Don’t believe the American Media Maggots — there’s a lot of good news about President Trump

There’s a lot of information out there on the internet and in the world that the American Media Maggots — what others would term the “mainstream media” — either aren’t covering at all (purposely), are glossing over (purposely), or are “reporting” in an outright false fashion.

Otherwise known as Fake News.

Let’s begin with the two most obvious and recent Fake News stories; the first glaring one from ABC News because, apparently, ABC thought no one was paying attention to much of anything. From

ABC News Footage Of “Slaughter In Syria” Is Actually Footage From A Kentucky Gun Range

by Tim Hains

ABC News show “World News Tonight” issued a correction and apology Monday for reportedly using video from a Kentucky gun range while falsely claiming it depicted a fierce battle between Syrian Kurds and Turkish forces.

“This video, right here, appearing to show Turkey’s military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town,” ABC’s Tom Llamas said as the video played.

Here is the footage available on YouTube.

What do you think would have happened had, say, Fox News distributed that video and portrayed it as truth? Correct. You’d still be hearing about their error this week and next week and the rest of this month and on into the next.

And why was ABC concocting this illicit and false video? Because it was part of an ongoing attempt — successful or not, you be the judge — to portray President Trump in as poor a light as possible for having the sack and temerity to pull American troops out of northern Syria in contravention of all the NLH (New Leftist Hawk) factions rampant throughout DC and such environs.

As well as various and sundry “military professionals” throughout — again, you guessed it  — the northeast portion of the United Snakes of America.

Starting to recognize just a wee bit of a current theme here, eh wot?

As your realtor would say: “location, location, location.”

CNN couldn’t not be outdone, so we recently discovered that CNN editors take their daily marching orders personally from owner Jeff Zucker, who tells the HOPs (Huddled Opiate Heads) to constantly beat the following drums:

  • Impeachment, impeachment, impeachment;
  • Russia, Russia, Russia;
  • Recession, Recession, Recession;
  • Racist, Racist, Racist

And anything else Zucker can think of as long as it works against OMB, President Donald John Trump, the guy with the dead orange cat on his head.

How about some visual proof from Project Veritas?

  • You can’t trust ABC.
  • You can’t trust CBS.
  • You can’t trust NBC.
  • You can’t trust CNN.
  • You can’t trust MSNBC.
  • You can’t trust CNBC.
  • You can’t trust NPR.

And I haven’t even hit newspapers or websites yet. Those negative anti-Trump elements are legion and almost too numerous to mention. Some much less worth mentioning and attracting any attention to them. Okay; you win. Here are a few more examples of CNN’s bullshrimp — from just a couple months in 2017.

Here Are Five Fake Stories CNN Pushed

by Justin Caruso, 6-17

False Story 1: CNN Reports Hands Up, Don’t Shoot

This claim has been proven to be untrue. Barack Obama’s Justice Department investigated the shooting and concluded that the use of force was not unreasonable and that Brown charged at Officer Darren Wilson before being shot.

The Washington Post ran an article in early 2015 on its’ “Fact Checker” blog entitled, “Hands up, don’t shoot’ did not happen in Ferguson.”

False Story 2: CNN Falsely Claims Sherelle Smith Was ‘Calling For Peace’

Sherelle Smith, the sister of Sylville Smith, a black male shot by a black police officer in August spoke to news reporters after his shooting. CNN deceptively edited the clip to make it sound like she was calling for peace in response to the shooting, when in fact she was encouraging violent behavior in the suburbs of the city.

In the full video, Smith also says, “Stop burning down shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn they shit down. We need our shit. We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”

Because hair weaves are, well, important.

False Story 3: CNN Says It’s Illegal To Look At Wikileaks

In one baffling moment from October 2016, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo claimed that it was illegal to look at Wikileaks.

Except that he could do it. Because he’s Chris Cuoma and, well, he’s much more important than you are, you proles, you serfs, you commoners, you rabble, you groundlings, you unwashed peasants, you pond-scum subjects.

Of course, this isn’t true. It is not against the law to view Wikileaks or possess hacked documents, as long as you are not involved in breaking the law by hacking them.

