Under Obama: When will you start to make ANY profit?

Why yes, that would be in your 7th month.

Right around now. Perhaps.

That means: you will have to work over 6 months in order to pay off your government and even begin to see any modicum of profit.

I’m sorry folks, but that is simply obscene.

From CNSNews.com:

(CNSNews.com) – This year, Americans have to work until July 15 to pay for the burden of government, more than six months.

In a new report, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has calculated that Americans will spend a total of 197 days toiling to pay for the cost of government.

“Cost of Government Day is the date of the calendar year on which the average American worker has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of the spending and regulatory burden imposed by government at the federal, state and local levels,” reads the report.

The report, Cost of Government Day, shows that Americans will work 88 days to pay for federal spending; 40 days for state and local spending; and 69 days for total regulatory costs.

“From a different perspective, the cost of government makes up 54.0 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP),” reads the report. “What’s more, the largest tax hike in the nation’s history is scheduled to take place at the end of 2012 unless Congress acts to protect taxpayers. If this tax increase is allowed to hit, COGD [Cost of Government Day] could permanently be pushed back into August and beyond.”

Yes, that’s correct.

You’re taking, as the American Taxpayer, over 7 months to even begin to migrate from the red into the black.

Look around you. Realize that the Non-Producers are demanding you work longer, harder and more diligently and consistently. Despite your own personal budgetary trials and tribulations. And despite governments on every angle leveling devastating rules, regulations and tariffs on ever-burgeoning aspects of your life.

Government intrusion predominates. Freedoms wither and die. Regulations and taxes run amok.

To the American Taxpayer: just how much will you take?


To American blacks who voted racist:

How’s that mortgage coming? How are those car payments going?

Not so well, I might suspect.

And this is for whom you’re paying:

Harder work and more of it. She needs an iPad, a 4G phone and a 54″ flatscreen to complement her 2004 Lexus.

Stop reading this and get back to work you lazy bastards.