Obama’s last SOTU

Obama Selfie With Stick, AlaskaAnd it couldn’t have happened to a more traitorous man.  Or quickly enough.

The only thing worse than having to hear Obama’s voice, literally, EVERY day for the past seven years would be to hear Hillary’s piercing voice every day.  That is not, at this point, an impossible future.

Will Obama mention his traitorous Iranian deal?  Will he mention the Iranian missiles fired close to our newest aircraft carrier?  Will he mention the ten sailors captured by Iran?  As Charles Krauthammer said, Obama has already been serially humiliated by Iran.

Obama canceled sanctions for the missile launches.  Obama is kind to our enemies and brutal to our allies.

How long will the speech go?  How many times will he say “I” instead of we?

The transcript of his last SOTU is here.

And the lies commenced.

Mr Obama said we have emerged better now than before.  Yes ladies and gentlemen, he is delusional from the very beginning.

“We have reformed healthcare and reinvigorated our energy sector.”

“How do we lead the world without becoming its policeman?”

“The people who say our economy is in decline are peddling fiction.”

“We should recruit and support more great teachers for our kids.”

So here has what Leftist policies have yielded for teachers in our current “total lack of discipline” classroom environments.

That wasn’t a movie, a TV show or a bad SNL skit.  That’s classroom reality.

“Food Stamp recipients didn’t cause the financial crisis; recklessness on Wall Street did.”  Wall Street helped; but the givernment demanded that banks loan to people who couldn’t afford houses.

“Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it. You’ll be pretty lonely, because you’ll be debating our military, most of America’s business leaders, the majority of the American people, almost the entire scientific community, and 200 nations around the world who agree it’s a problem and intend to solve it.”

Again, more lies.  More embracement of The Religious Left — those who so desperately want to believe in Global Warming.  It is a religion that demands faith and, like islam, brooks no dissenters.

“No nation dares to attack us or our allies because they know that’s the path to ruin.”

All of the highest-ranking military professionals in the room appeared as though they had had a steaming dog turd stuffed in their mouths when Obama said that.  I watched.

Obama SOTU 2016 Military“Surveys show our standing around the world is higher than when I was elected to this office.”

Another massive and total lie.

Even the Demorats in the audience who stood to clap did so with tepid vigor and passive and disinterested faces.


“We don’t need to build them (ISIL) up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that ISIL is representative of one of the world’s largest religions.”


NOT ONE WORD about US debt and the massive deficits, CONTINUED and EXPANDED GOVERNMENT SPENDING that he and Demorats and Leftists demand.

“The future we want – opportunity and security for our families; a rising standard of living and a sustainable, peaceful planet for our kids – all that is within our reach. But it will only happen if we work together. It will only happen if we can have rational, constructive debates.”

And those debates, those discussions, are just what you and the Demorats and your fellow Leftists won’t brook in your cabinet meetings, in the public, on the internet, in books and magazines, on television and, mostly now, in our schools and universities.

“As frustration grows, there will be voices urging us to fall back into tribes, to scapegoat fellow citizens who don’t look like us, or pray like us, or vote like we do, or share the same background.”

How odd that you mention that in your very last state of the union speech, because you have been the greatest Divider In Chief.

Obama simultaneously disarms American citizens and arms Iran with the largest, most powerful and deadliest weapons systems on the planet.  Mr Obama disarms our citizens, removes equipment from our police forces — who are our First Responders to terrorist and critical incidents, not any single faction of the federal government, in any form.  Not the FBI, not the US Marshals, not FEMA.  Not any federal agency.  Your local law enforcement only.

He also ensures that our law enforcement agencies are diminished, demagogued, belittled.

Obama was the greatest Divider In Chief.  He will be proven as the least effective president in recent history, even worse than that of James Earl Carter.

His power depended precisely upon division, the diminishment of American power, greater regulatory and governmental power and money, with the

Just as with his entire administration and tenure, Obama’s final state of the union speech was entirely disconnected from reality.  He continues to be physically and mentally separated from the true reality in America and continues his denial of the way the country and the world operates.  His speech was disjointed and riddled with major droppings of his ego, arrogance and dismissal of those who would oppose him or his policies in any fashion.  He sets aside reality that is inconvenient to him.

Obama ZombiesNot one word about American hostages in Iran.  Not one word about the Iran sanctions or Monday’s ten hostage sailors.  He lectures us about civility but not one reference to the fact that Obama is almost singlehandedly responsible for the chaos in Syria via ISIS, his “J.V. team” and that, by extension, Obama will be responsible for the Islamization and decline of the bulk of Europe.

Obama chose to ignore the area where a president can have the most ready influence: foreign policy.  He chose to dictate the area foundationally covered by and under the aegis of Congress: domestic policy.

The speech, like Mr Obama, was sophomoric, belittling and pedantic.  And not based in any way upon reality.

“This was less about a state of the union than it was a state of denial.”
— Ted Cruz


Obama Will Be GONE

Jeb Bush: another uninterested Romney?

Meb Bushney 2016Whilst cruising through the digital slag known as news in America these days, I happened to come across an article that resonated about Jeb Bush.