False Story 4: CNN Says Rape Is Pre-Existing Condition Under ACHA

A headline on from early May of 2017 read, “Rape and domestic violence could be pre-existing conditions.” CNN argued that the American Health Care Act (AHCA) could make sexual assault a pre-existing condition, preventing women who survive rape from getting health care.

This claim was contested by many fact checkers.

The Washington Post posted an article on its “Fact Checker” blog saying, “Despite critics’ claims, the GOP health bill doesn’t classify rape or sexual assault as a preexisting condition.”

Polifact, which has previously displayed some liberal-leaning bias, said the claim that “[u]nder the House Republican health plan, sexual assault is a pre-existing condition” was “misleading” and “mostly false.”

Jimmy “The Leak” Comey. My. That’s a topic worthy of hundreds of posts. So, just one:

False Story 5: CNN Had To Correct False Comey Report

CNN reported on June 6th that Comey was going to contradict President Trump’s claim that he wasn’t under FBI investigation in his Senate testimony, a report which obviously was going to make Trump look like a liar.

The article, originally titled, “Comey expected to refute Trump,” featured in its byline Jake Tapper, Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, and Brian Rokus.

Of course, this isn’t what Comey said in the Senate. Instead, Comey did not dispute Trump’s claims that he told the president that he was not under FBI investigation.

And because I haven’t heard it for so long, I’m tossing this in for good Karmic measure on account of, well, I just like to bob my head to the beat:

That said, let’s move on to the stories you won’t be hearing about on any other non-Conservative site, and you certainly won’t hear on the American Media Maggots.

The New York Times cocked it up once again, and trust in the American Media Maggots is — wait for it — plummeting. From

Trust in mainstream media on the decline: ‘The news industry is in chaos’

by Brian Flood

In the wake of the latest controversial New York Times story, many are saying the mainstream media is in big trouble.

“The View” co-host Meghan McCain on Tuesday confronted a pair of New York Times reporters who blamed Gray Lady editors for botching a now-revised story accusing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

“You guys left out a key detail,” McCain said, referring to the paper leaving out the tidbit that the alleged victim doesn’t remember the incident. “I think this is sort of Ground Zero for why so many people mistrust the media.”

From the

Trump Campaign Floods Web With Ads, Raking In Cash as Democrats Struggle

by Matthew Rosenberg and Kevin Roose

On any given day, the Trump campaign is plastering ads all over Facebook, YouTube and the millions of sites served by Google, hitting the kind of incendiary themes — immigrant invaders, the corrupt media — that play best on platforms where algorithms favor outrage and political campaigns are free to disregard facts.

Even seemingly ominous developments for Mr. Trump become fodder for his campaign. When news broke last month that congressional Democrats were opening an impeachment inquiry, the campaign responded with an advertising blitz aimed at firing up the president’s base.

Bottom line?

The onslaught overwhelmed the limited Democratic response. Mr. Biden’s campaign put up the stiffest resistance: It demanded Facebook take down the ad, only to be rebuffed. It then proceeded with plans to slash its online advertising budget in favor of more television ads.

Most of the Democratic Party is “not even fighting last year’s war — the war that they’re fighting is 2012,” said David Goldstein, chief executive of Tovo Labs, a progressive digital consulting firm.

Yay President Trump. Boo-fucking-hoo Demorats. Maybe you can teach an old Republican new tricks.

But wait; why would people possibly want to contribute to President Trump anyway? Could this be one possibility? The NBQ, or No Bullshit Quotient? I mean, how many times have we screamed at Republicans as we watch on television or at press conferences that “you don’t have to put up with that crap”?

And Trump doesn’t. With each act like this the Demorats and RINOs despise Trump even more viscerally, to the point where they’re stroking out and dying.

Then there’s this from NPR. Is this Russian disinformation? Is NPR working for the Russians now?

NPR Poll: More Americans Trust Trump Administration Than Congress, The Media

by Timothy Meads

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll released Thursday shows that more Americans trust the Trump administration than the media and Congress as a whole.

