The REAL story: Hillary’s SAP emails

The American Media Maggots are making Palin’s endorsement of Trump Tuesday’s focus, in an attempt to obfuscate and divert attention from the REAL story.


Watchdog: Clinton’s server had classified material beyond ‘top secret’

by Rachael Bade & Josh Gerstein

Intelligence officials have discovered sensitive national security information on Hillary Clinton’s server that goes beyond the “top secret” level, the intelligence community inspector general told lawmakers in a letter last week.

In a copy of the Jan. 14 correspondence obtained by POLITICO, Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III told both the Senate Intelligence and Senate Foreign Relations committees that intelligence agencies found messages relating to what are known as “special access programs,” or SAP. That’s an even more restricted subcategory of sensitive compartmented information, or SCI, top secret national security information derived from sensitive intelligence sources.

Information like this is mandating a continued clear investigatory path by the 6’8″ James Comey’s FBI — a director who has never shied away from Obama.

The Business Insider writes, in explanation:

Intelligence is allocated to a special-access program when “the vulnerability of, or threat to, specific information is exceptional,according to Executive Order 13526, which was signed by US President Barack Obama in late 2009 and details how to properly handle and protect classified national-security information.

Clinton signed a nondisclosure contract when she got to the State Department, in which she agreed to “never divulge anything marked SCI [sensitive compartmented information] or that I know to be SCI to anyone who is not authorized to receive it without prior authorization from the US Government department or agency that authorized my access.” adds:

Intelligence from a “special access program,” or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as “top secret” – as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton’s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a “need-to-know” because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection — or a human asset — at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated “classified” have been found on Clinton’s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time.

“There is absolutely no way that one could not recognize SAP material,” a former senior law enforcement with decades of experience investigating violations of SAP procedures told Fox News. “It is the most sensitive of the sensitive.”


Now check this:

While the State Department and Clinton campaign have said the emails in questions were “retroactively classified” or “upgraded” – to justify the more than 1,300 classified emails on her server – those terms are meaningless under federal law.


Hillary Clinton comes ever closer to being criminally indicted, and it couldn’t happen to a more applicable person.

A very important note from Guy Benson:

According to court documents, former CIA Director David Petraeus was prosecuted for sharing intelligence from special access programs with his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. At the heart of his prosecution was a non-disclosure agreement where Petraeus agreed to protect these closely held government programs, with the understanding “unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention or negligent handling … could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation.” Clinton signed an identical non-disclosure agreement Jan. 22, 2009.

Please closely read these stories from Hot Air, Fox News and Business Insider.

The sagacious Charles Krauthammer weighs in:

Krauthammer’s Take: Hillary E-mail Scandal Now ‘Worse than What Snowden Did’

Petraeus, as was mentioned earlier, he pled guilty because precisely this kind of information he shared. And I don’t see, given the fact that he is the inspector general of the intelligence community who was writing this officially to the intelligence committee heads in Congress that there is any way to contradict this. It is not a news story. This is an investigative story. And now it’s in the hands of the FBI. It’s hard to imagine that the Department of Justice will ignore this or wave it away.”

Finally, as I theorized here, is this the next step?

JOE BIDEN to Run for PresidentWill an arrogant, corrupt, law-breaking Clinton finally be indicted?



Clinton ruminations

Hillary Clinton Pleading Not To Be JailedSo there I was, last Monday morning, being wheeled into a surgery theater, face up, wearing a stupid hairnet and dressed in the Mark I Model I Embarrassing Hospital Gown with my ass completely uncovered.  Thank God my ass was ass-down on the rolling gurney as it entered the cold room.  I ooched from the gurney onto the operating table and was told to scoot down, scoot down.  Then, clank-clank, two armrests were dropped down and I was splayed out like the fat BZ turkey I am, an IV already attached.  Down came the mask and I was asked to breathe deeply.  I seem to recall taking three deep breaths.  Nighty-night.

About 75 minutes later, my dream featured someone talking to me from above.  “Open your eyes,” my protagonist said.  Eventually I did so.  “A better life through chemicals,” I thought.  I was literally feeling no pain.  Then.

My point is, I’m going to be horizontal for the next few weeks as I am supposed to stay off my foot, the subject of some ongoing and worsening problems.  The drugs are fairly serious anti-inflammatory and pain meds.  Some hours they work well, some hours not so much.  I won’t be able to place weight down for about six weeks.  Until then I “work” from the lounger in the living room.  Work, live and sleep there.  The laptop is on an adjacent tray table which I move to my lap until the thighs get too hot.  Getting to the bathroom is an ordeal; first with crutches and now with a rented knee scooter.  The drugs make me woggy or lucid, just depending.  I sleep when I can.

As a consequence, I spend a lot of time on the confuser, texting, reading and watching television.  I’ve found programs I didn’t know exist.  It’s also given me time to reflect on some political machinations involving the presidential race.

Hillary Clinton ShyIt has been presumed this year and last that Hillary Rodham Clinton is the Demorat candidate for president.  Much of this is because it is Clinton’s “turn” and she has “paid her dues.”

Like Tammy Wynette, Hillary stood by her man whilst he swived his way through hordes (Linda Tripp alleges over 1,000) of jaded strumpets.  She did it all not because she enjoyed being the butt of fuck, blue dress and fellatio jokes, but because she recognized the inherent power that William Jefferson Clinton CLINTON Affairs and Assaultspossessed.  She knew that, if played properly, she could ride on Bill’s coat-tails from the periphery of power to real personal political power.

