Meaning: with one exception, the US Supreme Court upholds President Trump’s ability to keep some persons from entering the United States. The US Supreme Court has also agreed, 9 to 0, to take up the case and hear arguments in October.

From the

Supreme Court revives Trump travel ban

by Stephen Dinan

The Supreme Court said Monday that most of President Trump’s travel ban executive order can go into effect, delivering the first major victory to the new administration on perhaps his most controversial policy to date.

Wait for it. Wait for it. See the photograph.

Fig.1: Leftist heads exploding across the United States. Again.

The US Supreme Court wrote today, in part:

To begin, we grant both of the government’s petitions for certiorari and consolidate the cases for argument. The clerk is directed to set a briefing schedule that will permit the cases to be heard during the first session of October.

The court also wrote.

We now turn to the preliminary injunctions barring enforcement of the 2C entry suspension. We grant the government’s applications to stay the injunctions. To the extent the injunctions prevent the enforcement of statute 2c with respect to foreign nationals who lack any bonified relationship with a person or entity in the United States.

You may read the full opinion here.

To continue with a further explanation from the Washington Examiner:

Justices said the lower court rulings that blocked Mr. Trump’s policy were far too broad, and said the president can begin to enforce his ban against foreigners who don’t already have some ties to the U.S.

That means the president can begin denying visas to visitors from six countries — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — who don’t already have family in the U.S., or some other prior connection such as participation in an education program. Mr. Trump is also free to halt refugee admissions worldwide, with the same exception for people who already have a connection to the U.S.

The justices said Mr. Trump is at the peak of his powers when acting on national security concerns in immigration matters when dealing with people who don’t already have a tie to the U.S.

The court’s ruling was issued in an unsigned unanimous opinion, though Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Neil M. Gorsuch said they would have gone further and lifted the entire injunctions.

Let me be blunt. The US Supreme Court has essentially told the 4th and 9th District Courts of Appeal their rulings are illogical — and of course they were. The are, as I termed them, fake law.

Of great import are two points: first, that the Supreme Court held unanimously, 9 to 0, to grant this emergency stay. Then, in the opinion itself, not once was there a reference to there being a “Muslim ban” nor was there one reference to Trump’s campaign rhetoric for an extremely critical reason: it’s not pertinent to the case at hand. Further, Justices Gorsuch, Alito and Thomas all said they would have gone even further, enforcing the ban in full.

This is a massive win for Conservatives and President Trump, and a massive loss for Demorats and Leftists. Gorsuch was a win. This is a win.

More to come.



Can you guess just what the American Media Maggots are NOT covering today? Correct. That would be the US Supreme Court ruling in re Trump’s travel ban.

Gosh. I wonder why.


Too good to pass up

Don’t you occasionally see a video and think: “I just have to pass that thing along”?

This would be my applicable video today.

Yes, there was a carbonated beverage at hand on my desk and, luckily, I was not drinking it when I watched the video, otherwise it would have been blown out my nose and onto the computer screen before me. Think of the tragedy.



In response to the actual video itself, the schadenfreude is beyond sweet. Who would otherwise try to run over a motorcyclist?


Trump to get second and likely third SCOTUS nomination

And trust me, the Demorats’ blood pressure right now is going 210/190. Numerous camshafts are being thrown and an abundancy of Leftist heads are exploding.

They just can’t seem to get a break.

From the

Big cases, retirement rumors as Supreme Court nears finish

by Mark Sherman

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court enters its final week of work before a long summer hiatus with action expected on the Trump administration’s travel ban and a decision due in a separation of church and state case that arises from a Missouri church playground.

The biggest news of all, though, would be if Justice Anthony Kennedy were to use the court’s last public session on Monday to announce his retirement.

I received information in January of this year that another opening was coming for 2017 following Antonin Scalia’s passing, which was filled by Neil Gorsuch. Imagine that. Turns out I’m likely correct.

Of course, I’m not the only one saying it, but I was the first to say this publicly. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley indicated this was likely in April. Senator Ted Cruz spoke about the likelihood while addressing the NRA in May.

Statistically speaking, let’s remember that two justices, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Anthony Kennedy, are in their 80s, and Justice Stephen Breyer is 78. I call that a clue.

Overall, Demorats have taken a few blows recently. They are in a significant kerfuffle. You know: disarray. Confusion. Even insanity as, reading the news, you see they are doubling down on what hasn’t worked. They are leaning into the punches. Yay team.

