Liberals starting to jump the capsizing Obama Ship of State?

Chuck Todd on MSNBC’s Morning Joe said:

“This poll is a disaster for the president.  You look at the presidency here: Lowest job rating, tied for the lowest; lowest on foreign policy. His administration is seen as less competent than the Bush administration, post-Katrina.  On the issue of do you believe he can still lead? A majority believe no. Essentially the public is saying your presidency is over.”

As the Cheneys wrote in the Wall Street Journal this week, “rarely has a US president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.”

Are the rats starting to flee Obama’s sinking Ship of State?



Yes, Obama would save Putin from drowning:

First, the video:

Then, the embarrassment at having a president that would even make a ridiculous statement like this followed immediately by self-serving carbon dioxide exhalations.

My God.  This man just becomes more frighteningly incompetent by the day.