Thanks to Jill Stein, Hillary Clinton & Demorats

Because your demands for recounts and investigations of various states and precincts have, in fact, revealed election fraud biased towards Demorats, Greens and Leftists.

Not Donald Trump.

Stuart Varney also had kind words for Jill Stein:

Myself as well. Because, being me, I love it when a great Leftist plan goes awry.


Stein’s recount backfires bigtime as ‘major ballot box fraud’ discovered in Hillary-heavy Detroit

by Michael Dorstewitz

People everywhere are saying, “Thanks, Jill!”

Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein‘s recount efforts in Michigan indicate that there was indeed voter fraud in the Great Lake State — but it favored Hillary Clinton.

The evidence of shenanigans was discovered in more than one-third of the voting precincts situated within the Democrat controlled city of Detroit. Machines in those precincts tabulated more votes than what they should have.

This is just one area. In just one state. Stein contested three states to include Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — then had her cases shot down by federal judges in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The recount is done.

So I say: let’s make sure we do in fact open invetigations into election fraud in major urban rat cages around America. Because one clear thing will be found: rampant fraud on the Left in favor of the Demorats.



Muslim woman attacked by Trump supporters = FAKE NEWS

First, from the screaming headlines of

Muslim Woman Harassed on Subway by 3 Men Who Call Her ‘Terrorist,’ Chant Trump’s Name: NYPD

by Jonathan Dienst

‘It breaks my heart,’ the victim wrote

A Muslim woman wearing a religious headscarf was harassed on the subway by three men who allegedly called her a terrorist and chanted “Donald Trump” to her, police say. 

Police are searching for those men, who allegedly targeted the Long Island woman on the 23rd Street subway station serving the 6 line at about 10 p.m. Thursday.

The suspect walked up to the woman, who was wearing a hijab, and began chanting, “Donald Trump! Donald Trump! F****** terrorist, get out of this country, you don’t belong here,” according to police. 

The men got on the northbound 6 train with the woman when it pulled into the station, and the woman moved to the back of the train, police said. The men eventually moved toward her, again yelling “terrorist, get out of this country.” 

One of the men grabbed the woman’s bag, breaking one of the straps, police said.

The woman told police she responded to the men, “What the f*** do you want?” and moved away again. When she got off the train at Grand Central, the men yelled after her, “Get the f****** hijab off your head!,” according to police.

Of course it couldn’t be regular Caucasoid males, oh no. It had to Caucasoid males who were Trump supporters. Much more in keeping with the ongoing Leftist meme.

And because the American Media Maggots wanted that to be completely true, they ran with the story completely, as fast as they possibly could.

Then: let the Leftist advocates of violence commence:

Zadoyada Ishkabib
William Paterson University Bookstore
The Trumpanzees seem to be getting more and more brazen these days, especially after a few dozen drinks! These idiots should be beaten with iron bars.

Perfectly in keeping with that thought, CBS New York reported that Yasmin Seweid said:

The president-elect just promotes this stuff and is very anti-Muslim, very Islamophobic, and he’s just condoning it.  .  .”

  • The NY Daily News called the suspects “brutal bigots” and a “hate-spewing trio.”
  • The LA Times wrote “Muslim women (plural -BZ) targeted in New York.”

Ah yes, as I said, the American Media Maggots picked up that meme of Easy Anti-Trump/Pro-Muslim Meat and ran right into the end zone with it.

The primary difference this time, however, is that instead of merely alleging the incident occurred to the AMM, the Muslim female made an official report to the NYPD.

Only at the end of the day (Wednesday) did this occur, from the

Muslim college student made up Trump supporter subway attack story to avoid punishment for missing curfew

by Rocco Parascandola & Leonard Greene

A Muslim student who said she was harassed on the subway by drunken, hate-spewing white men shouting “Donald Trump!” found herself behind bars Wednesday after telling cops she made the whole story up.

Yasmin Seweid, 18, joined a growing list of local and national alleged hate crime victims when she told cops she was taunted Dec. 1 on the No. 6 train by three men who called her a terrorist and tried to snatch her hijab off her head while straphangers did nothing but watch.

