Norway & Sweden to collapse under migrants?

Sweden BurningI already wrote about Norway here, when that nation decided to disarm its law enforcement officers recently.  The decision couldn’t have been made at a worse time.

It turns out that Norway — and Sweden too — is more concerned with being besieged by immigrants than it let on, purposely hiding various inconvenient facts from its lawful citizens.

First, from

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border

by Tyler Durden

We’ve spent quite a bit of time documenting the country’s trials and travails over the course of the last 12 months during which time Sweden has taken on more than 160,000 asylum seekers.

Let’s stop for a moment to examine some facts.  The third largest in Europe, Sweden is a country of 174,000 square miles, about the size of California, with a population of almost 10 million.  In contrast, California has a population of 39 million, and New York City has a population of 8.5 million people.  Sweden has a population density of 54 inhabitants per square mile.  The illegal invader increase to Sweden is about 1.6%.

Last month, on the heels of reports from Germany that men of “Arab and North African” origin assaulted women in central Cologne during New Year’s Eve celebrations, Swedish media alleged that police orchestrated a massive coverup designed to keep a string of similar attacks that allegedly occurred at a youth festival in Stockholm’s Kungsträdgården last August from seeing the light of day.

Meanwhile, a 22-year-old refugee center worker was stabbed to death by a Somali migrant at a shelter for asylum seekers and at the Stockholm train station, “gangs” of Moroccan migrant children reportedly spend their days attacking security personnel and accosting women.

What commonality is being tacitly unmentioned?  Yes, the fact that these are all Muslims involved.

At the risk of gleeful schadenfreude (for obvious Obama-instigated reasons), I submit that what is written next was completely foreseeable — and indeed I have been writing about it for years now — as Islam brings with its staunch adherents aspects that are entirely unworkable in civilized Western cultures.

Sweden plans to deport some 80,000 of the refugees this year but according to Norwegian PM Erna Solberg, it may be too little too late to keep the country from collapsing. So concerned is Solberg that she’s now crafted an emergency law that will allow Norway to refuse asylum seekers at the border in the event “it all breaks down” in Sweden.

This borders on heresy for Europeans GOWPs — Guilty Overeducated White Persons.

Here’s how the proposal is being presented by the anti-immigration Swedish online magazine Fria Tider: “Norway is now preparing to denounce the Geneva Convention and to secure the border with Sweden by force – without letting people apply for asylum.”

Is this overstated, or is the foundering of Europe truly possible?

Yes, “worst case scenarios,” like what Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström described last October when she said “most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year – in the long run, our system will collapse.” 

Collapse.  Not unlike the Cloward-Piven Strategy, defined as:

The strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.

Yes, the situation is that serious.  Yes, European countries are that stressed.  Yes, they could collapse and implode.

And with that, guess what?

Yes.  Mr Obama has already accepted roughly 10,000 Syrian and related refugees and buried them around the nation.  Ask Texas if they’ve seen Syrian refugees.  But wait; Mr Obama wants the US to accept another 100,000 in order to accept its “fair share.”

From the

White House wants increase of Syrian refugees

by Paul Bedard

The White House is quietly pushing for an increase in refugees from Syria, despite new concerns raised by state and county officials that federal help is often missing when they arrive.

President Obama’s assistant for immigration policy told a task force set up by the National Association of Counties that the U.S. is eyeing a bigger role to help alleviate the growing crisis.

Because that is working out so well for Europe.

Syrian Refugees to USHere are where the immigrants are aimed in each state.

In the meantime, on our southern border, a new wave of immigrant flooding is set to begin.

To even entertain the importation of more useless immigrants is staggeringly insane.



Oscars: not enuf gangsta

Host Chris Rock speaks at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Host Chris Rock speaks at the Oscars on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

Chris Rock hosted the 88th Oscars this year, and made the entire show about melanin.  Black black black black black black, black, black black, black and black.

Blacks are 12.6% of the US population.  70% of NFL players and 75% of NBA players are black.  Then there’s this:

According to the findings of an AP analysis, ABC, NBC, and Fox have a higher percentage of African-Americans in prime time than the percentage of Blacks in the country’s population. The U.S. Census puts the percentage of Blacks in the population at 13.2. African-Americans accounted for 15% of the cast members on ABC and NBC fall shows.

But let’s not let the facts get in the way of a good black tantrum, shall we?  Because you sure as hell won’t hear or read of this on either the Oscars or trotted out on the front page of newspapers or in the MSM.

