US: cut aid to countries refusing immigrant returns

Remember this number: H.R. 82, the Criminal Alien Deportation Act of 2017.


Law would cut off aid to countries that refuse to accept illegal immigrant criminals

by Malia Zimmerman

A proposed law that would punish countries that refuse to take back their illegal immigrant criminals is two years too late to save Casey Chadwick, but the Texas congressman behind it figures it’s the least Washington can do.

Chadwick was murdered in 2015 by Jean Jacques, an illegal immigrant from Haiti and one of thousands freed onto U.S. streets each year after they serve prison time because their homelands refuse deportation. But a proposal by Rep. Brian Babin, R-Texas, the Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act, would force such countries to take back their citizens or risk losing foreign aid and travel visa privileges.

Babin’s bill would require the Department of Homeland Security report to Congress every three months the names of uncooperative countries. The federal government would then withhold foreign aid to those countries while the State Department would suspend travel visas.

Rep Babin is re-introducing his original H.R. 5224 from last year. This year, the content of the bill is as follows:

Criminal Alien Deportation Enforcement Act of 2017

This bill amends the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to prohibit financial assistance to a foreign country that refuses or unreasonably delays the acceptance of an alien who: (1) is a citizen, subject, national, or resident of such country; and (2) has received a final order of removal from the United States.

A country shall be deemed to have refused or unreasonably delayed acceptance of an alien if it does not accept such alien within 90 days of receiving an authorized repatriation request.

The Department of Homeland Security shall submit a report to Congress every three months that: (1) lists the countries that refuse or unreasonably delay repatriation; and (2) includes the total number of aliens who were refused repatriation, organized by country, detention status, and criminal status.

A listed country shall be subject to U.S. entry and financial assistance prohibitions unless it issues appropriate travel documents: (1) within 100 days after such report’s submission for aliens convicted of a crime committed in the United States, and (2) within 200 days after such report’s submission for all other aliens.

A victim (or an immediate family member thereof) of a crime committed by any alien who has been issued a final order of removal shall have standing in federal district court to enforce entry and financial prohibitions.

The Immigration and Nationality Act is amended to: (1) discontinue granting visas to a subject, national, or resident of a listed country unless the country has issued the appropriate travel documents pursuant to this bill; and (2) grant standing to enforce such provision in federal district court to a victim (or an immediate family member thereof) of a crime committed by any alien who has been issued a final order of removal.

Tucker Carlson speaks with Rep. Babin about the bill.

Can anyone, I ask, make any cogent argument whatsoever against the bill? I would care to hear any argument against same. The bill is nothing more than the application of common sense.

It’s no secret that Mr Obama’s policies regarding illegal immigrants acted in the interests of Mexico and illegals globally, and not in the interests of the United States — with the exception of the voting benefits to Demorats and cheap labor to some Republicans. Both sides are wrong on the issue in those arenas.

This is a bill whose time is quite well overdue.



Dave Gjerness, digital wonders at Eastwind Creative

For those of you who may be wondering just how I acquired my newest masthead and why it looks so convincing, I’d care to introduce you to a friend of mine, Dave Gjerness in Arizona.

Owner of Eastwind Creative, Dave is a miracle worker when it comes to your digital needs. I gave him a poor rendition of a photo in black and white with a name already emblazoned on the fuselage. This is what he returned. Brilliant.

You can find him here:

Dave Gjerness, Eastwind Creative.
17591 W East Wind Avenue
Goodyear, Arizona 85338

You can also find him on Twitter, @daveinaz and at

And tell him that BZ sent ya.



Execs at State Department resign in hordes

My first two first thoughts:

  • Excellent, and
  • Don’t let the doors smack your arse on the way out.

Let’s check the

Senior staff resigns en masse from State Department

by Bob Fredericks

A group of top career officials at the State Department resigned en masse the same day Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson paid a visit to Foggy Bottom to introduce himself, it was reported Thursday.

Among those bailing on the Trump administration was Patrick Kennedy, State’s longtime undersecretary for management, the Washington Post reported.

Kennedy, who joined the agency in 1973, had been active in the transition from John Kerry to the former ExxonMobil chief, and was said to want to remain in his post.

Stand by for a bit of juicy schadenfreude.

But once word got out that Team Trump was looking to give him the boot and hire someone else, he and three of his top aides bailed.

The others who resigned Wednesday included Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions.

Some in the media are portraying this movement as a mass exodus of institutional memory that can’t be resolved. But guess what? This is rather normal in every presidential transition. It’s also a normal event with many businesses and institutions. My former department, for example, recently had many persons retire for various reasons which did in fact leave a vacuum of institutional knowledge. However, like any business, any agency, any institution, any city, county or state entity, you deal with it. It’s not the end of the world. Recovery will occur because it always does. Every four years.

Further: “senior staff” means the “executives.” Question to all: who does the real work in any organization? The Chiefs or the Indians? So yes, that’s how greatly they’ll be missed. Reality, meet door-on-the-way-out. All the perfumed princes and princesses will likely be rapidly forgotten.

Would it shock you to know that the bulk of employees working at the State Department are Leftists who consistently vote Demorat?

Would it shock you to know that the bulk of employees working at the State Department are Leftists who consistently contribute to Demorats? Check the graphic above, acquired from

Translation: the Department of State frequently works at cross-purposes with GOP or conservative presidential administrations. I believe the trend will continue with this State Department so, truthfully, it’s good to get some of the Dead Leftwood out of the building.

And, oh yes, it actually makes Tillerson’s job easier in the longer run.



