Jeb Bush: another uninterested Romney?

Meb Bushney 2016Whilst cruising through the digital slag known as news in America these days, I happened to come across an article that resonated about Jeb Bush.

From (one of the worst possible names for a news source):

Jeb Goes Off: I Could Be Doing ‘Really Cool Things’ Instead of Being President, You Know

by Josh Feldman

Jeb Bush let his agitation show on the campaign trail today when he complained about gridlock and partisanship in South Carolina.

Bush attended a presidential town hall held by Senator Tim Scott, and they were even joined on stage by none other than South Carolina congressman and Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy.

At one point, when he was lamenting the state of partisan politics, Bush said, “If this election is about how we’re going to fight to get nothing done, then I don’t want any part of it.”

Oooooh, scary, just in time for Halloween: “Jeb goes off.”  I’m quaking in my Keens.

That’s your problem, Jeb.  Trump nailed it, actually.  You’re a miniuscule-energy person.  You’d bring the same mundane enthusiasm to the presidency that you bring to your campaign.  And I’m done with zero-energy, capitulating, bi-partisan, compromising empty suits registered as Republicans.

The major issue?  Compromise and bi-partisanship usually occurs on the Republican side, not on the Demorat side.  Demorats know how to hack and slash; they already have the American Media Maggots in their pockets.  Republicans want to be loved and simply haven’t yet Grokked the fact that they will never be loved as long as the AMM holds sway in America.  And at this point, the AMM aren’t going anywhere.  But Republicans still want to be loved.  That makes no sense whatsoever.  No matter what you do, GOPEE (GOP Establishment Elites), you will never be loved by the AMM unless and until you change your (R) to a (D).  In that manner the AMM is not unlike Obama’s good friend ISIS.  Convert you or kill you.

Romney proved he was ambivalent about running for president.  His son revealed that Mitt wasn’t entirely committed and, further, didn’t want the presidency — after the fact.  I could never forgive Romney for that, for wasting my time and the time of those who supported him.  Further, Romney admitted that his Massachusetts healthcare plan was the precursor to Obamacare — not that Obamacare is working out well; it isn’t.

Jeb is another Romney.  Not a fighter, won’t take umbrage, too interested in being “nice” and not running with scissors or eating paste.

Note to Jeb: If you have other things to do, like cleaning your fishtank or balancing your checkbook, do them.  Don’t just threaten me with going away, make good on it.

Frankly, I couldn’t care less.  i won’t be voting for you anyway.  I’m done with Bushes just as I am done with Clintons.  I don’t like dynasties.



Hillary Clinton leaked classified information to a reporter

Hillary Clinton Email to Chelsea Re Benghazi AttackHow is that possible?

Because Hillary Clinton sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, shortly after the Benghazi attack detailing the truth of the incident weeks before the American public knew.  Over Hillary Clinton’s illegal, hackable (and hacked) private server.

From the, following Clinton’s appearance at the Benghazi hearing last Thursday, October 22nd:

Hillary Told Daughter Chelsea That Terrorists Were Behind Benghazi Attack The Night It Happened

by Chuck Ross

Hillary Clinton sent an email to her daughter, Chelsea, on Sept. 11, 2012 in which she asserted that an al-Qaida-like group was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, it was revealed on Thursday during the former secretary of state’s testimony to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

[Would you care to read the entire transcript of the hearing?  Click here.]

However, as Ohio Representative Jim Jordan pointed out during Thursday’s hearing, Hillary Clinton knew that the attack on the consulate was the act of terrorists and not a “reaction” to the terribly-produced YouTube video “The Innocence of Muslims.”***  She knew that early on, yet sent her minion, Susan Rice, onto as many Sunday news shows as possible the very next day in order to create the false meme that the “awful internet video” created a spontaneous and possibly warranted reaction due to an ignorant US videomaker creating a display offensive to all of Islam.

The attempt was to guilt Americans — horrible Americans, bad US, we got what we deserved! — into thinking we were responsible for the attack on our own consulate.  The attempt was to deflect guilt from a series of horrendous Clinton and Obama fuckups that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.  This was a craven, planned deception.

The American people were made to feel guilty that Islam was insulted by this “awful internet video” while the truth was — AGAIN — that Muslims were targeting and killing Americans for our Western non-Muslim ways.  That is the despicable action.  To play upon America’s “guilt” for the Obama Administration’s lying deflection.  Hillary Clinton was front-and-center because this act and this consulate and these employees were her responsibility and under her charge as Secretary of State.

