6 officers dead in November; 3 killed in the last 4 days

Let’s turn that headline around.

Let the headline now read:

6 blacks killed by police in November; 3 black men killed in the last 4 days

by Leftist Journo

In a veritable landslide of death, a hail of continuous, burning gunfire, law enforcement officers throughout the nation have taken it upon themselves to attempt to instigate genocide against the entire American black race, particularly young black males.

If anyone thought the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Gray was indicative of racist hatred by cops on a national scale, then these naked assassinations of innocent, strong, proud, young black men cut down prior to even realizing anything of their destiny and goodness in just a few days simply confirms the open war declared against blacks by US cops.

What do you think the response by Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots and the Race & Poverty Pimp Industrial Complex would be if that headline were true?

Could you not envision riots in every major Leftist-run American city for days? Protests, violence, destruction, injuries, block after block burned and ransacked, perhaps even deaths?

Of course you could. People would go out of their way to make it so.

The fact is: it’s true with regard to law enforcement officers in the US. The top headline is 100% accurate.

On Thursday, November 16th, Baltimore Police Department Detective Sean Suiter was killed. From ODMP.org:

Detective Sean Suiter succumbed to a gunshot wound sustained the previous day while attempting to interview a person during a homicide investigation in the 900 block of Bennett Place.

He and his partner were canvassing the area when he observed a man attempting to hide in an alley. He notified of his partner and then approached the man to speak to him. The subject produced a handgun and opened fire, striking Detective Suiter in the head.

Detective Suiter was placed in a patrol car to be transported to University of Maryland Medical Center. During the transport the patrol car was struck by another vehicle. Detective Suiter was then transferred to another vehicle and transported to the hospital where he remained on life support until succumbing to the wound the following day.

The man who shot him fled the scene and remains at large.

Detective Suiter, a U.S. Navy veteran, had served with the Baltimore Police Department for 18 years and was assigned to the Homicide Unit. He is survived by his wife and five children.

There is also an update on this case, from the BaltimoreSun.com:

Baltimore police return to scene of detective’s killing, say new evidence found

by Justin Fenton

Armed with new autopsy findings, Baltimore Police investigators returned Monday to the scene where Det. Sean Suiter was fatally shot last week and said they had found “additional, significant” evidence.

“I’m very encouraged by the recovery of this evidence,” Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said Monday, declining to elaborate on what was discovered. “I think it’s going to help us identify the killer.”

Davis said the new findings were the result of an autopsy completed over the weekend, which formally ruled Suiter’s death as a homicide by shooting.

The commissioner appeared upbeat about the progress of the case, despite the investigation’s taking longer than usual for an agency accustomed to quickly identifying killers of its own. Since at least the 1960s, the city police department has never gone so long without identifying a suspect in the killing of a police officer.

Police have said Suiter, 43, was investigating a still-unsolved homicide from December of last year when he saw a suspicious person in a vacant lot in the 900 block of Bennett Place. Suiter was shot once in the head, rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead the next day.

The very next day, New Kensington Police Department Officer Brian Shaw was killed. Again, from ODMP.org:

Police Officer Brian Shaw was shot and killed while making a traffic stop of a vehicle in the 1200 block of Leishman Avenue at approximately 8:00 pm.

The driver fled on foot during the stop, then opened fire on Officer Shaw as he pursued him. Officer Shaw was fatally wounded in the chest during the foot pursuit. The subject continued to flee and remains at large.

Officer Shaw had served with the New Kensington Police Department for only five months. He had previously served as a part-time officer for three years with the Cheswick Police Department, Frazer Police Department, and Springdale Township Police Department.

He is survived by his parents, brother and grandmother.

Who killed Officer Shaw, a Caucasoid? Yes. A black man.

There is good news on this case, however. From ValleyNewsDispatch.com:

Suspect in New Kensington officer’s death arrested in Pittsburgh, held without bail

by Megan Guza and Matthew Santoni

Rahmael Holt, the man accused of shooting and killing New Kensington Police Officer Brian Shaw, was arrested Tuesday morning in Pittsburgh.

Holt, 29, of the Natrona neighborhood of Harrison, was charged with murder of a law enforcement officer, murder of the first degree, illegal firearm possession and carrying a firearm without a license. He was transported to New Kensington for arraignment, where District Judge Frank J. Pallone Jr. ordered him held without bail.

Westmoreland County Det. Ray Dupilka said a SWAT team arrested Holt at a home on Ladora Way in the Hazelwood section of Pittsburgh, along with several associates and family members — including his mother, Sherry Holt — who were being charged with hindering his apprehension during the several days he spent as a fugitive.

