California wants a law about “fake news”

And no, I am not kidding.

As California’s debt explodes, businesses flee, illegals drain and trash the state and are encouraged to vote illegally, as San Francisco is turned into a piss-and-shite-filled excrement dump and Los Angeles borders on bankruptcy due to its policies and the lawsuits filed against it (wait, I thought LA was Leftist Central and violated no one’s rights), Sacramento decides that this issue demands its immediate and pointed focus.

From the

California lawmakers propose bills to teach students to identify ‘fake news’

by Alan Yuhas in San Francisco

The bills aim to teach high school students how to detect misleading, fabricated or inaccurate reports in the wake of the 2016 US election

Two California lawmakers have proposed bills to fight “fake news” by teaching high school students how to detect misleading, fabricated or inaccurate reports in the waves of information flooding into their daily lives.

“The rise of fake and misleading news is deeply concerning,” Dodd said in a statement. “Even more concerning is the lack of education provided to ensure people can distinguish what is fact and what’s not.”

“By giving students the proper tools to analyze the media they consume, we can empower them to make informed decisions,” he added.

But wait; let’s hearken back to this incredibly insightful and correct quote by Josef Stalin.

Because, after all, who determines an election? Who decides whom is insane? Who decides what is fake news?

Tessa Jolls, president of the nonprofit and nonpartisan Center for Media Literacy, said that such measures were long overdue. “Now that powers have shifted, with citizens as producers [of information], people are suddenly saying, ‘Oh wow, this is something we need.’”

Well just hold on there, cowgirl. Perhaps you ought to go back and evaluate the origin of “fake news,” why and when the meme was created. And who determines “fake news.”

“Fake news” didn’t exist when NBC, ABC, CBS and other “mainstream media” sites were historically lying their arses off to the American public. They were and are what I term the American Media Maggots, for obvious reasons.

Fake rape stories on any number of occasions, AMM? Cars that tip over, AMM? Dan Rather lying about George Bush? Hundreds of false discrimination stories? Rick Jones? Sharmeka Moffitt? Reza Aslan? Tahera Ahmad? Anti-gay tip receipt? Duke University? Michael Nifong? Oberlin KKK hoax? Tawana Brawley? Grand Valley State University black chick? Rolling Stone magazine? Joseph Baken? CAIR’s staged videos? CNN interviewing their own cameraman, claiming it was an anti-Trump protester on Don Lemon? “Trumpers violent” when it was in fact Leftists who burned, hit, stabbed, cut, destroyed property around the US? HRC having a “98% chance of winning”?

Buzzfeed? CNN?

The “Fourth Estate” exists only as, now, a PR firm for Leftists and Demorats. We’re on to you. You are in fact naked.

How shallow be thy memory, American Media Maggots. Where an anti-conservative meme exists, you jump on it and provide vast amounts of time, headline space and copy inches. Because you have an anti-conservative theme to catch.

More importantly, just who fact checks the “fact checkers”? Were you, my dear readers, cognizant that the staff of is comprised primarily of Leftists? Would you even remotely be shocked? What about Facebook?

Facebook routinely buried conservative news and topics from trending on the site and artificially made liberal topics part of the national discussion, former Facebook employees admitted last May. TheDC previously reported that the former Facebook trending news team was filled by liberals. It has since automated the Trending Topics section of its page.

Jolls makes an admirable statement:

“What we want is skepticism, not cynicism,” she said. “Cynicism is when you don’t believe anything. Skepticism is when you have discernment, judgment you can rely on.”

In a vacuum, the quote is sensible. In reality, I go back to my Josef Stalin quote.

Just who determines what is what?

In Fornicalia, come on.

I think you know that answer.

I say: go ahead. Prove to me you’re not insane.

By what standards?

Ultimately: who creates and holds those standards?

Fornicalia is as impartial as a Chinese judge at the Beijing Olympics.



Leftists: emoticons are racist

Emoji ExamplesWith all of the things occurring on the planet, Leftists are once again navel-gazing and placing the racism of emoticons at the top of the heap in terms of importance.

You can’t write this stuff.

From (whatever the hell that is):

The Petition to Make Emoji Less Racist

If you spend a decent amount of time on the internet, chances are you’ve heard people raising hell because there are no African-American Emoji icons. Diversity-minded texters are now actually trying to do something about the emoticon racism problem, by petitioning Apple to add more people of color to its Emoji keyboard.

“If these Emoji are going to be the texting and Twitter standard, we think it’d be cool if they better reflected the diversity of the people using them,” argues a petition currently up on, spotted by Fast Company.

The petition laments that out of 800 emoticons, the only two person icons that aren’t white: a guy who looks “vaguely Asian” and another wearing a turban. Meanwhile, it points out, there are two different camels, a smiling pile of poo, and a cop, bride, grandma and dancer, all white. But zero black people.

Stop the presses!  Emoticons are racist, those evil bastards!  Or bastardettes!  Or LGBTQ bastardoritos!  Bastardoritas?

