Lies and more lies about Jonathan Gruber: the US government’s $6 million dollar man

Pelosi's LIES Regarding Jon GruberJonathan Gruber was paid, by the US government, over a number of years, by various US departments, $6 million dollars for his consultation services.

If they didn’t value him, they wouldn’t have paid him again and again and again.  He must have provided a valuable service or he wouldn’t have been hired multiple times by your federal government.  Meaning: his fees were paid by your tax dollars.

When they wanted him, Leftists and the Demorats loved him.  When he broke ranks and actually told the truth, they hated him.

The problem: Gruber dared to reveal the truth.  And the Demorats lied again and again.

Here is GruberGate in a mere two minutes:

It does matter.  And Gruber is the gift that keeps on giving.  I say: thank God for YouTube.

I also say: thank God for immured videos regarding Mr Obama and ObamaCare.

Obama’s Car Czar Steve Rattner says Gruber was the “go to” guy on ObamaCare.

Mr Obama, in an attempt to distance himself from the scandal, said Jon Gruber was never on the ObamaCare staff and that Jon Gruber lies.

Then, back in 2006, thanks to YouTube once again, Mr Obama speaks about his admiration for Mr Gruber:

Obama, in my opinion, lies because he’s done so all his life and so few have called him on it.  As a matter of fact, lying has gotten him to the presidency.  He cannot not lie.  He hasn’t the capability.

Not precisely so Nancy Pelosi who, I believe, is physically laboring under the onset of dementia.  She adamantly insists she has no idea who Jon Gruber is.  “Let’s put him aside.”  Right.  No lies to be seen here at all.  Move on.  I’m, as Dennis Miller says, “bat shit crazy.”

Except that she does know him, and she is lying.  This video proves it:

“I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber’s analysis.”

And now, amnesty for millions of illegal invaders by Executive Fiat, via the stroke of Mr Obama’s Imperial Pen.

Just who’s alternate reality is this?



Very interesting article here about Jon Gruber and HillaryCare, courtesy of MPT.


Mr Obama: “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”

US and MEXICO Border DelineatorMr Obola (not unlike many in Islam who wish to convert us or kill us) told citizens precisely what he was going to do upon his election: “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

And transform he has.  Charles Krauthammer illustrates but a few of the topics run-roughshod by Obama’s Executive abuse:

Make no mistake, Mr Obola is in the process of this action.

Obama makes no bones about saying he’ll unilaterally enable national amnesty for Mexicans:

Feds Getting Ready for Executive Action on Immigration

by Suzanne Gamboa

(Leon) Rodríguez’s agency (USCIS) will be front and center once President Barack Obama announces the executive action he’ll take on immigration. Obama said he would take executive action after the elections but before the end of the year.

“We’re going to be ready,” Rodríguez said. “Our agency will be shouldering the primary responsibility for executing whatever it is.”

Rodríguez declined to elaborate when he was asked by a reporter to give more details on what types of preparations he is making.  

Indeed; what kinds of preparations?  How about these types of preparations:

White House Punts on USCIS Request for ‘Surge’ of Immigration ID’s

by Charlie Spiering

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest declined to address a Breitbart News report about a “surge” of immigration ID’s requested by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

When asked about the report at the White House Press Briefing today, Earnest referred Breitbart News to the USCIS for comment.

draft solicitation for bids issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Oct. 6 says potential vendors must be capable of handling a “surge” scenario of nine million id cards in one year “to support possible future immigration reform initiative requirements.”

I’m sure you can do the mathematical political forecasting on that one.  As in: Imperial Obola Edict = get thy shit in gear.

The Washington Times already indicates Mr Obola is ready to open the proverbial illegal immigrant floodgates despite the concurrent problems of terrorism, Ebola and lesser-but-still-important diseases recently brought into this country (and previously eradicated with much effort) by illegal children:

EDITORIAL: Green cards on the table
President Obama lets slip his scheme for a permanent majority


The White House intended to remain silent about its plans for immigration. Revealing a scheme to open the floodgates of amnesty would be disastrous on the eve of the critical midterm elections. But this is the gang that can’t shoot straight.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Friday threw open the door to as many as 100,000 Haitians, who will now move into the United States without a visa. Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, rightly and accurately denounced enabling Haitians awaiting a U.S. visa to enter the country and legally apply for work permits as “an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority.”

That was just the beginning. The immigration agency earlier this month had solicited a printer able to handle a “surge” of 9 million green cards “to support possible future immigration-reform initiative requirements.” In an ordinary year, about 1 million green cards are issued, and over the life of this contract the company is expected to produce up to 34 million cards, a figure representing an increase of the population of the United States by 10 percent.

The cards do not come with automatic voter registration, but that’s obviously what the scheme portends. President Obama’s promised “executive actions” to bring about this enormous wave of amnesty constitute a transparent and cynical ploy to expand the Democratic voter base, creating a permanent majority.

For those of you who just tuned in, let me open the door to the Department of Redundancy Dept:

“President Obama’s promised ‘executive actions’ to bring about this enormous wave of amnesty constitute a transparent and cynical ploy to expand the Democratic voter base, creating a permanent majority.”

A “permanent majority.”

So where did honesty and fairness and equality go, pray tell, Lefitsts?

Ah yes, that’s correct; it never existed.