Police said Holt fled a traffic stop Friday night on Leishman Avenue in New Kensington and fatally shot Shaw, 25, after a foot pursuit. The alleged driver, Tavon Harper, 27, was arrested Sunday .

I cannot help but wonder what links there may be between this suspect and organizations such as Black Lives Matter and/or Antifa. A few years ago this would not have been my default question, but I have been disabused, having been dragged kicking and screaming into thinking this way via the identity politics foisted upon everyone by Demorats, Leftists and the American Media Maggots.

The very next day, Sunday, November 19th, a USBP agent was killed. From ODMP.org:

Border Patrol Agent Rogelio Martinez was killed in the line of duty while he and his partner were on patrol near mile marker 152 on I-10, in the area of Van Horn, Texas.

They were patrolling in rugged terrain when both agents suffered serious injuries. Agent Martinez’s partner was able to notify dispatchers and requested assistance. Responding units and rescue personnel transported them to a hospital where Agent Martinez succumbed to his wounds.

Several federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies are investigating the cause of Agent Martinez’s death.

Agent Martinez had served with the United States Border Patrol for four years and was assigned to the Big Bend Sector. He is survived by his fiancee and son.

Please note that ODMP is indicating the cause of death is “unidentified,” as per the US Border Patrol administration.

The first reports were sketchy, as per Breitbart.com:

We do know that two Border Patrol agents working as partners in the Van Horn Station area of responsibility of the Big Bend Sector responded to “activity.” Whether the activity was an activated sensor or something else is currently unknown. This occurred on the morning of Sunday, November 19, 2017.

One of the Border Patrol agents later radioed into the communication center saying that he needed assistance and that he was injured. Other Border Patrol agents responded and found one agent injured and unconscious with injuries to his head and body. That agent, Rogelio Martinez, was later pronounced dead. Breitbart has learned that the agent’s family has been notified.

The responding agents also found the partner who had radioed for help. The agents transported the injured agent to the hospital where he is in “serious condition,” according to the official.

The FBI, conducting the investigation, would only say that the two agents involved were not “fired upon,” yet did not identify the specific manner of attack.

The FBI had taken over the investigation into the death of Martinez, 36, and the injuring of his partner, who was not identified. The two were patrolling the Big Bend Sector of Texas when the attack occurred.

“They were not fired upon,” said Jeanette Harper of the FBI’s El Paso office. “There are so many different agencies working together that we need to come together and develop a timeline.”

This was when the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up.

Then from FoxNews.com:

Border Patrol agent appeared to be ambushed by illegal immigrants, bashed with rocks before death

by Katherine Lam

Illegal immigrants appeared to have “ambushed” two U.S. Border Patrol agents near the Texas border with Mexico and bashed their heads with blunt objects — possibly rocks — killing one agent and sending another to a hospital in serious condition Sunday, a National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) official told Fox News.

Rogelio Martinez, 36, was killed and another agent, who has not been identified, was injured while they were patrolling the Big Bend Sector, leading authorities to scour West Texas for the attackers, officials said. Although few details about the incident have been released, Brandon Judd, the president of the NBPC, told Fox News on Monday it appeared Martinez and the second agent were “ambushed” by a group of illegal immigrants.

“We don’t know exactly what happened because we weren’t there. However, just from agents that were working in the area, reports are saying it was an attack and it would appear to be an ambush,” Judd said.

He added: “There’s a high likelihood this was an assault on the agents.”

Then note this from Breitbart.com:

Images Show Where Border Agent was Found, Cast Doubt on AP Source’s Knowledge

by Brandon Darby and Ildefonso Ortiz

Images obtained by Breitbart Texas show the reported exact location where one Border Patrol was found with fatal head wounds and broken bones and another found who also had severe head injuries. Contrary to the report of an Associated Press (AP) source, the “14 foot culvert” the source claimed the agents may have fallen into is clearly not 14 feet deep. The drop, if they had both fallen, would be no greater that 8-9 feet and the culvert has a soft, sandy bottom with few, if any, objects to fall upon.

Well yes, the hairs on the back of my neck were completely straight now. Of course, my first thoughts were: “why the hesitancy and the discrepancies?”

In a world where details matter, the AP source clearly did not have them. The source did, however, properly state that the surviving Border Patrol agent was struggling to remember details of what occurred. This fact was known to many in media, but most did not report it out of concern for possibly damaging an investigation.

