Tavis Smiley to Obama: you need to double down on racism

Tavis Smiley RacistFrom the WashingtonTimes.com:

By David Eldridge   The Washington Times

President Obama’s personal remarks Friday on his reaction to the George Zimmerman verdict have been praised by many, including the parents of Trayvon Martin, but black talk-show host Tavis Smiley says it’s too little too late.

The PBS commentator, appearing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” was sharply critical of the president’s “weak as pre-sweetened Kool-Aid” response to a Florida jury’s decision clearing Mr. Zimmerman in the 2012 shooting death of the 17-year-old Trayvon.

And there you go, thank God.  Tavis Smiley has finally shed his fur and come out as a complete racist.  Let the gloves come off and the Race Cards be thrown.  This brother is only a “brutha” to blacks and no friend to any other ethnicity.

Despite the fact that Mr Obama displayed his racist self on America’s Front Street, as did a black female Illinois representative whose name doesn’t deserve to be mentioned.

Mr Smiley: you are outed as JABR.  He throws down the “nigga” vs “nigger” card.

Just Another Black Racist.

Thank you kindly.  You can queue up on the left with all the others.



Another black racist in the media: “More white kids need to die”

Obama Race Baiting President-AOur United States of America Racist-In-Chief

This is how completely over-the-top race has become in America, heartily promoted and regaled by our Racist In Chief, above.

A “professor” and “analyst” speaks below.  To me, he is merely another racist advocating even more death:

Let’s be blunt, again, shall we?  I don’t make these things up; I don’t have the capacity, the capability or the time.  All I need to do is let persons speak for themselves, documented via YouTube, other posts and links, and other statistical sources that I bring to you because I am not afraid of the media and what others may think of me.  I am not answerable to a corporation or the public at large.  I am not a major media source and this blog brings me no profit whatsoever.  I have eschewed advertisements, let me be clear — though I have been solicited many times.

Why not?  Because I want to continue to be independent and beholden to no one or nothing except my beliefs, philosophies and opinions.  My job, as I see it, is to allow people to read and hear things in a venue that other so-called professionals — what I term the American Media Maggots — either will not or can not.  Purposely.

As indicated in my last post, I am done with bigotry.  Right now I see bigotry on a national level condoned and even promoted by our Racist-In-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.  I’m done being a carpet for racists and for the media.

I’m done with bigotry. And right now I see bigotry on a national level promoted by our Racist In Chief. I’m done being a carpet for racists and for the media. – See more at: http://bloviatingzeppelin.net/archives/9397#comments
I’m done with bigotry. And right now I see bigotry on a national level promoted by our Racist In Chief. I’m done being a carpet for racists and for the media. – See more at: http://bloviatingzeppelin.net/archives/9397#comments
I’m done with bigotry. And right now I see bigotry on a national level promoted by our Racist In Chief. I’m done being a carpet for racists and for the media. – See more at: http://bloviatingzeppelin.net/archives/9397#comments

Furthermore, besides his job as race baiter, he will use this and other topics involving firearms to disarm America, and he will do via ObamaKare as well.  Do not for a moment think otherwise.

Nobody’s kids “need” to die, not white, not black, not pink, not burnt umber.

Trust me, white kids are getting more complacent and more unmotivated by the year; they don’t need the help of anyone else.  In Fornicalia they are certainly nothing even remotely close to its future.  if they think, in that future, they will be viewed with complete impartiality by those former minorities surrounding them, then I would submit they have another shock awaiting because disdain and targeting and “get back” shall commence — strategic lessons taught by the loving and understanding Mr Obama himself.

I’m over with being labeled a racist due to my melanin count, and “taking it” on the behalf of GOWPs who won’t or can’t stand up for themselves, who refuse to defend themselves with nothing more than the truth.




NAACP Rejects Black Conservatives From National Conference

NAACP Goals NowFrom TownHall.com:

According to author and Fox News contributor Deneen Borelli and her husband, Tom Borelli, black conservatives have been blacklisted from the NAACP’s national conferences for years. When the Borellis, who are employees of the conservative group FreedomWorks, attempted to pay for booth space at this year’s 104th National NAACP conference in Florida, they were told there was no room for them despite plenty of exhibit space remaining open.

Of course, considering the munificent and loving embracement of all things multi-kulti, that simply cannot be true, yes?

Despite this:

After all, everything and everyone are equal in the eyes of the government.

Or are they?




Holder’s DOJ: call to rat out George Zimmerman as a racist

Eric Holder RacistJust call 1 (800) RAT OUT GEORGE and you too can assist Attorney General Eric Holder in creating a fabricated case against George Zimmerman, now that he has been acquitted criminally in Florida.

From Breitbart’s Big Government:

DOJ Asks Civil Rights Groups, General Public for ‘Tips’ on Zimmerman

On Monday afternoon, the US Department of Justice appealed to civil rights groups and the general public across the country for “tips” on George Zimmerman in their pursuit of potential federal civil rights charges against the just-acquitted defendant in the Trayvon Martin killing. The DOJ actually went so far as to set up an e-mail address to allow such tips: Sanford.florida@usdoj.gov. The email address is slated to go operational by the end of the week.

What do you think would have happened had Attorney General William Barr decided to pursue O.J. Simpson in this fashion, following Simpson’s acquittal in Los Angeles?

Do you suspect that cries of “racist” and “race baiting” would have issued long and loudly from elements on the Left?

Let us not forget, however, that the Race Pimps say that to even criticize Eric Holder is a racist act in and of itself.


Perhaps you should listen to what this man has to say, from the New Black Panther voter intimidation incident in 2008:

Here is Detroit, Michigan weighing in on the Zimmerman verdict:

Fuck Zimmerman Banner In Detroit



Oakland: Police Stood Down As ‘Protesters’ Terrorized Drivers

Oakland PD Car, Zimmerman RiotsCops allowed Trayvon demonstrators to seize control of major street for three hours

Paul Joseph Watson
July 15, 2013

One of the questions to emerge out of last night’s unrest in Oakland, where crowds protesting the George Zimmerman verdict turned violent and seized control of a major street for three hours, is why police withdrew from the area and allowed drivers to be terrorized.

According to a report by ABC 7, protesters had “complete control” of 14th and Broadway near Oakland City Hall and refused to let vehicles pass.

At about 8:30 p.m., police opened the intersection to traffic. But it quickly deteriorated when demonstrators surrounded frightened drivers who found themselves trapped. The crowd forced them to turn around.

Oakland police officers that had been near the corner retreated, leaving the helpless drivers without police protection. It’s unclear who gave that command.

It doesn’t matter who gave that command; police being ordered to do nothing against protesters is a time-honored tradition in the Bay Area, starting with former Mayor Diane Feinstein and her edict to let rioting homosexuals trash cop cars and buildings in 1979.  That’s the price you pay for living in the Bay Area and allowing yourself to be governed by Surrender Monkeys.  You want it, you bought it, you like it, go ahead and live it.

Let me be frank for a moment: there are perhaps two things worth saving in Oakland: Quinn’s Lighthouse Restaurant on the Embarcadero, and Jack London Square.  I couldn’t care less about anything else in that squalid town.  Let it burn.