Hillary LIES AGAIN: 15K MORE emails found

Hillary Clinton LIESYes yes, fine, go ahead, be like me.

Shake your head and wonder just where this nation is going — when a politician such as Hillary Rodham Clinton can lie to the American people, violate laws, and the Director of the FBI, James Comey, prefers no charges whatsoever.

Hillary lies about lying.  She lied to Patricia Smith, the mother of a Benghazi victim.  Then she lies about former Secretary of State Colin Powell.

For a refresher:

Judicial Watch released 44 additional Hillary email chains on August 10th:

Then this, from the WashingtonPost.com:

FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe

by Spencer S. Hsu

The FBI’s year-long investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server uncovered 14,900 emails and documents from her time as secretary of state that had not been disclosed by her attorneys, and a federal judge on Monday pressed the State Department to begin releasing emails sooner than mid-October as it planned.

Justice Department lawyers said last week that the State Department would review and turn over Clinton’s work-related emails to a conservative legal group. The records are among “tens of thousands” of documents found by the FBI in its probe and turned over to the State Department, Justice Department attorney Lisa Ann Olson said Monday in court.

The 14,900 Clinton documents are nearly 50 percent more than the roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.

Read that again: “The 14,900 Clinton documents are nearly 50 percent more than the roughly 30,000 emails that Clinton’s lawyers deemed work-related and returned to the department in December 2014.”

This might be a good time to go back above and play that first video from Hillary Clinton again.  I could have sworn she said she turned everything in.

I probably just misheard her misspeak.

Note to Spencer Hsu: check the lug-nuts on your car every day, buddy.  Buying a mirror on a pole in order to look under your vehicle probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either, my friend.



Obama golfs; Chicago bleeds

Obama Playing Golf

Mr Obama’s heart skips a beat on the beautiful links.

Don’t bother Mr Obama, he’s busy playing golf.  He can’t be bothered by those 13 people killed and tens of thousands displaced following the floods in Louisiana, or those blacks shot and killed on the mean streets of Chicago — even after it was those black votes he desired because of a certain melanin match or a certain Republican president Mr Obama accused of being “uncaring” during Katrina in NOLA.

You see, Mr Obama detests “fakery.”  He detests the “theater” of politics.

Obama Detesting Fakery 1Mr Obama detesting political fakery during Sandy.

Obama Detesting Fakery 2Mr Obama detesting political theater during campaign.

And then — what? — more shootings and death in Chicago?  Meh.  Not worthy of even a mention.  Those deaths and that carnage doesn’t serve to advance Mr Obama at all.  One must serve before one acquires a mention.

From Breitbart.com this past weekend:

Dozens Shot, Four Killed over Weekend in Gun-controlled Chicago

by AWR Hawkins

Dozens were shot–four fatally–over the weekend in heavily gun controlled Chicago.

This death and violence follows the 52 who were shot–nine fatally–during the previous weekend in Chicago.

According to ABC News, a 7-year-old girl was among the wounded. She was shot while attending “a vigil for another shooting victim.” A 36-year-old woman was also shot while attending that vigil.

At one point during the weekend — “an intense 14-hour stretch of violence that ran from Saturday into Sunday” — someone was shot in Chicago “every 33 minutes.” The Chicago Tribune reported the same portion of the weekend — “from Saturday afternoon to early Sunday” — was especially violent last weekend too. During that time alone, “five people were killed and at least 19 others were wounded.”

Forty-nine people were shot, nine fatally, two weekends ago, and “52 people were shot, seven of them fatally” the weekend before.

You know, in Chicago.  That Demorat/Leftist city controlled historically by Demorat/Leftist mayors (and Mayor Rahm Emanuel now), a pristine and shining example of Demorat/Leftist values where blacks are lifted from poverty, have jobs and are able to acquire their dreams in a Utopian atmosphere of understanding and funding, and guns are proscribed for a violence-free, clean environment.

I mean, there are gun laws in Chicago.  Real gun laws.  And gun laws stop criminals!  Right?

Of course they do.  Just ask a Demorat or a Leftist.

Obama Looking Out Window AF1The closest Mr Obama may get to Louisiana or Chicago this week.

That, of course, goes hand-in-hand or, perhaps, blood puddle-in-blood puddle with my prior post only a few days ago where 100 people were shot in Chicago on a single weekend as well.

If you want to stop gun violence, you’d best start with inserting the black father into the family equation and stop paying people for more children absent a father, embrace religion and churches, clean up schools and bring the trades back into them, lean on “stop and frisk,” demand the “broken windows” mindset from police, emphasize education with a focus on the basics and halt generational welfare.  Blacks in urban neighborhoods have just as much a right to be safe on their streets and in their homes as anyone else.

Let’s face it, Obama is “calling it in” and “checking out” as a lame-duck president.  I submit: he didn’t much care about the job in the first place.  He liked the perks.  Hated the bother of it all.



The former FEMA director, Michael Brown, who accused Mr Obama today of fiddling while Louisiana flooded — boy, is he gonna get his ass audited.

Poor bastard.

Louisiana Floods

Clinton LIES AGAIN: this time about Colin Powell

Hillary Clinton LIESIt’s no secret that Hillary Clinton has said that having a personal server was acceptable because 1) former Secretary of State under Bush — Colin Powell — had a private server as well and, 2) Colin Powell told her to do so.

