18 USC 1924: prosecute Hillary Clinton NOW

Hillary Clinton Correctional FacilityThe past Friday this information came out in the news.

From Breitbart.com:

New Email Appears to Show Clinton Ordering Staff to Improperly Handle Sensitive Material

by John Hayward

The latest Hillary Clinton document dump occurred in the wee hours of Friday morning, and contains what appears to be a smoking-gun revelation: Clinton ordering her aides to strip the classification markings from confidential material and retransmit it using unsecure methods.

Let’s pause for a moment in order to examine a very salient portion of the USC or United States Code,


(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

(b) For purposes of this section, the provision of documents and materials to the Congress shall not constitute an offense under subsection (a)

(c) In this section, the term “classified information of the United States” means information originated, owned, or possessed by the United States Government concerning the national defense or foreign relations of the United States that has been determined pursuant to law or Executive order to require protection against unauthorized disclosure in the interests of national security.

From CBSNews.com:

In email, Hillary Clinton tells aide to send talking points “nonsecure”

by Reena Flores

To comply with a court-ordered goal, the State Department made public about 3,000 pages of emails from Hillary Clinton’s private server early Friday morning, including 66 messages that were later marked “classified” on some level.

On the campaign trail, the presidential candidate has insisted that no classified information was sent or received through her private email server.

But in one email exchange between Clinton and staffer Jake Sullivan from June 17, 2011, the then-secretary advised her aide on sending a set of talking points by email when he had trouble sending them through secure means.

Part of the exchange is redacted, so the context of the emails is unknown, but at one point, Sullivan tells Clinton that aides “say they’ve had issues sending secure fax. They’re working on it.”


Clinton responds, “If they can’t, turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

To tell the staffer to send the document(s) purposely minus the header portrays to me a clear consciousness of guilt and an attempt to evade.

In my opinion, this is a violation of the above statute.  Further, you could easily add the word CONSPIRACY to the charges, as that is two or persons conspiring to commit a crime concomitant with an overt act.

Let’s see.  Did Hillary Clinton tell her staffer, not ask, but tell her staffer to send a document minus its official header?

Breitbart.com finally observes:

Fox News notes that the latest document dump includes 65 more messages classified as “confidential,” plus one classified as “secret,” bringing the total number of classified emails discovered on Clinton’s mail server to 1,340. Needless to say, this is considerably higher than the “zero” she claimed.

What of this consideration?  What about the word “precedent”?

And what about, regarding classified information, the “Hillary Clinton Defense”?



How stupid were the Bengals?

Furthermore, how stupid was their coach?

Yes, on a number of occasions the game was pretty tense.  It was the first time I’d ever seen referees and staff stand at the 50 whilst both teams warmed up prior to the game.

In summary, the Bengals were off the hook as was their coach.  The two Bengals players flagged at the end of the game had performed — and I use that word loosely — in a similar fashion all season and Twitter was ablast with “that’s nothing new.”

Frankly, Marvin Lewis, coach of the Bengals, is now 0 – 7 in the post-season.  And there is no doubt that he lost control of his players.

This was a disgusting display of ridiculous emotions and a lack of discipline on the part of the Bengals, and was a sports embarrassment.  The Steelers weren’t little angels, but the Bengals simply went over the top.

In my opinion, it’s time for Lewis to go.  He completely lacked control of his team and they paid the ultimate price, along with all the sports fans in Cincinnati.

The Pittsburgh Steelers will now meet the Denver Broncos next weekend.



My Packers WON and will face the Cardinals next.


Oregon standoff: what you don’t know

First, here is a map of land held by the federal government by state.  Click on the photo to embiggen and note the figures contained.

Federal Land Ownership Per StateAre you as astounded as I am, that the federal government owns so much land in the western states?  Might you now begin to understand the reasons that various ranchers in these western states, many of them having ranched through many generations from the 1800s, may be a bit upset about the federal government land takeover throughout the years and the onset of not only regulations but the application of various major fees and leases?

Perhaps you can.  I can understand.  Not condoning.  But understanding.

Second, Oregon Representative Greg Walden made an even-keeled speech that nailed the issues involved; please watch:

Yes, it is about the federal government.  Yes, it is about freedom.  Yes, it is about land rights.  Yes, it is about the government moving the goal posts.  Yes, it is about our founding documents.  Here is what Mr Obama’s truly doing to our Second Amendment.

Obama Shooting the 2ndI highly recommend this article by the creator of the above cartoon, Michael Ramirez.

And you cannot convince me that the ultimate goal of Leftists isn’t eventual firearms confiscation and elimination from civilian hands.

People are frustrated and stymied and don’t think the federal government is truly answerable and accountable any more.

Third, some info you weren’t aware of in re Obama’s EO regarding firearms, thanks for CLA:  Please click on the graphic to embiggen and read it carefully.  Obama wants his EOs to be interpreted to the point where just one purchase can potentially make an individual a gun dealer and therefore required to possess a FFL.  This will make criminals out of law-abiding citizens — when the federal government picks and chooses what laws it will enforce AND what laws it will obey.

Obama BATFE Details2016, ladies and gentlemen, is going to be a very, very wild ride, not unlike Mr Toad’s.



Hillary doesn’t know the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat

I hope you’re sitting down.

That is, after all, absolutely shocking news.


Let’s look and listen.

Hillary stammers and avoids.

That bespeaks volumes, ladies and gentlemen.

Oh, if only the GOP had a great candidate willing to crush nuts, name names and tell the truth.  Who didn’t have skeletons in their own closets.

Otherwise, the Demorats are SO handing themselves over to the GOP and Conservatives on the proverbial silver platter.

As my 60s Civics teacher Mr Helms said over 40 years ago in high school: “Democrats don’t win elections; Republicans lose them.”
