Leftists and firearms: three stories

1: Teacher fired for questioning student walkout.

From SacramentoCBSLocal.com:

California High School Teacher On Leave After Questioning School Shooting Walkout

ROCKLIN (CBS13) — A Rocklin High School teacher is on paid administrative leave over her views about the national school walk out. The teacher says all she did was open up a debate about the politics of the protest in her classroom.

Mrs. Benzel teaches history at Rocklin High School.

She says it was only appropriate to talk to her class about the politics of organized protests, ahead of the school walkout.
But she says the school disagreed with her views and told her to stay home Wednesday morning.

“We had a dialogue in class about it in Thursday and Friday. And today I received the call. So I am aghast,” said Julianne Benzel.

The call? The call for what?

A spokeswoman provided a statement reading in part:

“A Rocklin High School teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave due to several complaints from parents and students involving the teacher’s communications regarding today’s student-led civic engagement activities.”

What rules were “broken” at Rocklin High School? What regulations?

Benzel says she never discouraged her students from participating in the national school walk out, but she did question whether it’s appropriate for a school to support a protest against gun violence if they’re not willing to support all protests.

“And so I just kind of used the example which I know it’s really controversial, but I know it was the best example I thought of at the time—a group of students nationwide, or even locally, decided ‘I want to walk out of school for 17 minutes’ and go in the quad area and protest abortion, would that be allowed by our administration?” she said.

She says the administration didn’t talk to her about her lecture, last week.

But while thousands of students walked out of class, Mrs. Benzel received a letter from her human resources department, informing her she’s being placed on paid administrative leave.

“I didn’t get any backlash from my students. All my students totally understood that there could not be a double standard,” she said.

Including Nick Wade, who didn’t walk out.

Shh. A secret. There were many students across the country that didn’t walk out. That fact doesn’t fit the American Media Maggot meme so those situation remained uncovered.

“I feel like if we were to go to school and say something like I want to walk out maybe for abortion rights, then you know they probably wouldn’t let us because that’s more of a conservative push. But someone wants to say let’s walk out for gun control then the school’s going to go with it because it’s more of a popular view,” said Wade.

What next?

The Rocklin School District won’t say whether his teacher is in trouble, because of that classroom debate.

Benzel says she has retained legal counsel and plans to sit down with school administrators, Thursday morning.

Why stop with demonstrations about gun control? Why not let students step away from class whenever they feel a protest emerging?

2: Students suspended for being at a gun range away from school.

From the UKDailyMail.com:

New Jersey high school under fire for suspending students after they shared a picture at the gun range on Snapchat

    • Pictured showed four rifles and magazines with caption ‘fun day at the range’ 
    • The two students were initially suspended after the photo circulated at school 
    • Parents found policy that prohibits students from using guns off school grounds
    • NRA’s New Jersey chapter then threatened legal action against the district  
    • But Superintendent claims they were not suspended due to any firearm offenses

A New Jersey school district is under fire after it allegedly suspended two high school students for sharing a photo taken during a family visit to a gun range. 

The picture, which was shared on Snapchat, showed four rifles, magazines, and a gun duffel bag. The caption read: ‘fun day at the range’. 

Both students were suspended for five days after a snapshot of the picture was shared among students at Lacey Township High School in Lanoka Harbor. 

It was a decision that sent the community in uproar and prompted the New Jersey chapter of the National Rifle Association to threaten legal action.

And the community was indeed in an uproar. Above is a response letter to the school from a law firm. Additionally, NJ.com had this editorial:

When students brandishing guns are ‘none of your damn business’ | Editorial

A few weeks after the Parkland school massacre, a New Jersey school district gets a call from a nervous parent, who flags a photo on social media of two students with four rifles, magazines and a gun duffel bag, captioned, “fun day at the range.”
If you’re a school official, what do you do?
In Lacey Township, they reportedly gave the two high school seniors a five-day, in-school suspension. Problem was, this photo really wastaken on a visit to a gun range – a perfectly legal session of sport-shooting. So the district blew it.

But wait, it’s New Jersey. So it does go off the rails for a moment.

Parents were angry, and the punishment was dropped after only four days due to the outcry. Indeed, it was an overreach. It’s crazy that our gun laws are still so loose that even a 10-year-old, who can’t buy cigarettes or beer or drive, can legally shoot a rifle in New Jersey.

It’s crazy that a 10-year-old can go to a range and shoot a rifle? Are you really that insane? Of course. It’s New Jersey. A bankrupt state, by the way. At least the editorial board draws the appropriate conclusion.

Even if these Lacey High kids had been breaking the law – smoking marijuana, say, or drinking underage – their school still doesn’t have the right to police them off-campus. “The bottom line is, schools are in charge of kids when they’re in school, and not in charge of kids when they’re not,” Shalom said.

But in most cases, for better or worse, Lacey High School parents like Frank Horvath are right: What kids do out of school is none of the district’s “damn business.”

One final case for this post.

3: Student beaten and hospitalized for opposing gun control walkouts.

From MarkPantano.com:

Student Beaten and Hospitalized for Opposing Gun Control Walkouts

School administrators and teachers across the country dutifully followed the lead of Democrat-affiliated left-wing groups and encouraged, if not required, students to participate in anti-Second Amendment gun control rallies. Predictably, many incidents of violence have taken place as a direct result of these Leftists using school kids as political pawns. One such incident happened in Oklahoma. A 16-year-old student at Glenpool High School was severely beaten for criticizing the walkouts. His injuries were so severe that the boy was hospitalized.

Can you imagine had a Leftist student been hospitalized — for any reason?

That’s the way it goes in today’s society, circa 2018.

But wait.

Does the worm deign to turn?