“Net neutrality” to censor Drudge, Fox and ME?

Freedom of Speech StoppedAh yes, Leftists soon to get what they want, the censorship of those who oppose their policies?

As per normal it isn’t Republicans or Conservatives or those on the right who want to remove your freedoms and specifically your First Amendment freedoms, it is those who profess to be the most embracing and the most understanding and tolerant who wish to remove your freedoms: the Demorats and Leftists and so-called Progressives.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Drudge, Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, experts warn

by Rudy Takala

A Washington, D.C., appeals court is set to hear arguments later this year on new net neutrality rules, which critics say could lead to government regulators censoring websites such as the Drudge Report and Fox News.

In its February vote on net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission stated that broadband providers do not have a right to free speech. “Broadband providers are conduits, not speakers … the rules we adopt today are tailored to the important government interest in maintaining an open Internet as a platform for expression,” the majority held in its 3-2 vote.

The rules, which went into effect in June, require that broadband providers — such as Verizon or Comcast — offer access to all legal online content. It did not place such a requirement on “edge providers,” such as Netflix and Google. The FCC defines edge providers as “any individual or entity that provides any content, application, or service over the Internet, and any individual or entity that provides a device used for accessing any content, application, or service over the Internet.”

No right to free speech?

Writing in separate briefs, former FCC Commissioner Harold Furchtgott-Roth and the Center for Boundless Innovation in Technology argues that the rules violate the First Amendment right of Internet providers to display the speech they choose.

“If rules such as these are not reviewed under the most rigorous scrutiny possible, government favoritism and censorship masquerading as ‘neutrality’ will soon cascade to other forms of mass communication,” the center argues.

“If the court upholds the FCC’s rules, the agency’s authority over the Internet would extend from one end to the other,” Fred Campbell, president of the Center for Boundless Innovation in Technology, told the Washington Examiner. “Because the same theories the FCC relied on to impose its new regulations on Internet service providers are also applicable to companies like Apple and Netflix, the FCC could extend its regulatory reach much further in the future.”

Could that “reach” mean me?  And you?  Our opinions on social media?  Any bit of written expression that involves an opinion or even a viewpoint?

More pointedly, our political opinions?  Opinions that could contradict those of the regime in power, as Mr Obama or others of power in DC?

Specifically, Campbell said, the FCC will likely try to control political speech.

“This possibility raises the risk that Congress or the FCC could impose restrictions on Internet video and other services that have traditionally been imposed on over the air broadcasting and cable television, including the fairness doctrine that once put the government in charge of determining whether broadcasters were fairly representing both sides of an issue,” he explained.

FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, who voted against the net neutrality rules, has said such restrictions may be coming if net neutrality is allowed to stand, warning in March that online political content like the Drudge Report could face greater regulation.

Why is it, however, that only Drudge and Fox News should be targeted?  Is it because the “rest” of the news agencies are so terribly unbiased — such as NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN?  It is no shock that there is much Left-wing bias in the newsrooms of what most would term the “mainstream media.”  Bernard Goldberg knew this years ago.  There are very few Republicans and right-wingers in MSM newsrooms.

Further, clearly the ignorant don’t know that Drudge doesn’t write news; the DrudgeReport is nothing more than a news aggregator.  It collects and collates news from sources around the globe, then slugs stories with a headline that catches.

Is this really the United States of America, when something like this could actually happen?



BZ’s 10-year Bloggiversary

BZ 10-Year BloggiversaryBloviating Zeppelin began on June 19th of 2004.

I never thought it would last more than a few months.  I never thought I would be interested in posting more than a few months.

Surprise, surprise.

I was convinced I’d lose interest.

First it went five years.

I wrote only for myself. I had no idea how to embed links, how to post photographs. I could do nothing but write and click the “PUBLISH POST” button.

My continuing thanks to Texas Fred and Robert from American & Proud for bringing my graphics into the 20th Century, and then on my conversion from Blogspot.com to WordPress.

