Malaysian Flight MH370’s two clues: Pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and First Officer Fariq Abdul Hamid

From the UKMailOnline:

Flight 370 1Question to my readers: where do the greatest number of Muslims live?  Answer: Indonesia.  Check the headline.  The loving understanding of Islam.  A final tidbit: the pilot’s wife and children moved out of their home the day before the MH370 incident.



Flight 370 2


Muslims on Mars:

From the

Muslims ‘warned in Fatwa not to live on Mars’

Fatwa reportedly issued warning Muslims not to make ‘hazardous trip’ to live on Mars

6:22PM GMT 19 Feb 2014

And there you have it.  All the intelligence that’s fit to print about Islam.



“Hate speech,” the UK, and equal application of laws:

Anjem ChoudaryExcept: no.  Unequal application of “hate speech” laws.

From the UKTelegraph:

Laws against inciting hatred: funny how an Islamist hate preacher is never prosecuted

by Sean Thomas

And so we return to the case of Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most eminent Hate-Preacher-Who-Also-Lives-On-Benefits. Choudary has hit the news again, just as he intended, this time for marching down Brick Lane threatening shopkeepers with 40 lashes if they don’t stop selling alcohol. At the same time he has gone on record, acclaiming Muslim gangs (who recently attacked drinkers on London’s streets), as “fantastic”.

Now, simple minded souls might wonder whether Choudary was breaking the law here: isn’t it an incitement to violence, when you praise vicious mobs as “fantastic”? Isn’t it criminal, in some way, to menace shopkeepers with “40 lashes”?

Well: isn’t it?  As Mr Thomas points out, there are apparently a number of NON-Muslims who have been subject to the UK’s oppressive laws.  He writes:

I mean, off the top of my head, I can only think of 52-year-old Keith Hurdle, just given four months in prison for a racist rant on a Tube train, and Swansea student Liam Stacey, who got 54 days in prison for some racist tweets, and 42-year-old Jacqueline Woodhouse, given 21 weeks for a racist rant on another train, and six Charlton fans, jailed for 18 months for singing racist songs, and 62-year-old David Rowley, locked up for eight months after sending four racist texts, and Anthony Buck given four months for posting Islamophobic remarks on Facebook, and electrician Darren Tosh, who got 16 weeks inside for some more racist texts, and Grimsby man Terence Baker, who got prison time for being Islamophobic on the Internet, and Glaswegian Stephen Birrell, who got eight months for inciting hatred of Catholics on Facebook, and Gareth Hemingway, of Bognor Regis, who got 15 months for uploading racist clips to Youtube, and 34-year-old Emma West, who spent two weeks in jail for shouting at some foreign people on a tram, and Martin Smith, slammed in a cell for having a potentially racist ringtone, and fortysomething Ronnie Hutton, who spent days behind bars after revving his car in a racist manner, and 19-year-old Celtic fan Sean Smith, who got three months in prison for impersonating a monkey in the direction of a Senegalese footballer.

In that vein, from the HuffingtonPostUK:

Anjem Choudary’s Today Programme Appearance After Lee Rigby Trial Sparks Backlash

The BBC is facing a backlash after handing hate preacher Anjem Choudary the prime interview slot on the flagship Today programme.

The former leader of Islam4UK, a banned Islamist group, was allowed to rant virtually uninterrupted as he refused to condemn the murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

Please click the link above for information on the murder.

That said, can you imagine this in the United States:

  • A man given four months in prison for a “racist rant” on a commuter train;
  • 54 days in prison for “racist Tweets”;
  • 21 weeks in prison for a “racist rant” on another train;
  • 18 months in prison for singing a “racist song”;
  • 8 months in prison for sending four “racist texts”;
  • 4 months in prison for posting “Islamophobic remarks” on Facebook;
  • 16 weeks for more “racist” texts;
  • Prison time for being “Islamophobic” on the internet;
  • 8 months for inciting “hatred” of Catholics on Facebook;
  • 15 months in prison for uploading “racist” clips on YouTube;
  • 2 weeks in jail for shouting at some “foreign people” on a commuter train;
  • A man slammed in a cell for having a “potentially racist” ring-tone;
  • A man got jail time for revving his car in a “racist” manner;
  • A male who got three months in prison for “impersonating a monkey” in the direction of a Senegalise soccer player;

If Americans were locked up for any of these alleged “violations,” what would you think or do?

Please allow me to make three immediate observations:

1) “Racism” and “offense” can easily exist in the mind of the beholder and nowhere else in reality;
2) The day that the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights is abrogated in any fashion to the above, predicated upon #1 — that is the day that this country is lighted aflame.  Trust me on this.
3) Certain groups can never commit “hate” crimes or speech or thoughts or acts?  That is hypocritical and offensive and wrong.  Racism CAN come in the color of dark and terrorism CAN come from Islam.  I say again and again: “Islam IS as Islam DOES.”

Finally, Mr Thomas writes of Choudary:

Behead_those_who_insult_islamIn 2006 he organised a protest outside the Danish Embassy in London where, notoriously, the protestors carried placards saying “Exterminate those who slander Islam”, “Behead those who insult Islam”, and “Be prepared for the real holocaust”. Some might imagine this was clearly an incitement to violence and racial/religious hatred, and worthy of jail time – but no. Choudary received a £500 fine, but it was imposed because he failed to inform police of the planned demo.

But shoot, that’s not hate speech, or violent speech.  Not in the UK; not when Muslims are involved.  Apparently there isn’t one person in British government with a present and complete set of testicles as issued by the factory.  And my writing that isn’t oppressive speech or mean speech, it’s factual speech.

So sue me.  Or arrest me.  I dare you sniveling jackanapes.

My final parting gift from the shores of America: fuck you, UK.

You deserve what you get.  Your doltish PC Serfs, Proles and Groundlings dare not rise up because they have nothing to rise up with, except perhaps a few broom handles, hub caps or sour looks  Your UK masses have been stripped of motivation and ambition and an ability to make any common defense whatsoever.  And I apologize for having ended my sentence a preposition in.



The new al-Jazeera network available in the US:

Al Jazeera NetworkIt’s a lie, at least on Dish Network, because it portrays itself, still to this day, as CURNT on channel 215.

And not as the Islamist al Jazeera Network.  Its network website is here.

The Dish Network LIES.  And I believe I am being quite kind.

They do not portray al Jazeera as its true status and with an insight to its history.

The point of the al Jazeera network is to, first, normalize its presence.  This will take years.

But, trust me, Islam thinks in terms of not just months or years, but decades.

First, al Jazeera will attempt to become known as simply “another news source.”

Then it will attempt to be known as the news source.

Then it will introduce the norming of Islamism.

You just wait.