The insanity of the racist DNC chair candidates

Recent DNC chairs; Debbie Wasserman Schultz (L), resigned July 2016, current interim DNC chair Donna Brazile (R).

It is no shock that the Demorats are in a very serious kerfuffle. Of the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance), Demorats have hung up on the transition from denial to anger.

I call that denger. Or angenial.

Many still can’t believe it occurred — witness the host of Leftists stating that Donald Trump is “not my president.” Also witness the sixty-seven Demorats who refused to attend the inaugural of Donald Trump, unquestionably the 45th President of the United States.

Following the scabrous and failed terms of Debbie Wasserman Schultz who resigned as DNC Chair in July of 2016 due to the exposed emails indicating the obvious (and successful) attempt by the Dems and DNC to completely sabotage the candidacy of Bernie Sanders, Donna Brazile stepped in as interim chair.

This is the same Donna Brazile — by the way, a former CNN analyst, fired on October 14th of last year — who leaked and fed CNN town hall debate questions to the Hillary Clinton campaign and later said “I’ll send a few more.” She also pushed back at CNN over coverage of the Clinton campaign. As in, CNN thought about changing up their standard fluffy softball questions to some a bit more probing, such as “what’s your favorite kind of cat” or “did you get your $10,000 coat on sale?” said about Donna Brazile:

As WikiLeaks has shown us, from one single email account, quote approval by sources does happen. Sharing stories in advance with presidential campaigns does happen. Collusion via sharing debate questions in advance does happen. Reporters advising and/or cheering on campaigns does happen.

Facts in evidence, though Brazile had the temerity to deny them — another fabrication.

Up for DNC Chair is Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota (5th District), who was sworn in on the Koran. A black Muslim, you see. The proverbial Demorat “best of both worlds,” a “two-fer” if you will.

Let’s let Kevin Jackson, executive director of The BlackSphere, tell you about Keith Ellison.

An “ethnocentric racist” who wants to establish a separate country just for blacks. Perfect. Further, he does indeed have ties to Islamist causes. Robert Spencer of wrote of Ellison:

Ellison has spoken at a convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Yet ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Justice Department actually classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.”

It gets worse. In 2008, Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation’s major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members.” That’s from the Chicago Tribune in 2004, in an article that is now carried on the Muslim Brotherhood’s English-language website, Ikhwanweb.

Is CAIR in there? Of course.

Also, the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) raised large amounts of for Ellison’s first campaign, and he has spoken at numerous CAIR events. Yet CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups.

Yes, Keith Ellison would make a wonderful Democratic National Committee chair, a position that will come up for vote in February.

Let’s shift gears and watch Sally Boynton Brown, another candidate for DNC chair (and current Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director), trot out the reasons she should be installed.

It’s interesting to watch the black male and black female in the background of her speech, nodding and smiling, thinking “she is going to make one very useful tool.”

It’s also interesting to note the verbal pandering she proffers to blacks when she says “and I can’t do it without y’all.” Naked pandering because, as she admits, she’s from Idaho and I’ll wager absolutely no one says “ya’all” in Idaho. And certainly not her, when she returns.

Does it not sound something like this, from Hillary Rodham Clinton?

Note to Brown and the DNC: keep it up. Please, please, please continue to double down on stupid, unforgiving and daft. You truly have learned nothing from your defeat in November and, for that, I thank you.

You know you can’t win on details or on facts or issues themselves. All you have left — as emphasized by Mr Obama — is a greater focus on division and identity politics using emotions manipulated to the Nth degree. Everything, to Demorats, distills down to only race or gender.

So, go ahead: please make the Demorat Party the party of Hate Caucasoids. Make Caucasoids of all shapes and sizes uncomfortable to be associated with you. Scourge them. Make them hold you at arms’ length. That’s perfectly in keeping with the Demorats being the party of the Little Guy because — in California and moving to other states — Caucasoids are in fact the demographic minority now. It’s also in keeping with the Demorats being the party of peace, tolerance, inclusivity and open-mindedness.

I say again: please-oh-please install either Ellison or Brown as DNC chair.



Dow Jones hits 20,000

From the

Dow Hits 20000 for First Time

by Erik Holm

Since Election Day, the stock market has found fresh legs to add to one of the longest bull-market runs in U.S. history

Grab your hats.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average just powered through the 20000 level for the first time ever, setting an all-time intraday high three trading days after the inauguration of Donald Trump. Moments after the open, the Dow shot up to 20033.77.

The new record comes as stocks have been on the rise for much of the past three months, finding fresh legs since Election Day to add to one of the longest bull-market runs in U.S. history. The Dow industrials closed under 18000 as recently as Nov. 4, but have risen 12% since then.

The stock market was to have crashed terribly, worldwide, when the UK voted for Brexit last year. Yes, the stock market went down but it came back up.

Doomsayers — mostly on the Left — also insisted the stock market would tank following the election of Trump. Wrong. In fact, if benefited from the “halo effect.”

Businesses were hearing the right things. Some, who had plans to leave the US decided to stay where they were. American businesses are hearing the right words: lowering of corporate taxes, eliminating some regulations, ObamaKare mandates removed and/or changed, all from a president who wants to grow the country and knows how to build and how to make a payroll.


Don’t get cocky.

Much of this number reflects reality. A lot of it doesn’t. Because of that — though the numbers are good and it’s an historic occasion — there will be a “correction” as they say. The correction will hurt. The Dow will go down. But it will all even out in the end.

Don’t think it’s going to continually be like this.