The poll also found that at this point in their presidency, more Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction under President Trump than under President Barack Obama. In this poll, 35 percent of Americans believe the U.S. is headed in the right direction. In September 2011, just 22 percent of Americans felt the nation was headed in the right direction.

Then here’s the jobs report for September of 2019:

  • Unemployment Rate: 3.4%, the LOWEST since December 1969
  • For Women: 3.4%, tying LOWEST since 1953
  • For Hispanic-Americans: 3.9%, a RECORD LOW
  • For African-American: 5.5%, remaining at a record low
  • For Asian-Americans: 2.5%, near historic low

From the

Economy added 136,000 jobs in September to bring unemployment to 5-decade low

by Melissa Quinn

The U.S. economy added 136,000 jobs in September, and the unemployment rate ticked down to 3.5%, a new 50-year low, according to federal data released Friday.

The monthly employment report from the Labor Department fell short of expectations from economists that 145,000 jobs would be created in September, up from 130,000 in August. Unemployment was expected to hold steady at 3.7%, indicating the labor market remains tight and the economy strong.

The unemployment rate last hit a 50-year low in May and has continued to hover at record lows. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the jobless rate was last this low in December 1969. The unemployment rate for Hispanics and high school dropouts also hit record lows.

Average hourly wages changed little in September after increasing 11 cents in August. Earnings are up 2.9% for the year.

Did you hear ANYTHING about this in last week’s Demorat debates? Of course not. Not ONE WORD. Because all the Demorats have is more Social Justice Warrior emotive crap and a race to offer more “free stuff” to everyone — and no way to pay for it. Not one they’ll tell you about, anyway.

Because who will pay for it? The Middle Class will pay for it; there just aren’t enough billionaires around to hit that nut. But wait; there was this from

While Dems Obsessed over Whistleblower, Senate Confirmed Justice Scalia’s Son as Labor Secretary

by Joe Setyon

While the whistleblower controversy and impeachment have been the talk of the town, other important things have also been going on this week, as evidenced by the Senate’s 53-44 vote Thursday to confirm Eugene Scalia, the son of the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, as secretary of labor.

The position opened up in July, after then-Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned over his handling of a plea deal given more than a decade ago to wealthy financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who has since died in an apparent suicide.

Here’s something it’s guaranteed you haven’t heard or read, from

Most Americans Now Have an Unfavorable View of the Democratic Party, A Flip From 2018

by Joe DePaolo

A column in The New York Times Tuesday cited a Pew Research Center survey which found that Americans currently hold an unfavorable view of the Democratic party. According to the poll, 45 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Democrats, compared with 52 percent who hold an unfavorable view. Those numbers mirror the Republican party exactly. The GOP also stands at 45-52 in those metrics.

Last September, ahead of the 2018 midterms, the numbers told a different story. Fifty-three percent of Americans had a favorable opinion of Democrats prior to the election, compared to 42 percent who had an unfavorable opinion. Republicans, meanwhile, boasted just a 43 percent favorable number, with 52 percent unfavorable.

What’s the difference? Impeachment 24/7. And a continuing strong economy.

Then from the

Black Americans Are Doing Great Under Trump

by Star Parker

The August jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed more great news for all Americans. And particularly for black Americans.

The nation’s unemployment rate of 3.7% puts it near the lowest ever in the last half-century.

Black unemployment is at an all-time low at 5.5%.

Also at an all-time low is the gap between black and white unemployment. With white unemployment at 3.4%, the gap is 2.1 percentage points.

As President Trump himself said:

Then there is the wall itself. From the Associated Press:

450 miles of border wall by next year? In Arizona, it starts

by Astrid Galvan

This 5-mile (8-kilometer) section of fencing is where President Donald Trump’s most salient campaign promise — to build a wall along the entire southern border — is taking shape.

The president and his administration said this week that they plan on building between 450 and 500 miles (724 and 806 kilometers) of fencing along the nearly 2,000-mile (3,218-kilometer) border by the end of 2020, an ambitious undertaking funded by billions of defense dollars that had been earmarked for things like military base schools, target ranges and maintenance facilities.