I’ve written for me; I’ve written to document portions of my life so I won’t forget; I’ve written to bloviate, to excoriate, to yell, to educate. I’ve written when stone cold sober and remarkably inebriated. I’ve written with tears running down my cheeks. And I’ve written as the snow fell and stacked up, over six feet, on my deck.

Throughout all this, my greatest thanks go to you, my readers. Thank you for trusting me, for visiting, for taking the time to comment and interact.

With all the hubris, arrogance, violence, hate, discontent, confusion, lack of understanding and, mostly, lack of time, I know that each and every one of you are challenged in your lives.

Yet you still find the time to come by.

I stand amazed. And incredibly thankful.

Thank you again.



Waves of Change coming to BZ: a NEW “The Usual Suspects” blogroll!

Things are about to change.

Waves Of ChangeThe BZ Blogroll has to change.

It has become too stagnant and I had become unwilling to look and link to new and exciting talent.  People who don’t blog regularly as I do — well, I can’t have time for them. Life is too short.

Though I’m getting older, the political issues are morphing faster as are the changing and evolving technological realms — which have a massive effect on our lives.  I, we, cannot afford to get kicked to the curb because we do not have time to become aware.

Thusly: the blogroll of The Usual Suspects is markedly changing later this week.

The Usual SuspectsAnd I will be going back to personally introducing or deleting various blogs on my TUS blogroll.

Look for the change, and please visit those who will inhabit my new The Usual Suspects blogroll.




BZ on Twitter:

BZ for TwitterI’m updating my life in a very small way.

Aim your Twits @BlovtngZeppelin

I’m new to this stuff.

Trust me when I tell you I have yet to figure it out.  And that I will need some help with this.

I might get back to you today.  I might get back to you in a couple of weeks.  Yes, I am that technologically daft.




BZ: one door closes; another one OPENS

This post is going to remain on top for a day or two. Please scroll down for the latest BZ updates. Thanks.

Sooner or later, it had to come.

I’ve been on Blogger since my first post on June 19th of 2004.

But Blogger, as you likely realize, is owned and run by Google.  You know, the same monster that recently decided to eliminate the newest Romney promo video on YouTube — that’s right, also owned by Google.

I figure it’s just a matter of time before Google decides to eliminate me because, after all, I’ve had an eight-year blogging romp for free.  And I’m one blogpost short of tapping a major Conservative vein that Google doesn’t like.

On one front I have to hand it to Blogger: this adventure — and boy was it an adventure — didn’t cost me a damned thing except blood, sweat, tears and massive amounts of time.  For a free venue I’d say I’ve gotten my money’s worth but, of course, there is no such thing as the proverbial Free Lunch.  Sooner or later a price has to be paid.  And the upcoming price those linked to Blogger will have to soon face: censorship.

And I refuse to go there.  I will pay for my own “sovereignty,” so to speak.  Because you really do, in the end, get what you pay for.

Now: I am involved in a consortium with TexasFred, American & Proud, and Texas Shady.  We all kick in buckage for our server time, domain names and techno upkeep.  And we OWN our domain names now.

Frankly, it just allows me to sleep a bit better at night knowing that no one can take this blog down for some arbitrary or capricious reason.  I would ask, though, for a time, that you hold a bit of tolerance in your heart for me whilst I learn and transition from Blogger to WordPress.  I may make some — ahem — clumsy mistakes that otherwise wouldn’t have occurred.  For me it’s a learning curve; steep but possible.  I must apologize in advance for future ham-handed efforts to come until I get this WordPress “thing” down.

That said and written, I would ask three questions:

1. What do you think of the new site?
2. Why do you visit BZ and what do you expect to find?
3. How can I make it better?

In closing, I say: Goodbye to Blogger, and to the old Bloviating Zeppelin site.  Some have suggested I simply take it down and move on.  But like one of my children, I can’t do that.  It will be up as long as Blogger allows.  I cut my political and techno teeth on that blog.

BZ is dead.  Long live BZ!

Except: one door is closing and another door is simply opening a bit further.



Unlimited techno thanks to Bushwack at American & Proud for his unswerving reliability, insight and hard work on this creation and transition!  Absolutely couldn’t have done it without him.