Muslim, born in Kuwait, shoots seven, kills four US Marines in Tennessee

TN Shooting 1A lone gunman, 24-year-old Mohammad Youssduf Adbulazeer, is responsible for shooting and killing four US Marines at two military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  Seven persons total were shot. The gunman was killed by law enforcement response fire.  May he be packed in pork.

TN Shooting indicated:

U.S. Attorney Bill Killian said officials were treating the attacks as an “act of domestic terrorism,” though FBI Special Agent in Charge Ed Reinhold said authorities were still investigating a motive. The first shooting happened around 10:45 a.m.; the attacks were over within a half-hour.

Berke said five people died in all, including the gunman. A police officer was shot in the ankle, and others were wounded, he said.

First question that comes immediately to my mind: why are we still allowing unarmed military personnel to staff these various recruiting centers, in consideration of the fact that they are known targets specifically for persons such as this.  Islam has declared war on America and on the American soldier.  These soldiers were completely defenseless.  This was not an unforeseen and unanticipated threat.  We have seen similar circumstances involving military-oriented sites again and again.

This Muslim gunman killed four marines and, even before the American Media Maggots had the guts to state the obvious — that he was a Muslim and had an agenda to kill American soldiers — the attack is labeled as actual domestic “terrorism” — so why is it that Major Nidal Hasan’s 2009 Fort Hood attack (where 13 people were killed and 30 wounded) was only declared by our loveable Mr Obama as an act of “workplace violence”?

And then there was something else.

TN Gun Free ZoneOne of the facilities involved was a gun-free zone and clearly marked as such.  Not being a fool, the suspect knew and recognized this fact.  It was clearly made public.

Let me be so bold, if I might, as to suggest the obvious when it comes to most multiple shootings in the US: suspects don’t care for armed persons who may oppose their violent attempts.  Many times, when faced with armed resistance, suspects cease their violent attack and/or commit suicide by firearms in their possession.  Not facing immediate opposition, the suspect in this case knew that he could carry out his efforts with little resistance because no one within these two buildings would theoretically be armed.  It was only after local law enforcement responded that any opposition was encountered.  It is clear that Abdulazeer was politically/theologically motivated.

The only remotely positive aspect of this event is the fact that millions of taxpayer dollars will not be wasted on this soulless, wasted bit of human flesh corrupted by what some persons term a religion but what is, in truth, nothing more than a death cult writ large.

Four more good Americans have died.

And still Mr Obama believes that all Muslims are good Muslims.

We cannot rid ourselves of this White House occupant soon enough.



In Fornicalia: Snipers Attacked A Silicon Valley Power Station Last Year And Nobody Told Us

Towers & Transmission LinesFrom

Around 1 a.m. on April 16th last year, a team of attackers cut phone lines and took out 17 power transformers at a PG&E substation south of San Jose, nearly causing a blackout throughout Silicon Valley. According to the former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, it was the “most significant incident of domestic terrorism” involving the nation’s power grid. No one has been charged or arrested in the attack.

The Wall Street Journal, broke news of the attack today, pieced together a timeline of events that unfolded in the middle of the night, just yards from Highway 101:

The attack began just before 1 a.m. on April 16 last year, when someone slipped into an underground vault not far from a busy freeway and cut telephone cables. Within half an hour, snipers opened fire on a nearby electrical substation. Shooting for 19 minutes, they surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers that funnel power to Silicon Valley. A minute before a police car arrived, the shooters disappeared into the night.

The team of gunmen knew what they were doing in the caper too: they targeted oil-filled cooling systems that bled out until the transformers overheated and crashed rather than shooting up the explosion-prone transformers themselves. The crash triggered an alarm at a PG&E control center 90 miles away, but police on the scene around 1:51 a.m. couldn’t get past a locked fence and assumed everything was fine.

PG&E Power Station Attack Video StillAnd I would say: yes.  That is a terrorist event.  It was a purposeful event, an incident requiring skill and pre-planning and the proper equipment to order to execute it fully.  Its sophistication required professional application.  Attackers knew camera blind spots.

Nearly a year later and FBI officials in San Francisco tell the WSJ, the Bureau doesn’t think a terrorist organization was behind the attack, but they are “continuing to sift through the evidence.” PG&E’s official statement claimed it was the work of vandals, but made no mention of the nearly 100 fingerprint-free shell casings that were found at the scene. Former FERC chairmain Jon Wellinghoff, meanwhile, saw fit to go public with the details after military experts confirmed the scene looks like a professional job.

The snipers — plural — shot for roughly 20 minutes.  I repeat: this was no act of “vandalism.”  This certainly could be a sort of “dress rehearsal” for a similar event or series of future events.  52,000 gallons of oil leaked.  AK-47 shell casings were found.  Lights were utilized for coordination.  Rocks were left for points of assault.


According to a chronology assembled by the Journal based on state and federal filings by PG&E, the operation lasted 52 minutes. It began when communications cables in two vaults near the substation were cut. Then, unknown snipers fired over 100 shots from rifles aimed at the substation’s transformers, knocking out 17 of them. Utility workers needed 27 days to repair the damage, and officials only avoided a blackout in the area by rerouting power around the site and asking power plants in nearby Silicon Valley to produce more electricity.

An attack on a facility or facilities like this are serious because the equipment used in these stations is extremely expensive and highly customized.  Replacement of transformers or other technical pieces of equipment could take over a month and up to a year, depending upon the type of materiel affected.

This should be a major wake-up call, particularly considering al Qaeda made mention of the tact that it could terrorize the US by merely setting a series of forest fires.

Heads-up, America.


Given the bias of the current Obama Administration, including Mr Obama himself and AG Eric Holder — both of them clear racists — the FBI has not trumpeted far and wide about an arrest or a series of arrests involving local and/or domestic Caucasoid terrorists.  Because, given said bias, had that been true you know those press conferences would have been released and heralded.

And just who does that leave?  I’m sure you can do the math on that one.




Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American


There is a double standard: White terrorists are dealt with as lone wolves, Islamists are existential threats

As we now move into the official Political Aftermath period of the Boston bombing — the period that will determine the long-term legislative fallout of the atrocity — the dynamics of privilege will undoubtedly influence the nation’s collective reaction to the attacks. That’s because privilege tends to determine: 1) which groups are — and are not — collectively denigrated or targeted for the unlawful actions of individuals; and 2) how big and politically game-changing the overall reaction ends up being.

This has been most obvious in the context of recent mass shootings. In those awful episodes, a religious or ethnic minority group lacking such privilege would likely be collectively slandered and/or targeted with surveillance or profiling (or worse) if some of its individuals comprised most of the mass shooters. However, white male privilege means white men are not collectively denigrated/targeted for those shootings — even though most come at the hands of white dudes.

Likewise, in the context of terrorist attacks, such privilege means white non-Islamic terrorists are typically portrayed not as representative of whole groups or ideologies, but as “lone wolf” threats to be dealt with as isolated law enforcement matters. Meanwhile, non-white or developing-world terrorism suspects are often reflexively portrayed as representative of larger conspiracies, ideologies and religions that must be dealt with as systemic threats — the kind potentially requiring everything from law enforcement action to military operations to civil liberties legislation to foreign policy shifts.


Once again, Caucasoids are fundamentally responsible for the consummate ills of the world, millions of years ago and now.

