Hillary having a tough time? Quick! Clinton tickets 66% off!

Hillary Clinton TiredFrom TheWeeklyStandard.com:

Tickets to Hillary Speech On Sale, 66% Off

by Daniel Halper

Hillary Clinton will be speaking at the 1STBANK Center next week in Broomfield, Colorado. But it appears event organizers are having a hard time selling out: tickets to the event have been put on sale, and are now selling for 66 percent cheaper than the original sale price.

The sale is being offered through Living Social, which titles the event, “Ticket to Keynote Speaker: Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

What was the original price?  $175.  New “discounted” price?  $59.  What a bargain!

However, despite the freshly-incentivized price, only 200 tickets have been sold.  This is my pouty face.

Simultaneously, NBC’s chief foreign correspondent Richard Engel said “you’d be hard pressed” to find a country with which relations have improved under President Obama.

“You would naturally want to say Europe, but generally the relations with a lot of European countries have gotten worse,” he continued.

This would be under the care and concern of Mr Barack Hussein Obama as well as — former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.