Chris Rock ensured that he threw as many barbs as possible to those persons whose skin wasn’t as dark as his.  Leonardo DiCaprio was made the butt of an early joke.  The liberal, Leftist Leonardo DiCaprio was not amused.  Not a whit.

After the first half hour, there were more jokes by Rock with Caucasoids as the butt.

The auditorium did not erupt into spontaneous rolling floods of massive cheers, shouts, uproarious laughter and huzzahs.  In fact, many of the so-called “jokes” by both blacks and GOWP Caucasoids fell primarily quite flat.

Rock and his ilk seem to think that blacks are the center of the universe, completely ignoring the Asians, Indians, Namibians, Mexicans, gays and transgenders in front of the camera and behind.

Basically what happened is this: Hollywood GOWPs tacitly agreed to “take it on the chin” for Political Correctness and mostly shut the fuck up whilst sitting in the audience.  Good for them.  Be good little overpaid cowards.  Good times.

This year’s Oscars were an excuse for racism, Political Correctness, personal and general belittling, as well as verbal filth and cultural devolution.

Overall, Chris Rock ensured the 88th Oscars were mostly a classless event.  “Harvey Weinstein, kiss my ass.” High art, that.

And if Rock thought that going to a Compton theater for the opinions of blacks provided a necessary insight then yes, it was an insight — into the cultural and historic ignorance of blacks themselves.  Nice job Rock.  You proved that the blacks you interviewed were insular, racist, unable to expand their personal scopes beyond the hood.

The ratings plummeted for that reason.  In fact, the ratings were at an 8-year low.

It breaks my heart to see Hollywood Leftists hoisted and gored on the spears they so love to use on everyone else.



I almost forgot

RL & JS Alley, About 1925, 5509 Holmes St., KC., MO.0

My father (L) and his brother Jim, in front of their house at 5509 Holmes Street,   Kansas City, Missouri, in 1925.

5509 Holmes Street Today, KC, MO

5509 Holmes Street today (R), same sidewalk in foreground.  You can see the two-story house, upper left, is the same as the one above.

And that concerns me.

I wrote this post late Thursday night of the 11th, in anticipation of posting it this past weekend because, almost before that day had passed, I realized what I’d not done.  Because of the stream of news and events, I’ve waited to post it until now, Sunday.

I’d not remembered that was the day my father passed away in 2009, seven years ago.  My God, seven years ago.  In a way it seems like yesterday; in another, it seems like a vast, chasmic distance in the past.

Today my father, had he lived, would be 95 years old.  As it was, he lived to 88.  He once told me that all he wanted to do was live longer than his father, who passed away in the front yard of his house in Dallas at the age of 83.  His father served in World War I, having been born in 1895.

VR Alley, 1917.0Above is a photograph of my father’s dad, Verto Alley, who was a bugler and served overseas in Germany and France.  Verto was born in 1895, in Minnesota. Though I met him about three times, I remember little if anything about my grandfather because I was young, and because my grandparents on my father’s side lived so far away.  I’m pretty sure I factored not at all into his life either.

Thru War

As you can see, my grandfather Verto carried this photo of his wife Katy throughout his assignments in World War I.

On the other hand, Dad’s mother, Katherine, was born in 1899 in Missouri and liked me.  Those same three times I may have encountered my grandmother, I only remember good things about her.  I can remember being in the back seat of our 1958 Oldsmobile 88 with grandma.  I’d just had a haircut.  Dad always cut my hair with the Wahl electric clippers that I have to this day; he would do it with me perched on the yellow stool perched in the middle of the kitchen on the linoleum floor.

1958 Olds 88 BlueGrandma was in the back seat of the Olds with me.  She leaned over, scrappled my short hair and called me her “towhead.”  Then she kissed me on top of my head.

Dad, Sepia, Open Cockpit, Standing-A Dad, Standing, Propeller-AThe above photographs are my father in primary flight school, where he learned that the US Army Air Corps considered him to be, after evaluation, bomber material.  Dad wanted to be a fighter pilot — who didn’t? — but the USAAC said he was a “team player” kind of guy, not a lone wolf.  To multi-engine planes he went and the B-17.

Mom & Dad WWII Photo B&WAfter surviving his missions, Dad came back and the married my mother on April 24th of 1942.  In its infinite wisdom the US decided to make Dad a B-25 instructor.  Go figure.  Above is a photo of my mother and father a short time after their marriage in Reno, Nevada.  Below is my father seated in a B-25 Mitchell.

Dad In Cockpit, Pilot Seat-ABelow, Captain Dad poses with his friend Joel Kuykendahl, while assigned as flight instructors at Roswell Army Air Field (AAF).

