Obama Hates Business: PROOF

Campaigning in Roanoke, Virginia on July 13th — just a few days ago — Mr Obama had this to say regarding his viewpoint on businesses in the nation:

That’s correct, businessmen and -women, you didn’t build your business — someone else did.

You heard and read that correctly, according to Mr Obama.

That is how fervently Mr Obama despises private business.

The full transcript is here at WhiteHouse.gov, should you disbelieve me.

From Kerry Picket at The Washington Times:

President Barack Obama addressed supporters in Roanoke, Virginia on Saturday afternoon and took a shot at the business community. President Obama dismissed any credit business owners give themselves for their success:

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

Mr Obama goes on to say that business creators owe massive debts to their teachers, their local bridge builder. That’s like saying I’m a good cop because my parents had milk delivered for a while to the house in the 50s. Or that we had our garbage collected by two guys on a truck once a week.

Mr Obama is so beyond the pale of human ken as to be, in my opinion, not only ludicrous but patently dangerous.

He is biased, racist, a massive Leftist, schooled at the feet of persons such as Saul Alinsky, William Ayers and of course his father, Barack Hussein Obama — a Communist.

He is pathologically obsessed with race as, I believe, is his wife Michelle. He is arrogant, naive and, in my opinion, possesses NPD.

Victor Davis Hanson sums up Mr Obama’s racial obsession quite succinctly here:

Never has America been more assimilated, integrated, and intermarried — as is evident in everything from politics to popular culture, from statistics to anecdotes. Yet from late 2007 to 2012, Barack Obama has been establishing new rules of racial referencing. In general, his utterances follow a disheartening pattern. When he is ahead in the polls, has won an election, and is not campaigning, then he emphasizes the unity of the country. But when he is running for president, or campaigning for others, or sinking in the polls, he and his closest associates predictably revert to charges of racial bigotry, albeit usually coded and subtle. America is redeemed when it champions the Obamas, but retrograde when it does not.

In a word: precisely.

Mr Obama believes in government: HIS. He believes in race: HIS. He believes in nothing else.

Because you became successful, because you aren’t government, because you don’t RELY on government — you, Mr and Ms Private Business-Builder: you can go to Hell.

Because he’s going to tax you out of existence just as he’s going to tax private Healthcare out of business. Just you watch.


Pushing The Envelope, Part X:

The human being has always pushed the envelope into and beyond the realms of danger. This is the tenth of various weekend postings displaying how restless Man is with the mundane and how he purposely crosses the threshold into danger willingly — and sometimes unwillingly.

In this episode JetmanYves Rossy — flies through Arizona’s Grand Canyon in May of 2011, in a beautifully-produced video. Please expand and play with headphones.

“Jetman” is powered only by four tiny jet turbines built for models. He can fly for a period of ten minutes. He carries two additional items: a small throttle for the engines and an altimeter. That’s it.

When flying through the Grand Canyon, as you might imagine, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place should you run out of fuel. Because, you see, the Grand Canyon is generally over a mile deep. And, at the bottom, it’s either very wet or very hard. Or both.

Luckily, as you can see, he has a parachute and a grand support staff.


In case you’ve forgotten, please see my previous PTE posts:


Under Obama: When will you start to make ANY profit?

Why yes, that would be in your 7th month.

Right around now. Perhaps.

That means: you will have to work over 6 months in order to pay off your government and even begin to see any modicum of profit.

I’m sorry folks, but that is simply obscene.

From CNSNews.com:

(CNSNews.com) – This year, Americans have to work until July 15 to pay for the burden of government, more than six months.

In a new report, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) has calculated that Americans will spend a total of 197 days toiling to pay for the cost of government.

“Cost of Government Day is the date of the calendar year on which the average American worker has earned enough gross income to pay off his or her share of the spending and regulatory burden imposed by government at the federal, state and local levels,” reads the report.

The report, Cost of Government Day, shows that Americans will work 88 days to pay for federal spending; 40 days for state and local spending; and 69 days for total regulatory costs.

“From a different perspective, the cost of government makes up 54.0 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP),” reads the report. “What’s more, the largest tax hike in the nation’s history is scheduled to take place at the end of 2012 unless Congress acts to protect taxpayers. If this tax increase is allowed to hit, COGD [Cost of Government Day] could permanently be pushed back into August and beyond.”

Yes, that’s correct.

You’re taking, as the American Taxpayer, over 7 months to even begin to migrate from the red into the black.

Look around you. Realize that the Non-Producers are demanding you work longer, harder and more diligently and consistently. Despite your own personal budgetary trials and tribulations. And despite governments on every angle leveling devastating rules, regulations and tariffs on ever-burgeoning aspects of your life.

Government intrusion predominates. Freedoms wither and die. Regulations and taxes run amok.

To the American Taxpayer: just how much will you take?


To American blacks who voted racist:

How’s that mortgage coming? How are those car payments going?

Not so well, I might suspect.

And this is for whom you’re paying:

Harder work and more of it. She needs an iPad, a 4G phone and a 54″ flatscreen to complement her 2004 Lexus.

Stop reading this and get back to work you lazy bastards.

Drudge hints: Condi Rice for Romney’s VP?

Admittedly, I failed to see this coming.

I would have enjoyed perhaps Tom McClintock, Paul Ryan, Allen West, Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal or any number of other young guns. I did not see the possibility of Condoleezza Rice being considered. I thought she had made her prior refusals quite clear — but that was — as we may all recall — for the presidential spot, not VP.

That said, I’d take Rice over any number of inept, staid, corrupt, decrepit “Old Republicans” one molecule away from their brethren and sistren across the aisle.

Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal writes — as many people inherently know but mostly refuse to verbalize — that Obama “seems to view politics as his weary duty, something he had to do on his way to greatness.” And that Condi Rice would be a “brilliant choice” as VP.

Even Limbaugh wonders: “Condi?”

Let me get the obvious up front and out of the way. She is more “black” than Obama — because that actually matters to some blacks. [That’s a massive topic for another day. –BZ] She is more educated than Obama. She has infinitely more experience than Obama as the 66th Secretary of State under Bush. She was a poli-sci professor at Stanford, Bush’s National Security Advisor in his first term and is, well, female. She had to overcome incredible obstacles in her way. She is a concert-level pianist. Under Wikepedia:

Rice was a Democrat until 1982, when she changed her political affiliation to Republican, in part because she disagreed with the foreign policy of Democratic President Jimmy Carter,[16][17] and because of the influence of her father, who was Republican. As she told the 2000 Republican National Convention, “My father joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did.”[18]

Imagine that. Those evil Republicans.

Any thoughts?


Here is Condoleezza Rice as portrayed by the loving, accepting, tolerant, understanding, sensitive, inclusive and benevolent Leftists/Demorats:

Because, after all, that’s what you do to a black female in Modern Day Demorat America who isn’t an immediate adherent of your Leftist philosophy. Ruin her.

If you’re a black, you’re a Demorat. If you aren’t, you’re a traitor and slated for despicable ruination.

Condi Rice thinks that anyone with their pants below their underwear looks ludicrous.

Starting in Fornicalia First:

What do Vallejo, Mammoth Lakes, Stockton and now San Bernardino have in common?

They’re Fornicalia cities that have become bankrupt as, unlike your glorious federal government which can, they cannot print their own money.

People say: “no, the economy really isn’t that bad. Mr Obama really isn’t that bad.”


Within the next year you’re about to wake up one morning and discover you have no private health insurance, your sales taxes are akin to Spain’s, and your arse is bleeding from its federal pounding.