield the power it possesses.  After all, the Obama Administration has been lording its power over the Republicans and the American Taxpayers for almost eight years now.

But can the GOP-controlled Senate actually do this?

Apparently yes, it can.

And here’s the further rub, bub: McConnell made this play before Barack Hussein Obama was able to float a specific name for Scalia’s SCOTUS replacement into the public political ether.  Boo-hoo.

Thanks for reminding us that elections have consequences, Demorats.

You’re correct.  They do.

But: WILL Mitch McConnell hold his mud?


GOP Establishment Graphic GOP RINOs & Trump

Li-Fi — making Wi-Fi obsolete?

Li-FiIs this the newest and most smoking-hot trend for internet devices?

Quite possibly.


Internet by light promises to leave Wi-Fi eating dust

by Laurie Fillon

Barcelona (AFP) – Connecting your smartphone to the web with just a lamp — that is the promise of Li-Fi, featuring Internet access 100 times faster than Wi-Fi with revolutionary wireless technology.

French start-up Oledcomm demonstrated the technology at the Mobile World Congress, the world’s biggest mobile fair, in Barcelona. As soon as a smartphone was placed under an office lamp, it started playing a video.

The big advantage of Li-Fi, short for “light fidelity”, is its lightning speed.

Are you ready for this?

Laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of over 200 Gbps — fast enough to “download the equivalent of 23 DVDs in one second”, the founder and head of Oledcomm, Suat Topsu, told AFP.

“Li-Fi allows speeds that are 100 times faster than Wi-Fi” which uses radio waves to transmit data, he added.

The technology uses the frequencies generated by LED bulbs — which flicker on and off imperceptibly thousands of times a second — to beam information through the air, leading it to be dubbed the “digital equivalent of Morse Code”

With television and a larger portion of bulk entertainment content going over the internet these days, now to include voice traffic (once held by landline telephones), tablets, smart phones — and soon to include the “internet of things,” bandwidth, production, venue and speed are about to become absolutely critical.

This new technology could be not just ground-breaking but, in a very short time, mandatory.



“13 Hours” – the CIA LIES for Clinton & Obama

13 HOURS MovieThe Michael Bay film, “13 Hours,” based on the book “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi” by Mitchell Zuckoff, opened last month on January 15th and, unfortunately, I hadn’t been able to see the movie because I am not yet sufficiently mobile from my surgery.

I was able to see it late last night, Saturday, at the very final showing at a local theatre.  With the assistance of my Wifely Wife and her sister, the knee scooter was loaded into the Kraut Kar and off we went.

Essentially, the film and the book make liars and fools out of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The team’s CIA station chief told the Washington Post the stand-down order “is fiction and the film is flat-out wrong.”  Further, the CIA says that the film is “shameful and a distortion of the events and people who served in Benghazi that night.”

Juan Williams also believes the film and the book are fabrications.

What is sad is that American journalists yuck it up over the deaths of four Americans in Libya.  Somehow Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Officer Sean Smith and former SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods get forgotten.  [Watergate brought down a presidency where no one was killed.  Contrast and compare this to Benghazi, and its lies then and now.]

Benghazi A Phony ScandalWhen I wrote this post initially a few weeks ago, three of the actual operators who responded to the Benghazi call for assistance, Kristian “Tanto” Paronto, John “Tig” Tiegen, and Mark “Oz” Geist were interviewed on the Megyn Kelly show.  They unequivocally stated that they were told to stand down by CIA representatives.

These GRS (Global Response Services) employees, former soldiers and private security contractors hired as security elements, provided protection in austere and high-threat environments for the Central Intelligence Agency.

“This is the true story you were never told.”

Part of what you didn’t know is that the six GRS contractors were at the CIA annex, less than a mile from the Benghazi consulate.  You saw that clearly illustrated in the film “13 Hours.”  They could hear the distress calls over the radio.  The CIA station chief at that annex told the GRS contractors repeatedly to “stand down.”

Benghazi Consulate & AnnexAll three operators interviewed on The Kelly File specifically remembered the CIA station chief pointedly telling them, to their faces, to “stand down.”  A deputy chief, chief of base and a team leader saying “stand down.”

“If you guys don’t get over here, we’re all gonna fucking die,” radioed the State Department people at the Benghazi, Libya consulate to anyone who was listening.