From Mediaite.com (one of the worst possible names for a news source):

Jeb Goes Off: I Could Be Doing ‘Really Cool Things’ Instead of Being President, You Know

by Josh Feldman

Jeb Bush let his agitation show on the campaign trail today when he complained about gridlock and partisanship in South Carolina.

Bush attended a presidential town hall held by Senator Tim Scott, and they were even joined on stage by none other than South Carolina congressman and Benghazi Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy.

At one point, when he was lamenting the state of partisan politics, Bush said, “If this election is about how we’re going to fight to get nothing done, then I don’t want any part of it.”

Oooooh, scary, just in time for Halloween: “Jeb goes off.”  I’m quaking in my Keens.

That’s your problem, Jeb.  Trump nailed it, actually.  You’re a miniuscule-energy person.  You’d bring the same mundane enthusiasm to the presidency that you bring to your campaign.  And I’m done with zero-energy, capitulating, bi-partisan, compromising empty suits registered as Republicans.

The major issue?  Compromise and bi-partisanship usually occurs on the Republican side, not on the Demorat side.  Demorats know how to hack and slash; they already have the American Media Maggots in their pockets.  Republicans want to be loved and simply haven’t yet Grokked the fact that they will never be loved as long as the AMM holds sway in America.  And at this point, the AMM aren’t going anywhere.  But Republicans still want to be loved.  That makes no sense whatsoever.  No matter what you do, GOPEE (GOP Establishment Elites), you will never be loved by the AMM unless and until you change your (R) to a (D).  In that manner the AMM is not unlike Obama’s good friend ISIS.  Convert you or kill you.

Romney proved he was ambivalent about running for president.  His son revealed that Mitt wasn’t entirely committed and, further, didn’t want the presidency — after the fact.  I could never forgive Romney for that, for wasting my time and the time of those who supported him.  Further, Romney admitted that his Massachusetts healthcare plan was the precursor to Obamacare — not that Obamacare is working out well; it isn’t.

Jeb is another Romney.  Not a fighter, won’t take umbrage, too interested in being “nice” and not running with scissors or eating paste.

Note to Jeb: If you have other things to do, like cleaning your fishtank or balancing your checkbook, do them.  Don’t just threaten me with going away, make good on it.

Frankly, I couldn’t care less.  i won’t be voting for you anyway.  I’m done with Bushes just as I am done with Clintons.  I don’t like dynasties.



Demorat schadenfreude:

Demorats Voted For ObamaIt couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple.

Live with it, you morons.  You voted for it, you’re reaping your just desserts.

I only hope your rates increase.

As John Wayne said:

John Wayne QuoteFor those idiots amongst us — like the couple above — let us review two primary Obama LIES about ObakaKare:

A clear and obvious LIE.  Then there was this:

Every breath, every word uttered by Obama is nothing but a LIE.

And GOWPs couldn’t wait to take it all in.

Then they became shocked — shocked I tell you — when they were personally shafted by His Imperial Majesty.

Yes.  You are that stupid, you Guilty Overeducated White People.  You would expect blacks to be corrupt and vote their melanin.  The past two times, however, you voted your perceived guilt.  Which doesn’t exist, except in a Leftist Stratosphere ruled by guilt and PC terms and lies and ignorance of history.

Historical query for Leftists.

Question: who were some of the greatest slavekeepers in history?
Answer: Muslims.



Obama’s narcissism continues:

Obama NarcissistNo other president in history has said “I” or “me” as many times, in speeches, as Barack Hussein Obama.

From the very beginning, I believed that Obama labors under NPD, which is Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

If you doubt me, please read official citings here and here, regarding NPD.

Obama SelfieThen compare those notations to the actions of Barack Hussein Obama.  Like the video from BuzzFeed:

See anything familiar?  Any causal linkage?

Can you imagine any other president conducting himself in this fashion?

Who, other than Obama, would denigrate themselves and the office by behavior of this order during their presidency, unless one was an absolute and undeniable narcissist?

I cannot think of another.

Obama Operation Enduring ClusterfuckHence the patch issued during his term.



IRS: illegals who didn’t pay taxes deserve refunds

IRS ProtestAgain, every new day brings an new chunk of DC insanity to the nation.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes

by Stephen Dinan

Lawmakers fear illegals could use Obama amnesty to find ways to vote.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.

Mr. Koskinen said he didn’t know how much money the tax refunds would cost, and said the White House never checked with him before announcing the amnesty. He said the maximum annual credit is between $500 and $600 for an individual.

Meanwhile, the concerns over voting are beginning to bubble up.Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, will hold a hearing on the issue Thursday.Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who has told Mr. Obama that illegal immigrants could find ways to vote thanks to his policy, is slated to testify.

There you go.  Isn’t that perfect?

First, that illegals who didn’t pay taxes will get tax refunds.

Second, that illegals who didn’t pay taxes and will get refunds may get to vote under Obamacare.

Every day, this nation becomes more insane under Demorat/Leftist “leadership.”

And goes to prove that Mr Obama is in fact in the process of attempting to Cloward-Piven this nation.