BZ and website advertising

Four windows that wouldn’t let me shut them down, displayed on just one “conservative” website. I had to completely shut down my computer in order to extricate myself.

Let me make myself clear up front. is not monetized and will not be monetized.

I don’t take ads, I don’t ask for ads, I won’t accept ads. I own the domain name, I own the website and, further, I personally fund three other websites for like-minded individuals. You don’t need to know who they are. They know who they are. I also funded the SHR Media Network to the tune of four digits just last year.

Let me be blunt — because you expect it of me.

When you provide some kind of link in social media, Twitter, whatever, and I click to travel to your site, I expect to see your site. The new trend now is to substitute middle-man site monetizers who demand you wait five seconds before you reach the site you clicked. In the meantime two or three or four confusing windows emerge.

Many others also now throw additional windows at you threatening your computer, your ad blocker, your mother, your first-born female child, your pet salamander named Biff. They attempt to make you think you have a virus, and they throw — again and again — pop-up windows against you requiring outside clicks or simply abandoning those sites.

When you threaten Biff, then, I’ve had it. Your site can go to hell. A loving message to those of you who use advertising middle-men? Stop it.

When I see a “middle-man” SKIP AD page displayed, I simply click OUT.

You want to encounter insanity? Click on this, for instance. Good luck. Let me know how pleased you were with the results. And that is from a “conservative” site.

And why is it that I see the same lame ads on all the same sites? Does no one possess imagination any more? Is anyone besides me tired of seeing the close-up of the person with crap under their eyes? Links to sites that make you click through one advert-clogged page after another in order to get to what lured you in the first place — is your ass not tired of this?

Enough with the advert click-bait bullshit. I’m not going there any more. I am done.

Any roadblock you place between myself and your site will result in my leaving, whether you’re conservative or not. I also advocate each and every person reading this post to leave as well.

The MOMENT you are DIVERTED from a site, you should click OUT.


The MOMENT you are DIVERTED from a site, you should click OUT.


You wonder why people have ad blockers, like myself?

I now LOVE ad-blockers.



Berkeley riots: how many arrests from local cops?

As a result of the riots on the UC Berkeley, California campus Wednesday night, were there hundreds of resulting arrests? Fifty arrests? Thirty arrests? Ten arrests? Five arrests? How about this: one arrest. Few news outlets are even asking if there were arrests. Most news organizations are mentioning — purposely I submit — nothing about arrests. How do I know there was only one arrest? Because I telephoned the Alameda County jail and other associated numbers on Thursday and finally found a rushed bureaucrat who gave me that statistic. This was later confirmed on Friday by the American Media Maggots, or AMM. One arrest.

What about this from Paid cops who couldn’t perform their jobs.

We paid over $6,000 for over 100 police officers to ensure our constitutional right to free speech—as well as Milo Yiannopoulos—were protected, but all this was for naught.

Again: my opinion, I do not know this for a fact, but I go by what I term the “logical extension” and past history — I’ll wager the UC Berkeley campus police got a phone call from a “university administrator” (Janet Napolitano?) to its chief and the message was relayed from there to the watch commander, the Lieutenant then to the various Sergeants in the organization: stand down. Yes, there were riot-clad police present. But they stood by. I suspect Berkeley PD also received a telephone call and likewise stood down but eventually someone had to do their job and provide a token arrest.

One arrest. After hundreds of protesters rioted, lighted fires, burned trees and property, smashed windows. Sounds like a good idea to just stand by and watch the fun, eh wot? That’s how your local bay area law enforcement values the property and civil rights of taxpayers.

[As an aside, remember that it is Janet Napolitano who stated in January that she would continue to defy immigration laws by making the UC system “sanctuary campuses.” Milo Yiannopoulos was planning to use his Wednesday UC Berkeley speech to call for the withdrawal of federal funds from sanctuary campuses, such as UC Berkeley.

Free speech on UC campuses any more? Surely you jest. No such thing. Not there, and not on major campuses nationally.

Would you be shocked to know it is a UC Berkeley “researcher” who states the police always provoke violence at protests anyway? It’s never the protesters fault, you see.

Further, SFPD, the San Francisco Police Department, now says it won’t be coordinating any more with the FBI. From

Rebel San Francisco P.D. Cuts Ties with FBI on Counterterrorism

by AWR Hawkins

The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) is ending its coorperation with FBI counterterrorism efforts as part of the city’s larger rejection of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.

