ISIS: “A very significant counter-terror operation”

According to Secretary of State John Friggin’ Kerry, it is not a war.

Repeat: it is not a war.

And this, yes, on the heels of Mr Obama on Wednesday night saying that “ISIL is not Islamic.”  And then turning right around and becoming another War President, in direct contravention of his Nobel Peace Prize which — oddly enough — the committee quietly asked he return.  I’ll wager you never heard of that, due to the ministrations of the American Media Maggots.

Mixed messages, America?

And Obama was only forced into his current political tack because two American journalistas were beheaded quite publicly on video.  Politics again, and that pesky technology stuff.  Damn the inconvenience.



Obama: ISIS can be a “manageable problem”

Of course it can.

First, from

Obama: ISIS Can Become ‘A Manageable Problem’

President Barack Obama said that ISIS can be shrunk to “a manageable problem” if the international community works to “isolate” it on Wednesday.

Really?  ISIS can simply be “managed”?

“If we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink ISIL’s sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities, to the point where it is a manageable problem…what we’ve got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslim world, along with the international community, to isolate this cancer,” Obama stated. 

True, Mr Obama?  As the international community is SO interested in scaling back and opposing Vladimir Putin — particularly in Europe?  Because Mr Putin controls the Oil Tap that connects the EU to Russia?

That kind of international joining?  Meaning: none?

Mr Obama is so incredibly inane as to be ludicrous.

The so-called “international community” hasn’t the power that the US potentially possesses — power that Mr Obama refuses to wield.

Mr Obama believes that ISIS can be “negotiated with.”  He is wrong beyond wrong.  ISIS will not negotiate and those who believe they can are considered weak and targets by ISIS.

ISIS doesn’t run or is motivated by anything other than religious fervor — Islam, to be specific, and the most repressive and constrictive application of Islam indeed.

ISIS respects no borders or arbitrarily-drawn country lines.  Muslims are by nature a nomadic and tribal community ruled by various forms of barbarism, then as now.  Sharia Law stems from this.  The job of ISIS is simply to Borg the rest of the Middle East, by any means necessary.  A supreme caliphate is desired.

ISIS will not “negotiate” and cannot be “managed.”