Breitbart Texas first reported that an agent had been killed and that another was hospitalized with serious injuries on the morning of November 19, 2017. Later in the day, the National Border Patrol Council echoed what agents on the ground where expressing and asserted that illegal aliens had attacked the agents. The word “attacked” became very controversial as many from President Trump to the Texas Governor used the term, and federal officials began insisting that such details were speculation as the FBI had taken over the investigation and that they were releasing no new information.

Want to know the real reason for hesitation on the part of the FBI and reticence to provide information by the USBP? I happen to have a memory, so I refer to these next articles.

From this 2012 CSMonitor.com story:

Bullets vs. rocks? Border Patrol under fire for use of deadly force.

by Lourdes Medrano

An Oct. 10 incident, in which a Border Patrol agent fired his gun in response to rock-throwing, leaving a 16-year-old dead, is drawing attention to the Border Patrol’s use-of-force policy.

“The disproportionate use of lethal force in the exercise of immigration control functions is unacceptable under any circumstances,” the Mexican Ministry of Exterior Relations said in a statement. “These kinds of acts, especially because they are recurring, have been rejected by Mexican society and all of the country’s political powers.” 

It has pressed the US to make its investigations “exhaustive, timely and transparent.” Mexican officials plan to release José’s autopsy and the ballistics report before year’s end, says Parra. Reports suggest José was shot several times.

Let’s begin to tie things together.

Ms. Gaubeca echoes Mexico’s concerns about the Border Patrol’s use of force, noting that no agent has died in a rock attack.

“The reality is, it’s not equal force,” she says. “The damage a rock can do is not the same as the damage a bullet can do.”

Then this from SplinterNews.com in 2014:

Border Patrol told to avoid shooting at moving vehicles and rock throwers, but they won’t listen

by Ted Hesson

In recent years, Border Patrol has come under increased scrutiny from immigrant rights groups for how the agency uses deadly force. And a new internal report commissioned by Border Patrol shows that there are clear areas for improvement, even if the agency isn’t willing to take the advice.

Moving vehicles aren’t the only controversial instance where Border Patrol agents are authorized to use deadly force. Agents can also respond to thrown rocks by firing a weapon.

Of the 24 people killed by Border Patrol agents in the last four years, eight of them were alleged rock throwers, according to The Arizona Republic. One Mexican teen was fatally shot twice in the head and eight times in the back after an alleged rock-throwing incident in 2012.

There was also this situation regarding bean-bag shotguns vs deadly force.

Acting off of Hernandez v Mesa, my guess is that the USBP agents were either ambushed and/or were hesitant to utilize deadly force against a rock attack.

Further, realizing the death of one agent and serious injury to another stemming from a rock attack won’t play well with the families of the agents and line officers themselves, USBP admin in concert with the FBI are attempting to tamp things down until a firm handle and strategy can be crafted.

Folks, it’s plain and simple. The Ferguson Effect in action, with the result that hesitancy on the part of law enforcement officers is now costing lives.

It’s a war on cops, make no mistake.



YOU are paying off DC sexual harassment suits

Just when you thought there might be some justice in terms of genuine sexual harassment, rape and assault incidents in DC — well, have I got a story for you.

Your American Taxpayer dollars are hard at work.

Against you, not for you.

From TheHill.com:

Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment ‘shush’ fund

by Jenny Beth Martin

Since when are members of Congress and their staffs accused of sexual harassment allowed to hush up and pay off their accusers from a secret “shush” fund full of taxpayer dollars? Since 1995, it turns out.

Congress, we all know, chooses to exempt itself from many of the same laws it foists on the rest of us. It’s a grievance I hear regularly during my travels around the country, as grassroots activists complain about this law or that regulation. “If only Congress had to live under the same laws we do, they’d get it, and they’d change it” is a common refrain.

For years, for instance, I’ve been speaking out about the illegal special exemption of Congress from ObamaCare, which allows members and staff to avoid the financial burdens they imposed on us when they passed that terrible law. If only they had to live under the law the same way the rest of us do, without benefit of taxpayer dollars to subsidize their premiums purchased fraudulently on the D.C. small business exchange, they might be more incentivized to repeal that law.

But until recently, I did not know about the “shush fund” of Congress, a fund managed by the “Office of Compliance,” which itself was created following the 1995 enactment of the Congressional Accountability Act (CAA), the first law enacted by the first Republican House in four decades.

Haven’t you ever asked yourself: just why do people spend thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars for a House or Senate seat?

Are they so devoted that they would place themselves into what normally would be considered as absolutely inextricable debt potentially in perpetuity?

The lowliest of Congressmen make $174,000 per year. Leaders make $200,000 per year or more, due to figures not up to date.

Did you ever think quid pro quo? Or ROI? You should have.