The contractors decided to “buck orders and we left.”

All the operators testified to this in DC.

Do the operators believe the men who died would be alive today if the US had responded appropriately from the beginning?  They expected assistance from the US government that never came.  Why do they think four Americans paid the ultimate price?

First, they were looking for air support.  Instead, an unmanned drone was sent.  And the drone footage was useless because it was 30 seconds behind what was occurring in real time on the ground.  Do you remember the issue regarding staffers watching the drone over Benghazi as the assault occurred?

Benghazi Watched Them DieALL of the operators believe everyone would be alive today had they been allowed to respond when they were asked.  Unequivocally.  They all said it in front of Megyn Kelly.

When told the CIA response was they were never told to stand down, the operators said “that’s just silly.”  “Somehow they don’t want to believe that we were told to stand down.  They believe everything else.”

Megyn Kelly asked: “Do you have a political motive?”

They said the politics is what prompted them to go public.  The lies and the disinformation and the obfuscation.

Was it about a video?  And who is lying?  Hillary Clinton says “it’s not me.”  Meaning the operators were lying and the surviving family members are lying.

Hillary Clinton is denying once again that she told family members of Benghazi attack victims that a video was to blame for the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks — leaving only the possibility that the families are either lying or grossly mistaken about what the then-secretary of state told them in private.

The family members have publicly disputed Clinton’s claims, saying that the then-secretary of state explicitly blamed the film that day and said that she would go after the maker of the film, which many Muslims considered offensive.

Hillary Clinton blamed the non-existent “protests” and consulate attack on a ridiculous internet video.  This was wrong but Hillary Clinton went there anyway, in her official statement.

Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.

Susan Rice carried the absurdist video meme to all the Sunday news shows following the Tuesday 9-11-2012 attack. Judicial Watch discovered:

A newly released email collected by Judicial Watch in response to a FOIA request shows the White House pushed Ambassador Susan Rice to promote the idea that an internet video mocking Islam, not President Obama’s foreign policy, was responsible for attacks in the Middle East, including the one in Benghazi.

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton already knew the attack had nothing to do with a video.

“I believe to this day the video played a role.”

Obama and Jay Carney blamed the Benghazi attack on a poorly-produced video.  Obama knew this was false.

Clinton’s official statement was belied by an email she sent to her daughter the night of September 11th and a phone call she made to the Egyptian prime minister, where she said the attack was perpetrated by al Qaeda.

Hillary Clinton Email to Chelsea Re Benghazi AttackDiane Reynolds, by the way, is an alias for daughter Chelsea.

This was a naked attempt by the administration to make Americans feel guilty about their concerns involving Muslims.  A distraction built upon American guilt.

Hillary Clinton made her first statements already knowing there were no protests and that the video had nothing to do with the assault.

We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son.”

That filmmaker was Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, creator of “The Innocence of Muslims.”  He spent time in prison because of Obama and Clinton’s false accusations, on a parole violation.

“Someone is lying here, Mrs Clinton; who is it?”

Hillary Clinton: “not me.”

Further, she was fully on board with hanging the blame for the shabby video “The Innocence of Muslims”

Megyn Kelly: “How true to life is the film?”

Paronto: “It brought home a lot of the truths that we went through.  I’d go back there in a heartbeat.”

We think that perhaps someone like an Ed Gein or a John Wayne Gacy or a Richard Daumer or a Hannibal Lecter is a sociopath?

I submit that Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama are both damaging, violent psychopaths.  Sociopaths.  They both have American blood on their hands.

And why?  This?

And this?

The American Media Maggots have done their level best to minimize and denigrate the validity of this movie which means, by extension, the AMM mean to minimize and denigrate the sacrifices of our Sheepdogs. In order to protect their Leftist Masters.

All for political ends.

Meaning: in the true end, those four men who died in Benghazi were nothing more than little chess pieces moved about the ObamaLand board during his eight year attempt to kick America in the slats.

I am so glad I was able to see the film before it left theaters.

Every American should see the film if for no other reason than to realize that, yes, American is truly exceptional and, yes, there is true domestic evil in the world.



Finally: would you like to help our special operators like SEALs, Delta, Green Berets and the like?  Go to, started by “Oz” and please donate.