Damaged dogs

Lilly doesn’t like her photo taken. Her eyes and muzzle are now mostly gray and she is predominantly deaf, with terrible cataracts. What kind of dog is this, BTW?

This is the last post I’d have thought to write this week. But after the last interaction, I suppose it had to come out.

I’ll admit it up front. My wife is the Dog Person. I am the Cat Person. My mantra has been that dogs are for people who require cheerleaders in their lives. My life has predominantly been precisely the opposite. Trying my best to stay out of the limelight in law enforcement. As people are wont to say, cats don’t have owners. Cats have staff. The last thing I need is a cheerleader. I like quiet.

Cats have historically fitted my lifestyle because they’ve been units that I can toss out when necessary and then place on Ignore Mode when also necessary. Cats are very independent. Just like me. As such, they resonate. I’ve always had a cat in my life, until I met my second wife and until I lost Mose. Back to that in a moment.

I didn’t really begin to appreciate dogs until I was asked to try out for the SSD Canine Unit. I was given an older German Shepard dog named Ehren by Bill Lipshin, who trained our dogs in the 1980s. Bill had the final say and didn’t care for my yard layout at home so nixed me as a handler. I spent a few weeks as an agitator and then left. A major regret for me because Ehren was one older, lightweight Mach III neutron bomb.

I’ve always had cats until my second marriage in 2007. My wife is a Dog Person and, as such, had five dogs when I met her. All rescue animals. A cat was right out. That is, until I found Mose, whom I acquired in 2008 at a Placer County cat rescue facility. Raised with the dogs from a kitten, he would play with them until one day he exited through the dog door and never returned. He was my last cat. Ten + years ago.

He was a great cat; friendly, loving, swift to ramp up the Cat Motor. I can only hope that he found a good family who are treating him well.

I still miss Mose terribly to this day. He used to be my blogging buddy (see the photo) and would lay on my upstairs desk with his head over the keyboard as I would create posts, snow falling outside the window, warmed by my desk lamp. Sometimes my keyboard would write O[-O0AJGF-PAYE39HERO9Y due to his, ahem, “efforts.”

Mose as a kitten. I raised him from the proverbial Palm Kitty.

In Winter he would also jump up on the bed and nose himself under the covers, and sleep at my side or at my feet. If I lay on my side, he would curl himself up between my arm and my body. He knew where the Heat Generator was located.

I had a few feral cat buddies for a while, but they are gone now.

Because of my inconsistent schedule, I cannot have any more animals at my cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Sometimes I’m at my house three days a week; sometimes I’m here two days a week. Sometimes I’m at my house for only one day. Sometimes, schedule-dependent, I won’t hit my house for two weeks. That’s simply not fair to any animal. The fact that I cannot have another cat disappoints me greatly. But at least I’m smart enough to realize it.

Then we came across Teddy. But that’s a story for another day.

In the meantime, the schedule is something like this. I leave the house to broadcast on SHR on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. I get back at about 10:30 PM.

The Damaged Dog is waiting. Everyone else has gone to bed. Lilly is the Damaged Dog.

The Damaged Dog brooks no love. Until and unless she wants it, which is seldom.

But tonight, at least ten years later, something has happened. She padded into the office as I was writing a post, pushed my left leg and placed her muzzle on top of my left knee.

I responded with patting and beating and smoothing her fur. She loved it. For once.

She is a rescue dog.

She is a Damaged Dog.

Maybe after ten years we’re finally beginning to connect?



A tribute to Malcolm Young

Malcolm Young, rhythm guitarist for the band AC/DC, passed away in 2017 at the age of 64 due to dementia. AC/DC will never play again. I caught three of their concerts and happened to meet Bon Scott, original singer for AC/DC in Glasgow, Scotland in 1977.

In the meantime, Scott Ian from Anthrax pays tribute to Malcolm.

Here is Malcolm’s part only, in You Shook Me All Night Long.

And the full throat song from AC/DC live at the River Plate.

A joy to watch and listen.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 11-15-18, with guests JEFF DUNETZ & SHAUN LEWIS

Featuring Right thinking from a left brain, doing the job the American Media Maggots won’t, embracing ubiquitous, sagacious perspicacity and broadcasting behind enemy lines in Occupied Fornicalia from the veritable Belly of the Beast, the Bill Mill in Sacramento, Fornicalia, I continue to proffer my thanks to the SHR Media Network for allowing me to utilize their studio and hijack their air twice weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays, thanks to my shameless contract — as well as appear on the Sack Heads: Against Tyranny Show every Wednesday night.