On January 31, Breitbart News reported that San Francisco Police Chief William Scott, Sheriff Vicki Hennessy, and Mayor Ed Lee sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security informing them that city would not comply with the order.

The SFPD is now cutting ties with the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), because it would couple SFPD officers with federal agents in carrying out the requirements of the immigration order.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the JTTF was formed in 2007,  “when the police force entered into an agreement with the FBI that authorized intelligence-gathering by San Francisco officers of people engaged in First Amendment activities such as religious services, protests and political assemblies.”

Opponent of Trump’s order — including the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding operation –sent a letter to the San Francisco officials in January, asking them to adhere to “city and state rules” when working with the federal government.

So SFPD did. Not shocking, since I’ve already written about the SFPD being gutless cowards.

Political correctness has now officially infiltrated our police departments, most certainly on the Left Coast and in Fornicalia. As a retired law enforcement officer of 41 years I am disgusted and sickened. The non-actions of the two “involved” law enforcement agencies is reprehensible. They dishonor their badges and their oaths. I am now actually beginning to wonder: can you truly count on Fornicalia law enforcement having the backs of taxpayers?

Anarchy is not unheard-of at the UC Berkeley campus, of course. Let’s hearken back to 1969 under then-Governor Ronald Reagan. One rioter was killed and a police officer was stabbed in the chest with a knife.

As a result of the riots in Berkeley this past Wednesday night, damage is estimated at $100,000 or more, to also include a damaged Starbucks shop which, honestly, I find highly ironical since Starbucks is a backer of most any half-cocked Leftist scheme and swears it will hire 10,000 refugees for its stores — instead of, for example, homeless veterans who oddly enough happen to desperately need jobs themselves.

For further illustration, here is an NYU professor — as she readily admits — going frothingly berserk in front of NYPD officers at a Gavin McInnes event at NYU. McInnes is a Libertarian and co-founder of VICE, a lovely little Leftist news organization that recently emerged with its own news channel on cable. Apparently the Antifa** rioters and protesters utterly failed to realize the background of McInnes. And these are supposed to be the “best and brightest” young persons in the country? FAIL.

From, concerning the McInnes speech at NYU.

Four Arrested at Gavin McInnes Event as Antifa Protesters Become Violent

by Charlie Nash

Four people were arrested at a New York University event where libertarian commentator and VICE co-founder Gavin McInnes delivered a speech, after “anti-fascist” protesters started to become violent and throw punches.

Following a fight, which started after protesters started to assault McInnes as he entered the venue and ended in a stolen Make America Great Again hat being set on fire, protesters followed McInnes into the venue and attempted to disrupt his show with chants.

“The NYU Anti-Fascists organized the event on Facebook titled ‘Disrupt Gavin McInnes at NYU’,” reported Pix 11, however unlike the riot that anti-fascists started during Breitbart Senior Editor MILO’s show at UC Berkeley on Wednesday, New York police intervened and managed to prevent a large-scale incident from taking place.

Protesters made chants of “get out of here you Nazi scum,” at McInnes, and “hurled expletives at police,” and others who attempted to either enter the venue or keep students and attendees safe.

This tends to prove, as I pointed out above, that NYPD is primarily a professional law enforcement organization which knows how to conduct itself and keep people safe, setting up skirmish lines and making arrests, plural — as opposed to the UC Berkeley Police and the city of Berkeley Police Department, who have proven themselves to be nothing more than the timorous law un-enforcement arm of Leftist regimes and jurisdictions in Fornicalia. With purpose. Dancing at the ends of strings pulled by their Leftist Masters.

This will be the “new normal” around the nation. Free speech is moribund, and Leftists, anarchists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots all want it so.

Again I say, laughingly — because Leftists, Demorats, anarchists and the American Media Maggots are turning out to be such complicit, spittle-frothing boobs — please keep it all up.

Day by day you are doing three things: 1) Proving your further irrelevance; 2) Ensuring President Trump will be in place until 2024, and 3) Allowing the GOP to keep both the House and the Senate following mid-terms in two years.

You blubbering, simpering cretins.

All my love,



**    “Antifa” is the name for “anti-fascists,” a loose collection of motley anarchist mongrels wearing black clothing and masks, too cowardly to allow themselves to be seen as, now, everyone has a camera and makes video at every event in the nation.



