ISIS: the “JV Team” beheads another American; what NOW, Mr Obama?

Once again, as I’ve written too many times to count, Mr Obama is “concerned” and is “monitoring.”  Translated: Mr Obama chooses to do nothing.

The evidence:

This on the heels of the beheading of American journalist James Foley, apparently by the same ISIS knife-wielding man, UK-educated and Islamist-bred “Jihadi John.”  A man who is apparently right-handed (because his shoulder holster is under his left arm) and yet wields a knife left handed.

James Foley Beheading by ISISBut let’s go back a tad bit, shall we, when Mr Obama called ISIS the “JV Team.”

For a so-called “Junior Varsity” team, ISIS seems to have steam-rollered its way through the Middle East quite handily since June.  Obama said:

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told Remnick. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

ISIS: the JV team, as per Barack Hussein Obama.  Nah, nothing to see here — move along, move along.  .  .

All things considered, what is Mr Obama’s response to ISIS and to the myriad abrogations and slaughterings?

Yes: “monitoring” and “concern.”

Meanwhile, UK’s PM David Cameron has taken a clear and obvious tack with regard to Islamic terror — precisely what Mr Obama has not.

David Cameron, British PM, plans new laws to tackle terrorism threat

British Prime Minister David Cameron says he’ll introduce new laws to combat terror suspects, pledging to seize passports to fight what he described as an extremist threat more dangerous than any previously seen.

Cameron told reporters that while the Taliban facilitated al-Qaeda terrorism, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria group is “effectively a state run by terrorists.”

Is the UK finally beginning to recognize what has been under its very nose for many years now?  Perhaps it is.

The UK has an actual leader.  The US has no leader.

ISIS members are here.  ISIS members are in this country.  They were either here and turned by events — or they simply got their ankles wet by crossing the Rio Grande on our southern border with every other useless Mexican invader.  Except that Mexicans aren’t yet interested in blowing the lungs out of our children with a nicely placed Semtex charge.

Perhaps it’s time for some visual reminders in re ISIS and Islam:

ISIS - Beheaded by ISISJust another severed day with ISIS.

ISIS - Beheading of Syrian Christian from MaaloulaBeheading of Christian Syrian.

ISIS - Beheadings in SyriaBeheadings in Syria.  Nice touch with the western hoodie.

ISIS - Christian Child Beheaded in SyriaChristian child beheaded.  Was she actually Christian?  ISIS couldn’t care less.

ISIS - Christians CrucifiedChristians crucified.

What now, Mr Obama?

What’s your plan?

Or will you simply acquiesce and be “concerned” and “monitoring”?



Muslims deface Indiana churches

IslamistsThat’s the appropriate headline.

The watered-down American Media Maggot headline reads:

3 Columbus churches vandalized with graffiti overnight

By WTHR Channel 13

COLUMBUS, Ind. – Columbus Police said they’ve never had anything like it – three churches vandalized in the same night.

Someone spray painted them on the outside. It’s the words used, though, that have some people asking if this was more than a prank.

“It was just one word. It said ‘Infidels!’” Father Doug Marcotte said of what was spray painted on Saint Bartholomew’s Catholic Church in Columbus overnight Saturday.

Parishioners saw that, along with the word “Qur’an 3:151” on their way into mass Sunday morning.

“It’s certainly not a warm and fuzzy verse. It talks about the infidels, their refuge being the fire,” explained Father Marcotte.

Specifically, that passage of the Qur’an reads: “We will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve for what they have associated with Allah of which He had not sent down [any] authority. And their refuge will be the Fire, and wretched is the residence of the wrongdoers.”

Saint Bartholomew’s wasn’t the only Columbus church vandalized.

“It’s really bizarre and the fact that they hit two other Christian Churches. It’s not like we’re all in a line. So why did they pick the three of us,” asked Father Marcotte.

Why, you ask?  Because you have an Islamist cell in your town, an immature Islamist cell, which can’t keep itself quiet — but Muslim indeed, and not just some passing town prank.  You would have to know the Koran to know the particular sura quoted.

Michigan is losing the war on creeping Sharia.  Muslims have taken over a good portion of that state.  Actual Sharia Law is not so terribly far behind, as Islamists threaten.

Islamists tell us precisely what they are going to do to Western Cultures and the United States of America.  They make no bones about it, and they are not shy.

Why is it we cannot take them at their word?


Koran Sura Passages

Creeping Sharia in the US? Islam demanding US conforms to it? Yes.

Sneakers BaconFrom the

Vermont Diner’s Bacon Sign Taken Down for Offending Muslims

by Andrew Johnson

A sign advertising the bacon at a Vermont diner has been taken down after a Muslim resident complained about the sign on the Internet and sparked a massive backlash against the restaurant, Sneakers Bistro.

In June, in return for taking part in a local volunteer initiative to plant flower beds in the city’s traffic medians, the diner was awarded a sign on a lamp post that said “Yield for Sneakers Bacon.” A woman took issue with the sign, calling it insensitive to those who don’t eat pork, according to WPTZ.

The woman’s objection, which she posted online, prompted several Facebook and Yelp comments calling on Sneakers Bistro to take down the sign. The diner’s owners contacted the woman to apologize and tell her the sign has been removed.

“We are here to serve people breakfast, not politics,” the owners wrote in a separate Facebook post over the weekend. “We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community.”

And there you have it.  Good to know that the Victimization of Muslims by terrible restaurant owners ended rapidly and efficiently.

We certainly can’t offend, and goodness sake, we certainly can’t offend Muslims.

What, you say?  Our entire country and our Western Culture offends Muslims?

Well, we’ll all just have to convert to Islam now, won’t we?


You’d have to look long, hard and low for that sign, in order to be “offended” by it.  And yet, terrible offense was taken.  Terrible offense, in concert with terrible remorse on behalf of the restaurant.  Do what I term the Logical Extension for that.


A new map of the Middle East

Middle East, New Map Of, With ISIS

[Click on map graphic to embiggen.]

As painted and determined by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq & Syria), which has been sweeping the middle east like wildfire with its fundamental Islamic Death Cult rapidity akin to the Borg, where you will be “assimilated” or you will be killed.

Ah, the non-violent embrace of the all-inclusive, loving and understanding religion of peace known as Islam.



Leftist Finnish Journalista admits Hamas rockets fired from hospital, then excoriates Jews for using her report

In order to understand the post, let’s first watch a video:

That said and done, this same reporter then objects to The Jews daring to utilize her report in order to confirm the truth: Hamas fires weapons behind the skirts of women and children and hides in hospitals.

From the

WATCH: Finnish reporter admits Gaza rockets launched from hospital

by staff

A Finnish journalist for the daily newspaper Helsingin Sanomat said in a report that was uploaded to YouTube on Friday that Hamas terrorists launched a rocket attack at Israel from a hospital.

She recalled a really loud sound, following the attack, and added that “it’s true that rockets are launched here from the Gazan side into Israel.”

But here’s the rub.  This chick objected to others using her Truth to display the Actual of Hamas.

The Helsinki-based journalist took to Twitter to respond to the maelstrom of attention her TV report generated, both in Israel and in the foreign press.

She tweeted that she refused to be used as a propaganda weapon, and elaborated on Facebook.

The TV reporter blamed news outlets for taking her report out of context and for using it to “target civilians in Gaza.”

Zidan Tweet“Out of context.”  That Hamas fired a rocket from a hospital?

Are you that “in the tank” for Hamas, madame?

Apparently so.