The reason retired General Mark Milley, American Traitor, despises President Trump? MONEY.

As a general axiom, and certainly one of BZ’s Axioms, “when people say it’s not about the money — it’s about the money.”

And this is certainly true of retired General Mark Milley, also a traitor to the United States of America.

Anyone remember when Milley stated he would notify Communist China if President Trump decided to act against Communist China?

From the New York Post, the same newspaper that published the TRUTH about the Hunter Biden laptop, then had its stories wiped from the internet, then hundreds of thousands of social media users on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other digital locations, were likewise suppressed, censored and, in many cases, accounts were closed permanently. Because of the truth.

So here’s some truth. Followed by even more truth.

Milley admits he would tell Chinese general if US launched an attack

by Mark Moore, 9-29-21

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley admitted Wednesday that he would give his Chinese counterpart a heads up if the US launched an attack against Beijing, during a second day of grilling on Capitol Hill that touched on his two reported calls to the Chinese general.

​”I said, hell, I’ll call you. But we’re not going to attack you,” Milley told the House Armed Services Committee about one of his conversations with Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army.

Milley was questioned ​about two calls he made to Li — in October 2020 before the presidential election and on Jan. 8, two days after the Capitol riot.

He told members of the panel that he reached out to Li to assure him that President Donald Trump did not intend to launch a military strike.

It was clearly evident that General Milley had forgotten his place, and his role in allegedly serving the United States of America, and had very clearly forgotten his oath, and to whom he swore allegiance.

“​You articulating that, that you would tell him​,​ you would give him a call​,​ is worthy of your resignation. ​I just think that’s against our country that you would call our ​No.1 adversary and tell him that​,” she told Milley. 

According to “Peril,” the book by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, Milley told Li he would give the Chinese advance warning of an attack.

To the US. Not to its enemies. Milley believed he owed Communist China a warning, rather than our very own president, whom he betrayed. It is not Milley’s job, not any general officer’s job, to conduct policy and communicate policy of this nature to largest enemy of the United States, that being Communist China.

But this is a clear delineator of who he truly is, at his core. An abject traitor. It is he who believed he was the president, not the actual sitting President of the United States, Donald Trump. He believed it was up to him to set policy, not Congress. By assuring Communist China, our obvious enemy, Milley managed to completely do away with two entire branches of the government.

Yet he kept his job. In my estimation, a rather serious error on Trump’s part.

First, let us examine the US code section regarding treason, 18 US Code § 2381, which rather plainly and succinctly reads:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J)Sept. 13, 1994108 Stat. 2148.)

The penalty for a conviction of treason — a penalty that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg paid in 1953 — is death.

Please explain what part of Milley’s actions do not constitute treason. Allow me to repeat, at the risk of being repetitive: “Milley told Li he would give the Chinese advance warning of an attack.”

Point being made, General Milley has recently commented on Donald Trump, due to his candidacy for president. General Milley said Trump is “fascist to the core.”

Trump’s former Joint Chiefs chair: Trump is ‘fascist to the core’

by Steve Benen, 10-14-24

As The Washington Post reported, Milley apparently put subtlety aside when speaking to Bob Woodward for the longtime journalist’s new book.

Retired Gen. Mark A. Milley warned that former president Donald Trump is a “fascist to the core” and “the most dangerous person to this country” in new comments voicing his mounting alarm at the prospect of the Republican nominee’s election to another term, according to a forthcoming book by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward.

Apparently, however, Trump was insufficiently fascist for Milley to resign from his position, make an actual stand, and potentially affect his retirement. Trump was just kinda fascist, not totally fascist, a wee bit fascist, but enough to verbally complain.

In general, let’s examine the meaning of the word, and understand how those who accuse others of fascism are doing the precise same thing themselves, only worse.

A governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Let’s look at history. Most references are to Italy’s Mussolini (1922 to 1943). Applied to President Trump, let’s go point by point.

Was Trump a dictator? Did he have complete power?
No. He was frequently opposed by numerous groups, and both parties, Republicans and Demorats. He was successfully sued over some of his actions. He was the subject of numerous “investigations” by Demorats which frequently found nothing. In fact, as directly opposed to a dictator, Trump was impeached twice, acquitted once. That’s nothing to which a dictator is subject.

I should remind everyone that Trump was impeached for a “phone call” to Ukraine.

Here on January 23rd of 2020, however, entirely ignored, is then Vice President Biden crowing about his threats to pull $1 BILLION DOLLARS in loan guarantees, shoving Ukraine towards insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire the prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, investigating Burisma Holdings — where his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board.

This is public bribery, with Joe Biden also intimating that then-President Barack Hussein Obama, March of 2016, was likewise in on the deal.

Of course, nothing happened to Joe Biden, though this is immured forever on the internet.

Did Hunter Biden make money? Why yes, a veritable shit-ton of it.