In Yuma, the defense-funded section of tall fencing is replacing shorter barriers that U.S. officials say are less efficient.

The weighs in with this story:

About a mile of new wall built each day along Mexico border, Pentagon says

by Military Times Staff

About a mile of border wall along the border with Mexico is constructed each day, according to the Pentagon.

The Army Corps of Engineers awarded about $2.5 billion in projects in April and May to build 129 miles of the border wall in New Mexico, Arizona and California. With the exception of $3 million, the entire $2.5 billion pool of money is obligated on contract. The remaining chunk will be obligated before the end of September, the Pentagon said.

Leftists, Demorats, American Media Maggots and even many Republicans don’t want you to know about that little factoid.

There’s this from the, something no one mentioned at the last Demorat debates as well:

REPORT: Over A Million Households Have Risen To Middle Class Under Trump, According To Census Data

by Petr Svab

More than 1.2 million American households moved to above $50,000 in annual income between 2016 and 2018, according to Census Bureau data released on Sept. 10, a sign of a growing middle class.

The data is a boon to President Donald Trump, whose platform is centered on a strong economy and promises of increased prosperity.

While in 2016, some 58.5 percent of households enjoyed more than $50,000 in total money income, the share rose to more than 60 percent in 2018. The median household income, meanwhile, rose by nearly 2.3 percent—with all figures adjusted for inflation.

Remember how everyone said that President Trump’s tariffs would relight the Chinese economy and enable them to leapfrog over us — how terrible the tariffs were? This is from

China’s slowdown deepens; industrial output growth falls to 17-1/2 year low

by Kevin Yao and Stella Qiu

BEIJING (Reuters) – The slowdown in China’s economy deepened in August, with growth in industrial production at its weakest 17-1/2 years amid spreading pain from a trade war with the United States and softening domestic demand.

Retail sales and investment gauges worsened too, data released on Monday showed, reinforcing views that China is likely to cut some key interest rates this week for the first time in over three years to prevent a sharper slump in activity.

Despite a slew of growth-boosting measures since last year, the world’s second-largest economy has yet to stabilize, and analysts say Beijing needs to roll out more stimulus to ward off a sharper slowdown.

Helen Raleigh says the trade war has already been lost.

Helen Raleigh: China has already lost the trade war. Here’s why

China already lost in the trade war with the U.S. Although you will never hear Chinese authorities, especially President Xi Jinping, admit it as such, the evidence is everywhere and only becoming more compelling by the day.

Reuters recently reported that based on the Chinese government’s own data, China’s economic slowdown has worsened in August, with “growth in industrial production is at its weakest in 17-1/2 years amid spreading pain from a trade war with the United States and softening domestic demand. Retail sales and investment gauges worsened too.” Despite such poor readings, Premier Li Keqiang insists that China is still on track to achieve 6 to 6.5 per cent growth rate this year.

Given the Chinese government’s tendency to present a rosier economic picture to satisfy political goals, most China watchers believe that Li’s statement was an about-face, and that the actual economic situation is much worse.

Say not so!

Researchers at the Brookings Institute estimated that China had inflated its GDP growth rate by close to 2 percent every year between 2008-2016. So in reality, China hasn’t seen a 6 percent growth rate for nearly a decade (someone should send a copy of this to Premier Li). Moreover, the actual size of the Chinese economy was an estimated $10.9 trillion, 18 percent lower than the officially stated $13.4 trillion, as of 2018.

Beijing can’t count on Chinese consumers to stimulate economic growth either because of rising pork prices. Pork is a staple food for Chinese households. Since the trade war began, China had imposed higher tariffs on agricultural products from the U.S., with the tariff on pork rising from 12 to 62 percent. China hoped that causing pain to U.S. farmers would pressure Trump to back off his trade war. That strategy failed spectacularly in two ways. First, while U.S. farmers are suffering and are critical of the trade war, their support for the president is growing. Bloomberg reports that, “about 67 percent of farmers are saying that they’d back Trump for reelection in 2020.”