Because Colin Powell is black, that makes it acceptable.

From, of all places, People.com:

Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton’s ‘People Have Been Trying to Pin’ Email Scandal on Him

by Sara Nathan and Jeff Nelson

Hillary Clinton‘s email scandal continues.

On Friday, the New York Times reported that Clinton told FBI officials former Secretary of State Colin Powell had advised her to use a personal email account while she held the Secretary of State office herself.

“Her people have been trying to pin it on me,” Powell, 79, told PEOPLE Saturday night at the Apollo in the Hamptons 2016 Night of Legends fête in East Hampton, New York.

Wait for it.

“The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did,” Powell added.

Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post wrote:

The attempt to — again — equate what Powell did with what Clinton did is yet more evidence that either the candidate, her senior advisers or both simply don’t get it. No, Clinton wasn’t indicted by the Justice Department for her email setup. But she was badly reprimanded by FBI Director James Comey for her email practices; it was an unequivocal condemnation of her conduct in relation to her approach to electronic communications while serving as the country’s top diplomat.

For whatever reason — and despite the fact that Clinton has said on several occasions that she knows she made a mistake — she seems incapable of accepting that responsibility and moving on. No secretary of state — up to and including Colin Powell — handled their email setup like Clinton. That’s a fact.

That is a fact.

For those interested, you can search for Hillary’s emails on Wikileaks here.



Rush’s Neil Peart: I can tour no more

NEIL PEART RecentThere were rumors, but now those rumors have turned out to be true.

Neil Peart, one of — if not the — finest rock drummers ever, has decided he can no longer tour with Rush.

From Consequenceofsound.net:

Alex Lifeson confirms Rush’s retirement from touring

by Alex Young

Rush billed last year’s R40 Tour as their last full-scale outing, a notion which was emphasized when drummer Neil Peart all but announced his retirement in an interview with Drumhead Magazine last December.

“… Lately Olivia has been introducing me to new friends at school as ‘My dad– He’s a retired drummer.’ True to say–funny to hear,” Peart said at the time. “And it does not pain me to realize that, like all athletes, there comes a time to… take yourself out of the game. I would rather set it aside then face the predicament described in our song ‘Losing It’ (‘Sadder still to watch it die, than never to have known it’).”

Now, in a new interview with Rolling Stone, Peart’s Rush bandmate Alex Lifeson has confirmed the band’s retirement from the road. While he and Geddy Lee would like to continue touring, Lifeson said Peart is no longer physically capable of participating in such extended outings.

Watch this video, and watch Neil Peart closely.  He is 63 years old.  Rush has been performing with Peart (as its second drummer) for 42 years.  Hold that thought.

Continuing, from the article:

“He didn’t even want to do the [R40 Tour], to be honest with you,” Lifeson explained. “It’s been increasingly difficult for him, but he committed to the tour and we got through it. As far as he was concerned, that was the end of touring.”

“His shoulders were hurting, his arms were hurting, his elbows, his feet, everything,” Lifeson added of Peart. “He didn’t want to play anything less than 100 percent. He was finding it increasingly difficult to hit that mark on this last tour. So, all those things combined, I get it. I’m disappointed and I think Geddy [Lee] is very disappointed and we’d love to continue this tour a little bit longer, but we’re off now.”

Hearing about the retirement of Peart and possibly of Rush simply, admittedly, emphasizes my own predicament.  I’m retired.  I’m never going to be a cop again.  I can watch deputies in cars on the street driving to their calls and I can’t help but wonder where they’re going and what they’re doing.

In other words, it’s another door closing.  A reminder of how old I am   My own heroes are going away, retiring, and even dying.  I admit it.

But it’s not just Neil Peart; let’s also include this from Wikipedia about the band Rush:

On April 29, 2015, Alex Lifeson stated in an interview that R40 might be the final large-scale Rush tour due to his psoriatic arthritis and Peart’s chronic tendinitis.[78] However, he did not rule out future projects with the band, including smaller tours and limited performances, and even stated that he would like to work on soundtracks with Geddy Lee.[79] On December 7, 2015, Peart stated in an interview that he was retiring. Lee clarified the following day that Peart had only retired from touring and was not ruling out continuing work with Rush in other capacities.[80][81] Lifeson confirmed in 2016 that the R40 tour was the band’s last large-scale tour.[82]

The end of an era.  But in truth, Neil Peart’s retirement is well deserved.

What most don’t know is that Peart has suffered major personal tragedies.  He lost his first child, a 19-year-old daughter, Selena, to a vehicle accident in 1997.  Then, in 1998, Neil Peart’s common-law wife of 22 years, Jacqueline, passed away of cancer.  Peart attributes her death to the result of a “broken heart” and called it “a slow suicide by apathy. She just didn’t care.”[22]

For those who have suffered their own personal calamities, I would recommend Neil Peart’s book “Ghost Rider: Travels On The Healing Road,” written as a result of those two terrible losses.  Beautiful, revealing, insightful, cathartic.

Let us not forget: being a drummer is like working out for three hours straight, involving every limb you possess, sometimes twice a day with some inconvenient and unsatisfactory rest in between.  Oh yes.  For four decades.

Now add in the focus, determination, craft, style and personal drive for perfection of Neil Peart.

I am sad.  But on the other hand, Neil Peart deserves both his rest and his accolades.

His body is crying: I have little left.

He must obey.