Even the New York Times, the old Gray Lady herself, bleeding readers and hemorrhaging advertisers, admits The Donald is winning. As “bad” as he is, Hillary Clinton was obviously worse and continues to be so. Her saliva still breaches Demorat decks and hulls not unlike that of the Alien creature.

Demorats are 0 for 4 in recent special elections yet, listening to them and to their paid cheering section, the American Media Maggots, they had it all in the bag because these elections were going to be a “referendum against Trump.” $23 million dollars was spent on the Jon Ossoff election in Georgia, the most expensive House race in history. George Soros money. Leftist money. Celebrity Leftist money. Cash from everywhere except the contested district. Despite all that, Republican Karen Handel handed Ossoff his own head.

Speaking of AMM cheerleaders for Leftists, Newt Gingrich suggests:

Shockingly, the NY Times in a brief clear-headed manner writes under Maureen Dowd:

Democrats cling to an idyllic version of a new progressive America where everyone tools around in electric cars, serenely uses gender-neutral bathrooms and happily searches the web for the best Obamacare options. In the Democrats’ vision, people are doing great and getting along.

The Demorats are still following Hillary Clinton’s “it’s my turn, dammit, because I’ve paid the dirty political price to get here no matter my song, no matter my content.” Demorats hate that they still have to represent the little people, the proles, the serfs, the groundlings, the rabble, the unilluminated and unwashed in the inconsequential flyover states. They hate that they still have to represent a few Caucasoids. They hate that they still have to realize there is actually a pitiful smattering of life outside the DC Beltway or New York or Los Angeles or Chicago or San Francisco. They hate that they can’t attend even more cocktail parties in DC or tool around in larger limousines or spend with no limitations whatsoever. They hate that they may appear to be a bit responsible for their decisions though, thankfully, they haven’t fully gotten there yet.

In the meantime they have Russia and they have identify politics and they have Russia and they have race and they have Russia and they have gender and they have Russia and they control all the -ists extant.

What, truly, are the Demorats? They are the Party of No.

A few final points.

1. The Demorats made a rather stupid mistake by insisting the Republicans push they so-called nuclear option on SCOTUS nominees, thinking they would do no such thing. 51 is now the magic number. Button pushed.

2. With Neil Gorsuch on the SCOTUS bench, the Supreme Court is mostly back to where it was when Scalia was alive; that is to say, with Kennedy being a bit of a major pendulum.

3. If a second opening occurs — and it will — resulting in President Trump’s installation of a true applier of law instead of a shill for Leftists, momentum will move to the right in terms of decisions.

4. Notice a trend? I do. It’s only 2017. What do you think the possibilities are that, between now and, say, 2019 or 2020 another Supreme Court justice retires? I’d wager the likelihood is rather high.

5. If Trump acquires a third nomination and keeps the Senate, the Supreme Court will be more conservative for at least another generation. Case closed.

I can hear the overpressure building from here.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, June 22nd, 2017, with very special guest TAMI JACKSON

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Featured in the Saloon for The Aftermath tonight, it was my distinct privilege to speak to none other than the gloriously effervescent Tami Jackson on hand, proud Norwegian, owner of Right Voice Media, exquisite host of the Tami Jackson Show on the 405 Media, Media/Marketing Director for Robar Guns, an Evangelical Christian who is NRA certified in Basic Pistol, a CHL holder trained in Concealed Carry Tactics by tier one shooting instructor, former Navy SEAL Jeff Gonzales. And that’s just to start.

Tami J, as I call her, is well versed in All Things Conservative as I discovered at the 2015 Hugh Hewitt TribbleFest in Disneyland, where I first met her. Tami graced us with an in-depth interview about her family, her childhood, the value of family, of a father and mother who truly cared and how all of these things can yield progeny familiar with discipline, sacrifice and morality.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Tami J. Nuff said.
  • BZ loves his wife; tons of people in chat including a Tribble Convert, Whiskey Dale;
  • Outside: the fiery depths of sizzling Hell as Sacratomato encounters 109 degrees;
  • BZ finally figures out how to make calls “work” in the Saloon, apologies all around;
  • Jane Sanders: why has the wife of Bernie lawyered up? Corruption perchance?
  • Leftist hypocrisy good; Conservative hypocrisy bad;
  • California proves it is in fact Leftist Central and Hypocrisy Central;
  • Having a penis and attending the Mens Bathroom = bad;
  • Having a vagina and attending the Womens Bathroom = bad;
  • California enlarges the list of states to which they refuse to do travel;
  • Uh-oh. The painful thing for Demorats is that they have a trend for LOSING;
  • To take back the House next year Demorats need to win 24 seats;
  • Meaning Republicans need to LOSE 24 seats;
  • Uh, no, not gonna happen; voters will continue to support Trump;
  • Why? The Bull In The China Shop Theory; that’s why they elected him;
  • Tucker Carlson weighs in on the Demorats’ inability to understand anything;
  • And then we interviewed Tami J and all was well.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, please click on start.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, June 22nd, 2017″ on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on YouTube, please likewise click on start.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast. Tami Jackson was very popular in chat. An excellent sign.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here. Want to watch the past shows on YouTube? Please visit the SHR Media Network YouTube channel here.


