California propositions: how BZ voted and how YOU should vote

bz-in-occupied-fornicalia-behind-enemy-lines-1024x543I happen to live in what I call Occupied Fornicalia, behind enemy lines.

It wasn’t my choice; it just happened. Just as with the truism that “I didn’t leave the Republican party, the Republican party left me.” Hence the fence and all.

Now that I’ve vented for a moment, please allow me to focus on something of a “localized” issue despite the fact that primarily I tend to accent posts of a more generalized, national nature.

But this post is critical for Californians. Trust me: critical.

I make it now for those who are either filling out their absentee ballots and for those who are about to step into a voting booth in less than two weeks.

california-flag-populaceThat is to say, addressing California propositions on the ballot for the coming Tuesday, November 8th.

I can summarize things this way: vote NO on EVERY proposition except:

  • YES on Proposition 53;
  • YES on Proposition 54;
  • YES on Proposition 66.

Remember: 535466.  Vote yes. All others vote NO.

535466.  Vote yes. All others vote NO.

That said, let’s examine each proposition with a bit more detail. Tom McClintock and I vary on only a few of them.

Prop 51: NO
Right. Let’s just add $1,400 to your debt with one swipe of a vote. Sound borrowing be damned. Our children will pay off these “educational” bonds. They will not benefit from them.

Prop 52: NO
This is essentially a tax extension for Medi-Cal. Hospitals like it because it passes taxes to the patient, not them. It’s a permanent tax on sick folks.

Prop 53: YES
This is a public vote for revenue bonds. General obligation bonds are repaid from the state’s general fund; revenue bonds are repaid by users of a project (e.g. tolls to repay a bridge bond).  This measure requires revenue bonds over $2 billion to be approved by voters, and is backed by taxpayer groups across the state. This is called accountability for your tax dollars. Uh, yeah.

Prop 54: YES
This primarily says: “read the damned bill first before you vote on it.” How could anyone disagree? This forbids the legislature from voting on a bill until it has been in print for 72 hours and available to both legislators and the public to read.  It stops the dangerous practice of having to “pass a bill so we know what’s in it.”  Duh.

Prop 55: NO
In 2012, Californians made a mistake in approving the highest personal income tax rate anywhere in the country on the “very wealthy people” who make over $250,000 a year.  It is due to be phased out in 2018.  This proposition would make it permanent.  What’s wrong with soaking the rich?  For openers, a lot of these “very wealthy people” aren’t wealthy and they aren’t even people.  They’re struggling small businesses filing under Subchapter S.  The really rich folks just re-arrange their schedules so they’re not legal residents and don’t pay the tax.  As Arthur Laffer has often said, “There’s nothing in the world more portable than money and rich people.” Bingo. Thank you.

Prop 56: NO
Good God, another tobacco tax that just gets schluffed off into the CA general fund? Are you Fornicalia voters really this stupid? Apparently yes, you are, according to your Leftist rulers. Excessive taxation increases the incentives for black markets. Permanent spending programs are being funded with a declining revenue – and eventually taxpayers will end up funding the difference. Hello? You? Me? You  imbeciles — shall I remind you — are the dimwits who voted for the “train to nowhere.” Hey, it’s not “your” money anyway, right? Except that, yes, you ignorant morons, it is. Taxes? Hello? Oh yeah. Except taxes on the illegal.

Prop 57: NO
Not just NO, but HELL NO. This is “clever” beyond belief. It is Leftists wanting to minimize the definition of a “violent crime” so that those who have committed — wait for it — manslaughter and rape can be considered “non-violent.” This is Jerry Brown’s — who has onset dementia (go ahead and ask Jerry Brown what day it is) according to people who work around him — latest measure purporting to release only non-violent felons from prison.  But as the law works, this would include rapists, child molesters, gang-bangers, arsonists and human traffickers to name a few – and not to mention violent criminals who plea-bargained to lesser crimes. What in the holy hell?

To my mind this is the most craven, disgusting and abominable proposition suggested in the history of this state.