Second, China’s own hog industry is experiencing the worst African swine fever in decades. The government has been criticized for its ineffective measures to stamp out the epidemic. It is estimated that China could lose up to 50 percent of its pig population by the end of 2019. Pork prices have spiked by more than 46 percent so far, and some experts predict the price increase may be over 80 percent by next year. This spike has pushed prices for other types of meat higher as well, increasing inflation pressure to the overall economy. This has hindered Chinese consumers’ willingness and capacity to spend in other areas. Given the pivotal role pork plays in the Chinese diet, the country could potentially experience social unrest if the pork price continues to skyrocket while the supply continues to be sparse.

But the American Media Maggots haven’t told you about this, have they? The Demorats in their talking points and in their debates haven’t mentioned this at all, have they?

While we’re at it, an MSNBC poll about firearms went down in flames.

MSNBC Poll About Guns Backfires Fabulously

by Kemberlee Kaye

poll hosted by the MSNBC asked respondents a simple question: Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public?

Given that it’s MSNBC, the leftist conspiracy machine, hosting the poll, I doubt they thought the results would be so favorable to our beloved Constitution.

At the time this post was published, more than 547,000 people voted and 92% of them answered “Yes! The second amendment guarantees it.”

That’s pretty clear. What’s also clear is, from The Five, that President Trump came to Kalifornia recently and raised MILLIONS of dollars, then tore their alleged “leadership” in Sacra-shithole-mento apart:

From, while no one was looking.

Trump nominates wave of California judges, in fresh bid to reshape courts

by Judson Berger

President Trump nominated a slew of judges Friday to posts on California-based federal courts, ramping up efforts to reshape the judiciary after hitting a milestone earlier this month with the confirmation of the 150th federal judge on his watch.

Two nominations are for the influential San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, a long-liberal bench with jurisdiction across the American West whose political makeup has shifted with Trump’s aggressive appointment campaign.

While it is traditional for a nominee’s home-state senators to give their approval, it is not required, and Trump lately has bypassed the so-called “blue slip” tradition in order to get conservative judges on the bench.

While Democrats have fumed at the tactics, conservatives cheered Trump this month for seeing the 150th federal judge confirmed.

“This is a historic milestone,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement. “As Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I will continue to push through highly qualified, conservative judges at all levels of the federal courts.”

This video from OAN:

Trump also focused the EPA on San Franshithole:

Trump: EPA to hit San Francisco with violations notice over homeless crisis

Details: Per pool reporter Peter Baker, Trump said the EPA would serve the city of San Francisco with a notice because there was “tremendous” pollution flowing into the ocean because of waste in storm sewers, specifically citing used needles. 

“It’s a terrible situation — that’s in Los Angeles and in San Francisco. And we’re going to be giving San Francisco, they’re in total violation, we’re going to be giving them a notice very soon. EPA is going to be putting out a notice. They’re in serious violation. … They have to clean it up. We can’t have our cities going to hell.”

— President Trump’s comments to reporters


Federal judge blocks California law requiring Trump tax returns

by Naomi Jagoda and Justine Coleman

A federal judge issued a temporary injunction against a California state law that requires presidential candidates to disclose their tax returns to appear on the primary ballot.

President Trump‘s lawyers and the Republican National Committee had challenged the law.

U.S. District Judge Morrison England Jr., a George W. Bush appointee on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, said there would be “irreparable harm without temporary relief” for Trump and other candidates if he did not make the rare temporary decision to block the law, The Los Angeles Times reported.

The California law, which was signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), requires candidates for president or governor to provide five years of federal tax returns to appear on the state’s primary ballot.

Further, Trump flatly rejected Newsom’s request for federal homeless aid.

Trump Rejects California Governor’s Request for More Homeless Aid

by Noah Buhayar, Christopher Palmeri and Jordan Fabian

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson rebuffed California Governor Gavin Newsom’s request for more federal money to combat a homelessness crisis, instead demanding the state revise its housing regulations and crack down on undocumented immigration.