From 2013 through 2018 Hunter Biden and his company brought in about $11 million via his roles as an attorney and a board member with a Ukrainian firm accused of bribery and his work with a Chinese businessman now accused of fraud, according to an NBC News analysis of a copy of Biden’s hard drive and iCloud account and documents released by Republicans on two Senate committees. 

Why was Hunter Biden, a know-nothing about gas and oil, on the board of Burisma at all? For two very important reasons:

  • Ukraine was and is the corrupt Laundromat To The World Stars, including the Biden Crime Family.
  • The oldest schemes: purchasing the influence, power, and control, of VP Biden, which required its own quid pro quo.

Did Trump forcibly suppress opposition and criticism?
Hardly. The criticism and opposition was rampant and 24/7. The people who actually suppressed opposition and criticism were the Demorats, the American Media Maggots, the DOJ, and the FBI, with election interference utilized as a large cudgel, by censoring Americans, having social media repress individuals on social media and remove their accounts at the behest of the US government.

Did Trump regiment all industry, commerce?
Not in the slightest. In fact he advocated for American industry and commerce, and for a fair and level playing field in world markets.

Was Trump nationalistic?
To a great degree, Trump was and is a populist, hence his America First theme, and Make America Great Again theme. These came after literally multiple decades of other nations and countries, many our enemy, taking advantage of our largesse, our ignorance, good will, and conciliatory nature. For the first time in a presidency, we were engaged in ZERO wars, because the primary bad actors knew Trump had acted, and would act, against aggression.

Was Trump racist?
According to the Race and Poverty Pimps, yes — who profit from constantly hitting the Cash Throttle. However, when Trump’s statements are examined in full, and not with the salient parts dropped on the editing room floor, you discover that Trump was the opposite of racist. He only became “racist” when he entered the fray for president, running against Hillary Clinton. Here’s just one fact pattern, the truth about Charlottesville — a continuing LIE spit forth from the Demorats, Leftists, Globalists, and the American Media Maggots.

Now let’s look at some timelines. Because facts are inconvenient things sometimes.

Mark Milley joined the board of JP Morgan in February of 2024.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. brought on retired General Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as a senior adviser.

Milley, who spent more than four decades in the US military, will advise the bank’s board of directors, senior leaders and clients on dangers around the world, Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon told employees in a memo Thursday.

JP Morgan Chase is the largest US bank, by assets. And Milley will rock even more personal cash and assets to embiggen his wallet, with his board seat. Since his retirement in 2023, Mark Milley has somehow magically, mystically, jumped into the faculties of Georgetown and Princeton, is making big coin on the paid speaking circuit, and landed a cushy “senior advisor” spot on JP Morgan Chase bank’s board.

Military personnel call this “cashing in,” as a select few like Milley manage to transition from a capped military pay of $204,000 a year to — well, the sky’s the limit. It’s whatever you can negotiate, depending on how much you hate Trump.

Bob Woodward’s book “War,” which you can already locate at, was released on October 15th, this year. In it, Woodward brings in Milley and Milley’s labeling of President Trump a fascist.

What do we know? It takes some time to turn around a book. It takes time to write a book. And Milley already made his deal with JP Morgan Chase in February of this year.

Why the doubling down on Trump being called a fascist, by Mark Milley?

Let’s realize this.

BlackRock and JPMorgan are backing a $15 billion investor fund to rebuild Ukraine

by Vinamrata Chaturvedi, 3-14-24

It would cost almost half-a-trillion dollars to reconstruct Ukraine

A coalition of investors, with support from BlackRock and JPMorgan, are aiming to put together $15 billion in aid to rebuild Ukraine. In a new group known as the Ukraine Development Fund, they are supporting investments from state bodies and capital markets; the fund will bring together a consortium of investors to finance at least $15 billion of reconstruction work in the country after two years of Russian invasion.

You couldn’t possibly think this little scheme was put in the works yesterday, do you?

So you must ask yourself: who has had constant access to every bit of military and intelligence information regarding Ukraine, do you suppose, for at least a decade? That wouldn’t be Mark Milley, would it?

Because, though he’s retired, he and others like him always retain their top secret (and above) clearances, with access to the same information as before via their friends, or directly (shhh, quiet) via computers they have at home, installed by some of the finest former NSA tech employees on the planet.

They know people who know people. And Milley knows people who know people.

President Trump 45 cannot possibly be allowed to become President Trump 47.

The corrupt Ukraine Laundromat never stops. The Machine never quits. It keeps churning out cash like an ATM with no PIN required.

So let me just distill things down to this, because sometimes actions truly are fairly transparent, but not super-intentionally. One has to actually do a little occasional digging. I did a little internet digging.

JP Morgan and BlackRock are backing an investor to rebuild Ukraine, requiring about half a TRILLION DOLLARS.

Would JP Morgan Chase or BlackRock invest unless they believed they could make a staggering amount of money on returns?

WHO has hitched his star to JP Morgan?

General Mark Milley.

Who want to get us out of needless wars?

Donald Trump.

See what’s happening?

See why Milley despises Trump?

Trump threatens The Spice.

The Spice must flow.