Benghazi ARB corrupt; Hillary concealed documents?

Hillary Benghazi Bloody HandsFrom

Hillary’s “Plumbers” Hid Benghazi Docs

Benghazi Scandal: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton promised “unfettered access” to the Benghazi Accountability Review Board. But it turns out that promise may be as much a lie as the inflammatory video story.

We were not impressed by the methods or findings of the Accountability Review Board (ARB) after the terrorist attack on our Benghazi diplomatic mission on Sept. 11, 2012, starting with not interviewing the person where the buck was supposed to stop, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Shamefully, the ARB report failed to single out any individuals for violating procedures and did not recommend any disciplinary action. Some lower-level State Department officials were blamed for “performance inadequacies” but not “willful misconduct.”

Yes, a great disappointment because logical, thinking human beings know there is much more that was ignored.  The lies.  The betrayal.

Hillary Clinton Benghazi QuoteEven the Hillary Clinton lies about the lies — to the faces of the survivors of the Benghazi victims.  The lies about her server.

Clinton herself escaped any real accountability for Benghazi in the ARB report, despite Amb. Stevens and others warning her office repeatedly that the consulate in Benghazi, surrounded by terrorist training camps, was a terrorist attack waiting to happen.

Benghazi was truthfully revealed in the Michael Bay film, “13 Hours,” as I wrote here in great detail.

But Hillary had an advantage.  She was kept informed, step-by-step, of the ARB’s progress or lack thereof.  And more.

As we’ve noted, former Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen and ARB co-chair Thomas Pickering, authors of this “independent” investigation, admitted in Congressional testimony that they regularly briefed Clinton and her advisers on their probe.

Mullen at one point had called Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, to give her a heads up after ARB interviewed a potential congressional witness.

“She told me,” Maxwell told Attkisson, ‘Ray, we are to go through these stacks (of documents) and pull out anything that might put anybody in the (Near Eastern Affairs) front office on the seventh floor in a bad light.’”

The “seventh floor,” Attkisson notes, was State Department “shorthand” for then Secretary of State Clinton and her staff.

“Sanitizing” the documents.  Picking and choosing what was and was not seen.  Please read the rest of the article.

Corruption, cheating, lies.

Thy name is Hillary Clinton.



Hillary wanted to abrogate security rules from the start

Hillary Clinton DELETESFirst, from

Clinton tried to change rules to use BlackBerry in secure facility for classified information

by Catherine Herridge & Pamela K. Browne

Less than a month after becoming secretary of state, and registering the personal email domain that she would use exclusively for government business, Hillary Clinton’s team aggressively pursued changes to existing State Department security protocols so she could use her BlackBerry in secure facilities for classified information, according to new documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

What that means is: the Hillary Clinton lawbreaking started early.

Hilary Clinton ELECT MEBecause it’s all about the convenience for Hillary Clinton.  Rules and regulations regarding classified information and materials, well, those rules are for little people, not for Clintons.  Clintons are above everyone else.  They piss on regular rules and regulations with contempt.

As Peggy Noonan once said, Bill Clinton is a “low-rent oaf with his squat and grasping wife.”

Squat and grasping wife indeed.  I can see that vision in my head as can most sensible people thinking with their heads and not their amygdala.

“Anyone who has any appreciation at all of security, you don’t ask a question like that,” cybersecurity analyst Morgan Wright told Fox News.  “It is contempt for the system, contempt for the rules that are designed to protect the exact kind of information that was exposed through this email set up. “

Clinton has claimed she used the personal account and BlackBerry for convenience. 

But the kicker?

In January 2009, Clinton signed at least two non-disclosure agreements in which she promised to protect classified information. Since then, more than 2,100 emails containing classified information have been identified, as well as 22 Top Secret that are too damaging to national security to release.

Most people say Hillary Clinton will remain unscathed.

I am not so convinced.

The year is still young.



CAIR: Idaho is racist

Islam Koran 1CAIR objects to a new bill proposed in the state of Idaho.  It intimates that the entire state is racist because of the nature of the bill.

What does the bill do?

It would prohibit Sharia Law in the state of Idaho.

From the Idaho

North Idaho lawmaker’s first bill targets Sharia law

by Betsy Z. Russell

BOISE – Rep. Eric Redman, R-Post Falls, introduced his first bill on Wednesday: a measure seeking to ban recognition of Sharia, or Islamic, law in Idaho courts.

Redman distributed stacks of handouts to the Idaho House Ways and Means Committee, including a photo of a severed hand and printouts from websites critical of Islam. The committee voted 4-3 along party lines to introduce the bill.

The bill follows model legislation developed by the American Public Policy Alliance, a nonprofit that warns of foreign laws infiltrating the U.S. court system and has gotten similar laws passed in several states. A 2010 Oklahoma constitutional amendment forbidding that state’s courts from considering Sharia law in decisions was overturned in federal court in 2013.

But wait, CAIR and some legislators are saying.  There are no Muslim enclaves yet in the United States.  That is preposterous thinking.  Hamtramck and Dearborn simply don’t exist.

House Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston, voted against the bill saying, “There is no issue right now, there is no issue. And to bring this piece of legislation and the supporting documents that showed severed hands and called the Prophet Mohammed a pedophile was just beyond the pale.”

Except that, Rusche, severed hands are the result of Sharia Law in the Middle East, and Mohammad was in fact a pedophile.

Again, GOWPs who don’t know history and don’t know the Koran and are ignorant of how Islam is practiced.  Not how people wish it to be — but how it is practiced.  Islam is as Islam does.

Obama already wants to increase the current number of 10,000 Syrian refugees to over 100,000 by 2017, plus the number of refugees from 2015 and 2016.

These Syrian refugees, containing ISIS personnel we cannot reliably screen out — per FBI Director James Comey — are not Buddhists or pacifists or Shinto.  They are Muslims.

Point one: Islam isn’t a race.
Point two: Islam is a barbaric culture — it’s much more than simply a religion — that utilizes Sharia Law to oppress people, primarily women.  Check Robert Spencer’s site here.  Advocates of Sharia Law say it should naturally trump American law on every level.  That cannot and should never be.

Even Pakistan grapples with the issue, accusing Imams of squandering their moral authority on the suppression of people instead of fatwas for healthy children and charity.  Instead, in support of Sharia Law, Islamic clerics are in support of everything socially or economically regressive and backward.

Irfan Husain of Dawn in Pakistan writes that in about every Muslim majority nation clerics “focus on the subjugation of women” and outlawing chess, yoga and laws that uphold child marriage, inability for women to divorce, all under Sharia.

Husain indicates whereas “liberals love to say Islam is a religion of peace that is being hijacked by terrorists, in reality, the faith has been hijacked by the clergy.”

Again: Islam is as Islam does.

CAIR lacks any form of veracity or authority in any event, as it is an Islamic Supremacist group which is listed by the UAE in its terror manifest, was actually created by the Muslim Brotherhood, receives financial support from foreign powers who have also provided direct support to Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and Hamas — and the FBI has charted direct links between CAIR and Hamas.

Yes, America can be noble.

But it can’t afford to be ignorant and stupid in the face of a movement that thinks not just in terms of days or years, but decades and centuries.



Obama wants “fairness” for his SCOTUS nominee

Obama Quote FightObama never lords a win over anyone or anything. He never recommends fighting or brawling like the evil Donald Trump. Obama always plays fair and quietly.

Mr Obama held a press conference this morning to announce that he was nominating Merrick Garland to replace Antonin Scalia.  Garland sits on the DC Circuit Court.  Many consider that the second most important court in the nation.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia last night. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

But now that the shoe is on the other foot, and Obama can’t ramrod his nominee down the throat of Congress, all of a sudden Mr Obama wants to be understood.  He wants “fairness.”  He wants us to play “fair” with him.

Now, the power over Mr Obama rests with Congress.  The Republicans have the majority in both houses now.

In response to Mr Obama I say, with all due respect: blow it out your ass.  Elections do have consequences.

Mr. Obama demanded a fair hearing for Judge Garland and said that refusing to even consider his nomination would provoke “an endless cycle of more tit for tat” that would undermine the democratic process for years to come.

Obama Quote We WonProvoke an endless cycle, Mr Obama?  YOU did that, many years ago.  You and your fellow Demorats.

Do you remember, Mr Obama, when you lorded it over the GOP saying that “elections have consequences” and “I won, you lost“?

Let us not forget it was 1988 when your vice president, Joe Biden, said:

So apparently Joe Biden and the Demorats want it both ways.  Biden said we must wait then.  We must go ahead now.  “And not, and not, name a nominee until after the November election is completed.”

The president urged the Republican-led Senate not to let the particularly fierce and partisan political climate quash the nomination of a “serious man.”

“This is precisely the time when we should play it straight,” Obama said.

So Merrick Garland may get caught in between a power play.  Oh well, so sad.  He gets paid a great wage now and will have thirty times the retirement you and I will.  Big deal.  He’ll get over it.

The only reason Obama says “we should play it straight” and wants “fairness” is because he can’t ram his position up the electorate’s ass.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Obama.



Hillary LIED and the mother who said so

First, let’s start with the continuing public lies from Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Total blackout on ABC, other networks avoid Benghazi victim’s mom who says Hillary lied to her face

by Tom Tillison

In the March 9 Democratic presidential debate, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos played a clip of Patricia Smith, the mother of Bengazhi victim Sean Smith, saying then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told her the attack that killed her son was the result of an anti-Islam video.

What makes this a “stunning” moment, as described by Newsbusters, is that there has been an almost total blackout on the national networks ABC, CBS and NBC of this charge — particularly at ABC.

Even more stunning, Clinton responded to Ramos by saying the grieving mother was “absolutely wrong.”

Really?  Let’s look.

Who do you think lied?

Hillary Clinton or the mother of a Benghazi victim?