Let me make something clear: whilst Jerry Brown and Leftists throughout the state make their finest attempt to kick criminal felons out of prison — actually trying to keep violent felons out of the system in the first place — simultaneously they are the first to restrict your First and Second Amendment freedoms. You, the law-abiding, legal, tax-paying citizen. The politicians of this state have their own well-armed personnel as escorts — but you do not. The CHP protects the primary politicians. The Sgt At Arms protects other appointees in Fornicalia. That’s because they matter and you do not. You need to be disarmed for your own good. But wait; there’s another proposition (63) coming to address that specific issue. Might it go well for you? Likely not.

Perhaps you might ask: how’s that Proposition 47 and AB 109 working out for you right now? Property and violent crimes skyrocketing? Perish the word. Clearly it’s time — like Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe — to let felons vote here in Fornicalia. I wonder how they’d vote? Demorat, perchance?

Prop 58: NO
In 1998, California voters passed Proposition 227, which forbade the practice of segregating Spanish-speaking children and teaching them in Spanish-only classes (a practice with the Orwellian title, “bi-lingual education.”). It didn’t work. It wasn’t enabled in reality. The measure would stop this vital assimilation program and return classrooms to Spanish-only instruction. Goodbye English, hello Spanish. NO.

Prop 59: NO
That damned First Amendment has simply got to go. Right? This proposition calls on elected officials to overturn the Citizens United decision and in so doing repeal the First Amendment.  Most of our elected officials are leftists who are doing so anyway.  I‘m not and I won’t. Remember: Leftists abhor free speech. Unless it is theirs.

Prop 60: NO
Here we have condoms and porn. Excuse my bias, but it isn’t about “porn.” This is about the minutiae of a controlling state government. Expect that “Little Lending Libraries” will be targeted next. Oh wait. They already are.

Prop 61: NO
Price controls for drugs sound great, right? Except that price controls always sound good in theory – but in practice they always create shortages of whatever commodity is being controlled. Calling common sense. What occurs with shortages? Oh, right. Prices skyrocket. On top of insurance costs.

Prop 62: NO
Let’s eliminate the death penalty, shall we? Makes sense, right? Uh, no. Here is the sum total of the Leftist ballot measures on crime: release dangerous felons from our prisons (Prop. 57), disarm law-abiding citizens (Prop. 63) and provide old-age retirement plans for murderers (Prop 62).  Yes, California’s liberals really are out of their minds. Insanity rules. Next question?

Prop 63: NO
This measure requires a PERMIT from the state of Fornicalia to purchase ammunition within its realm. In other words, the time and background check required for a firearm would equate to the time and background checks required for ammunition purchases.

The Heller decision infuriated Leftists, Obama and Hillary Clinton. This is the first step – requiring a permit (renewable every four years) to purchase ammunition, accompanied by fees and background checks (of people who have already passed background checks to purchase their firearm in the first place).

Prop 64: NO
Here, in terms of marijuana legislation, Tom McClintock votes yes. I stridently disagree. As a recently-retired peace officer of 41 years here in Fornicalia, why haven’t the DUI stats been checked of both Washington and Colorado? The collision rates? The death rates in traffic accidents? Hello? Going up. New and facile ways to craft a FST — or not? The persons and children overdosed on THC? Does the word “gateway” mean anything? Tom, you got it way wrong on this one, buddy. Please check how the marijuana laws are currently negatively affecting people in Colorado and Washington, sir. All this does is make not only people but government beg like doggies for their own piece of the lucrative cash pie. That’s not what government should be about.

Prop 65: NO
Grocery bags. Those terrible, terrible grocery bags. What to do? The law was part of a corrupt bargain that imposes these charges on grocery store customers and lets the grocery stores keep the revenue as extra profit. What part of NO does the average American Taxpayer not understand?

Prop 66: YES
This is a pro-death penalty measure sponsored by law enforcement and victims’ organizations that streamlines California’s death penalty and puts it back in play.  The overwhelming preponderance of evidence is that a death penalty, consistently applied, suppresses the murder rate and saves innocent lives.  And it has a guaranteed ZERO rate of recidivism. Guess what? Once convicted, twice shy.