But if you wish even more extreme irrelevancy — to the point where you’re likely in another dimension entirely — read this:

Some white emojis, such as the image of the police officer, appear to hold positions of power, emphasizing the idea that minorities do not commonly occupy skilled jobs like these. In addition, the blonde princess represents that only pure and royal whites can obtain power. In fact, I am surprised that they do not have a white king. The white angel also shows white purity, while an image of white hands held up in a prayer position implies that religion or Catholicism is a white concept. In addition, the absence of non-white females demonstrates a lack of awareness of the intersectionality between race and gender in society.

Emoticons in “positions of power.”  Once again, the white Emoticon keeping the black emoticon down.

What a wonderful society this must be when, as a Millennial, all you have to be concerned with is the racism of Emoticons.

I shake my head.  What a massive generation of navel-gazing pussies we have raised.



Pssst.  Hello?  Leftists?  Anyone notice that Emoticons are actually yellow?


Drawing the entitlement line: Bernadette, can you hear me?

It’s time to speak and write frankly.  Some of you may not like it.  I couldn’t care less.

There are limits to welfare, people are commencing to realize.  There are limits to benefits and entitlements.  And these limitations are starting to concern those competing for same, against illegal aliens.  Plain and simple.  Lawful citizens vs illegals.

Because some people may actually be starting to realize that The American Taxpayer has fiscal limits.

A Houston woman, Bernadette Lancelin, makes various points.

Question: are her points valid?

Watch the video:

I chose the longer video to display, which was edited for language.  Sheila Jackson Lee then gets involved therein with little enlightenment.  As far as she’s concerned, this isn’t an issue.

Lollipops and Leftist stupidity evidently solve everything.

Here is an expanded version of Lancelin’s cut, where she says what she means:

Does she have a point?

I believe she does.

“What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? Not just in this neighborhood but in our country.  All these kids? Really? Why can’t they go back?”

“I’m sorry that their parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever’s going on out there. I don’t care.  I care about what’s going on right here in my own back yard, my neighborhood.”

“Am I the only one in this community that’s out here that watches the news this morning? Oh, my god! I feel alone right now this this, and I’m very saddened by it.”

Get prepared, Bernadette.  I’m about to answer your question, and you won’t like it.

First: your concerns are by any Leftist’s standards incredibly racist.

However, you won’t get called on them because you are 1) black, and 2) female.  You hold the BF Exemptive Card.  Temporarily.

BZ-10-Year-BloggiversaryAs I’ve written for ten years now: demography is prophecy.  And the demographics don’t support you, Bernardette.  Because blacks are not procreating as rapidly as Mexicans and Central Americans.

They are bringing their women and their wombs into the United States, and having babies by the truckload.  Completely and purposely unimpeded by the current sitting US Government.

These truckloads are potential voters.  Their parents will be the current demanders for Free Cheese and their children will continue this demand into the next generation.  Ably abetted and supported by Leftists and Demorats.

Those people who want Free Cheese will continue to vote for Free Cheese and that means Demorats stay in power in perpetuity.

Caucasoids and blacks are too interested in abortions.  Their numbers are falling, not rising as contrasted with Mexicans and, now, Central Americans.

Your Rights End Where My Feelings BeginCaucasoids are interested in which iPhone is out now; which PlayStation has the best reviews, and which social media site is the newest and coolest.  They want to wear their dreadlocks and sport their tattoos and revile their so-called privilege via instructed guilt.  They are the T-ball Esteem Generation writ large, raised and monitored by Helicopter Parents.  Given a T-ball because their parents expected so much less of them.  Because just by existing they were so inherently stellar.

They want to be squeezed into mini-apartments in the center of a city with mass transportation, no individual cars, and Big Brother watching over them.  They are more than willing to eschew freedom for the allure of more and more Free Cheese.  So that they can “be themselves.”  But “themselves” involve “selfies” because, after all, “it’s all about them.”  Just as Obama’s NPD.

Big-Brother-BWCaucasoids the world over are dying out.  And possibly rightly so.  They are more than willing to trade freedom for security and — more importantly — security for a “cradle-to-grave” pablum blanket.  As long as they have their trinkets and their toys they’re just “fine with it.”  And as long as they accept Multi-Kulti.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

-Benjamin Franklin, 1755

[Note to Millennials: I am staying in my job, at my advanced age, to make sure that I piss you off with this Truism: just one of me, in my generation, makes about 2.5 of you, because you are such pussified Navel-Gazing Fucktards.  Sorry for the F-word.  But not really.  They pay me not for what I do, but what I know.  I am a Peter Drucker “knowledge worker.”]

Millennials have little if any care about our foundational documents regarding the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers.  They have no idea who Bastiat or Hegel or Ayers or Churchill or Reagan or Hitler may be.  But they know that Germany just beat Brazil in soccur.

The misspelling is purposeful.  Soccur is for pussies who embrace aerobics whilst they falsely writhe and twist on the ground for theatrics.

Still with me, Bernadette?


Because here’s the truth: you and your kind — blacks — matter in a minimal fashion day by day.  You don’t have enough kids which means you don’t kick out a sufficient number of potential Demorat voters.  Mexicans and — now — Central Americans simply have you beat.

Sorry girl.

Complain to La Raza and/or MEChA.  And you’d better click on each link.  What is the literal translation of La Raza, by the way?  Oh yes: “The Race.”

Nothing racist there, eh wot?  Nah.  Move along.

The demographics are finally catching up.  Move over for the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.