Democrats: “money can’t buy me love”

$23 million dollars gone. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. Money certainly ain’t buying much Demorat love in Georgia.

Demorats are now 0 for 4 in special elections. In the Jon Ossoff loss, how could the Demorat not walk away with the election considering this is an area where Donald Trump did poorly and, in terms of pushback on Trump, should have kicked The Donald to the curb? Jon Ossoff outspent Karen Handel 7 to 1.

Particularly in light of the fact that two special elections went down the rabbit hole for the Demorats in one night — meaning they lost — and in one Georgia election $23 million dollars was spent by the DNC and George Soros and Leftists the world over. Ossoff outspent Handel 7 to 1. And still they couldn’t defeat one measly Republican chick. Who won, incidentally, by more than five points. From

Democrats just went 0-4. When will they win?

by Eric Bradner

Atlanta (CNN)Democrats tried an inoffensive moderate message in Georgia. They ran a banjo-strumming populist in Montana. They called in the cavalry in South Carolina and tried to catch their foe sleeping through a long-shot in Kansas.

None of it worked.

In the special elections for House seats vacated by Republicans who wound up in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, Democrats went 0-for-4.

Now, party officials, strategists and candidates are pondering what went wrong — and how they can turn it around in time for the 2018 midterm elections.

Jon Ossoff’s loss Tuesday night in a hyper-competitive Georgia race — the most expensive in history — “better be a wake up call for Democrats,” Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, an emerging Democratic leader said.

“We need a genuinely new message, a serious jobs plan that reaches all Americans, and a bigger tent,” he wrote, “not an smaller one. Focus on the future.”

Uh oh. That “speaking truth to power” thingie.

Bad enough. But then — shock of shocks — it somehow goes personal when certain Demorat personnel kindly suggest that it’s time for the ancient and doddering Nancy Pelosi to step aside as she doesn’t truly seem to be doing much for her Leftist party.

Nancy’s reply? To double down on incompetency, citing her masterful legislating, et al — in response to her insistence on not stepping aside. This is absolutely glorious.

“Well, I’m a master legislator. I am a strategic, politically astute leader. … My leadership is recognized by many around the country, and that is why I’m able to attract the support that I do, which is essential to our elections.”

Ah, nothing like the embodiment of the phrase “the definition of stupidity.” A concept they clearly have not accepted as they continue to prove my definition of Historical Alzheimers by failing to recognize that, yes, they well and truly did lost the presidential election on November 8th of 2016. Let’s see, that’s 226 days or 7 months and 14 days later. They still refuse to acknowledge reality.

I once again deploy Tucker Carlson to explain.

But wait; is sometimes losing actually winning? It can be if you’re a Mothership. From the

Former DCCC Insiders’ Firm Banked Millions From Ossoff’s Failed Campaign

by Joe Schoffstall

Ossoff paid Dem firm more than Republican Karen Handel’s campaign spent the entire election

A firm started by former insiders for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) hauled in millions of dollars from the failed campaign of Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff, Federal Election Commission records show.

Ossoff’s campaign pulled in more than $23 million in contributions during the record-breaking special election in Georgia’s sixth congressional district. The campaign disbursed $22.5 million and had $1 million left on hand at the time of its latest filings to the FEC.

The astronomical expenditures from the Ossoff campaign turned into a bonanza for a firm that was launched by veterans of the DCCC.

See? Losing can be winning.

The Demorats themselves have nothing. They are the Party of No. All they possess is obstruction, obfuscation, undermining. They have no cogent thoughts or ideas. They have Russia. They cannot even admit that Ossoff lost fair and square. They chalked his loss up to weather.

I wasn’t kidding.