Carson’s letter, which he said he’d written at the request of the president, escalated a feud between the Trump administration and California over the state’s ballooning population of homeless people.

Dr Carson’s letter to the State of Kalifornia is here.

Let’s be honest. Texas Representative Al Green was correct when he said that, “if we don’t impeach him, Trump’s going to get re-elected.”

Maybe there’s such a thing as an “impeachment bonus”? From

Republicans rake in $15 million of donations over Trump impeachment threat

by Megan Henney

In the few days since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opened an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, Republicans have capitalized on conservative outrage, pulling in millions of dollars in donations.

As of Friday, Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign received $15 million in small donations, including 50,000 from new donors, according to a tweet from Eric Trump.

And this from the

If Democrats impeach Trump, a GOP House would probably impeach the next Democratic president

by Philip Klein

House Democrats are poised to impeach President Trump once they’ve spent more time following the leads in the whistleblower complaint. But should they take that step in a heavily partisan process in which most Republican voters believe Trump was unjustly targeted, it’s quite likely that the next time there’s a Democratic president and a Republican House, we’ll have another impeachment.

Trump himself hinted at this on Saturday when he tweeted about a hypothetical scenario imagining if Republicans acted toward Barack Obama as Democrats are acting toward him. “Oh well, maybe next time!” he concluded.

To be clear, I’m not saying that the decision to impeach should be determined by the prospect of potential retribution by a future Republican Congress. But I’m acknowledging the reality of the potential long-term fallout of impeaching Trump.

Right now, 85% of Republicans oppose impeaching the president. Many prominent voices led by Trump are pushing the idea that the Ukraine scandal is a hoax in which the intelligence community, the Democrats, and the media are attempting to take a president down because they hate him.

If Trump gets impeached over what Republicans believe were nonexistent or minor misdeeds, then they are likely to want to jump on any scandal in a Democratic administration to pursue impeachment. And of course, should they take that path, Democrats will not soon forget.

It only stands to reason.

Here’s how CNN sees things as of a couple of hours ago. No. Not kidding.

Trump must get it together to avoid another disastrous week

Analysis by Stephen Collinson

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump is under severe pressure after a disastrous run which saw his impeachment defense shredded by current and ex-officials and, most stunningly, by his own acting White House chief of staff.

He must also placate fellow Republicans on whom he will depend to save his presidency in any Senate trial, after triggering self-inflicted crises over Syria and the G7 summit that tested his party’s tolerance for its volatile leader.
Every Monday over the month since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiated an impeachment inquiry, it seemed like life could not get much worse for an increasingly isolated President.

Yet every week it does.

Right. A “disastrous week.” Here’s the truth, from

Mansour: While Democrats Pursue Impeachment, President Trump Builds Impressive Record of Accomplishments

When candidate Donald Trump promised to be “the greatest jobs president God ever created,” the pundits rolled their eyes. What kind of an idiot would say or believe that?

Here are the facts. You decide:

More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history. More than 6 million new jobs have been created since Donald Trump took office.

Keep in mind that the labor participation rate has risen under Trump. That means Americans who had been sitting on the sidelines out of the job market for years are finally going back to work. Since January 2017, 4.2 million more Americans joined the civilian labor force, and 1.5 million fewer Americans are unemployed.

In fact, the unemployment rate has reached a 50-year low under Trump. And when you drill down, the details are even more amazing. African-American and Hispanic unemployment has achieved the lowest rate ever recorded in our nation’s history. Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years. The unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma has also reached the lowest rate ever recorded.

Those are real jobs and real opportunities for Americans. And thanks to President Trump’s immigration policies, this tight labor market has forced employers to invest in training American workers for the jobs they need to fill.

“Americans are not only working, but they are making more money today than they have in the past,” Rick Manning from Americans for Limited Government noted. “The household median income rose to a record $61,372 in 2017, as more Americans are benefitting from wage gains earned.”


Over 500,000 new manufacturing jobs have been created since Trump took office. In fact, the U.S. economy added nearly as many manufacturing jobs during Trump’s first two years in office as it did during Obama’s entire second term. In 2018 alone, the manufacturing sector added more jobs than it had in any other year since 1997—a 20-year high. 1997—that’s before China was admitted into the World Trade Organization!