But Seweid finally broke down and admitted to detectives that it was all a big lie.

“Nothing happened, and there was no victim,” a police source said.

Do you see why we hate you, American Media Maggots? Do you see why you are hemorrhaging readers, advertisers and cash?

Like an alcoholic, you just can’t find within yourselves the ability to write facts and keep the comments to yourselves. It’s no secret that 95% of your newsrooms are jam ge-packed with Demorats and Leftists. You jump to conclusions because they are the pre-ordained conclusions you want.

It is you who are attempting to foment Leftist violence against president-elect Donald Trump and supporters by embracing and promoting her story with comments prior to knowing all the facts. Read you own comments sections.

You’re simply beginning to reap what you’ve been sowing for decades.

You’re as trusted as an eastern diamondback rattler.



Trump won’t take intelligence briefings!

That’s what Leftists and Demorats and the American Media Maggots are saying, right? The writes:

Trump Says He Doesn’t Need Daily Intelligence Briefing Because He’s ‘Smart’

by Ryan J. Reilly

“I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day.”

WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview airing Sunday that he doesn’t need to receive a daily intelligence briefing, stating he only gets the briefing when he needs it.

“I don’t have to be told ― you know, I’m, like, a smart person. I don’t have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day,” Trump said in an interview airing on “Fox News Sunday.” “I don’t need to be told … the same thing every day, every morning ― same words. ‘Sir, nothing has changed. Let’s go over it again.’ I don’t need that.”

Trump is reportedly only receiving an intelligence briefing just once a week. The president-elect said the people who are giving him the briefings are “very good people” and that he was always available if something changed. He also said that Vice President-elect Mike Pence was receiving the briefings. 

But wait; it gets better.

President Barack Obama has a briefing six days a week.

Oh really, HuffPo? Apparently you have forgotten, from the

Marc Thiessen: Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?

by Marc A. Thiessen

President Obama is touting his foreign policy experience on the campaign trail, but startling new statistics suggest that national security has not necessarily been the personal priority the president makes it out to be. It turns out that more than half the time, the commander in chief does not attend his daily intelligence meeting.

Hold the presses! This is in direct conflict with the Huffington Post! That cannot be. Just ask Leftists. Does that mean — gulp! — the Huffington Post is fake news?

The Government Accountability Institute, a new conservative investigative research organization, examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

That means the smartest man ever to inhabit the Oval Office, Barack Hussein Obama, attended his PDB less than half the time.

So, two things to conclude:

  1. Yes, the Huffington Post is in fact fake and biased news, and
  2. Leftists, Demorats and the AMM continue to think I don’t have internet access.

Or that I have no memory. I know I’m old, but come on.  .  .



Obama says: no Russian hacking

If you’re like me, you find yourself surprised every day by the news stories that appear. That is why I found myself gobsmacked today. From

Obama Crushes Conspiracy: No Evidence that Russia Tampered with Votes in Election

by Charlie Spiering

President Barack Obama emphatically denounced the conspiracy theory saying Russians successfully tampered with the American voting process.

Obama dismissed the hack and the leaked emails as “not very interesting” and lacking “explosive” revelations. He puzzled as to why it was an “obsession” by the news media despite the knowledge that the Russians were responsible.

The conflicting and interesting thing here, however, is Obama’s statement about the emails being “not very interesting.” It is another minimization by a Leftist of a continuing series of events that, had they been committed by conservatives or the GOP, would have created shite-storms of monumental proportions and endless investigations by the DOJ and FBI.

Two notations:

  1. I didn’t see that coming, and
  2. I wonder how pissed off the AMM and HRC are right now?

I can see smoke issuing from their ears from here.



When Leftists lose news control, declare “fake news”

fake-news-realThe American Media Maggots — like defense attorneys who, faced with the facts against them shift into personal ad hominem attack mode — have decided the only choice remaining to them is to double down with stunning celerity on cheating, scapegoating, minimizing, hiding, obfuscation, ignorance and, now, labeling. Time to re-brand and, moreover, stigmatize news sources other than their own.

