No, we don’t change the entire judicial process for one person

In 2012, during a counseling session with my wife during a difficult time in our marriage, I revealed that I had been subject to an incident in high school where I was attacked by an individual who had attempted to sexually assault me. I was at a party with another friend, I’m pretty sure, and another boy had pushed me down on the bed and tried to undress me. He’d said he wanted to have sex with me but I said no. We had been drinking. While he was grabbing for my crotch and forcing himself on me, he was kissing me and attempting to put his tongue in my mouth.

It was bad enough that I had been drinking. But I’m a Mormon and having any kind of sex outside of marriage and drinking were two of the biggest things you weren’t supposed to do. Ever. I tried to push away but he put his hand over my mouth and, well, I was really drunk. I couldn’t resist and, worse, when he was trying to turn me over, I thought he was going to suffocate me. Maybe kill me. One of his friends jumped on the bed and the three of us fell to the floor. I managed to get up and go into the bathroom. Then I managed to get out of the house.

I never told anyone up to 2012 because I was frightened. And I was really embarrassed. Here I was, a young boy, a Mormon, at someone else’s house, at a party, where there was drinking. I knew I shouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place. But I was a kid; I was 15. I couldn’t have told anyone. About the drinking. About the boy trying to forcibly have sex with me. I would have been in so much trouble. And it really affected me. It affected my relationships with women to the point that, in 2012, I need counseling to keep my marriage together. This happened in Utah. I ended up going all the way to Florida to escape it. It still weighs on my mind. I had betrayed my values, my church, my family, my friends. And I was almost anally raped. I know it. The whole thing was traumatic in the extreme. This was in 1982. I’m pretty sure.

Since that time, I’ve become a respected doctor. I’ve made something of myself despite what happened. I was able to get married. But now I see that boy, now a man, Sylvan Peratus, has been nominated to the US Supreme Court. He’s nothing but a reminder to me of that night. Now he’s all over the television.

It’s only fitting that the FBI investigate my claim. In fact, I demand it. I’m not exactly sure on the year. Probably 1982. Around there. Or the place. The house. Or the time. I’m not sure how I got to the party. I’m not sure how I got home. I was drunk. But I’m the victim here. I have some people who support me. Except now they’ve recanted. And I see that Peratus has a letter saying that 65 people support him. They’re all lying, obviously.

He represents everything that me, my family, my parents and my friends don’t believe in. My brother works for a law firm that supports work against Leftists, people I don’t like. I myself have worked for causes in order to ensure that Leftists don’t acquire political power of any kind. I worked against everything Obama tried to enact or pass.

Worse yet, Sylvan’s mother Hayley Peratus, while she was a judge, ruled against our family in a house foreclosure case in 1996. I never forgot that.

I wrote my local GOP representative about what happened, who then contacted one of my state’s GOP senators. I wanted to be anonymous. But now, somehow, something leaked and the media found me and so my name is out there. So is my allegation. I’ve retained an attorney and I took a polygraph back in August.

The GOP want me to testify against Peratus. My lawyer, who has worked for Judicial Watch and the ACLJ in the past, says that I simply need to be believed. I was almost anally raped. I know it. An allegation like mine is very serious and, after all, I’m the victim here. Not Peratus.

One Democrat Senator asked me: “If Mr BZ really did not want to come forward, never intended to come forward … why did he pay for a polygraph in August, and why did he hire a lawyer in August? And who paid for it?” Senator Feinstein asked.

This is clearly prejudicial. I’m the victim here. I may testify before the Judiciary Committee. I may not. I’m not sure yet. But they’re trying to pin me down, pin my testimony down, and that’s just not fair. I’m insisting that Peratus testify before I do. If I even testify at all. But no matter what, everyone needs to know what Peratus did to me.

Everyone simply needs to believe me. I say it, so it’s true. I’m the victim here. These dates the Judiciary Committee set in order to pin me down are completely arbitrary. What’s the rush? The November election really doesn’t mean anything. I need to be heard, on my schedule and by my terms. It should be my timetable and at my convenience. I’ve had 36 years to think about it. I just need some more time.

Need I remind you? I’m the victim here.

Would I inherently be believed by the American Media Maggots?

Women are clearly stronger, more resolute, dedicated, truthful, honest and possessed of leadership abilities than men.

Until they’re not, and wish — no, demand — to be protected like delicate, wilting flowers with little will or strength.

Am I sensing something of any number of mixed messages here?

Am I saying that’s what’s good for the goose is good for the gander? Clearly not. Situationally-dependent, women are more delicate and worthy of protection than Evil Men. Women cannot defend themselves. Men can. Uh, wait. Except that the current meme is that women are inherently stronger than men and inherently more believable than men.