You’ll recall that in his campaign kickoff speech, candidate Trump said he would tell the Ford Motor Company that if they moved their plant to Mexico they could expect a tariff from President Trump.

I don’t know if a conversation like that took place between President Trump and any of the Detroit automakers. But I do know that thanks to Trump’s threat of auto tariffs, Chrysler announced last February that it would build the first auto plant within the city of Detroit in a generation.


Trump is fulfilling his promise to reorient the nation’s trade policies to put America first, despite furious pushback and denunciations from Wall Street, K Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and Madison Avenue.

The centerpiece of this effort is the deal Trump negotiated with Mexico and Canada—called The United States Mexico Canada Agreement, or USMCA—which is a vast improvement on the flawed and outdated North American Free Trade Agreement. USMCA tightens rules of origin, including raising the North American content for auto manufacturing from 62.5 percent to 75 percent. It also guarantees Mexican workers the right to form and join unions, preventing U.S. workers from having to compete with exploited workers. Most importantly, the new agreement will need to be renewed every six years, allowing the agreement to be updated if the results are not acceptable to the U.S., Mexico, or Canada.


Despite obstructions, Trump successfully brokered a “Remain in Mexico” policy. The initiative has allowed the U.S. to send more than 42,000 migrants to Mexico while they await the adjudication of their asylum cases rather than being released directly into the nation’s interior. The policy has exposed the fact that the overwhelming majority of these asylum claims are fraudulent. The so-called “catch-and-release” policies of past administrations allowed a person to make a bogus asylum claim, get released into the country, and just disappear. The majority would not even show up for their asylum hearings.

Similarly, Trump signed a “Third Safe Country” agreement with Guatemala ensuring that migrants are not allowed to pass through the Central American country in order to travel to the U.S. to claim asylum. Instead, migrants must seek asylum in Guatemala. Even moving beyond the border, Trump enacted visa sanctions in his first year in office on countries like Eritrea and Cambodia after they failed for years to take back their nationals who were ordered deported from the U.S.


  • To fight the opioid crisis, Trump signed into law the SUPPORT Act, the largest legislative package in history addressing a single drug crisis. He’s also beefed up funding for drug treatment, cracked down on prescription-drug abuse, and pressured China to cease its fentanyl trafficking as a requirement of any trade deal.

  • Trump got us out of the bogus Paris Climate Agreement (i.e. a sham treaty that allowed the world’s biggest polluter, China, to go on polluting while punishing us.)

  • He signed an executive order defending free speech on college campuses (i.e. the Orwellian indoctrination centers for future woke apparatchiks). Universities now risk losing federal funding if they fail to uphold the First Amendment.

  • He’s appointing constitutional conservatives to the federal judiciary at a record pace, recently reaching 150 appointments.

  • He picked two good Supreme Court justices. (And if you don’t think the Kavanaugh hearings were crazy enough, just wait till you see what happens if he gets to pick another one).

  • Despite Democrats’ refusal to work with him on nonpartisan healthcare reforms, Trump signed executive orders that have helped lower drug prices for the first time in half a century and keep health insurance premiums—which skyrocketed under Obama—relatively stable.

  • His Department of Justice has launched an antitrust probe against big tech giants who are busy censoring conservatives, violating our privacy, and interfering in our elections. In fact, Trump has brought global attention to the problem of Silicon Valley’s political bias and censorship, raising the status of the issue in America’s public discourse and in his speech before the United Nations.

Oh. I almost forgot this, from

More than 2.5 Million Households Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump

by Katherine Rodriguez

More than 2.5 million households dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump’s first full month in office, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data.

The most recent USDA data shows that 2,543,924 households stopped receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits— the program in charge of food stamps— between the end of Trump’s first full month in office and July 2019.

As of July 2019, the most current data available, 18,393,979 households and 36,285,397 individuals have participated in the nation’s food stamp program.

Even John Roberts is wondering:

We thusly close with this.

More truth.

