SPOC: a “Shady Person Of Color” speaks out against “safe spaces” on college campus

SPOC 2That can get you potentially expelled from college, if you are a student.  It can wreak havoc on your social media accounts and attract Leftist Maggots like flies on shite.

It can certainly get you body slammed by your fellow college peers because you don’t pull the line that all the mooing brainless student cows believe their wilting-flower sensitivities trump surrounding reality.

Hanna Oh is now a SPOC — a “Shady Person Of Color” according to Claremont McKenna College’s school newspaper — for suggesting as editor of that paper in November of 2015 that “safe spaces” have no place on college campuses.

She partially wrote (see the complete article):

To our fellow Claremont students, we are disappointed in you as well.

We are disappointed in the fact that your movement has successfully managed to convince its members that anyone who dissents does so not for intelligent reasons, but due to moral failure or maliciousness.

We are disappointed that you’ve used phrases like “silence is violence” to not only demonize those who oppose you, but all who are not actively supporting you.

We are most disappointed, however, in the rhetoric surrounding “safe spaces.”

College is the last place that should be a safe space. We come here to learn about views that differ from our own, and if we aren’t made to feel uncomfortable by these ideas, then perhaps we aren’t venturing far enough outside of our comfort zone.

We would be doing ourselves a disservice to ignore viewpoints solely on the grounds that they may make us uncomfortable, and we would not be preparing ourselves to cope well with adversity in the future.

Dealing with ideas that make us uncomfortable is an important part of growing as students and as people, and your ideas will inhibit opportunities for that growth.

The problem is that Oh has dared to expose the truth about college’s little dainty darlings across the nation.

But when you control college campus ranguage as Leftists do, you can write anything you want about someone “of color” if they don’t pull their own “color weight.”

Like Hannah Oh.  Who betrayed her college values by spilling the Leftist beans that not only did students demand a “safe space” on campus — but via a private Google document — wanted a sound system, kitchenware, and a “board of SPOCs” that they wished to post on the wall in their “safe space.”  Not a board as in a council, but a board that would reveal those persons they believed were no longer worthy of their swarthiness.

Claremont then reacted as predicted by firing people and creating a temporary “safe space” whilst working on a permanent one.  Was there an administrative reaction to the concept of “SPOC” on their campus? — which is a demeaning term to persons of color — no.  There was no reaction by the Claremont administration.  As you would expect.

But as Oh revealed, here’s the practical kicker: no Caucasoids allowed.  They can’t enter the so-called “safe space.”  In the real world this is termed segregation.  Even Obama spoke out against “safe spaces.”

Oh revealed this — the treachery of it all! — when she again went against the Leftist grain and had the temerity to expose the situation on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren this very week.  The nerve of that SPOC!

As she and the editors dared to summarize in a published editorial:

Lastly, we are disappointed in students like ourselves, who were scared into silence.

We are not racist for having different opinions.

We are not immoral because we don’t buy the flawed rhetoric of a spiteful movement.

We are not evil because we don’t want this movement to tear across our campuses completely unchecked.

We are no longer afraid to be voices of dissent.

That is what scares Leftists.  That there would be any pushback at all That people would not automatically accept as rote what Leftists demand.  This cannot be.

Is pushback actually beginning?



Leftists suppress TRUTH and SPEECH

Freedom of Speech StoppedEverybody loves Facebook.  Wired.com’s Julia Greenberg says that “Facebook is killing it” whilst Twitter, Apple and Google are having tougher times.

Where Facebook apparently makes up the difference is in mobile ads.  Mobile advertising makes up 82% of Facebook’s total revenue.

Good to know, because Mark Zuckerberg is using this cash in order to suppress the truth and free speech.  Yes, your free speech, Millennials and Leftists.

And you’re just fine with that, you gibbering sycophant morons.  Good to know that if you click on a Facebook ad, or you even have Facebook, you’re contributing to the suppression of conservative speech, thought, even news.

From Gizmodo.com:

Former Facebook Workers: We Routinely Suppressed Conservative News

by Michael Nunez

Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project. This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users.

Of course, those of us on the right realize that Leftists consistently not only twist language, re-write language for purposes of control, but continuously quell the First Amendment for their purposes.  The ends of repression justify the means in their minds.  Just as Walter Williams asked:

“Are we headed towards more liberty, or are we headed towards more government control over our lives?”