Let’s start with some refreshing truth and, unfortunately, regress from there to the lies, ploys and Alinsky-like deception crafted to push the Leftists’ narrative of control.

Do you hear ANY of these examples trotted out by the American Media Maggots in their campaign of control? Of course not. They cannot abide truth. The last thing the “fake news” bleats are about is truth. Cognitive dissonance of the Left.

Welcome to the new normal. Aided and abetted by the Standard Leftist List.

The AMM are losing control. They don’t care for it one bit. The election, of course, told them so. The faces of the American Media Maggots were slammed into the hard and textured concrete sidewalk of reality, receiving completely unanticipated bloody injuries and broken facial bones.

The facts don’t lie. Print ads diminished by 15% during this third quarter at the largest newspaper publisher in the United States, Gannett — producer of USA Today and over 100 other brands. Revenues were down 17% at McClatchy (where I used to work in the 70s, having met Eleanor McClatchy herself), 19% at the New York Times and a massive 21% at the Wall Street Journal. Newspapers tried to make up revenue in the digital domain but that was no panacea because — you didn’t see this coming? — Millennials don’t like to pay for online entertainment (such as music and videos) and as far as they’re concerned, newspapers were entertainment. Who would pay for newspaper content when they could get everything they wanted from John Stewart or Steven Colbert?

I’d suggest that another of the reasons the American Media Maggots and social media happen to find themselves in this critical situation is due to their both manufacturing fake news and deleting real news.

Paul Watson explains.

The American Media Maggots and social media are doubling down with censorship and the denigrating of non-major news sources. If it’s not ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, LA Times, etc. — then it’s not real news they say.

american-media-maggots-hooking-for-obamaWitness, most recently, the major social platforms’ tsunami-like predilection towards censorship regarding “extremist content.” Who determines “extremist content” you ask? Well, if you have to ask the question you already grasp the answer. When you declare “fake news” you also inherently declare censorship and the elimination of free speech.

The AMM believe they have few options left because, even with the all-out 24/7 assault against Donald Trump, “their” candidate didn’t win. Part of the loss includes the realization that people were not paying sufficient attention, in their minds, to the so-called “mainstream media.” In other words, that the MSM was the only game in town.

So, from the

Mark Zuckerberg outlines Facebook’s ideas to battle fake news

by Abby Ohlheiser

A week after trying to reassure the public that it was “extremely unlikely hoaxes changed the outcome of this election,” Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg outlined several ways the company might try to stop the spread of fake news on the platform in the future.

“We’ve been working on this problem for a long time and we take this responsibility seriously. We’ve made significant progress, but there is more work to be done,” Zuckerberg wrote in a Friday night post on his own Facebook page. He then named seven approaches the company was considering to address the issue, including warning labels on false stories, easier user reporting methods and the integration of third-party verification.

Just who are considered purveyors of “fake news”? That’s correct; mostly right-leaning or conservative sites, listed as Drudge or Breitbart.

But let’s state the obvious about the Drudge Report. It is nothing more than an aggregator of news. Drudge simply recaps various stories, news-sites. His sources are frequently Leftist US media, to include the NY Times, LA Times, and all the Usual Suspects. How in the hell is the Drudge Report “fake news”? That makes no sense whatsoever.

fake-news-sitesThey have lost their “gatekeeper” status and desperately seek to lock it back up. This is what assails and offends the most. CNN’s Chris Cuoma sums it up best with this brief video, which is breathtaking in its arrogance.

Leftists insisted you couldn’t possess those emails. Unless you printed them out, of course. Cuomo could have advised people to read these emails online at Wikipedia. He did not. Additionally, the bulk of Leftists stated the emails were themselves false. But you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Either the emails are fake or it’s illegal to possess stolen federal documents and a violation of the USC. You justified the release of Trump’s tax papers, which was illegal. You didn’t seem much upset with that, NYT.

