Bill Maher: correct about Islam

Bill Maher On Islam 2Bill Maher, despite his Lefty way, is correct about one thing: Islam.

He believes that Islam is a threat to the civilized world.


Maher: The More You Know About Islam, The More Afraid Of It You Are, Intolerant Christians ‘Really Aren’t a Problem’

by Ian Hanchett

HBO host Bill Maher argued that it isn’t true that people wouldn’t be as afraid of Islam if they knew more about it, “Actually, it’s the reverse” and that he wished liberals would “have the same enthusiasm for intolerance elsewhere in the world as they do for Christians here at home, who really aren’t a problem, because they don’t get really get their way” on Friday’s “Real Time.”

Maher, after referencing the covering up of nude statues in Italy during a visit by Iran’s president said, “I think people are mixing up two things, tolerance and capitulation.” He added, “It’s one thing to be tolerant of another culture, but this is our culture. You know, Christianity did have a problem with t*tties like in 1300, but we got over it. So, we shouldn’t change our culture to a more backward culture, should we?”

“I think people are mixing up two things: tolerance and capitulation.”

Maher added, “I think liberals have to stop insisting that the world is the way they want to it be instead of the way it is.”

Holy Mother of God, Maher just had an epiphany.  He used words directly from the notebook of Captain Obvious.  Words I’ve been writing, literally, for years about Leftists.

Bad out of my mouth, somehow acceptable out of his.

He (Maher) then pointed to folk singer James Twyman’s efforts to do a concert in ISIS-controlled territory to hopefully stop ISIS’ violence. Maher then argued, “[Y]ou cannot just insist that the reality that you think about in your head is the reality that exists in the world. After the San Bernardino attacks, we were off the next week, but I heard all over TV, this — everybody was saying, ‘If only Americans knew more about Islam, they wouldn’t be so afraid.’ Actually, it’s the reverse.”

It IS the reverse.  If Americans knew more about Islam — actually read the Koran, the Hadith, the surahs, — Americans would realize what Islam says is what Islam means.

My quote: “Islam is as Islam does.”

Maher finishes:

“I just hope that the civics guidebook in Sweden is more persuasive than the Koran, but I doubt it is.”

There is actually a difference between Leftists, as wacky as they are.

At least Bill Maher doesn’t advocate the silencing of those to don’t believe in his philosophies, unlike many professors in various “advanced” US educational institutions.

Such as Melissa Click, a professor who “wanted some muscle” to her location so she could keep a student photographer from documenting a college protest.  Click has since had third degree assault charges filed against her and been suspended from the University of Missouri.

I very seldom watch him, but I support Maher’s right to say what he wishes.  I draw the line at the bulk of collegiate Leftists and students who want to entirely stave off any discussion in the slightest conflict with their beliefs. They can’t countenance dissent.  Their upbringing, coddling and fragile little egos keep getting in the way.  They are frothing over with unwarranted and inflated self esteem.

Bill Maher Let Him Speak

At least Maher believes in free speech.


Bill Maher On Islam


Thursday GOP debates: who “won”?

GOP Debate, Fox, 1-28-20161. Small Table Debate:

The small table debate, held first, was moderated by Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum and consisted of Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.

There is only one clear winner: Carly Fiorina.  Period.  The three others simply need to go away as rapidly as possible.  I think that may be a self-fulfilling prophecy within, say, two weeks max.  None of them are going to pull Iowa.

2. Main Debate:

In the second debate, Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and Megyn Kelly moderated, and the big table cast included Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, Rand Paul and Jim Gilmore.  Who?

As expected, Gilmore was entirely unimpressive.  One must also question his sanity as, at this late stage, he somehow thinks he has a chance at becoming the GOP nominee for president.

Kasich was acidic and unlikeable.  Carson was likeable but vastly over his pate.  Paul is going nowhere.  His fans are even more annoying than he is.  All three need to go away.

Christie was the healing assembler he’s tended to be in the past.  I could live with Christie.  “The days of the Clintons in public housing are over.”  “That is why you need the Washinton-to-English converter.”

The focus this time around revolved around the nascent sorting-out of Cruz and Rubio.  Both made points.  Both were confronted by Megyn Kelly with prior statements in conflict with their current positions.  Both stammered and both came through. Conventional wisdom is that Rubio is ascending.  I go along with that.

Jeb Bush did well overall; certainly better than previous debates.  But Bush is still who he is, a squish.  I will not put another Bush in the White House as I will never put another Clinton in the White House.