Prop 67: NO
Your nanny state strikes once again. Tom sums it up wonderfully: A yes vote means no more disposable plastic bags at the grocery store (with certain exceptions for meat and other perishable items, and paper bags will cost you 10-cents each).  A NO vote means much more than just preserving this one little convenience – it means repudiating the nanny state that California has become.  Voting this down means saving yourself from the aggravation of cans rolling around in your car.  But saying no to the nannies?  Priceless.

And with that, ladies and gentlemen, exists my recommendations for Fornicalia’s propositions.

Thanks to Tom McClintock for his original thoughts.



Governor Brown ISN’T serious about water

Brown & The DroughtFirst: STOP THE SCAM-TRAM.

That’s how you solve Fornicalia’s drought.

Governor Brown, the poseur, had his fleet of security personnel trundle him up to the Sierra Nevada Mountains today, BZ’s back yard, for a photo op that proved without doubt he isn’t serious about Fornicalia’s water shortage in the face of its drought.

He wasn’t serious when he was governor in the 70s, and he isn’t serious now.

Brown had the opportunity to support and promote, for one thing, the Auburn Dam above the Sacramento Valley.  But he killed that project along with all others because he didn’t believe in funding infrastructure.

I find it so ironic that the man who killed dams and all other public projects (including vital additional highways) is finding himself in the hotseat regarding Fornicalia’s drought.

But his “solution” is no solution and proves he couldn’t care less about the state, much less the people who live here.  You know: Fornicalia, the COASTAL state.  The state with the ocean right next to its border.

The LA Times has decided it must continue to fellate Governor Brown, with its story here:

Brown orders California’s first mandatory water restrictions: ‘It’s a different world’

by Chris Megerian and Matt Stevens

Governor Jerry Brown, standing on a patch of brown grass in the Sierra Nevada that is usually covered with several feet of snow at this time of year, on Wednesday announced the first mandatory water restrictions in California history.

Brown ordered the California Water Resources Control Board to implement mandatory restrictions to reduce water usage by 25%. The water savings are expected to amount to 1.5 million acre-feet of water over the next nine months.

The article then goes on to describe a number of “water saving measures” that are akin to sitting in a chair and masturbating for all the good they will, overall, do.  The “measures” address nothing long-term.  The idiots amongst the media and ignorant Fornicalia residents applaud Brown.  What a strategic thinker!  The state’s growing illegal Mexican population can’t read and can’t understand English anyway.  Perfect for a conniving Demorat governor like Brown, where the state is 99.9% blue.  There are perhaps 75 Conservatives in Fornicalia.  Me and my Representative Tom McClintock in the 4th.  And trust me when I say I’ll Tweet him a copy of this post.

In other words, these “measures” won’t do much of anything to defray the crisis state of Fornicalia now and in the future.  Because Fornicalia alternates between floods and droughts.  There are few stable times in between.  “Crisis” is more normal than normal.

With that in mind, Governor Brown has embraced and wants to enable with every fiber of his being the Scam Tram — his “legacy” — despite it’s first work being “unspectacular.”

In fact, Brown’s Scam Tram will cost, at this point, over $68 BILLION DOLLARS through the next 16 years.  That is a conservative figure.  Approved in November of 2008, Proposition 1A, it allocated $9.95 BILLION DOLLARS for the project.  To say that this figure has expanded would insult even the retarded amongst my readers.

Further, the Scam Tram won’t reach its claimed speed of 200 mph at all; at this point, with its promised stops, it won’t much exceed the FRA common passenger speed of 79 mph mandated by most common passenger diesel-electric locomotives via their gearing.

Anyone think that $68 BILLION DOLLARS somehow equates to an approved-by-the-voters $9.95 BILLION DOLLARS?

Oddly enough, I do not.  It — call me crazy — sounds to me like some kind of scam.  Perhaps even a Scam Tram.

At this point, let’s ask an obvious and an equally-political question: what takes priority?  Solving a long-time state-wide drought issue, or providing a rail project that guarantees nothing in terms of water provisions?