Hillary Clinton Leave Her AloneBut just when you may have thought it was “her time,” some pesky things have gotten in the way.  Like Trey Gowdy, some emails, some security and server concerns, four American deaths at the Benghazi consulate and the Clinton lies that began immediately thereafter.  When Hillary provided immediate excuses for the terrorists killing our Americans, she declared a further and more pointed open season on the United States.

Hillary Benghazi Bloody HandsOn the other hand, there is this:

It’s pretty obvious the DNC has done its level best to bury the Demorat debates on the weekends, but this debate was even more “buried” due to the three-day weekend.  Conventional wisdom is that the less Hillary is exposed — because “it’s her turn” — the lesser a chance of her being challenged or damaged.  The problem with that, recently revealed, is that she has been losing points in the polls whilst Sanders has been gaining.  Uh-oh.  Time to push Hillary more towards Front Street.  Sort of.  But not too much.

It was simply assumed Hillary would win Iowa and perhaps New Hampshire.  Now, Sanders is looking strong in New Hampshire.  Hillary is being overcome by the self-described Socialist Demorat.  And a doddering one at that, with wild hair and a funny accent.

Further, Hillary’s husband is doing her no favors thanks to Trump’s recent focus.  It also doesn’t help — though it makes me laugh abundantly — that the top recent Google search question is “will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted?”

So began to think further: what if Hillary loses Iowa and New Hampshire to Sanders?  What if he actually gets stronger and not weaker?  What if Hillary is actually indicted?

We know that Martin O’Malley isn’t pulling numbers.  I would also submit that Sanders is a Nutjob of the First Order whose mind doesn’t operate in reality.  The DNC won’t kill SuperPacs just for Bernie nor will they eschew corporate cash.

Who or what is left?

Will the DNC pull a Biden out of its hat?  An Al Gore?  Maybe even a Jim Webb?

What if Hillary really does go back to her unappealing 2008 days?

Moreover, can the GOP manage to coalesce around one candidate and, further, can that chosen candidate beat a Demorat?



Sunday Democrat debate

2016 Demorat January DebateWith Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

Hillary: “One out of three black men will end up going to prison.”  Because our country is so intrinsically racist, you see.

My response: then one out of three black men should stop committing crimes.

Despite that statistic quoted by Clinton to be patently false.

Bernie Sanders couldn’t hear a question to him.  That’s called a clue.  Sanders’s answer to the question was that every death of a person in police custody should be investigated by the US DOJ.  And that police departments must look just like the communities surrounding them.

Every custody death must be investigated by the US DOJ.  Because states can’t be trusted on their own.

A clear and obvious abrogation of the 10th Amendment.

Bernie hates SuperPacs.  He wants limited donations by small contributors.  Oh my God, is that Bernie’s death knell for the Demorat Party — that survives on big money donations?.  Big money makes both parties rock and roll, and the DNC bends over the nearest toilet in fear when they hear Sanders say that.

Martin O’Malley: “Secretary Clinton, that’s not true.  You do not go as far on reigning in Wall Street as I would.  It’s not true.”  And the look that Hillary Clinton gave O’Malley would have otherwise set him aflame.

Sanders would want Wall Street to bail out the public, and he would raise taxes generally and specifically on corporations.

“The wealthy will pay for healthcare, student debt, free schools and colleges.”

O’Malley: “we want youth services, jobs for kids.”  Right; that volunteerism.  The Bloods and Crips and Nortenos and Surenos and tongs will be all over that.

O’Malley doesn’t like the phrase “boots on the ground.”  Too demeaning.  Good to know.

Hillary thinks Europe needs to get tough with Putin right away.  That’ll happen.  Because Putin supplies a great deal of EU oil.  Sure.  Right away.

O’Malley: “we should be secure in our homes, in our papers, the government should be required to get warrants before they come in our front door or our back.”  Completely agreed.  When I was a cop I had to acquire search and arrest warrants on cases.  The US government should be no different.

This time, it was all about Bernie Sanders.  You could clearly see that he was the Socialist liberator and Hillary Clinton was the corporatist.  She was also the obvious Obama-clinger.

As per normal, it was the consistent “rentoon rentoon rentoon” of more spending, more money, higher taxes, more Free Cheese.  Moar moar moar.  Everything will be great if we can only get those judgmental Republicans and bible-toting, Constitution-embracing, gun-splaying, unborn-loving, government-regulating conservative fucktards out of the way.

I could not possibly want to envision this country under another four years of rampant regulatory increases, taxation, national diminishment and the SCOTUS appointments that would be made by appeasers and socialists.



Cardinals 26, Packers 20

Green Bay Packers Aaron Rodgers vs Cardinals 1-16-2016If you watched the game, you know what an incredible fight it was.

You may or may not know that I am a Green Bay Packer fan.

That said, can you believe Aaron Rodgers’s last second 41-yard  “Hail Mary” pass to Jeff Janis?

Abso-frakking-lutely incredible.

However, when the refs had to toss the overtime coin TWICE, I was quaking.  I knew it wasn’t going to go well, and it didn’t.

I still say the ONLY thing stopping the Packers from winning was a frakked-up coin toss.

So I’m hoping the Carolina Panthers wipe the floor with the Cardinals.

There’s every chance they will.
