Lies Al Gore told me

LIES BY Josef GoebbelsAnd it is upon these lies that various heads of state (think: Barack Hussein Obama) wish to predicate state and nation-busting economic and societal change.  Change that would affect the American Taxpayer directly and — once again — make the American Taxpayer responsible not just for the US but other nations as well.

Here is an article from the UK Telegraph, emphasize my belief once again that if you wish to know what is happening around the world and in our own country, you can kick the American Media Maggots primarily to the curb.

The scandal of fiddled global warming data

The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record

by Christopher Booker

When future generations try to understand how the world got carried away around the end of the 20th century by the panic over global warming, few things will amaze them more than the part played in stoking up the scare by the fiddling of official temperature data. There was already much evidence of this seven years ago, when I was writing my history of the scare, The Real Global Warming Disaster. But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Goddard shows how, in recent years, NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) has been “adjusting” its record by replacing real temperatures with data “fabricated” by computer models. The effect of this has been to downgrade earlier temperatures and to exaggerate those from recent decades, to give the impression that the Earth has been warming up much more than is justified by the actual data. In several posts headed “Data tampering at USHCN/GISS”, Goddard compares the currently published temperature graphs with those based only on temperatures measured at the time. These show that the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record; whereas the latest graph, nearly half of it based on “fabricated” data, shows it to have been warming at a rate equivalent to more than 3 degrees centigrade per century.

Please note: “the US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record.”

I ask, take the time to carefully read the rest of the article and click on the indicated notations.

Because Global Warming as a general meme had difficulty to the point that it became the very generic “Climate Change,” so is this meme having difficulty in standing up to the light of day.  And the largest launcher of the so-called “Global Warming” craze taken up by the Religious Left: the poor white bear on the itty-bitty ice shard:

Polar Bear Ice ChunkPoor polar bear.  Brutalized and reduced to riding an ice cube due to that Evil Man.  And thusly anthropogenic Global Warming was born.

Leftists don’t believe in religion because they don’t believe in God.  The only god they bow to is that of Global Warming, which requires every bit of faith or more to believe in than an overarching deity.  Hence the Religious Left dutifully believe in GW because other Leftists say so and it’s emphasized by those who likewise buy into the meme, as in teachers, major networks, Alphonse Gore, Demorats and other on the GW Bandwagon.  A bandwagon that requires only faith, not consistent and true facts.



On that notion, the US Supreme Court — just today — placed limits on the EPA’s ability to decry “Global Warming” and kill coal.

From the

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Monday placed limits on the sole Obama administration program already in place to deal with power plant and factory emissions of gases blamed for global warming.

The justices said that the Environmental Protection Agency lacks authority in some cases to force companies to evaluate ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This rule applies when a company needs a permit to expand facilities or build new ones that would increase overall pollution. Carbon dioxide is the chief gas linked to global warming.

Imperial power, being used with regal impunity, courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama — who says: why go through Congress?  I can do anything I wish, myself.

Besides, if you really wanted to stop “Global Warming,” which Leftists believe is solely due to the rise of carbon dioxide emissions — the byproduct of human beings — then kill all the people.  Because the Religious Left say people are therefore responsible, I say: you first.


Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio: “The White House is incompetent and the dumping of illegals is intentional.”

I completely concur with Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

This is an anthropogenic crisis.  Much as the Religious Left believe.

And, at age 82, there is a reason the people of Maricopa County continue to elect him as Sheriff.

It is because of his core competencies and his foundational philosophies.  Plain and simple.  He believes in the Rule of Law, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  He believes in our sovereignty as a nation.

I would be proud to serve as a deputy, as a Sergeant, under Sheriff Arpaio.  I would consider it an honor and a privilege.  In my opinion he is twice the man of my current sheriff or any other sheriff I have served under, save Duane Lowe.  Duane and Joe are Old School.  Both were simple, plain-spoken, courageous and possessed of, now, uncommon sense.  They didn’t stick their fingers up in order to determine the direction of the Political Prairie Winds minute by minute.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio states the obvious — that I have written here prior.  My posts about Arpaio are here and here and here and here and here.

With that in mind, the Washington Times then stuck out its chin in order to write this current column about Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

HUMPHRIES: Exclusive inteview with Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio

by Rusty Humphries

“The White House is incompetent and the dumping of illegals is intentional.”