Governor Brown, you have a quandary.  Fund the Scam Tram or fund the obvious: water infrastructure projects to include desalination plants dotted from the north to the south on your coast.

One DS plant is being built in San Diego, funded far before you appeared on the scene.

Desalination16,000 desalination plants operate world-wide.

Saudi Arabia has many of them.

Each US Navy ship has a desalination plant on board.

To Governor Brown: you can’t find it within yourself to prioritize water before a lame-assed go-nowhere Scam Tram?



One man who speaks the truth about Fornicalia: Tom McClintock and the drought

Top Five Gubernatorial Candidates Debate In SacramentoFrom

McClintock on CA Drought: ‘We Are Being Governed by People Who Are Out of Their Minds’

by Joel B. Pollak

WASHINGTON, DC — Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA) warns that California’s water crisis will continue until there are major changes in state government, and until Republicans win the U.S. Senate. 

“We are being governed by people who are out of their minds,” McClintock said, referring to the inability of state and federal authorities to manage California’s water supply.

“Droughts are inevitable–they are nature’s fault. Water shortages are our fault,” he said. 

And I couldn’t agree more with Representative McClintock.

In fact, it was Governor Jerry Brown’s problem first in the 70s, which he purposely chose to ignore.  Via schadenfreude, it is now his issue to handle in his doting hypocrisy.

Speaking to Breitbart News in his Capitol Hill office, McClintock outlined what he believes would be necessary to prevent future shortages: resuming construction on existing dam projects, some of which were abandoned during Gov. Jerry Brown’s first administration in the 1970s.

The Auburn Dam project, for example, would create a reservoir two-and-a-half times the size of the ailing Folsom Lake, he said. In addition, McClintock suggested raising the height of the Shasta Dam from the current 600 feet to 800 feet, as originally designed. That, he said, would add nine million acre-feet to its existing storage capacity–double its present volume.

Precisely the issue I raised in the post prior to this.  Jerry Brown had his chance to solve the issue before it became the massive problem it is now.  And he roundly refused.

McClintock also criticized Brown’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta tunnel project, which will cost billions but would offer no water storage capacity and no hydroelectric power. He noted that state water projects in the mid-twentieth century spent comparable amounts in current dollars, yet also included storage and generated electricity, and paid for themselves over time.

“It’s only in the last several decades that the state has issued general bonds for these projects, which leave taxpayers on the hook. It’s insane,” McClintock said. 

I can only concur, Congressman.  It is in fact insane.  All that cash to be spent with no electrical generation included.  At least Brown and Leftists are nothing but consistent.

Environmentalists have opposed the construction of new dams, partly because of habitat and scenery destroyed by reservoirs, and because of the physical obstacle dams often pose to annual fish migrations.

There you go.  The veritable Crux of the Biscuit.  Lefitsts and Enviros clearly value fish and scenery over humanity.

Yet McClintock sees dams as a critical part of addressing California’s chronic water shortages. He and his Republican colleagues have also passed several measures aimed at changing the distribution of water to favor struggling Central Valley farmers, and he intends to hold hearings to investigate the release of large amounts of water from existing dams just before winter.

Allow me now, at this point, to illuminate some additional Leftist hypocrisy, if you will.

Jerry Brown solicits more illegal aliens into Fornicalia, but refuses to expand the necessary infrastructure for water and power.

Jerry Brown has thrown Fornicalia’s political power and wherewithal into electric cars, but he refuses to see the obvious: just where will we acquire the electricity necessary to recharge this massive fleet of change?

There are NO electrical generation stations “in the works” now in Fornicalia.

On the current system, with hot days, the CalISO can’t even find sufficient power to forestall brownouts, much less expand power to potential hundreds-of-thousands of electric vehicles.

Fornicalia has, simply, One Party Political Power.  People have historically had to flee from those kinds of governments around the world.

It is alive and well in Fornicalia.

Which is why I shall leave this state when I retire.  It is about to go straight to Hell and I shall not be complicit in that ride.



Next for drought-struck Fornicalia: daily rationing per household?