We know the answer.

Fear.  Anyone remotely “conservative” who managed to squeak through at Facebook lived in fear of their jobs.

“Depending on who was on shift, things would be blacklisted or trending,” said the former curator. This individual asked to remain anonymous, citing fear of retribution from the company. The former curator is politically conservative, one of a very small handful of curators with such views on the trending team. “I’d come on shift and I’d discover that CPAC or Mitt Romney or Glenn Beck or popular conservative topics wouldn’t be trending because either the curator didn’t recognize the news topic or it was like they had a bias against Ted Cruz.”

It was a “chilling effect” on conservative news.

The former curator was so troubled by the omissions that they kept a running log of them at the time; this individual provided the notes to Gizmodo. Among the deep-sixed or suppressed topics on the list: former IRS official Lois Lerner, who was accused by Republicans of inappropriately scrutinizing conservative groups; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker; popular conservative news aggregator the Drudge Report; Chris Kyle, the former Navy SEAL who was murdered in 2013; and former Fox News contributor Steven Crowder. “I believe it had a chilling effect on conservative news,” the former curator said.

Blocking the Drudge Report — which is nothing more than an aggregator of news and doesn’t really even write stories.  Simultaneously PROMOTING Black Lives Matter.

Think about this a bit as you jump on Facebook — and stay the hell off its ads.  You’re only contributing to your own demise if you have any conservative values whatsoever.



Per Walter Williams: totalitarianism?


A note I found scrawled inside the cab of a Union Pacific locomotive.  Truism.

From the DailySignal.com:

“Are we headed towards more liberty, or are we headed towards more government control over our lives?”

Whether you are a Conservative or a Leftist, you inherently know the answer to that question.

You answer is shaded, however, by your belief that government can free you, or squash you like a bug.



More DOJ word pablum

Loretta Lynch & ObakaI wrote here that the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has decided to call convicted criminals “justice involved individuals.”

Hell, cops could be termed “justice involved individuals” as could judges, bailiffs, law clerks, probation officers and people who file legal records.  They could all be labeled “justice involved individuals.”  In the DOJ’s eyes law enforcement and felons are one and the same.

Now, the DOJ wants to eliminate the words “felon.” and “convict.”

Too judgmental, don’t you know.

From the WashingtonTimes.com:

Justice Department program to no longer use ‘disparaging’ terms ‘felons’ and ‘convicts’

by Andrea Noble

The Justice Department’s Office of Justice Programs is eschewing the terms “felon” and “convict” when officials refer to individuals convicted of crimes, opting instead for less “disparaging labels,” Assistant Attorney General Karol Mason announced Wednesday.

The Office of Justice Programs plans to substitute terminology such as “person who committed a crime” and “individual who was incarcerated” in speeches and other communications as part of an effort to remove barriers that officials say hinder progress of those who re-enter society after completing their prison sentences.

More WORD PABLUM from our federal Department of Justice under Obama-appointed Leftist Loretta Lynch.

Mouth pablum, euphemisms, verbal drivel, word salad.  What is the reason?

Votes.  Felon voters.  More votes for Demorats.  “Smoothing things out” for criminals so that the Demorats are remembered at voting time.

Just look at Virginia: a quarter of a million new voters for Demorats at the stroke of Democrat Governor Terry McAuliffe’s imperial pen — an act not put past the voters, mind you — to include rapists and murderers.

Now, since McAuliffe’s executive order, Breitbart reports:

Leftist groups sprung into action after Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe granted 206,000 felons the right to vote in April, including rapists and murderers, and have been working around the clock to get them on voter rolls.

According to a report by the Washington Post, activists want to swing the state for the Democratic nominee in November and for Democratic state officials. They’ve registered over 2,000 felons in two weeks. Hours after McAuliffe gave his order, activists were in poor and urban neighborhoods to start signing up ex-cons.

Just as Obama decided that a terrorist can’t be called a terrorist, and words don’t have real meanings any more, Obama’s rogue states have become “outliers” and pablum like “overseas contingency operations,” “man-caused disasters,” “countering violent extremism” and “kinetic military action” are the norm.

It should be no shock, then, that Obama’s DOJ now calls convicted felons “justice involved individuals” and more recently, “persons who committed a crime” and “individuals who were incarcerated.”  No more felons, no more convicts.  Perfect.

