July 4th, 2016

July 4th 1776Do you recognize your country any more?

Thank God there are still men and women who support the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the belief in freedom.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the precipice of a yawning chasm where, should we fall in, I wonder if we can ever be extricated.

American freedom, I believe, is in jeopardy.

We must not allow this country to fall.


Ronald Reagan July 4th

Hillary’s ass on fire: interrogated by the FBI

Hillary Clinton & Her SERVER LIESFrom YahooNews.com:

Clinton interviewed by the FBI about private email server

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton was interviewed by the FBI about her use of a private email server as secretary of state, her campaign said Saturday, as federal investigators neared the end of the probe that has hung over her White House bid.

Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, gave a voluntary interview for 3 1/2 hours on Saturday morning at FBI Headquarters in Washington, her campaign said.

The questioning came a day after Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that she intended to accept the findings and recommendations of career prosecutors who have spent months investigating the case. Lynch came under scrutiny for an impromptu meeting with Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, on Lynch’s plane in Phoenix. Critics said the meeting between Lynch and the ex-president was inappropriate given the investigation even though Lynch and a Clinton spokesman said it was social in nature.

Even the American Media Maggots are beginning to think it doesn’t look appetizing for Hillary Rodham Clinton.

From McClatchyDC.com:

Indicted or not indicted, Clinton could lose politically

by Anita Kumar

No matter how the FBI investigation into the handling of sensitive information on Hillary Clinton’s personal computer server ends, it likely will hurt her presidential bid.

If she is indicted, she will face further questions about her honesty and perhaps even calls for her to step aside. If she isn’t indicted, as many legal experts predict, critics will accuse the Obama administration of letting her escape charges merely because they want her to win the White House.


Hillary Clinton DELETESAnd make no mistake, Hillary Clinton — the corrupt, lying, arrogant, deceitful, hateful bint that she is — needs to be destroyed.



The FIX in Phoenix

Democrat LIES via Bill and Hill and LorettaThe fix is in.

To what am I referencing, you may ask?  Please read this, from ABC15 in Phoenix, which reports:

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton meet privately in Phoenix before Benghazi report

by Christopher Sign

PHOENIX – Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton.

The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane.

Former President Clinton was visiting the Phoenix area and arrived to Sky Harbor Monday evening to depart.

Sources tell ABC15 Clinton was notified Lynch would be arriving at the airport soon and waited for her arrival.

Let us now do what I call the Logical Extension.  Nothing with regard to American politics occurs in a vacuum.  And Bill Clinton is not only not stupid but he does not operate in a political vacuum.  If there were someone who is cooly, calmly cogitating with regard to politics, it is William Jefferson Clinton.  William Jefferson Clinton exists to fill vacuums.

Translated: Clinton waited for Lynch’s arrival for a very specific reason.  William Jefferson Clinton does not waste time because time is money.  Money.  Because only two items motivate the Clintons:  1) Money, and 2) Power.  Unlike Frank Underwood, the Clinton’s Juggernaut has acquired the point where money and power are roughly equal in their lust.

The meeting was simply coincidental and involved only brusque mandatory pleasantries with regard to grandchildren and such.  Because it was 106-degrees in Phoenix that day and likely 112-degrees on the tarmac.  Because William Jefferson Clinton is customarily motivated by like pleasantries with other Demorats.  When they happen to share private jets at congruent airports.

Despite the fact that William Jefferson Clinton had to deplane his own personal private jet in order to step into the personal private jet of Loretta Elizabeth Lynch.

Yes.  Your tax dollars at work.

Oh wait.  Demorats that William Jefferson Clinton happened to appoint to particular posts.  Oh wait.  Like Loretta Elizabeth Lynch.being nominated In 1999 by William Jefferson Clinton to be US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York?  Yes, like that.

Lynch was arriving in Phoenix for a planned visit as part of her national tour to promote community policing.

ABC15 asked Lynch about the meeting during her news conference at the Phoenix Police Department.

“I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke to myself and my husband on the plane,” said Lynch.

The private meeting comes as Lynch’s office is in charge of the ongoing investigation and potential charges involving Clinton’s email server.

The private meeting also occurred hours before the Benghazi report was released publicly involving Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s administration.

But, wait.

Didn’t press secretary, Josh Earnest, unequivocally state that the investigation of Hillary Clinton would be “free of political influence” and that he would leave it to the attorney general to explain the meeting?

He did.

So what occurred in their thirty-minute very private meeting with no one else around?  Exchanged photos of grandchildren?  Talk about the next season of Game of Thrones?  I suspect not.

I suspect the convo went something like this:

Bill: “You know, Rhett, remember that candy I gave you back in 1999?  I think I could use a little candy in return, but not for me.  For my wife.  Everyone sure loves Hillary.  It would be a shame if she lost the presidency because people thought she was gonna be prosecuted.”

Rhett: “Maybe I can do something about that.”

Bill: “Well Rhett, we sure would be appreciative.  And I bet the Democrats would be appreciative too, her being the first female president and all.  Everybody sure loves Hillary.  And you know, being a Senator has better health benefits, if you’d be interested.”

Never mind about the “optics” of the incident.  The American Media Maggots will do their level best to tamp it down and sweep it under the rug.  Conflict of interest?  Truly, who cares?

What do you think would occur if the roles were reversed?  What if the players involved were all Republicans and this meeting occurred?  The AMM would be on this story for weeks and it would be front page news for that amount of time.


From HotAir.com:

Reporter: FBI ordered ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones’ during Clinton/Lynch meeting

by Larry O/Connor

Reporter Christopher Sign of ABC 15 in Phoenix, AZ appeared on The O’Reilly Factor Thursday night to talk about his scoop involving that secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

“The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes privately. The FBI there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones.’”