Burn, Berserkeley, burn

This past Wednesday night, Leftists thought it would be a wonderful idea to burn a good portion of the People’s Republic of UC Berserkeley in Fornicalia, because they disagreed with the appearance of a gay British/Greek “cultural libertarian” and “free speech fundamentalist” by the name of Milo Yiannopoulos, who is also a senior editor at Breitbart News. He is an unabashed critic of political correctness, Social Justice Warriors and third-wave feminism.

In order to place Milo in context, let’s watch a compendium of his presentations at various venues within the past few years.

It becomes difficult to assail a gay Greek/British young man who thinks on his feet as rapidly as Milo and who is more than an intellectual match for Leftists arrayed against him, which are legion.

Now that you’ve seen and heard him, you likely have a greater facile grasp of what occurred on the UC Berserkeley campus Wednesday night and, further, why it happened.

That is this: Leftists cannot abide the truth. They cannot abide dissent. They obviously cannot abide views opposite their own because they are simply and plainly unequipped to deal with cogent arguments predicated but upon facts, history, logic, rationality, proportion and common sense.

And thusly the once-heralded bastion of “free speech,” Berkeley, California, has now been confirmed as the center of oppressed speech and violent rioting now embodied in the People’s Republic of UC Berserkeley.

UPDATE 18: ANTIFA and Bay Area Socialists named as organizing groups of riot.

CNN is referring to these incident as protests. Let me be clear, these are not protests, they are riots. These actions will cost the taxpayers in California many millions of dollars whether it is through the UC system, the City of Berkeley or Alameda County in the east bay. People will pay. And only the producers — California taxpayers — will bleed. The hosts bleed whilst the parasites are emboldened.

And now, from

Trump threatens UC Berkeley funds over Breitbart protests

Los Angeles (AFP) – US President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to withdraw federal funds from UC Berkeley after violent overnight protests against a planned appearance by a controversial editor of conservative news website Breitbart.

Hundreds of students and other protesters chanting “shut him down” smashed windows at the University of California campus, set wooden pallets on fire and threw fireworks and rocks as police in full riot gear responded with tear gas.

I believe the above graphic says all you need to know about Berserkeley, Fornicalia.

The university was placed on lockdown as the sold-out appearance by Milo Yiannopoulos, a conservative firebrand, was canceled Wednesday evening.

“If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view – NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” Trump wrote on Twitter Thursday.

About half of research at Berkeley is funded by the federal government, according to the university website. Berkeley however has been struggling in the past years with budget shortfalls and spending deficits.

I say: keep it up Leftists and anarchists. Keep it up, Demorats. Sooner or later the public is going to tire of your antics and call you on them. Or worse, you will push to the point where pushback may, sadly, take some sort of revolutionary form. You won’t enjoy it, no one will enjoy it

Sadly, this is what passes for accepted and “understandable” Leftist behavior these days. Leftists, like Muslims, are in a state of perpetual rage — and that is condoned



Let the SCOTUS brawl commence

On Tuesday, January 31st, President Trump revealed the person he will nominate to replace Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away February 13th of last year at a resort in Texas, age 79.

That person is 49-year-old Judge Neil Gorsuch from the 10th Circuit US Court of Appeals. He will be the youngest jurist on the SCOTUS bench if installed, next to 56-year-old Elena Kagan. That is a massive plus as Gorsuch could potentially serve for twenty or thirty years.

The event was a propitious ceremony enhanced by the presence of Justice Scalia’s widow, Maureen Scalia, Trump exhibited class and respect.

Gorsuch’s downfall in the eyes of Demorats and Leftists is that he views the Constitution and Bill of Rights as documents that mean what they say. Judge Gorsuch could be considered a “strict constructionist” as he does not attempt to read into these papers facts or statements that aren’t present. He believes in the rule of law and has crafted his decisions in terms of the law itself and not any changing set of policy preferences. The New York Times quantifies Gorsuch as “an echo of Scalia in philosophy and style.” I say: Gorsuch will be a dogged defender of the Constitution.

Truly, however, it doesn’t make much difference what the background of Gorsuch may be, as the Demorats have stated in no uncertain terms that they will block and obstruct any person that Trump nominates. Any person. From

Senate Dems will filibuster Trump’s Supreme Court nominee

by Burgess Everett

It will be only the second time in modern history that the Senate has mounted a filibuster against a nominee.

Senate Democrats are going to try to bring down President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court pick no matter who the president chooses to fill the current vacancy.

With Trump prepared to announce his nominee on Tuesday evening, Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said in an interview on Monday morning that he will filibuster any pick that is not Merrick Garland and that the vast majority of his caucus will oppose Trump’s nomination. That means Trump’s nominee will need 60 votes to be confirmed by the Senate.