In the email cited by Jordan, Clinton responded to daughter Chelsea, who emailed under the pseudonym Diane Reynolds.

“Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group,” Clinton wrote.

At the time, for whom did Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, work?





The Innocence of Muslims” by Sam Bacile, a pseudonym for videomaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was removed from YouTube.  Wikipedia has an entry for that video, above, which directly attributes its existence and content to the death of the four Americans at Benghazi.  A sub-category indicates that the entry is part of a series on Islamophobia.  That is to say, though even Hillary Clinton has admitted the video had nothing to do with the pre-planned and not spontaneous attack on the Benghazi consulate, Wikipedia insists that it did.  And that is the veracity that one can attribute to Wikipedia; i.e. none.


Radio controlled Airbus A-380

320th Bombardment Wing, SAC, Mather AFB, CA

USAF Strategic Air Command 320th Bomb Wing, Mather AFB, California.

If you thought that the radio-controlled arena only concerned small cars, rotor-drones and small airplanes, you would be wrong.

When I was the Sergeant in charge of my EVOC section (Emergency Vehicle Operations Course), we were stationed at Mather Airport on the former SAC B-52 (the 320th Bombardment Wing) alert pad.  This was a vast expanse of concrete and surrounding EVOC, SSD, Former 320th Bomb Wing Alert Pad, Mather AFBasphalt, more than large enough to fly a radio controlled (RC) plane (see the photo to the right; click to embiggen).  Of course, one of my instructors talked me into getting a cheap battery-powered RC plane, the idea of which sounded like great fun.

It was great fun for about two minutes, until I promptly crashed my plane.  Not just a small crash upon landing but a take-the-wings-rudder-and-landing-gear-right-off kind of crash.  An “into small pieces” kind of crash.

A return trip to the cool RC store on Folsom Boulevard and I had the appropriate replacement parts.  Just for good measure I bought some backups to the replacement parts.  That turned out to be an excellent idea.  Because the microsecond the repaired plane took off, I banked the plane and nosedived it right into the concrete again.  This time I needed a new engine and all the other replacement parts, plus a new tail.

Not yet having realized this RC thingie might not be for me, and having replaced all the parts, I also bought a new engine, propeller and battery pack.  The only part not yet broken was the fuselage.  Yet.  My third flight that week saw me take off, fly far enough to begin to lose radio contact, turn around to regain contact, and then completely screw the pooch on the controller.  Suffice to say the plane crashed with such accelerative force, splendor and finality that even I concluded that RC planes should not be entrusted to me, unless the owner wished to see them fly into minute and irretrievable pieces.  I finally figured out that I could operate the controls just fine if the plane was flying away from me, because I could envision myself sitting in the cockpit.  But turn the plane around and I couldn’t make my brain and fingers realize that the controls now had to be operated “backwards.”  I was therefore clearly over my limited wheelhouse RAM capacity.

Below, you will witness the RC world pushed to a staggering degree.  A German man named Peter Michel built a radio controlled replica of a Singapore Airlines Airbus A-380 commercial jet (the largest commercial passenger jet in the world) and had it flown by a man named Michael Brauer.  The weight of this RC model is 156 pounds, and it has a 17.3 foot wingspan.  Its fuel capacity is 2.6 gallons, with a consumption rate of .31 gallons a minute.  Propulsion is via four JETCAT P 120 Je 12kp Standschub engines.  Yes.  They are real jet engines, in miniature.

Click the video and prepare to be amazed.  If at any point you don’t smile and larf out loud, I’ll be highly surprised.

And a beautiful landing to boot.  But hell, no pressure — considering the replica required hundreds of assembly hours and thousands of dollars.

I find that model and its ability to fly completely breathtaking.



NO DOJ charges against Lois Lerner

Lois Lerner USED The System to Her BenefitEven CNN wrote:

First on CNN: Former IRS official will not face charges for targeting political groups.

And by writing “even CNN wrote,” I meant that CNN admits the charges were the pointed targeting of political groups.  What they left out was: only Conservative political groups.  Notice how CNN conveniently avoided the mention of that incredibly salient point?

On the other hand, in this terribly corrupt Obama administration, are you truly shocked to your very core?

The FBI conducted the investigation.  The DOJ made the decision.

“Lois Lerner used poor judgment.”  And that is it.

Now, do what I call the Logical Extension.

With the decision just in, what do you suppose the chances might be of Hillary Clinton facing any DOJ charges under this, the most corrupt presidential administration in history?

I believe you have your answer.