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio takes the dumping of illegal aliens in his Maricopa County as an “affront” because Arizona has been a high-profile critic of federal immigration policy, and Arpaio has been “like the poster boy” for slamming the Justice Department and the White House.

He doubts the massive wave of illegals, many of them unaccompanied minors, is a result of mere administration ineptitude.“I got my own theory,” he said. “I think the White House sometimes is incompetent, but I can’t imagine them doing this without realizing that there was going to be controversy.”

Arpaio thinks President Obama is deliberately courting that controversy because the current crisis on the border gives him a chance to issue more executive orders, or prod Congress into passing immigration reforms that suit the president’s taste.

Having worked extensively on both sides of the southern border, Arpaio doubts that most politicians have a proper understanding of conditions in Mexico or the southern United States. He thinks the drug and gang problems are frequently underestimated, noting that when criminals are deported, it doesn’t seem to take long before they reappear in the United States — sometimes 10 or 15 times.

As I have written, I believe the crisis on our borders is anthropogenic –that is, it is MAN MADE.  And specifically artificially manufactured by Barack Hussein Obama.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio merely confirms my beliefs.  He is there and I am not.  Imagine that.



Anthropogenic Global Warming? No, says new study: volcanoes

??????????From the

Study: West Antarctic Glacier Melt Due To Volcanoes, Not Global Warming

by Michael Bastach

A new study by researchers at the University of Texas, Austin found that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is collapsing due to geothermal heat, not man-made global warming.

Researchers from the UTA’s Institute for Geophysics found that the Thwaites Glacier in western Antarctica is being eroded by the ocean as well as geothermal heat from magma and subaerial volcanoes. Thwaites is considered a key glacier for understanding future sea level rise.

UTA researchers used radar techniques to map water flows under ice sheets and estimate the rate of ice melt in the glacier. As it turns out, geothermal heat from magma and volcanoes under the glacier is much hotter and covers a much wider area than was previously thought.

“Geothermal flux is one of the most dynamically critical ice sheet boundary conditions but is extremely difficult to constrain at the scale required to understand and predict the behavior of rapidly changing glaciers,” UTA researchers wrote in their study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The geothermal heat under the glaciers is likely a key factor in why the ice sheet is currently collapsing. Before this study, it was assumed that heat flow under the glacier was evenly distributed throughout, but UTA’s study shows this is not the case. Heat levels under the glacier are uneven, with some areas being much hotter than others.

At the same time:

But reports of the western ice sheet’s collapse comes as Antarctic ice sheets continue to break records. At the end of May, Antarctic sea ice extent reached the highest level since measurements began in 1979.

Sea ice extent reached nearly 13 million square kilometers — 10.3 percent above the 1981-2010 climatological average of 11.7 million square kilometers. The previous record was 12.7 million square kilometers set in 2010.

Warming and cooling?  Yes, the earth does both.  Caused solely by man, anthropogenic,  and irrevocably unrecoverable?  No.  Do the Religious Left believe “global warming” is unrecoverable, fervently, with all their hearts?  Yes, they do.  But I submit: in the extremely brief time we have been documenting the earth’s climate, we no more have a grasp of earth’s changing face than we do the depth and breadth of space.

I also submit: over-reacting to so-called “global warming” is a wonderful way to break nations, pit people against each other, fleece the pockets of the American Taxpayer and redistribute wealth as determined by DC in concert with the Religious Left.


Antarctic Sea Ice Record


What does it take to disbelieve?

AtheismIt takes more effort than you would think.  Just ask Michael Newdow — a noteworthy and primarily unsuccessful Atheist.

First question: what amount of faith does it take to become an overarching Atheist?

Answer: more faith than you could imagine.


Filed under Atheism

“It takes more faith to disbelieve in God than to believe,” according to some Christian writers. That’s a rather dramatic and cheeky claim. I’m sure that, for some individuals, who feel powerfully convinced of the existence of God, that claim is true: For them it would be harder to disbelieve than to believe. But that’s not the way it is for everyone. The people who make the claim are on solid ground, though, in supposing that atheism involves a leap of faith. For a very large number of atheists, atheism itself is a position of faith.


Christian authors sometimes point out that atheists display faith every day and that faith is a fundamental part of the human condition.