“This is a stolen seat. This is the first time a Senate majority has stolen a seat,” Merkley said in an interview. “We will use every lever in our power to stop this.”

Butthurt when the GOP insisted that a lame-duck president in the form of Obama not be able to force his own nomination so close to the election of a new president, the Demorats have pulled out all their knives and guns, and are spoiling for a fight.

An interesting note was made by Senate Minority Leader Little Chuckie Schumer, providing insight into Demorat thinking:

“The burden is on Judge Neil Gorsuch to prove himself to be within the legal mainstream.”

“Legal mainstream”? In terms of the Demorats and Leftists the legal mainstream would include hot-and-cold running abortions on demand, a nation overfilled with Syrians and Muslims uninterested in assimilation, and turning the US into a carbon copy of the European Union. Not once have the Demorats mentioned that the rule of law is inviolate and that the Constitution and Bill of Rights must be interpreted as written.

It’s a move that will prompt a massive partisan battle over Trump’s nominee and could lead to an unraveling of the Senate rules if Merkley is able to get 41 Democrats to join him in a filibuster. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) also reminded her Twitter followers on Sunday night that Supreme Court nominees can still be blocked by the Senate minority, unlike all other executive and judicial nominees.

Any senator can object to swift approval of a nominee and require a supermajority. Asked directly whether he would do that, Merkley replied: “I will definitely object to a simple majority” vote.

The question: when and by whom will the so-called “nuclear option” be pulled?

Here’s one interesting point that very much needs to be considered by the Demorats:

Different lawmaker are sure to have different priorities, especially since a number of Democratic senators are facing re-election in 2018 in states that Trump won. And many  Democrats may ultimately stop short of declaring an all-out war on Trump’s Supreme Court pick, even if they express concern over his nomination and ultimately oppose it.

Translated: there are close to 200 seats up for re-election shortly, and Demorats have to ask themselves just how much they really want to be seen as obstructionists in the eyes of populist voters.

Plainly, here is the crux of the biscuit:

Part of what raises the stakes of the Supreme Court fight is the fact that under current Senate rules, Democrats have the ability to initiate a filibuster, which would require 60 votes to overcome. Since there are only 52 Senate Republicans, that could prevent confirmation absent Democratic defections. It is possible, however, that Senate Republicans could respond to that scenario by invoking the so-called nuclear option, which would allow the GOP to override any objections with 51 votes.

Tactics and politics.

As opposed to the time under George Bush when the GOP owned the Triumvirate of Power, that is to day, the White House, Senate and House of Representatives (Republicans controlled both houses of Congress for a total of four years, from 2003 to 2007) and quaked with fear over utilizing said power, it would appear to me that a Trump presidency certainly won’t be timid, docile or very conciliatory to the Demorats.

The Demorats are already boycotting hearings to vote on nominations for Trump cabinet members and are forcing delays on voting for Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General.

Tactics and politics. Many considerations to be made in terms of short game and long ball. If either side pops off big time over the very first SCOTUS nomination — and yes, there will be more, perhaps two to three more vacancies coming in the next four years, I believe — where does that leave you in the future?

Do Demorats make their stand here, at the very first SCOTUS nomination as a replacement for Scalia, or do they make it down the line when the next nomination will most certainly change the complexion of the Supreme Court?

Schumer predicts the GOP won’t have the 60 votes. McCain and Graham and other Republican squishes come into play. “Then they’ll have to make a choice. Change the rules. It’s going to be very hard for them to change the rules because there are a handful of Republicans who believe in the institution of the Senate and don’t change the rules.”

So will the GOP be its own worst enemy? Will they unify and coalesce? Remember, in terms of Merrick Garland — because facts are facts — the Garland nomination was in the middle of a presidential election year, not at the beginning of the term. The Senate had not confirmed a vacancy in the middle of a presidential election in 80 years.

Clinton had two SCOTUS nominees confirmed in the beginning of his first term without a GOP filibuster. Obama had likewise two SCOTUS nominees confirmed in the beginning of his first term without a GOP filibuster.

No matter, the fireworks, hate and discontent is underway.

The Demorats will filibuster.

But: will the GOP pull the Big Red Handle in response?



Notice to the GOP, specifically John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsay Graham (R-SC), Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK): you cross the aisle at your own peril. This is now open political blood sport. Get your asses in line. Now. Collins and Murkowski already voted against Davos as it appears they both received thousands of dollars from teachers’ unions.