I am biased.  I just like Cruz.  He’s extremely smart and even pisses off Republicans because he is single-minded.  Yes, Cruz got bopped, Cruz got testy, Cruz got booed.  Cruz had his opportunity to shine more, but didn’t quite pull that off.  Call me wacky.  I am biased.

My top three descend in this order:

  1. Cruz
  2. Rubio
  3. Christie

Statistics from a current Drudge Report poll post-debate.

Drudge Report GOP PollCruz #2, Rubio #3.

Finally, did Trump leaving the debate affect the results?  In terms of the debaters themselves, not so much.  Ted Cruz got the insults out of the way early.  However, for Fox News, they now state Thursday’s FNC debate was the second highest rated telecast in the channel’s history with 12.5 million viewers.  Conventional wisdom said this wouldn’t occur.  Though not present, the moderators and debaters still mentioned him.  And people say the “entertainment” factor of Trump was missed.

But one thing most definitely: Trump would not have cared for the way Megyn Kelly would have gone after him, if her tenacity with Rubio and Cruz was any indicator.  Megyn Kelly can indeed shred.

Did Trump pull off his tactic?  In a word, yes.  I don’t think he “lost” anything by not attending.  But I still enjoyed the debate because it was substantial and topic-driven for the most part.



Thursday GOP debates: First Debate

Donald Trump NOT In Thursday 1-28-2016 Debates1. Small Table Debate:

The small table debate, held first, was moderated by Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum and consisted of Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.

There is only one clear winner: Carly Fiorina.  Period.  The three others simply need to go away as rapidly as possible.  I think that may be a self-fulfilling prophecy within, say, two weeks max.  None of them are going to pull Iowa.

More after the main debate.



Thursday GOP debate: no Trump

Donald Trump NOT In Thursday 1-28-2016 DebatesDonald Trump has stated he will not appear at Thursday’s Fox News GOP debate due to perceived slights by Megyn Kelly.

This stems from the first Republican debate on August 6th of last year, co-moderated by Megyn Kelly.

She asked Trump at that time, “One of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don’t use a politician’s filter.  However, that is not without its downside, in particular when it comes to women.  You have called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs’ and ‘disgusting animals.’  Your Twitter account.  .  .”

Trump: “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

Kelly: “No it wasn’t.  Your Twitter account.  .  .for the record, it was well beyond Rosie O’Donnell.

Trump: “Yes, I’m sure it was.”

Kelly: “Your Twitter account has several disparaging comments about women’s looks.  You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees.  Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?  And how will you answer the charge with Hillary Clinton who is likely to be the Democratic nominee that you are part of the war on women?”

Mr Trump believes that question evidenced bias on the part of Megyn Kelly.  He said that Roger Ailes (Chairman and CEO of Fox News) should have Megyn Kelly banned from Thursday’s debate staff.

In my opinion, Trump has made a serious mistake by showing his skirt, so to speak.  If Megyn Kelly offended him then and offends him during the debate, then he needs to stand there and defend himself, and to dish back as he sees fit.

It’s what he does and what people expect to see.

The retort “if he can’t handle Kelly then how would he handle Putin” is trite but has a semblance of accuracy.  For history, at one point early in her McCain/VP campaign I was in support of Sarah Palin.  However, once she resigned as Alaska governor in 2009, I knew she couldn’t take the heat.  At least she did the right thing and got out of the kitchen.  Since then I’ve known that Palin is a poseur.  And no, she never said she could see Russia from her house.

With that in mind, Trump takes the easy or cowardly way out.  Yes, you can readily reply that Trump is a bit in Hillary’s position where any further exposure can be deleterious to his campaign.  But that would be wrong, because Trump absolutely thrives in a clashing and adversarial environment.  He enjoys it.  What he doesn’t enjoy is being faced with his own statements.

If Trump made various statements he should either own them or refute them.

But stepping away from a debate because he doesn’t like someone who asked him a tough question smacks of “taking his toys and going home.”

The Iowa caucus is next Monday, February 1st.  (Go here to see how the Iowa caucuses work.)

Because of that I’ll be watching the debates anyway, as I want to see how Cruz, Rubio and Christie conduct themselves tonight, and how the interplay goes between them.

Bret Baier, Chris Wallace and Megyn Kelly will moderate the Thursday debate, whose big table cast will include Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Rand Paul.

The small table debate, held first, will be moderated by Bill Hemmer and Martha MacCallum and will consist of Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, and Jim Gilmore.  I’ll believe that Jim Gilmore thingie when I see it.

I’ll be watching the debates and then posting about them later tonight.