“It’s not the money, it’s the power.”
— Frank Underwood

What happened to transparency?

We, the taxpayers who have been paying for more than two decades to quietly settle literally hundreds of sexual harassment claims against members of Congress and their staffs, have a right to know which members and staffers have made use of the hush money over the years. Going forward, taxpayers should have knowledge about how that fund is used.

If Congress wants to get serious about its apparent culture of abuse, it will need to address its cover-up culture. Shush funds may serve the immediate purpose of getting alleged victims to go away, but they do little to stem the tide of sexual harassment. What Congress needs — and American taxpayers deserve — is more transparency.

And also at GatewayPundit.com:

SHOCK: $15 Million in TAXPAYER MONEY Has Been Paid Out to Settle Congressional Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

by Cristina Laila

As previously reported, Congress has a rampant sexual harassment problem. In fact the problem is so bad that female lawmakers and aides keep a ‘creep list’ of men who are notorious for lewd behavior.

As if this couldn’t get any worse, Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Tuesday that taxpayers have paid over $15 million to settle sexual harassment lawsuits against members of Congress!

Further, from ConservativeReview.com:

Levin: GOP leaders must resign over sexual harassment in Congress

by Chris Pandolfo

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin discussed the day’s reports and testimonies concerning the subject of sexual harassment in Congress.

He played a clip of Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., who testified there are at least two sitting members of Congress — one Republican, one Democrat —who have engaged in sexual harassment of their own staff members.

Levin wants these sitting Congress members to be identified. He wants names named.

He also wants Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to resign for their failure in leadership — keeping silent on known creeps and a known widespread problem in the institutions they lead.  

Can you imagine, folks, a job where you are treated like a king or a queen, provided with armed protection, chauffeured in cars and SUVs, provided an expense account, shown deference wherever you go and can decide which laws to obey or not because, after all, you make the law? Wouldn’t you like a job like that? One where internal review and investigations into your conduct are mostly toothless?

Wouldn’t you enjoy a job like that?

And finally: just how long must we slit our own wrists for the power mongers in DC before we rise up in righteous umbrage?



AC/DC’s Malcolm Young dead at age 64

It was 1973.

Two Australian brothers — Angus and Malcolm Young — had an idea.

Let’s create the best rock band we can. Let’s keep it simple. Let’s stay true to the roots. Malcolm and Angus were the co-founders of the band AC/DC.

Angus became the guitarist front man, all 5’2″ of him, in his cap, shorts, blazer, white shirt and tie. Malcolm found himself content to play rhythm guitar in the back as he loomed over Angus at 5’3″. Malcolm was the band’s leader, writer, and creator of some of the most iconic riffs in rock. Most people had no idea because, well, Malcolm wasn’t the front man or the singer. But he was the band’s inspiration and the band’s guts.

And AC/DC was born, with original singer Bon Scott, towering at 5’8″.

Following Bon Scott’s passing in 1980 due to alcohol poisoning at the age of 33, a new talent — slightly taller — stepped in. Singer Brian Johnson.

Do you remember the very first song from that new album? Because the bells were tolling for Bon Scott.

Brian Johnson made history when he seamlessly replaced Bon Scott. Johnson is a lofty 5’5″.

Malcolm Young started to have problems remembering the songs, having been diagnosed with dementia. He retired from the band in 2014.

From TheGuardian.com:

Young devised many of the band’s best-known guitar riffs, marking out tracks such as Back in Black, Highway to Hell and You Shook Me All Night Long and establishing them as one of the biggest rock acts of all time.

Three years ago the band announced Young was stepping down to receive treatment for dementia. Shortly afterwards he retired permanently, to be replaced by one of his nephews, Stevie, for the band’s most recent tour.

Stevie had also briefly replaced his uncle on the Blow Up Your Video world tour in 1988 tour while Malcolm sought treatment for alcoholism.

Malcolm Young last performed live with AC/DC on tour in June 2010 at a concert in Bilbao, Spain.

At the conclusion of the Black Ice World Tour, Malcolm was diagnosed with lung cancer. It was treated at an early stage, so surgery was successful and the cancer was removed. He also had an unspecified heart problem and wore a pacemaker.

Young was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with the rest of the band in 2003.

“Malcolm is survived by his loving wife O’Linda, children Cara and Ross, son-in-law Josh, three grandchildren, sister and brother,” said the statement on the band’s website.

There is no music today; there is mostly technology and plagiarism.

Goodbye to Malcolm Mitchell Young.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

We hardly knew ye.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show each Wednesday evening.