Fake news polls, AMM? Fake rape stories on any number of occasions, AMM? Cars that tip over, AMM? Dan Rather lying about George Bush? Hundreds of false discrimination stories? Rick Jones? Sharmeka Moffitt? Reza Aslan? Tahera Ahmad? Anti-gay tip receipt? Duke University? Michael Nifong? Oberlin KKK hoax? Tawana Brawley? Grand Valley State University black chick? Joseph Baken? CAIR’s staged videos? CNN interviewing their own cameraman, claiming it was an anti-Trump protester on Don Lemon? “Trumpers violent” when it was in fact Leftists who burned, hit, stabbed, cut, destroyed property around the US? HRC having a “98% chance of winning”?

The “Fourth Estate” exists only as, now, a PR firm for Leftists and Demorats. We’re on to you. You are in fact naked.

How shallow be thy memory, American Media Maggots. Where an anti-conservative meme exists, you jump on it and provide vast amounts of time, headline space and copy inches. Because you have an anti-conservative theme to catch.

And in this process the American Media Maggots have lost their credibility for a myriad of reasons. But the persons and situations responsible for their current plight need go no farther then each and every newsroom around the country, 95% of whom are registered Demorats, Greens or Socialists. This is why, when asked, journalists will never ever tell you for whom they voted in any way. They won’t even own it, hiding under the cloak of “impartiality” which is the last thing they are. Craven cowards all. Like Hillary Rodham Clinton, they absolutely cannot tell the truth. There are no such animals as “impartiality” in today’s newsrooms.

Any old person can report or make the news now. Photos and videos are everywhere. “Real” journalists aren’t required any more — and by “real” journalists I mean those schooled at the feet of Leftist elite universities and subjected to the pathological, intolerant, unrealistic, biased, limited, bitter, moribund thoughts of the Left. “Journalism” is now a wide-open game unconfined by ideology, cash or structure.

More ludicrous is the thought embraced by the AMM — as I briefed above — that Millennials or GenZ’rs are going to PAY for your content. Good luck with that shite. They have no idea what a “newspaper” or a subscription IS.

You want fake news? How about these, to begin? The examples are simply endless.

fake-news-newsweek-madame-president-hrcfake-news-hrc-wins-nytLeftist journalists believe they are infinitely more sophisticated and enlightened than the bulk of their readers or viewers, and certainly more so than us commoners, groundlings, proles and serfs, the unwashed and unrefined rabble who dare to vote, act, speak, write or advocate against their superior insight and their elitist cultured views. Their Perriers beat our crass and crude Budweisers any day. Just ask them.

In a brief moment of clarity, Kanye West admitted.


Then there was the Washington Post’s loving clasp of “fake news” via

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group

by Glenn Greenwald and Ben Norton

THE WASHINGTON POST on Thursday night promoted the claims of a new, shadowy organization that smears dozens of U.S. news sites that are critical of U.S. foreign policy as being “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” The article by reporter Craig Timberg — headlined “Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say” — cites a report by an anonymous website calling itself PropOrNot, which claims that millions of Americans have been deceived this year in a massive Russian “misinformation campaign.”

The odd thing is, simply lists sites it considers propaganda and — I sure hope you’re sitting down for this one — most of them lean to the right. Further, it establishes no evidence and fails to release the names of its “editorial board” or any names at all, for that matter. It simply claims that it’s the Russians, the Russians, the Russians. Despite the fact that one month before PropOrNot came out (November 30th), the FBI (via the NY Times) divulged it had no evidence to conclude Russia was behind Trump or the hacking or the campaigns. See my post here.

Leftist Google got into the game by removing “fake news” that per capita black people commit more crimes than Caucasoids (they do, shown by FBI statistics) as indicated by that huge Righty UK organization known as the Guardian. Except that the Guardian does not lean right. Damn. Now that’s inconvenient.

Let’s not forget the “journalists” who colluded with the Clinton campaign as proven by The Telegraph and Wikileaks. They provided an extra crispy chunk of fake news.

Of course, Hillary Clinton had to enter the mix with this.

Hillary Clinton’s answer? Government intervention.

So Michelle Malkin countered logically and demolished HRC’s arguments.