Wait; that’s not exactly what’s being said either. What is being said?

“I believe her because I know she’s telling the truth.” That’s a sensible as saying the earth is flat or that the sun rises in the west because I’m convinced it’s accurate. It’s also an apparent embracing of Napoleonic Law where one is guilty until proven innocent.

In other words, being placed into a position where one must prove a negative. Good luck with that. Prove that you didn’t crash into my car in 1982 and drive away.

Yes. That is how silly it’s all gotten. Silly and, more importantly, damaging. Demorats resort — because it’s the only play that seems to work any more — to identity politics once again.

As of this writing, here is what we know.

Christine Blasey Ford has indicated she will testify on Thursday.

There are now three “witnesses” who have refuted Professor Ford’s allegations. Additionally, from Breitbart:

Nolte: Every Witness Named by Kavanaugh’s Accusers Sides with Kavanaugh

by John Nolte

The two women making sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh claim to have witnesses, but so far, all of their witnesses back Kavanaugh’s claim that nothing happened.

It might be difficult to remember this as Democrats and the media throw around phrases like “second accuser” and “attempted sexual assault” and “exposing himself” against the Supreme Court nominee. But the facts are still the facts, and every single witness named so far by both accusers say they witnessed nothing of the sort.

A second accuser has emerged. There is a continuing problem, however. From the


by Amber Athey

The New York Times reported on Sunday that it was unable to corroborate the claims of a second accuser who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh exposed himself to her in college.

Deborah Ramirez alleges that Kavanaugh thrust his penis into her face while she was drunk at a Yale University dormitory party. The New Yorker ran with Ramirez’s allegation on Sunday despite being unable to produce any firsthand witnesses or confirm that Kavanaugh was at the party where the incident was said to have occurred.

The New York Times noted several paragraphs deep in a report that it chose not to report on Ramirez’s allegation because of a lack of corroborating evidence.

But hell, why let the lack of facts stand in the way of slaughtering Judge Kavanaugh.

NYT also noted, “The New Yorker did not confirm with other eyewitnesses that Judge Kavanaugh was at the party.”

In an interview with CBS’ “This Morning” on Monday, Jane Mayer, a co-author on The New Yorker piece, admitted that they had no firsthand witnesses who could confirm Ramirez’s account.

Let me be abundantly clear: even the New York Times wouldn’t touch the story about allegations made by the second accuser. That in and of itself bespeaks volumes. To those who are actually paying attention.

The good news is this, from

Kavanaugh: ‘I will not be intimidated into withdrawing’

by Jordain Carney

Brett Kavanaugh on Monday said he will “not be intimidated into withdrawing” from his Supreme Court nomination after a second woman came forward with a sexual misconduct allegation against him. 
Kavanaugh sent a letter on Monday to Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) — the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, respectively — saying the accusations against him are “smears, pure and simple.” 
“They debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious character assassination—if allowed to succeed—will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service,” Kavanaugh said in the letter to Grassley and Feinstein.
“I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed,” Kavanaugh continued. 

Judiciary Committee Chairman Senator Chuck Grassley has been more than accomodating to Professor Ford. But NO, she should not testify second. She should testify first. This is one of the basic precepts of the entire judicial process. One person — male or female, it doesn’t matter — doesn’t get to hijack the entire judicial system.

Here’s what I believe after having worked in law enforcement for 41 years and also as a detective for a large department in Child Abuse and sex assaults (amongst many other assignments).

  • All victims should be afforded the opportunity to make claims and reports.
  • All victims should be afforded the opportunity to be heard but not to be believed absent corroboration in some significant fashion.
  • Women are no more inherently truthful or believable than men.
  • Facts lead an investigation where it needs to go. Not a single allegation taken in isolation. But a series of facts with supporting evidence taken in totality.
  • Due process is primary.

It has been a chaotic panoply of errors, shenanigans, stupidity and a purposefully backstabbing derailment strategy played out in public for political purposes by Demorats. Any pretense at bipartisanship, compromise or good will has resolutely ended on the part of the Demorats. “By any means necessary” is now the slogan of the Demorat Party and they will stop at nothing until they have GOP veins between their teeth and are in total control with restored power in DC. Nothing is too low, no tactic too obscene.

Senator Mitch McConnell is correct with this Tweet on Monday:

Democrats and their allies are trying to destroy a man’s personal and professional life on the basis of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated allegations. This is a smear campaign, pure and simple…aided and abetted by members of the United States Senate.

However, the GOP is still back at “gosh, what will people think of us?”

This is for all the marbles folks.

America is on the brink of truly destructive DC governmental bedlam.

And this ain’t playing.