In everyday life, nobody has complete proof that:

  • his food isn’t poisoned
  • he won’t die in a car crash on the way to work
  • his friends aren’t engaged in a conspiracy to harm him
  • the accuracy of his own memory

Indeed, nobody has complete proof of even more fundamental things, like:

  • the law of gravity won’t suddenly stop working
  • the sun won’t explode today
  • the existence of the external world
  • the existence of other minds
  • the axioms of logic

But this doesn’t stop people from acting on and believing precisely these things.

In doing so, they are exercising a form of faith, and atheists do that, too.

This refers me to those persons I quantify as the Religious Left.

They absolutely and unequivocally believe in Global Warming and — further — believe in true and unwavering Anthropomorphic Global Warming wherein there is absolutely no concrete proof for that stance.

If no one has realized this by now: there is global warming and there is global cooling and ne’er the twain shall meet.  Cooling and heating is regional and there are droughts and there are floods.  For the past three years captains on Deadliest Catch have encountered ice they’ve never seen before.

One question: where are the women in Atheism, pray tell? says:

First, women are more devout because they have to be. Women’s religiosity is directly related to economic security. The lack of a social safety net means that women, who are still responsible for the bulk of elder and child care, often need to rely on religious organizations to support themselves and their families. The Catholic Church alone has more than 2,500 local organizations that provide critical safety net services for more than 10 million people annually. The network of friends that develop around churches, mosques and temples likewise become essential partners in caring for families. Those communities are necessarily deeply enmeshed in the daily cadence of life. There are, as Sikivu Hutchinson explains in her book on this subject, Moral Combat, necessary connections between gender, religiosity and social justice. “The domino effect of de facto segregation, job discrimination, unemployment, foreclosure, mass incarceration, and educational apartheid has bolstered the influence of religious institutions in many black and Latino neighborhoods where storefront churches line every block,” she explained recently.

Second, sexism is real and has an effect on women’s participation and leadership within the atheist community.  Rape jokes and sexual harassment, as penalties and tools to silence women, exist in atheist and secular groups as well as religious ones. Many people hold the tacit belief that atheism equals rationalism and rationalism is gender-neutral, and therefore sexism can’t exist among atheists. But critical thinkers do irrational things all the time — and unless they actively try to resist existing prejudices, they can easily fall into them.  The discrimination based on class, race, gender and sexuality that we see in the broader culture exists in atheist and secular communities too, and requires the same dismantling.

Third, men of all ideological persuasions are overrepresented in media — why should atheists be any different? There are prominent, activist secular and atheist women in the United States. I started to write a list of names to add here, but I didn’t want to make their weeks a social media misery, because online abuse in this community mirrors similarly misogynistic abuse of public women elsewhere. It’s not that these women don’t exist, but that we are less likely to ever see them or hear their words. We see more male atheists because we see more males. Prominent atheist and secular men benefit from media that grossly prefers the speech of men.  This is uncontestable by any meaningful measure. Rational people know this and can understand that it’s a media injustice contributing to power imbalances, but most people don’t do anything about it. Whether or not I respect their work, every time media runs a story featuring the names and photographs of the same three straight, older, white men that we’re so familiar with, these issues are perpetuated.

Fourth, I know it’s obvious, but it still bears saying: atheism and secularism are part of a movement, with leaders, on Earth. This social movement is no less subject to norms than anything else and we live on a thoroughly patriarchal planet. Have you seen pictures of any of the major economic summits in the world? Or the 100%men tumblr? When disruptive movements occur, women are always involved, but when these movements consolidate themselves, women are usually excluded from power structures. It happened in the French Revolution, it happen in the American Revolution, and it’s happening again now in post-revolutionary transitions in the Arab world.  It requires massive and concerted effort to offset prevalent gender biases. It requires men, who have disproportionate power, to engage in seeking balance. The Women in Secularism Conference, started by Melody Hensley and the Center for Free Inquiry in 2012 is meant to address imbalance. This year’s conference, which began with an efflorescent expression of the problems at hand, was bigger than last year’s.

Fifth, it’s no exaggeration to say that managing sexism is exhausting, depressing and distracts from work women could be doing as visible spokespeople of fighting for higher and equal pay, or immigration policies that include uneducated women, or ending sexual predation, or advocating for the right to control our own reproduction. All of which, by the way, would probably contribute to the growth of secular and non-religious culture.  (There are reasons why seven of the ten most religious states in the US are also rated the worse states for women to live in.) The need to constantly struggle against gender-based prejudice leaves women with less time and energy to work on any of these issues.

Of course.

There you go.  So incredibly obvious.