Obama’s VA: “the happiest place on earth”? Perhaps only if you are a veteran’s corpse

The Department of Veterans Affairs is disgraceful.  And it’s no secret that Barack Hussein Obama dislikes our military, our veterans, and what they represent to his Leftist way of thinking.

So Mr Barack Hussein Obama owns the current state of the VA whether he likes it or not.  He owns it.  He would much rather disown it.  And that shows.

A 2014 investigation already revealed that veterans were dying while waiting for the most cursory of treatments.  The resulting April 2016 GAO report shows that not much has changed.  See it here.

The new secretary, a veteran civilian product of Proctor & Gamble, Robert McDonald, was supposed to have fixed the problem but now is only exacerbating it — despite the US government having tossed in an additional $10 billion more dollars for the alleged “repair” to the system.  And roughly 9 million veterans are enrolled in VA health care.  There are about 319 million persons in the US.  Even I can do that math.

First, the current secretary is a lickspittle moron.  And so sad, because he is himself a veteran.  Witness, from the WashingtonPost.com:

VA chief compares waits for veteran care to Disneyland: They don’t measure and we shouldn’t either

by Lisa Rein

Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, under pressure to be more transparent about how VA measures wait times for veteran care, on Monday said the government should be more like Disneyland.

Disney doesn’t track how long visitors wait in line for attractions at its theme parks to decide if they liked their experience, he said. So the VA should not be held to the same standard for medical appointments for veterans.

“When you go to Disney, do they measure the number of hours you wait in line? Or what’s important?” McDonald told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

“What’s important is, what’s your satisfaction with the experience?”

Oh my God.  You really went there.  You ignorant fucktardDisney does in fact tell you how long the waits are on their rides, and they provide a Fast Pass should you desire.  Your comments were not only rude, in bad taste, but based upon nothing but air and lies and ignorance and deceit.  You of all people should know that “let them eat cake and let them wait online” won’t play.

People have died waiting in your “lines,” McDonald.  It was proven.  Not just “a few people.”  But perhaps 300,000.  Click the link.  These are not statistics I am pulling out of my ugly, hemorrhoid-ridden ass.

But then, beyond that, the VA decided that a fond course would be that of lying about those selfsame statistics.  Yes.  The VA LIED about service times.  The VA lied about our Special Forces.

Even more disgusting, McDonald actually LIED about himself having served in the Special Forces.  LIED.

This is a point that will be IGNORED BY THE AMERICAN MEDIA MAGGOTS.

The problem is that the bulk of the VA is populated with various GS ranks who are union-protected.  The secretary needs to be empowered with the ability to fire people but cannot.  It is the overwhelming bureaucracy that government places not just on the civilian sector but upon itself as well — and the VA is one such result.

The major problem is that, unlike Disneyland, our veterans can die from having to wait for their ailments to be diagnosed, much less treated.  I don’t see people dropping dead in Disney’s wait lines.

To compare having to wait an extra 30 minutes for a rollercoaster with our warriors who have served this nation either by draft or volunteering is reprehensible.

Further, it’s not just a matter of our veterans being compared to cartoon characters, it’s the fact that a recent report indicates that VA employees in at least SEVEN states were told to falsify wait times.

It’s not just that the VA is insufficient.  It’s that the VA is insufficient and that it provides false statistics and then LIES about these facts in order to bury the dollars that were spent there for higher administrators.  In other words: useless personnel who could NOT attend to actual patients.

Like Robert McDonald.

Robert McDonald needs to go.  A person that dismissive, that dense, tone deaf and cavalier about our veterans needs to be fired with harsh impunity.  He already has a nice private pension.  Let him live off that and cease the double- and triple-dipping.  Yes, he “made a stupid mistake.”  He is “being pounced-on.”  But if you are sufficiently stupid to make such a comment, you are not the person to advance the VA.  Fine.  Make those comments in private.  But you were hired NOT to be stupid or make the same mistakes of your predecessors.  Accountability?  Responsibility?  Fuck you.  You need to go.  You have proven yourself to be JUST ANOTHER CAREERIST.

But instead now: boo-hoo.  You’re “picking on McDonald.”  Right.  Robert McDonald.  That means he’ll only be able to afford a tune-up for his Mercedes-Benz S Class instead of his once-anticipated 2016 Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Here is a Truism.  The US Military does not, in general, vote Democrat.  That bespeaks volumes.  Volumes.

There are only two hopes for the VA:

  1. That it is privatized, and/or
  2. That DC politicians are forced into its system for their medical care

Then and only then would things change.