Thursday night in the Saloon:

  • No guests tonight; it’s just ol’ BZ
  • It’s finally raining in Sacratomato, the veritable belly of the beast;
  • Huge parasites found infesting the body of the NK solider who crossed the DMZ;
  • Articles of impeachment were introduced against President Trump on Wednesday;
  • UK Minister blames housing shortage on “mortgage free” Baby Boomers/elderly;
  • Baltimore PD Detective Sean Suiter is killed, shot in the head by an as-of-yet unarrested suspect;
  • Baltimore’s crime rate is skyrocketing just as is Chicago’s;
  • This is due in large part to The Ferguson Effect where law enforcement officers are constantly told they “over-police,” so they are reacting to those demands;
  • Shepard Smith on Fox News lies nakedly about the Clinton/Uranium One story;
  • Joe Biden says First Baptist Church hero Willeford shouldn’t have been armed;
  • USSS said Joe Biden was just like Weinstein in terms of fondling and sexism;
  • Millennials want Socialism more than Communism;
  • 100 years of Communism = 100 million dead;
  • “We are only one generation away from losing our freedoms.” — Ronald Reagan

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on the yellow start button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, November 16th, 2017” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please click on the red start button.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as the Bloviating Zeppelin and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Joe Biden: First Baptist Church hero shouldn’t have had a gun

You actually read that correctly.

The man who, in every sense, was the person primarily responsible for stopping Devin Kelley, the suspect in the November 5th church shooting in Sutherland Springs, in which 26 persons were killed, was singled out Wednesday by former Vice President Joe Biden — but not in a good way.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Joe Biden says Texas church shooting hero Willeford never should have owned AR-15

by Douglas Ernst

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden says the Texan who confronted Sutherland Springs’ mass shooter this month never should have owned an AR-15.

Gunman Devin Kelley was shot and wounded on Nov. 5 by hero Stephen Willeford during the deadliest church shooting in U.S. history, but Mr. Biden told an NBC audience on Monday that an AR-15 should not have aided the good Samaritan. His comments came during a “Today” show appearance that was opened up for an audience Q&A session.

“How do you justify the Democratic [Party’s] view on gun control when the shooter was stopped by a man who was legally licensed to carry a gun?” a woman asked.

“Well, first of all, the kind of gun being carried he shouldn’t be carrying,” Mr. Biden replied, the Daily Wire reported. “Assault weapons are … I wrote the last serious gun control law that was written and was law for 10 years, and it outlawed assault weapons and it outlawed weapons with magazines that had a whole lot of bullets and so you can kill a whole lot of people a lot more quickly.”

Mr. Willeford, a former National Rifle Association instructor, said in follow-up interviews after the shooting that his AR-15’s firepower was necessary because Mr. Kelley wore protective body armor.

Here are Biden’s remarks on Wednesday’s Today show.

Consider that for a moment.

In the world of Joe Biden, the shooter should have been able to continue on his rampage — and in every likelihood would have done so — unopposed and unimpeded until the “approved” wielders of firepower arrived: the law enforcement agency applicable.

Note to Joe and others: I worked in law enforcement for 41 years, easily twice the standard service for most officers. I’ve seen most everything imaginable in a LE venue. And if there’s one thing I know it’s this: there is no way any law enforcement officer can be everywhere at every time. Further, you wouldn’t want that. It would equate to a veritable Police State and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone or any nation.

That said, Joe Biden, you are apparently more than willing to abandon the ability of average Americans to arm and defend themselves against certain assaults and deadly incursions in order to enable your perfect world.

This from Liz Wheeler on OAN:

From NationalReview.com:

Joe Biden’s Muddled Response to the Texas Shooting Was Unintentionally Revealing

by David French

If nothing you propose will reduce mass shootings, just go for sentiment and stigmatize gun owners.

The Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooting presents a serious problem for those who claim that the government offers the answer for gun violence. After all, the government failed at every turn, and it was up to a private citizen to stop one of the worst mass shootings in American history. The shooter was disqualified on multiple grounds from legally owning a gun, yet he obtained his weapons anyway. The police were apparently nowhere near the church (they can’t be everywhere in rural America) and couldn’t intervene for many long, agonizing minutes. It took a brave citizen with an AR-15 to match the shooter’s firepower and bring his rampage to an end.

Stop with the facts. Just stop them. Never let the facts, history, logic, rationality, proportion and common sense get in the way of a good fucked-up decision. Or opinion.

Still and all, it’s just fine for our “leaders” to eschew the rules and laws they impose on us little people, us proles, groundlings, serfs, commoners. You know, those persons who have personal security assigned to them, people who are paid to carry guns.

The rest of us can go to hell.