Obama LIES about Iran hostages RANSOM

Shocked, anyone?  (BZ looks around for shocked faces, sees none.)

Barack Hussein Obama LIES AGAIN.

This time it is about the literal pallet of cash flown to Iran.

For background, please see my story here about the original ransom payout.

That is what State Department spokeman John Kirby said Thursday.

As the NYPost.com writes:

State Dept.: $400M to Iran was contingent on US prisoners’ release

by Daniel Halper

The State Department admitted Thursday that the US would not hand over $400 million in cash to Iran until it released four American hostages — two weeks after President Obama insisted the payment was not a “ransom.”

State Department spokesman John Kirby was asked at Thursday’s press briefing: “In basic English, you’re saying you wouldn’t give them $400 million in cash until the prisoners were released, correct?”

“That’s correct,” Kirby replied.

Here, Barack Hussein Obama insists that no ransom was paid.

In an Aug. 4 press conference, President Obama said the opposite.

“We do not pay ransom. We didn’t here, and we won’t in the future,” the president told reporters, speaking of the Jan. 17 payment and hostage release.

Mr Obama, as you may recall, got on his high horse and cast wave after wave of righteous indignation onto those who dared question His Royal Highness about the incident.  How dare he be second-guessed?

Here is John Kirby also stating that no ransom was paid.  It was all a random coinky-dink.

We may conclude two clear things:

  1. John Kirby is a LIAR.  Therefore most everything presented officially by the State Department is likely a lie as well, and
  2. Barack Hussein Obama is a LIAR.  But we knew that already because of the following video — but only as one instance.  There are scores more.

One of the released hostages specifically said:

“I just remember the night at the airport sitting for hours and hours there, and I asked police, ‘Why are you not letting us go?’ ” Abedini said. “He said, ‘We are waiting for another plane so if that plane doesn’t come, we never let [you] go.’ ”

I wrote in my original post about Obama’s payment of $400 million dollars to Iran:

Also, that is completely exclusive of the fact that, unless one wants to embolden hostage-takers, villains, dictators and criminals, a country or an entity or an individual should never pay a ransom because — obviously, due to the nature of criminals — the hostage-taking will not stop.  It merely proves that the act of hostage-taking is productive.

Further, that cash will be used in furtherance of one thing: terrorist acts against Muslims and against the West.  Violence, death, chaos and carnage.

Now that the LIE is out and it is obvious and it is naked and blatant, let’s see how the Obama Media LapdogAmerican Media Maggots address the situation — other than, perhaps, doing their level best to sweep the situation under the media rug.



Denmark fail: what socialism gets you

Denmark LIESBecause, as Margaret Thatcher once said: “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

It looks as if Denmark is hitting that threshold.

From Bloomberg.com:

Aging Danes Hope Robots Will Save Their Welfare State

by Peter Levring

Denmark needs creative solutions to its labor shortages

Denmark has a problem: it may soon be unable to afford offering such a good deal to its people.

Free health care for all, a $757 monthly stipend for college students and robust safety nets for the less fortunate all cost money – Denmark devotes slightly more than 30 percent of its gross domestic product to social spending, one of the highest levels in the rich world.

According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, such a “generous welfare system requires robust public finances.” And while Denmark’s “seem sustainable” for now, the assumptions that underpin that view carry a high level of uncertainty, the OECD warned in a recent survey.

What?  The gravy train is about to derail?  I thought Denmark was the welfare and socialist Utopia favored by the rest of the planet.

True, an unemployment rate below 4 percent is one of Europe’s lowest, and industry frequently complains about shortages in skilled labor. But population projections show that Denmark’s 600 billion-krone ($91 billion) welfare system is facing a future of more customers and fewer people around to pick up the bill. 

The alternative to cutting costs, of course, is to increase revenue. But Denmark’s not doing too well there either, with faltering productivity leading to an economy that’s now expanding at a slower pace than the euro area’s.

Denmark Shrinking ProductivityBut wait!  Weren’t we told that Denmark is a worker’s paradise?  They out-produce the rest of Europe?  Everyone has a smile pasted on their face?  Check the graphic at the top of this post as opposed to the graphic above.  Apparently, not so much.  The graph above says this: you are heading towards a cash crash, in terms of being able to pay for all of your free shit.  That is to say, the ultimate tipping point of more parasites than hosts.

Let me finally state this: Denmark has it easy.  It is a small country (133rd in size), with a small population (5.7 million, including the Faroe Islands and Greenland) that has, conversely, one of the world’s highest income tax rates.  The world’s.  And even then, with having a much smaller geographic area and population to pacify — than, say, the United States — it is already running out of cash and labor.