The Washington Times pointedly continues:

In economic terms, importing millions of unskilled workers creates competition for the diminishing number of available jobs. Combine a flooded job market with the Democratic proposals for a doubling of the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and millions more American citizens will be without a job. Those who do have jobs will pay to provide federal freebies, from Obamaphones to Obamacare, to the formerly illegal aliens now with a green card.

As the recent influx of minor children over the southern border demonstrates, word of amnesty on the way travels fast. Handing green cards to those who cheated the system and entered the country illegally creates an incentive to millions more to follow in their path, collecting as many benefits as possible along the way. It’s a disaster in the making — indeed already here — for public health and national security, straining the welfare state to its limit.

This also brooks the question: what about the rest of America?  What if some various groups of Americans decide they will obey some specific and chosen laws and not others?  There will be precedent now, you see.

Most Americans want no part of this. A Gallup survey finds that 74 percent of Americans want the level of immigration to stay where it is, or reduce it. Mr. Obama has no support for his amnesty scheme except from those who want to transform America into a nation that no one would recognize. Voters can get to work on stopping the transformation on Nov. 4.

Further, since the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Congress has passed seven amnesties:

1. Immigration and Reform Control Act (IRCA), 1986: A blanket amnesty for over 2.7 million illegal aliens

2. Section 245(i) Amnesty, 1994: A temporary rolling amnesty for 578,000 illegal aliens

3. Section 245(i) Extension Amnesty, 1997: An extension of the rolling amnesty created in 1994

4. Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act (NACARA) Amnesty, 1997: An amnesty for close to one million illegal aliens from Central America

5. Haitian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act Amnesty (HRIFA), 1998: An amnesty for 125,000 illegal aliens from Haiti

6. Late Amnesty, 2000: An amnesty for some illegal aliens who claim they should have been amnestied under the 1986 IRCA amnesty, an estimated 400,000 illegal aliens

7. LIFE Act Amnesty, 2000: A reinstatement of the rolling Section 245(i) amnesty, an estimated 900,000 illegal aliens

But now?  Millions and millions of Mexicans.  Others will squeeze through too.  You know; people who belong to ISIS and al Qaeda and various and sundry marginalized groups who simply need more understanding and sympathy.

With that, apparently we require another amnesty?  The prior seven were somehow insufficient?

Mr Obola makes it clear that his fundamental transformation disincludes you, if you happen to be Caucasoid.  Parenthesis: you evil aged racists and sexists, no matter your age.  And your hated spawn.  End of parenthesis.

Yes.  Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.



Krauthammer on the Iran agreement: “it’s the worst deal since Munich”

First, Charles Krauthammer is referring to the deal recently negotiated via SOS John Kerry and the nation-state of Iran.

Mr Krauthammer weighs in:


Charles Krauthammer:

It’s really hard to watch the President and the Secretary of State and not think how they cannot be embarrassed by this deal. Think about this. Half a dozen times, the Security Council has passed resolutions which said Iran has to stop all enrichment otherwise there will be no change in sanctions, no relief. Which means six times China and Russia — not exactly hardliners on Iran — have signed on to this.

And what is the result of this agreement? Iran retains the right to enrich. It continues to enrich during the six months. It is promised a final deal in which we’re going to work out the details of its enrichment. And remember, enrichment is the dam against all proliferation. Once a country anywhere can start to enrich there is no containing its nuclear capacity. So it undermines the entire idea of nonproliferation and it grants Iran a right it’s been lusting for for a decade. That’s why there was so much jubilation in Tehran over this.

Second, there’s a relaxation of sanctions which have really caused the Iranians to hurt, to worry about the stability of the regime, and to come and negotiate. What happens on sanctions? There’s going to be a huge infusion of cash which can reduce the inflation, can alleviate the shortages. Already the rial, the currency, jumped three percent instantly as a result of this agreement. This is a huge relief for the Iranians, and it can only increase over time. What do we get in return? I just heard the Secretary of State say we’re going to get a destruction of the 20 percent uranium. That is simply untrue.

What’s going to happen is the 20-percent enriched uranium is going to be turned into an oxide so it’s inoperative. That process is completely chemically reversible, which means Iran holds on to its 20 percent uranium and can turn it into active stuff any time it wants. This is a sham from beginning to end. It’s the worst deal since Munich.

Adolph Hitler         and     Neville ChamberlainAnd Charles Krauthammer, with whom I sometimes disagree, is completely correct in this case.  The Iranians have quantified the so-called “agreement” as not only a “win” for Iran but, now, they are saying the Spite House lied.

No precedent for that, eh wot?

From the

by Adam Kredo

Iranian officials say that the White House is misleading the public about the details of an interim nuclear agreement reached over the weekend in Geneva.

Iran and Western nations including the United States came to an agreement on the framework for an interim deal late Saturday night in Geneva. The deal has yet to be implemented

The White House released a multi-page fact sheet containing details of the draft agreement shortly after the deal was announced.

However, Iranian foreign ministry official on Tuesday rejected the White House’s version of the deal as “invalid” and accused Washington of releasing a factually inaccurate primer that misleads the American public.

Translation: Iran will do what it wants when it wants and the so-called “deal” negotiated by John Frigging Kerry means less than sputum from your lungs.

One crucial question to the following paragraph:

“There’s nothing built on trust,” Kerry said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “We’re not sitting here pretending that Iran is going to suddenly turn over a new leaf. We have to prove it. And our structure in this agreement, I believe, will adequately prove it.”

If you don’t trust Iran, then why did you negotiate with Iran?  And, further, what is IN this deal for the United States?

Sometimes the simple questions are too obscure.