Conservatives, remember this?

Remember, there was no way Donald Trump would win the presidency.

Prognostication as of September 23rd, 2016. Landslide for Hillarius.

And just as people said then, they are now saying there is no way the Republicans keep the House or the Senate. We’re too stupid. We’re too slow. We’re too ignorant to be trusted with something as delicate as a vote.

Prognostication as of October 20th, 2016. Bigger landslide for Hillarius.

Fact: Hillarius would be president. Newsweek knew it and had its cover all mocked up and ready to publish. Super-buttery, extra-crispy landslide.

It wouldn’t be just a super-buttery, extra-crispy landslide. It would be a landslide of biblical proportions topped with powdered sugar, getback, throwdown and all you Ig’nant Americans shown the door.

Then there was this from CNN.

That was just the appetizer. Let’s get into an actual entree itself.

This is what Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots think of you — as Kurt Schlichter describes — the Militant Normals. Because I remind you: you’re fine. It’s the LDAMM who are off the rails and unhinged.

Too bad Hillarius didn’t sue the United State of America.

The man mentioned that damned Electoral College. What is it and why does it matter? Shouldn’t the so-called “popular vote” just rule over all? From

Donald Trump took the Electoral College. It is said that Hillarius took the popular vote by 2.8 million. I submit that’s the approximate number of illegal, dead or fraudulent votes cast by persons attempting to sway the election to the Left.

Voter fraud is difficult to detect and confirm for the sole reason that GOWPs primarily don’t want to know and aren’t remotely interested in challenging voters either at the polls, in person, or in retrospect.

No matter. You can’t win. You Conservatives. You Republicans. You’re all racists anyway. Remember how you’re painted and how you’re portrayed. I say? It’s time for some getback on the racists making those statements themselves.


Fill out your absentee ballot and mail it or hand it in to your local election board. PERSONALLY.

Make sure you vote early election day, Tuesday, November 6th.

No matter the rain, sleet or dead of night.




California senate passes bill permitting non-citizen poll workers

As if Fornicalia hasn’t already “jumped the shark” in terms of its over-the-top support of Illegal Mexicans, I say: “but wait; there’s more!”

First, a sign in the desert:

Border Sign In the DesertThen, from Breitbart’s Big Government:

CA Senate Passes Bill Permitting Non-Citizen Poll Workers

On Monday, the Californian State Senate passed legislation AB817 that would allow non-citizens to help voters when they cast their ballots. Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Alameda sponsored the bill, which would permit as many as five permanent residents who entered the U.S. legally to help voters at polling places.

But wait!  There’s more:

Sen. Norma Torres, D-Pomona, who placed Bonta’s bill before the Senate, said that the non-citizens could help the 2.6 million Californians whose English skills are limited: “These individuals have the absolute right to make fully informed voting decisions on Election Day,” she said.

The bill was passed by a 22 – 10 vote.

All 22 “ayes” were Demorats; all 10 “nays” were Republicans.

There, then, was a small glimmer of hope for Republicans at least displaying a modicum of unanimity.

The bill goes back to the Assembly with the Senate’s changes.

It will pass.  It has to.  Demorats possess a clear and distinct SuperMajority in Fornicalia.  A pro-Mexican bill sponsored by a female Mexican.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

And Fornicalia, it do love its illegal Mexicans because of DIP: Demography Is Prophecy.

Listen, Demorats, it’s not like you haven’t gotten your way entirely in Fornicalia.  Not only do you lord it over the GOP, but you have to rub Republican noses into your feces?

Apparently so.