Dad, Sepia, Capt, Roswell Flt Inst, With Joel Kuykendahl-A I reminisced about Dad recently with my wife and her sister, when she came to visit for the past three weeks as I recuperated from foot surgery.

To this day I miss Dad terribly.

Col Richard Lee Alley, USAF
1920 – 2009
WWII, Vietnam



EU on the brink of migration collapse

Syrian Refugees In Greece, Port of Lesbos

Syrian refugees, Port of Lesbos, Greece.

The EU, European Union, is on the brink of total collapse and chaos.

So says the migration commissioner.


Ten days to save EU migration system: commissioner

Brussels (AFP) – The EU has until a March 7 summit with Turkey to curb the number of migrants coming to Europe or else the bloc’s migration system might “completely break down”, migration commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said Thursday.

“In the next 10 days, we need tangible and clear results on the ground. Otherwise there is a risk that the whole system will completely break down,” Avramopoulos told a press conference after interior ministers dealing with the crisis met in Brussels.

Syrian Refugee Migration SURGE MAPBut who will listen?

Will the GOWPs of the EU listen?

Is UK Prime Minister David Cameron listening?  He thinks Britain needs very much to remain in the EU.

At odds with Cameron is Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London — who thinks a Brexit is just what the doctor ordered.

The migration crisis is just one aspect of the UK’s problems, but it’s not just a United Kingdom problem but a German problem, a Greek problem, an Italian problem and overall a European Union problem.

Advanced, mostly, by Deutschland’s Angela Merkel — who opened her guilty WWII GOWP arms to the flood of Syrians which then, by extension, meant everyone else from North Africa and parts farther.

Ten day, then.  What could happen in ten days?

A breakdown.  A complete and utter breakdown — think Cloward-Piven Strategy — of the western European system on most every level you can imagine.  Fiscal, societal, physical, you name it.

And so when the EU system breaks, what else tends to break?

That’s right, the markets.  EU markets, Japanese markets and of course the US stock market.

Buckle up.



Thursday’s GOP CNN debate

GOP Thursday Debate Characters 2-25-2016First, let’s see if the GOP candidates can even enter the stage without messing up their guidance from the CNN stage director.  Okay.  Seems as though they finally deduced how to enter a debate stage under clear instruction.  That could bode well.

On Thursday night, the debate was hosted by CNN and featured the moderation team of Hugh Hewitt (he of Salem Broadcasting, who is leaving Fornicalia, the traitor, and moving to DC for a new AM radio slot), Dana Bash and María Celeste Arrarás in order to draw in the Mexican Telemundo crowd, illegals and all.  George HW Bush, 91, was in the audience along with his wife Barbara.

[About Hewitt: “Hugh’s first morning broadcast will be Monday, April 4th. Soon SRN will announce a star performer who will join the lineup replacing Hugh in the all-important 6pm-9pm ET day part.”]

This is the last GOP debate before March 1st’s Super Tuesday, where voters in Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia will hit the polls. In addition, Alaska Republicans and American Samoa Democrats will caucus that Tuesday.

A nice explanation of Super Tuesday is here:

The five candidates appearing on the University of Houston, TX stage were Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump and John Kasich.

The last GOP debate was a devolving farce.  Let’s see if they do better.

Ben Carson started out the Uniter, Kasich still continues to piss me off (Kasich broadcasts the “I shouldn’t trust him” vibe to me), Rubio speaks well but I still can’t help but think he’d do a 180 on immigration if installed in the White House, Cruz welcomed everyone to Texas and, I have to tell you, I believe Cruz would attempt to do everything from DC he says he will.  Trump started off a bit muted and with his standard bullet points of “winning again and a lot.”

Immigration was the first topic right off the bat.

Cruz brought up the point of Arizona, where illegal Mexicans fled, business owners complained about rising resulting wages, but dollars spent by Arizona on prisons, education and welfare went down by hundreds of millions of dollars.  Unemployment dropped and wages rose.  Rubio is still of concern to me about his Gang of 8.  Then Rubio and Cruz made numerous points with Trump at the crux.  Kasich hit the “practical path to legalization” for illegal Mexicans.  Kasich acted as though there weren’t and aren’t fiscal and societal consequences for allowing illegals to flood the country.  Carson wants a back tax penalty and future taxes on illegals.