Hour 1: BZ talked to irascibly-lovable iconoclast extrovert extraordinaire JEFF DUNETZ of the LidBlog.com, where he opined on the midterms, the confounding continuance of Jews to vote Demorat and hence against Israel, and that the ADL is essentially worthless having forgotten its core mission. He also recommends cutting out the ADL middleman and simply donating to the Demorat party directly instead of the ADL. JEFF is an author who has written for Breitbart.com and currently for the Jewish Press. He is also an SHR Media Network radio host with his own stellar show every Wednesday at 2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, at SHRMEDIA.COM. As Sack Heads Shaun stated, JEFF is the Justifiably Jovial Jew or J-Cubed.

Hour 2: BZ spoke to SHR Media Network co-owner SHAUN LEWIS about midterm results also, plus social media, the intentional throttling of Conservative thought, writing, videos and postings, as well as technology, President Trump and hanging chads.

If you care to listen to the show in Spreaker, click on the yellow button at the upper left.

Listen to “BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 11-15-18” on Spreaker.

If you care to watch the show on the SHR Media YouTube channel, click on the red start button below. We kindly ask you to SUBSCRIBE to the SHR Media channel. Please NOTE: For DISH subscribers: your Hopper has recently been wired to play YouTube videos. You can now toss ol’ BZ onto your massive flatscreen TV and watch him in all of his obese, biased and politically-egregious, lamentable goodness — for free!

You can watch the show here on the SHR Media Facebook page. Please like and follow us on Facebook.

Please join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin (on Twitter @BZep, Facebook as Biff Zeppe and the Bloviating Zeppelin, and on Gab.ai @BZep), every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the drinks are not.

As ever, thank you so kindly for listening, commenting, and interacting in the chat room or listening later via podcast.

Please remember we only monitor the chat room at SHRMEDIA.COM — though there is chat available on both Facebook and YouTube. Come on over to the SHR chat room where you’ll meet great friends!

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Thank you one and all for listening, watching and supporting the SHR Media Network: “Conservative Media Done Right.”



Ruth Bader Ginsburg retiring in January of 2019?

RBG believes in the soldier’s mantra: “get sleep wherever you can.”

First, from the SantaMonicaObserver.com:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Retire from the US Supreme Court in January, 2019

by Stan Greene

Speaking privately, a law clerk says the Justice’s Cancer has come out of remission.

While the Nation is preoccupied with the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, it appears there will soon be another vacancy on the US Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has had a re-occurrence of malignant melanoma, she has told her law clerks. Ginsburg was treated in 1999 for colon cancer and had surgery in 2009 for pancreatic cancer.

She has told key Democratic members of the Senate about her medical condition, including ranking Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein. This explains in part the “take no prisoners” attitude of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh nomination, carefully orchestrating weak 37 year old allegations against Kavanaugh by Women he barely remembers knowing in High School and College.

But wait. Demorats knew this back in September or perhaps even before? By all indications, that would be a fervent “yes.”

Does that not provide a rather clear explanation for certain behaviors? Of course it does. It explains much about the Judge Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

And no, BZ did not write this next paragraph, stellar as it is.

Kavanaugh is a player in this drama. He’s in the wrong place at the wrong time . President Donald J Trump will be replacing Notorious RBG, the lovechild of the left, and so will remake the Supreme Court for a generation. The Democrats simply must win back the Senate in November 2018, progressives feel.

Aha. Now you put this all together. Now you know why the Demorats are cheating in Florida. As Catholics say that “every sperm is sacred,” so do Demorats wail that “every seat is sacred.” Further: why “every stolen vote is sacred.”

As in: the Demorats knew this for quite some time. And planned their various and numerous cheating schemes accordingly.

Nothing succeeds like success. And nothing exceeds like excess.

Then I was made aware of this.

But wait. Was BZ prescient? I said and wrote back in late 2016 and early 2017 that I believed President Trump would get, at minimum, two opportunities to make SCOTUS nominations. I was proven correct via Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

I also submitted that a third vacancy could be placed in President Trump’s lap even before 2020. Now it appears that may be correct as well.

Gird thy loins.

If you thought the Demorats fought over Kavanaugh, you haven’t yet seen a “fight.”

Demorats realize that an RBG vacuum is the ultimate political battleground.

You have yet to witness the real violence and political backstabbing that is to come.