Rachel Jeantel Explains The Difference Between ‘Nigga’ And ‘Nigger’ To Piers Morgan

Rachel JeantelAs if that needed any kind of an explanation.

From MediaIte.com:

In the third part of Piers Morgan‘s extensive, exclusive interview with Trayvon Martin‘s friend Rachel Jeantel about her testimony in the George Zimmerman trial, the host asked his guest if there was anything she wished she’d said on the stand. Jeantel answered with one word: “Nigga.”

Jeantel explained to Morgan that “the whole world say it’s a racist word” but the version of the word that she testified Martin had used in reference to Zimmerman, spelled “n-i-g-g-a” doesn’t mean what most people think it means. It doesn’t mean a “black male” as Morgan assumed, she said, but rather any kind of man, including “Chinese” for example. Morgan helpfully pointed out that that’s the version rappers use in their music.

“But nigger,” Jeantel said, stressing the “-er.,” is a “racist word.” She said “I’d advise you not to be by black people” when you say that word, Jeantel explained, “because they’re not going to have it like that.” And this is not just in her community as Morgan posited but in the entire “generation.”

Okay.  So that explains it all.

There you have it.  Nigga vs Nigger.

With one salient observation:

  • ewgrif76 A fan of the 1st Amendment a day ago

    You’re an idiot, and any white man who grew up in the “ghetto” gets it and understands why black people use “N***A” amongst themselves…Zimmerman deserved the not guilty verdict, but you also deserve a swift kick to your ignorant mouth.

And you wonder why people don’t respect blacks?  Out of the mouth of babes and the ignorant.

