A few questions for Hillary, a “woman of the people.”

Hillary Clinton FacialHillary:

How much does a quart of milk cost?
How much does a loaf of bread cost?
How much does a gallon of gas cost?
How much does it cost to subscribe to NetFlix?
What does it cost to change the oil in your car?
What does ground round cost per pound?

She won’t have an answer for any of that.  People who actually have to pay for their lives and aren’t coddled or swaddled by the government will know all those answers.

Hillary hasn’t driven a car herself since the early 90s.  She has had chauffeurs for over 25 years.  Government chauffeurs.

With her ancient face, her little blunted teeth, her poorly applied makeup, her wattled neck, her shakily-applied lipstick.