Let’s not forget that Hillary Clinton is a personal purveyor of fake news as she claimed back in 2008 that she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.

She also claimed that the Benghazi attacks were the result of a “terrible video” created in the US which caused the Libyan natives to go immediately berserk.

That was a monstrous lie, because Hillary Clinton already knew that night — as she wrote to the Libyan president and her own daughter Chelsea in emails — that video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks which resulted in the deaths of four Americans; it was instead an “al Qaeda-like group.”

In fact, the American Media Maggots mostly refused to cover the revelation that Hillary Clinton lied to the faces of the parents of Benghazi victims.

Clinton’s answer: the government should determine what’s “real news” and what isn’t. Excellent. Just like Russian submarines and ships, let’s put a governmental Political Officer in each and every newsroom around the United States. Let’s license bloggers. The answer from Leftists is always to remove freedoms instead of expanding freedoms. Clamp down on free speech when it doesn’t correspond with their world. It’s about banning and censorship.

Even the proven faker Brian Williams got into the mix regarding “fake news.” That the American Media Maggots covered him at all, is that not the ultimate in insanity? An individual who was fired to lying about news given column inches and air time about “fake news”?

Obama couldn’t leave well enough alone and had Rolling Stone create fake news. From

Obama tells ‘Rolling Stone’ Dems lost partly because ‘Fox News is in every bar and restaurant’

by Michael Dorstewitz

In a post-election interview with “Rolling Stone,” President Obama blamed his party’s failure to reach out to blue-collar workers on the proliferation of 24-hour cable news — specifically Fox News Channel.

“Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country,” Obama said.

Throughout all of this, however, please note the recurring theme. At no time can fault be laid at the feet of the Demorats or Hillary Clinton for any reason whatsoever. And, of course, Obama is incorrect because CNN or HLN is on in every bar or lounge or waiting area across the nation, period. Obama lies and Rolling Stone helps create fake news.

Hillary Clinton, Brian Williams, the MSM, Barack Obama having the temerity to lecture me about fake news? I mean, honest to God, you can’t write this shite.

Speaking of God, just when you thought “fake news” couldn’t get any more stupid, it got more stupid when Pope Francis weighed in. When you compare “fake news” to coprophagia, you simply look the moron. Note to Pope Francis: stick to God and leave the coprophagia to the AMM.

Let us not forget the biggest, most shameful lies were started by Leftists and then promulgated by Leftist media such as, say, Obama’s insistence that if we like our doctor under the ACA we can keep our doctor whilst, simultaneously, Jonathan Gruber was larfing it up in various meetings and conferences explaining how it was all a massive “ruse for the rubes.” Ben Rhodes reveled in how Obama’s actual anti-Israel and pro-Muslim policies. These are lies of both commission and omission.

If you want a real hoot, read the Kelly Riddell article at the Washington Times entitled “Top 10 ‘real’ news stories that turned out to be fake.” She skewers the shite out of Obama, Ferguson, BLM (“hands up don’t shoot”), the Iran Deal negotiated with “moderate Iranians,” Bowe Bergdahl’s exchange, Benghazi and the video, climate change and hurricanes, Fidel Castro was a great guy with fabulous free Cuban healthcare, cops are killing blacks at an unprecedented racist rate, Steve Bannon is a white supremacist and the biggest LIE of all: Trump will lose horribly to Hillary Clinton.

The bottom line is this: the American Media Maggots are quaking and frightened to their very core. They are now the thing they accused George Bush of being: incurious. They no longer ask questions. They’d rather the government provide their talking points. So now their livelihoods, their credibility (though the vast number of “journalists” in any given newsroom couldn’t likely spell or define the word), their cash flow is on the line. Their very survival.

No one “owns” the truth. Not the Right, not the Left. And like anything else that is consumed, the phrase caveat emptor pervades. If you cannot detect actual “fake news” then you resemble a Stegosaurus: a walnut for a brain and a ganglion of nerves in your hips to make your legs work.

One must be a wise consumer of news. And beware.

Because, American Media Maggots, no one trusts you any more.