BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 18th, 2017

My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

I learned a valuable lesson tonight: embrace the suck. Semper Gumby. Expect the unexpected and then have a Plan B and a Plan C. Sometimes a Plan D. Enough of “Inside Radio.”

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • Snowball is your bartender, the lava lamp is lighted;
  • The Sack Heads should be a complete triumvirate by next week;
  • I haven’t yet decided to activate the YouTube cam for the show; maybe next week?
  • BZ: the penultimate face made for radio;
  • Victor Davis Hanson’s article: “The Russian Farce”;
  • July 5th was the Turning Point for James Comey;
  • More than 60% of NSC employees were placed by Barack Hussein Obama;
  • What is a Fornicalia CEA? A political appointee whose “Career Ends Abruptly”;
  • American Media Maggots: where are your sources? One source? Reuters says “anonymous sources are the weakest sources”;
  • James Clapper on Meet The Press: there is NO evidence between Russia/Trump;
  • Obama: “I’m gonna be a lot more flexible with you Rooskies”; no shite;
  • Russian reset? Russian reset button via Hillary Clinton?
  • Special prosecutor? Special counsel? Impeachment? Is that the Demorat goal?
  • Loretta Lynch needs to be prosecuted: “no criminal charges against Hillary”;
  • Comey:’it calls for a classified response”;
  • And much more buttery goodness.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, “The Aftermath,” Thursday, May 18th, 2017″ on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast.

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

Featuring what once may have been The Official Attorney of the Berserk Bobcat Saloon (TOABBS), White Mamba, Esq., had BZ been able to navigate himself around Skype and place White Mamba on the air from his phone call. Techno Luddite? Table for one, please?


My thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to broadcast in their studio and over their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as appear on the Sack Heads Radio Show™ each Wednesday evening.

Tonight in the Saloon:

  • We bid farewell to actor Powers Boothe via Curly Bill Brocius;
  • Once again BZ must be Semper Gumby, nothing survives a first plan;
  • Sack Heads Shaun may have contracted Marburg whilst donating time as a doctor;
  • The Clintons say: “I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE”;
  • Jay Sekulow: Did the media create the story about Trump revealing classified material to the Russians?
  • Washington Post: anyone can call a reporter and state anything at all and, if it’s against Trump, it will be believed and reported immediately despite no attributions;
  • Demorats still cannot wrap their heads around the fact that November 9th occurred;
  • Keep your friends close and your enemies closer;
  • Send a message: leakers in the Trump administration must do serious prison time;
  • James Comey memo claims Trump asked him to back off the Flynn investigation; why now and where is the evidence?
  • Don’t forget to attend the FREEDOM FEST in Las Vegas, July 19 – 22!
  • Everyone on the Left is yelling “impeach impeach impeach impeach Trump!”
  • News about the news is news, according to the news;
  • Any more, it’s all about process and nothing about running the government;
  • It’s now Alice through the Looking Glass, an alternate reality;
  • CNN: impeach impeach impeach;
  • Was Rand Paul surveilled by the Obama administration?
  • Justice Scalia thought that the court was being surveilled by Obama;
  • Trust me; every FBI agent today is thankful they’re not at the WMFO;
  • Bill O’Reilly back on the Glenn Beck show?
  • Fake Law: Neal Katyal says if Trump states that “Islam is peace,” then he can have his travel ban;
  • Did Seth Rich contact Wikileaks before his death?
  • Rand Paul vs Morning Joe;
  • Rich, Wikileaks, McCain, MI5, what is the connection or common thread?
  • ACLU lawyer: travel ban could be constitutional if enacted under Hillary;
  • Fake Law is now becoming the norm thanks to Leftists judges;
  • What if we open a Constitutional Convention? Are we to the point that we must?
  • Let’s not forget: PAT DOLLARD will be here on Thursday for The Aftermath!

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon, Tuesday, May 16th, 2017” on Spreaker.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening via podcast. My apologies for not monitoring the chatroom because the second screen wasn’t working yet; it will next week.

Don’t forget: PAT DOLLARD on The Aftermath this Thursday!

Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives in podcast? Go here.