California Drought TillingFrom the San Gabriel Valley Tribune:

Daily water allocation could be the next California drought strategy

by Steve Scauzillo

You probably know your Social Security number, your driver’s license number and perhaps the latest wrinkle in mattress marketing, your sleep number.

But do you know your drought number?

The latter represents the amount of water you are allowed to use per day. If you don’t know it, you probably should. Not knowing could cost you money. As California’s severe drought moves into a fourth year, state and local water agencies are working on something called “allocation-based rate structures,” a kind of precursor to water rationing that’s all the rage in Sacramento and in some areas such as Santa Cruz, Irvine and Santa Monica.

Here’s how it works: Your local water company, special district or city assigns you and your household a number in gallons — a daily water allocation. Usually, one number applies to maximum indoor water use, i.e. showers, kitchen and bathroom faucets, dishwashers, clothes washers, etc., and an extra allocation is assigned for outdoor use such as lawn irrigation.

Toilet manufacturers wishing to sell product in the US have already been required to create fixtures that went from 3.5 gallons per flush, to 1.6 gallons.  In 1992, President GHW Bush signed the law which mandated the current 1.6 gallon flush maximum.

One throne issue:

In 2011, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that, while low-flow toilets are estimated to have saved the city of San Francisco 20 million gallons of water per year, the reduction in water volume has caused waste sludge to back up in the city sewer pipes that were designed expecting a higher ratio of water to solids. The city is attempting to solve this by adding chlorine bleach to the pipes, a proposal that has raised environmental objections.[4] In house drain system design, smaller diameter drain pipes are being used to improve flow by forcing waste to run higher in the pipe and therefore have less tendency to settle along the pipe.

To continue from the SGVT:

While some call it a more equal way to meter out mandatory water conservation, others call it social engineering. Some say the idea simply will not work. 

True, laws instituted rarely if ever are repealed.  That is the nature of government.  And yes, the nature of social engineering as well.

After the new numbers are crunched, the state board could order the local agencies to implement stronger water-use regulations, such as banning all watering of lawns and all decorative fountains, she said.

Eastern Municipal Water District, which covers communities in the Inland Empire from Riverside to Hemet, has enacted a Stage  2 drought plan. Each single-family household with three residents gets 60 gallons per person per day. An outdoor allocation is provided based on whether a house has a pool or turf or both. Any household going over the total allocation will be charged an “excessive rate,” according to the plan.

What might that rate be, pray tell?  No one either knows, or will say.  Except:

Making water hogs pay a top-tier rate is another trend gaining popularity among water agencies.

For example, Irvine charges a “wasteful” rate of $12.60 per hundred cubic feet, well above the $1.34 base rate.

Just how onerous will this be?  Will it make people think long and hard as to when to flush their toilet?  Will Fornicalians in a multi-bathroom household decide to designate one toilet for urine, and one toilet for fecal waste?  The toilet for urine may tolerate multiple pissings and one or two flushes per day, depending on the number of persons in the household.  The toilet for fecal material will mandate more frequent flushes, cost-dependent.

It all depends on if you don’t care about a yellow toilet bowl, or one already occupied by a prior person’s feces.

In the meantime, as your lawn in Beverly Hills dies (or doesn’t, depending on your “shizzle” with the Beverly Hills Public Works manager), true Fornicalian middle class taxpayers continue to shoulder the burden for ILLEGALS who CONTINUE to demand infrastructure usage that we can no longer afford in many ways.

These are illegals that bald and elder Governor Jerry Brown insists on inviting — no, demanding — into Fornicalia.  Though lawful and abiding taxpayers cannot afford them on a budgetary level or an infrastructure level.

Here are the facts: farming uses roughly 80% of the water allocations in Fornicalia, because Fornicalia is still the literal breadbasket to the rest of the state, the nation and to parts of the world.  Fornicalia produces almost 70 percent of the country’s top 25 fruits, nuts, and vegetables.  Literally and figuratively.  You suss that last sentence out.

The bulk of Fornicalia’s water comes from the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountain snowpack per winter.  One of the reasons I live up here; I get my water before you in the flatlands do. And I know where to get more.