First of all, it isn’t the FBI’s job to tell journalists or private citizens they can’t take photographs of a former president and the Attorney General. What were the agents going to do, arrest people for taking a picture or video?

Also, if there was nothing wrong with the meeting and it was totally innocent, why were federal agents instructed to demand no one take a picture?


At the VERY least, Lynch should recuse herself from the matter and appoint a special prosecutor.  At the worst she should be fired and then an investigation opened on her corruption.

After all, I’m sure that Bill and Rhett only talked about their grandkids, right?

I only ask:

Is there one — just one attorney in the DOJ — who is not corrupt?

And can, moreover, take a stand and publicly state that he or she is not broken in the face of rampant agency misconduct and fraudulence?


I thought not.



Leftists: dissension must be ELIMINATED

Leftists DON'T ALLOW DISSENSIONFirst on the agenda: the Drudge Report (though it’s nothing more than an aggregator) and Fox News.  Then the entire internet.


First, from the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Fox targeted by FEC Dems in first-ever vote to punish debate sponsorship

by Paul Bedard

Finally making good on long-harbored anger at conservative media, Democrats on the Federal Election Commission voted in secret to punish Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, using an obscure law to charge the network with helping those on stage.

STOP.  Read that first sentence again: “Finally making good on LONG-HARBORED ANGER at CONSERVATIVE media, DEMOCRATS on the Federal Election Commission voted in SECRET to PUNISH Fox News’ sponsorship of a Republican presidential debate, USING AN OBSCURE LAW to charge the network with helping those on stage.”

Would that not be unlike Lois Lerner and the IRS who complained bitterly that no such thing was done until finally the IRS admitted that precisely that thing was done?

It is the first time in history that members of the FEC voted to punish a media outlet’s debate sponsorship, and it follows several years of Democratic threats against conservative media and websites like the Drudge Report.

The punishment, however, was blocked by all three Republicans on the commission, resulting in a 3-3 tie vote and no action. The vote was posted Thursday and is here.

Imagine the results had Demorats simply owned that board, as Demorats own the state of California on most every level?

It seems that CNN sponsored quite a number of Democrat debates.  CNN sponsored four Democrat debates, of the ten documented — that’s almost half.  The GOP had twelve debates, six of which were sponsored by Fox.  That also is half.  Any issue with the FEC?

Here’s the obvious kicker:

CNN did the same thing, but there is no indication that they faced a complaint.

Do not think that the Demorats and Leftists are content to stop there.  They absolutely, incontrovertibly, wish to control the entire internet and all its content — particularly if that content is right-leaning in nature.


Also from the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Federal regulation of Internet coming, warn FCC, FEC commissioners

by Paul Bedard

Democrats targeting content and control of the Internet, especially from conservative sources, are pushing hard to layer on new regulations and even censorship under the guise of promoting diversity while policing bullying, warn commissioners from the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Election Commission.

“Protecting freedom on the Internet is just one vote away,” said Lee E. Goodman, a commissioner on the FEC which is divided three Democrats to three Republicans. “There is a cloud over your free speech.”

What is diversity?  In the eyes of Leftists, it is a One World Barbeque — that is, all persons saying, writing and thinking the same: a Leftist fashion.  Dissension cannot be tolerated.  What the FEC and Leftists and Demorats want is the same freedom of speech one now customarily finds on college campuses in America today; that is, little to none.

BZ License To BlogIn this vein I wrote, many years ago in 2010, that I could foresee the time where I as a blogger would require a literal license to blog.  To express my opinions and feelings.

Freedom of speech on the Internet, added Ajit Pai, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, “is increasingly under threat.”

Pai and Goodman cited political correctness campaigns by Democrats as a threat. Both also said their agencies are becoming politicized and the liberals are using their power to push regulations that impact business and conservative outlets and voices.

Of course it’s under threat.  Leftists and Demorat want absolute control of speech as well as most every other aspect of your life.  With a SCOTUS that leans far left as would occur under the lying and brazenly-corrupt Hillary Clinton, you can quite certainly wave good-bye to your Bill of Rights, with the Second and First Amendments primarily in their PC sights.

“One of the things that is critical for this country is to reassert the value of the First Amendment, the fact that robust discourse, that is sometimes cacophonous, is nonetheless a value, in fact it creates value,” said Pai.

But wait; perhaps you thought I was kidding with the whole “my blog will be involved as will yours” thingie?  Read on.

At a CATO Institute discussion on online speech Wednesday night, both said that regulators are eager to issue new rules that could put limits on what people could say on blogs, online news and even YouTube. Washington Examiner reporter Rudy Takala and Cato’s digital manager Kat Murti were also on the panel.

There it is in black and white.  Do not for a moment believe that, somehow, miraculously, you will remain unaffected — particularly if you are a Conservative.  Or a Libertarian for that matter — John Stossel, I’m looking at you, sir.

Pai, addressing Goodman, added, “The common thread of our experiences I think is this impulse of control, whether it’s the FCC and the impulse of the government to want to control how these networks operate, and the FEC to control the content of the traffic that traverses over those networks, and I think that certainly highlights the importance of the First Amendment.”

Goodman concluded, “We need to be ever mindful and vigilant not to let governmental agencies through 3-2 votes, or 4-2 votes at the FEC take that away from us.”

Let there be no mistake.  Leftists and Demorats want control of our lives, complete and utter control of what we do, what we eat, where we live, how we live our lives and ultimately what we write, say and even think.

Leftists and Demorats would truly be pleased with a 1984 environment.

1984 - Big BrotherI can see an upheaval coming, ladies and gentlemen, if Demorats and Leftists keep removing our rights and our freedoms.