Let me pause.  That won’t happen, Carson.  Illegals won’t pay back taxes.  That’s an ignorant pie-in-the-sky point — and in particular since about 45% of Americans don’t pay taxes anyway.  Roughly half of Americans pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability,

Fact: the top 1 percent of taxpayers pay a higher effective income tax rate than any other group (around 23 percent, according to a report released by the Tax Policy Center in 2014) — nearly seven times higher than those in the bottom 50 percent.

Offhand, it sounds to me like those of us who are stupid enough to actually pay taxes — we are the morons.

Trump still has not dealt in specifics with regard to how he believes Mexico is going to pay for a wall at the southern border.

The Telemundo entree, María Celeste Arrarás, then accused Cruz of insufficient pandering to illegal Mexicans — make no mistake, this bimbette was present on the CNN stage to ensure her racist and nationalist bias comes through — because Cruz makes illegal immigration a point and, instead, should “go along to get along” with other Hispanics who want America’s immigration laws to be ignored and/or rescinded.  The implication is that Cruz, as a Cuban/Hispanic, should be falling all over MCA in order to support “his own.”

Let’s stop right here.  This racist María Celeste Arrarás wants breaks just for Mexicans and everyone else in the US can shut the hell up and pay for it all, simultaneously watching the country become more like Mexico and knowing it will then turn into the nation from which Mexicans currently flee.

What the fuck?

What part of that makes sense to people who believe in sovereign nations?

In a nice way, though, Cruz told the racist María Celeste Arrarás to buzz off.

The racist María Celeste Arrarás then worked on the weak link inhabiting the stage, John Kasich, who enjoys pandering to Mexicans, because she knows Kasich is the weak GOWP illegal Mexican link.  He’d love him some amnesty, a big bag of it, for Mexican votes.

The racist María Celeste Arrarás finally brought up to Dr Ben Carson that “a report” (which remained unspecified) indicated that in order to approach Hispanics and “bring them to vote for the Republican Party, certain things needed to happen, and one of them was that they shouldn’t feel like they gonna get kicked out of the United States.”

Translated: law breaking Mexicans want not only preferential treatment, but they should be above the laws of the United States because they can provide votes to those who allow illegal Mexicans to break those same laws.

More prodding for preferential treatment for Mexicans from the racist María Celeste Arrarás.

“Or otherwise they wouldn’t pay attention to one more sentence from candidates.”

Translated: REPUBLICAN candidates who won’t kneel down to fellate the State of Mexico shaft.

Dr Ben Carson didn’t bite.  You could clearly see the resulting look of pissedness on the face of the racist María Celeste Arrarás.

Hey Mexico, why don’t you just be clear and say what you want?  You want to put a gun to the head of the American Taxpayer — the 54.7% of US citizens who actually pay taxes — and force them to send money directly to Mexico City?

After that little show, I immediately got tired of what the racist bint María Celeste Arrarás had to say.

Hugh Hewitt asked the first questions about SCOTUS and religious freedoms.  Carson nailed it:  “The Constitution protects all of our rights.  It gives people who believe in same-sex marriage the same rights as everybody else.  But what we have to remember is, even though everybody has the same rights, nobody gets extra rights.”

Thank you sir.

“Nobody gets to redefine things for everybody else and then have them have to conform to it.  That’s unfair.  It’s the responsibility of Congress to come back and correct what the Supreme Court has done.”

Let’s be plain.  Trump still can’t be specific.  He crafts his points in generalities.

And no one has brought up the debt crisis and emphasized it like Rubio.  The debt crisis needs infinitely more focus and attention.

I got tired early of the tax return release issue.  Move on.

One note: it was clear that the racist María Celeste Arrarás liked John Kasich.  She smiled at him twice and no one else.  Ever.  Why?  Because of Kasich’s support of illegal Mexicans.

Yes, there was backbiting in this debate but, thankfully, not to the extent of the last one.  There was more focus on various issues this time around.  Mostly.  Sort of.

Who won?

First, I don’t care for Kasich.  Period.  Dr Ben Carson is a nice man but over his head.  Yes, he is better coached but his forte is not the presidential seat.

Carson: “could someone attack me please?”

Yes, that’s how desperate the debates have become.  I don’t really watch them for insight anymore; most people are way beyond that now.

At this point absent a severed trend, it appears Trump will continue with his numbers, Cruz will continue as number two and Rubio as number three.

The GOP debates aren’t for insight or an informational exchange any more.  They simply provide a modicum of entertainment for me.

But the ultimate question?

Who in the GOP can beat Hillary Clinton or, if she implodes, Bernie Sanders or in extremis a farm team player like Joe Biden?