If the Perfect Ideal Utopia that all Leftists, Progressives and Demorats immediately point to when prompting and promoting welfare and socialism theories is running out of gas — with a fraction the size and population of the US — what makes anyone think it will work here?

Historical Alzeimers, as I call it.  That’s what.

Because, as I’ve always said, everyone thinks they can “do” Socialism better than the last guy.

Ahem.  Hillary.



Soros: funding violence against law enforcement

Black Lives Matter Wide BannerIt’s no surprise or secret that 86-year-old Hungarian billionaire George Soros is a Leftist par excellence, who just “happened” to make over $1 billion dollars in one day when he short-sold the British pound in UK’s Black Wednesday crisis of 1992.

But, naturally, because Soros funds Leftist causes the staggering profiteering of Soros simply falls off the radar of the American Media Maggots, et al.  His corporatism is magically acceptable and worthy of ignorance;

Soros has already spent $13 million dollars this election cycle to bring Hillary Clinton to the White House and Demorats back to power in the US Congress.

That as background, from Breitbart.com:

Hacked Soros Memo: $650,000 to Black Lives Matter

by Aaron Klein

George Soros’s Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.

The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.”

The information was contained in a detailed 69-page Open Society report on the agenda of an Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting held in New York October 1 to October 2, 2015.

The report directly states the Open Society views the Baltimore unrest last year as a crisis that can be utilized to carry out the organization’s agenda.

Cue Rahm Emanual, disgraced Mayor of Chicago: “you never let a serious crisis go to waste.”

The so-called “money shot” for Leftists:

Recognizing the need for strategic assistance, the U.S. Programs Board approved $650,000 in Opportunities Fund support to invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Our support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement follows other investments that have taken very different paths, including the Dreamers and Occupy Wall Street. USP grantee United We Dream (UWD) for example, a youth-led organization formed in 2009 by undocumented students and other advocates, changed the narrative about undocumented people and continues to be a major player in the immigration reform field.

Ah.  Good to know that the doddering George Soros is still sufficiently cogent to fund and embrace Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven.

There are, literally, billionaires working against you, good citizens of the United States of America.

And millions of Leftist dollars are funding those who wish to assassinate law enforcement personnel who are black, Caucasoid, Asian, Hispanic, it doesn’t matter.  If you wear a law enforcement uniform you are now a funded target.

Good times.



More black lives not mattering: 100 people shot in Chicago

Blood PoolBecause, in truth, black lives don’t matter to Leftists, they don’t matter to Demorats and they sure as hell don’t matter to other urban black males.

Ripped from today’s yawning headlines at the ChicagoTribune.com:

Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

by Alexandra Chachkevitch

Nearly 100 people have been shot in Chicago in less than a week, pushing the number of shooting victims so far this year to more than 2,500 — about 800 more than this time last year, according to data kept by the Tribune.

Between last Friday afternoon and early Thursday, at least 99 people were shot in the city, 24 of them fatally.  At least nine people were killed on Monday alone, the deadliest day in Chicago in 13 years, according to Tribune data. Among the wounded that day was a 10-year-old boy shot in the back as he played on his front porch in Lawndale.

The number of shooting victims in Chicago stood at 2,514 Thursday morning. At this time last year, 1,725 people had been shot.  The city has not seen this level of gun violence since the 1990s, a trend the Police Department has blamed on lax gun laws and feuding gang factions.

“Lax gun laws.”  What a load of horse-crap.  Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, on par with Los Angeles and New York.  Assault weapons?  Banned.  Go here.

If you want to stop gun violence, you’d best start with inserting the black father into the family equation and stop paying people for more children absent a father, embrace religion and churches, clean up schools and bring the trades back into them, lean on “stop and frisk,” demand the “broken windows” mindset from police, emphasize education with a focus on the basics and halt generational welfare.  Blacks in urban neighborhoods have just as much a right to be safe on their streets and in their homes as anyone else.

Yawn.  More young urban black males killed.  Meh.

Let us not forget it is Lyndon Baines Johnson, Democrat, Hero of the Left, the consummate personal opportunist and 36th president, who said — regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957 (as Senate Majority Leader) to Hubert Humphrey, “Hubert, it don’t take any genius to be for civil rights from Minnesota.  How many black people you got in Minnesota?  Humphrey said, about 12,000.  Johnson said to Humphrey, “you make me sick.”

Let us also not forget that it was LBJ who said “I’ll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next two-hundred years.”

And so he has.  It’s nothing more complicated than this: I’ll respect black lives when Democrats respect them, and when they respect themselves.

I’m going to have a very long wait.

Hey, hand me a beer, would you?