Until that point, the callousness of the federal bureaucracy will continue to kill some of the best of our United States citizens, who have served and only want what was promised to them.

And that is: just a bit of care and concern.


Elitist.  Phony.  Power hungry.  Control freak.  Dishonest.  Statist.  Wooden.  Cynical.  Obsessive.  Lazy.  Lack of dignity.  Pandering.  Arrogant.  Incompetent.

Oh wait.

I’m not describing McDonald.


I was saving those descriptors for Hillary Clinton.

My bad.


YOUR federal govt selectively funds Leftists

Murray Rothbard Quote 1And you, of course, have no say whatsoever in the proposition.

Another bald display of arrogance, assumption — the naked elitism of DC.

From the DailyCaller.com:

Feds Divert MILLIONS To ‘Slush Fund’ That Fuels These Liberal Activist Groups

by Richard Pollock

Department of Justice officials diverted millions of dollars slated for victims of the 2008 housing meltdown to politically favored third parties, including “left-wing radical groups,” according to the chairman of a House of Representatives oversight subcommittee.

So, at a time when real Americans could have used a bit of a hand themselves, your federal government thought it was a good idea to divert millions of dollars to Leftist collectives.  Amongst other things.  Like banks.

Rep. Sean Duffy, a Wisconsin Republican and chairman of the House Financial Services oversight and investigations subcommittee, said Friday the officials “skimmed” off three percent from mortgage-related bank settlements. This created what he called a $500 million “slush fund” that could be steered toward favored groups.


Does this not sound like some sort of east coast Mafiosi?

Once again, Leftists purposely showing BIAS to themselves with government largesse.



Hillary Clinton truisms

Hillary Clinton and Bill's ChoicesHillary Clinton is summed up nicely below.

There was more truth spoken above about Hillary Clinton than most anyone has expressed in perhaps years.


Can you imagine Chelsea realizing some day that she was nothing more than a political child of convenience, birthed for the furthering of her parents’ careers?


NY Leftists embrace Muslims at 9/11 Ground Zero

New York, you are getting precisely what you deserve.

From JihadWatch.org:

Islamic museum to be built with Sharia-compliant financing on site of failed Ground Zero Mosque

by Robert Spencer

What a grand idea: a museum that tells the whole story of the bloody conquest and Islamization of the Middle East, North Africa, Persia, India, etc. A museum that tells the truth about Sharia oppression of women and non-Muslims. A museum that finally informs the public about the devastation that jihad and Sharia have wrought upon the world.

Seriously, this museum will do none of that. It will just be a cynical and deceptive whitewash of Islam’s bloody doctrine and history, at the site of one of the most notorious jihad attacks of modern times.

Note also the New York Post’s headline: “Apartments, Islamic museum to be built on site of failed Ground Zero Mosque.” “Failed Ground Zero Mosque”? I can’t tell you how many times, after Pamela Geller and I defeated the Ground Zero Mosque project, that we were contacted by mainstream media reporters asking for comment on the fact that we had “failed,” and that the Park 51 Cultural Center, as the Ground Zero Mosque project organizers called their scheme, had opened despite our efforts.

This is a quintessential example of how deceptive the mainstream media really is. We led protests against the proposed 15-story Islamic mosque, not against their having meetings in the Burlington Coat Factory building that had been extensively damaged on 9/11 and that they had planned to raze in order to build the Ground Zero Mosque; the triumphal mosque was never built, and the project was abandoned. We won. The Ground Zero Mosque organizers then held a few events in the damaged building: this was a tacit admission of defeat, not a victory: the 15-story triumphal mosque was never built, and the “cultural events” they held in the ruined building were no substitute for it. But the media still spun it as a victory for the Ground Zero Mosque project, and indeed, as the opening of the Ground Zero Mosque itself. Only now, several years later, do they admit that the Ground Zero Mosque project failed.

Yes, $174 million dollars acquired by Sharia financing.  For Muslims to LIE to the American people as taqqiya demands.

Hello?  These are the same people who had hoped to kill up to 50,000 Americans on 9/11/2001.  Hello?

Is anyone paying attention?



Pushing a Gary Johnson Libertarian third party?

Gary Johnson LibertarianLibertarian Gary Johnson, former two-term governor of New Mexico, is being pushed as a prospective Third Party candidate opposing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Gary Johnson’s belief is this: we need no more US carriers or carrier groups.  The US military should be slashed.  In fact, we need to eliminate US carriers wholesale.

Gary Johnson is insane.