And yet, despite all of this — or perhaps because of it — I say Donald Trump has a great shot at being re-elected in 2020.




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 10-15-19, with very special guest KURT SCHLICHTER

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, the capitol building at 10th and L Streets, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Kurt and his dog Bitey, relaxing at home.

Hour 1: BZ spoke to KURT SCHLICHTER for the entire first hour as we discussed his fiction books PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC, INDIAN COUNTRY and WILDFIRE.

KURT is in the final stages of writing his fourth novel in the Kelly Turnbull series, entitled COLLAPSE.

We also hammered home a lot of politics! KURT also agreed that, following the publication of COLLAPSE, he’d be back in the Saloon.

Hour 2: BZ took calls and read Kurt’s article “The Elite Hates The Trump Doctrine Because It Puts America First.”

CNN revealed its true nature in the new Project Veritas videos (BZ renamed CNN the new TIC, or Trump Impeachment Channel) — and BZ bid “adieu” to the sniffy Shepard Smith who stepped away from his $15 million dollar per year deal at Fox because he became “offended” for his reprimand involving Tucker Carlson.

BZ also deployed his Happy Stories!

Here is Texas Representative Al Green letting the Demorat Truth Cat out of the bag by admitting that “I’m afraid if we don’t impeach this president he will get re-elected.”

By the way, if you didn’t already know, BZ is in fact on iHeart radio. Click here. Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.

If you want to listen to the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 10-15-19” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Please like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on PeriscopeGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-10-19: Kurt Vonnegut and Marc Turi

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, the capitol building at 10th and L Streets, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Hour 1: BZ read Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s 1961 short story HARRISON BERGERON, essentially a remarkably-prescient parable by a visionary Socialist/Communist/atheist about the true meaning of equality. As BZ has said for years: “No one is equal until everyone is equal.” Vonnegut managed to nail the 2019 version of mandated “equality” precisely 58 years ago. Instead of lifting all boats, Leftists want to bring people down to a level that instead demeans all.

Hour 2: BZ continued to take calls and got diverted into the lies promulgated by Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, Loretta Lynch and Jimmy “The Leak” Comey regarding the assault on the Benghazi consulate on 9-11-12 and the involvement of gunrunner Marc Turi.

By the way, if you didn’t already know, BZ is in fact on iHeart radio. Click here. Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.

If you want to listen to the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 10-10-19” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Please like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on PeriscopeGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 10-8-19, with ADAM KOKESH, 2020 Libertarian candidate for President

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, the capitol building at 10th and L Streets, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Hour 1: BZ spoke to ADAM KOKESH, 2020 Libertarian candidate for President of the United States, but not exactly. This was a unique, one-off interview where BZ got to find out: what really makes ADAM KOKESH tick?

Hour 2: BZ featured some news updates, audio cuts and two articles from Kurt Schlichter (Critics Aghast As Trump Keeps Word About No More Wars), and Victor Davis Hanson (The Madness of Progressive Projection)!

By the way, if you didn’t already know, BZ is in fact on iHeart radio. Click here. Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.

If you want to listen to the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, October 8, 2019” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Please like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on PeriscopeGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 10-1-19, with co-host KAISER SHUFF

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Kalifornia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, the capitol building at 10th and L Streets, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursday nights, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Hours 1 and 2: BZ featured KAISER SHUFF as co-host for the night, and we addressed rock music, AC-DC, Black Sabbath, politics, impeachment and much more for two hours!

By the way, if you didn’t already know, BZ is in fact on iHeart radio. Click here. Like Apple products? You can listen to the Saloon here on Apple Podcasts.

If you want to listen to the show on Spreaker, audio only, click on the yellow button below.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 10-1-19” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red arrow below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel.

Please like us and follow us on Facebook! Video of this show is here on Facebook.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

  • Want to listen to all the Berserk Bobcat Saloon archives on SpreakerGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on PeriscopeGo here.
  • Want to watch past shows on the SHR Media Facebook page? Go here.
  • Want to watch past Berserk Bobcat Saloon shows on YouTubeGo here.

Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”