Again, why all of this, you ask?




“Guccifer” says he hacked Hillary’s home server

Hilary Clinton ELECT MEMeaning: he saw classified information on Hillary’s “home-brewed” server of convenience and arrogance?

Quite possibly.  It is already acknowledged that there were classified emails sent and received on her private server.

“Guccifer” said it was “easy” to breach her private server.

From NBCNews.com:

Hacker ‘Guccifer’: I Got Inside Hillary Clinton’s Server

The Romanian hacker who first exposed Hillary Clinton’s private email address is making a bombshell new claim — that he also gained access to the former Secretary of State’s “completely unsecured” server.

“It was like an open orchid on the Internet,” Marcel Lehel Lazar, who uses the devilish handle Guccifer, told NBC News in an exclusive interview from a prison in Bucharest. “There were hundreds of folders.”

Wonderful.  “Hundreds of folders.”

But it makes perfect sense.  “Guccifer’s” extradition to the US was no coincidence.  Please read this article.

Hillary Clinton OVERBITEHillary Clinton doing what she did — creating a home server just for herself simply because it was 1) more convenient for her, and 2) provided her with more instant control and authority (read: kept secret) — was a slap in the face to those persons who play by the rules with regard to classified United States government information.

Hillary Clinton took an oath to keep government secrets as required, and she signed non-disclosure documents indicating she would keep those secrets.  Just as I had to sign documents when I acquired my own Top Secret + clearance.  I had a duty and an obligation to keep what I knew and found secret, to not disclose them in any fashion.  A duty to my country and a duty to its citizens.

Hillary Clinton felt no such duty.  She is a Clinton.  She is above the rest of us common proles, groundlings, serfs.

What can Guccifer prove, and does this come out?  He wasn’t, after all, extradited just for shits and grins.

Hillary has two problems: 1) How this information may damage her candidacy for president as she is under active FBI investigation, and 2) How this and other information may indicate her actions have truly put US national security in jeopardy.  Her mouth pablum about “yoga classes” may not play well with James Comey.  Hillary Clinton faces being revealed as a criminal and a bald liar.

Clinton set up her private server to evade public scrutiny and scrutiny by Obama, as said Judge Andrew Napolitano, and failed to protect state secrets in at least 2,200 instances as Secretary of State.  She received a two-hour tutorial from FBI agents on the proper care and the legal handling of state secrets before she swore an oath to protect them as Secretary of State.  This occurred on her first day in office.

“She had an obligation to recognize and protect information on the basis of its sensitive nature, and not whether they bore classified warnings or not.”

Judge Andrew Napolitano also said “Recently the Department of Justice referred to its investigation of Mrs Clinton as ‘a law enforcement proceeding.’  That was the first public acknowledgement by the Justice Department that it is in fact investigating criminal behavior, and it directly contradicts Mrs Clinton’s assertions that the FBI investigation is merely a routine review of State Department classification procedures.”

Napolitano says, “Perhaps she should tell her husband what was on that server before she tries to use him as a not-so-secret weapon.  Perhaps she now recognizes how hard pressed she will be to claim to the FBI or to a jury that she did not know the satellite photos of a North Korean nuclear facility or transcripts from wiretaps of Yemeni intelligence agents, cell phone calls, or the itinerary of the late US ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and the days before his murder or the true names of American intelligence undercover agents, all of which were in her emails, were in fact state secrets.  She knows now that this is not just a game.”

Let us not forget that Superdelegates kicked Hillary Clinton to the curb for Obaka in 2008 — and could potentially do the same again.  They too recognize how certain political prairie winds blow.

Further: how does Bernie Sanders handle this?  Does he pretend, to the American public, that this news isn’t out in the open?

Does Bernie read the letters “IN CASE OF EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS” and grab the little hammer?

I feel completely reassured in the fidelity of James Comey and his FBI.  It will be the DOJ that dances to the tune of Barack Hussein Obaka.

If no indictment, it will be up to certain elements to release certain amounts of information to certain personnel about the issue.

Trust me, ladies and gentlemen.  I still have contacts.  This grates in the craw of good FBI agents just as it grates on us as well.



Good news for Clinton supporters.  If Hillary is elected, she’ll likely hang for eight years instead of a mere four.  After that, she could throw her support over to her daughter Chelsea.  Chelsea Clinton is already 36 years old and age-eligible for president.