However, logically, a bad seasonal snowpack equals a poor water year for the flatlands.

But here’s the simultaneous hypocrisy and schadenfreude: elder Fornicalia Governor Jerry Brown must now deal with the issue of having made no attempts whatsoever, as junior governor, to improve any portion of Fornicalia’s infrastructure — to include the creation of new dams or reservoirs — because of his Leftist ideology.

He possessed the opportunity, for example, to approve the Auburn Dam, which would have created another 900 million + acre-feet of water available for thirsty residents downstream.  That equates, in my mind, to a man-made drought ahead of its time.

Brown's Chauffeured Satellite, 1974Yet, whilst he was swiving Linda Rondstadt in his lofty downtown Sacramento apartment directly across the street from the capital and having his “plain wrapped” motor pool 1974 Plymouth Satellite chauffeured (which acquired roughly 16 mpg with its 383 CID engine, as he eschewed the former governor’s Cadillac limousine with its concomitant terrible 13 mpg, and translated into nothing more than Leftist “smoke and mirrors” for the ignorant amongst Fornicalia voters) to various points, Brown not only accomplished nothing, but pointedly refused to expand Fornicalia freeways and infrastructure projects.

Coming back to haunt you, Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr.?

Because of water (please see Marc Reisner’s book “Cadillac Desert,” and hearken to the underlying theme of the classic 1974 Polanski film “Chinatown”), southern Fornicalia administrators in particular were and are able to turn arid desert into fecund and productive land.

Water issues coming back to haunt you, Edmund Gerald Brown, Jr.?

I cry crocodile tears.  You made your bed and those who don’t recognize that bed are your immediate ignorant voting base — which is why you embrace more voters who can’t even understand the English language.



Fornicalia makes a “budget whoopsie” of $31.7 BILLION DOLLARS

Jerry Brown & John ChiangGovernor Jerry Brown and Controller John Chiang

From my local paper, the

Audit: State Controller’s Office accounting riddled with errors

Read more here:

by John Ortiz

State Controller John Chiang’s office has understated liabilities, miscalculated debt payments and, in one instance, made a data-entry error that added three additional zeros to a revenue figure, changing the figure from millions of dollars to billions of dollars.

Meaning: those tasked with ensuring Fornicalia’s cash is well cared for — in this ultimate case, John Chiang, who is the state controller — have frakked up to the Nth degree.  In other words, to the tune of $31.7 billion dollars.  Yes.  With a B.

That’s like saying, in your checkbook, your spouse somehow “misplaced” $31,000.  Where did it go? you ask.  Wouldn’t you want to find out?  Wouldn’t you be concerned?  Wouldn’t you want to ensure that didn’t reoccur?  And wouldn’t you be just a tad upset?

Further: controller John Chiang is running for State Treasurer.  Fornicalia’s election is today.

A summary of the “mistakes”:

  • Understating some federal trust fund revenues and expenditures by $7.7 billion.
  • Overstating state general fund assets and revenues by $653 million.
  • A reporting error that understated a public building construction fund by $9.1 billion.
  • Overstating by $8 billion the California State University system’s bond debt.
  • Posting a deferred tax-revenue figure as $6.2 billion when it was actually $6.2 million.

Those mistakes and others were so glaring, auditors said, that they should have been caught.

Jeff Dunetz at has a great article about the situation as well.

This is just one audit, ladies and gentlemen.  A “general overview” if you will.

As a state taxpayer, I demand here and now that a detailed audit be made of EVERY department in the State of Fornicalia, involving every Secretary, every Division head, every Branch Chief.  And making the Governor ultimately responsible.

In my opinion, $31.7 BILLION DOLLARS would be a drop in the proverbial bucket in terms of dollars wasted and pissed away by persons in the State of Fornicalia, much less money simply “misplaced” as in this event.

Heads must roll, Secretaries, budget coordinators, Division heads and Branch Chiefs must be fired and severed from their potential pensions.

This is only the tip of the iceberg.

Blood must flow.