Obama: when you actually lose Andrea Mitchell, how much of a moron are you?

And apparently Mr Obama did in fact lose Andrea Mitchell following his National Prayer Breakfast.  Check my post here for reference.

In response, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell, a Leftist from the word go, said:

When you lose Andrea Mitchell, how much of a moron are you, Mr Obama?



Valerie Jarrett: scared of Netanahu?

VJ DarkAnd why would that be?

I would submit: check her background.  Born in Shiraz, Iran, for one.  She was involved in Chicago politics.  She hired Michelle Robinson for a City of Chicago paycheck, who became Michelle Obama.  She was familiar with and made her bones on The Chicago Way.  Just like Obama.  And, like Obama, never possessed a real job in her life.

From RedFlagNews.com:

Here’s the Reason Valerie Jarrett is Scared of Benjamin Netanyahu

We have all seen the White House’s reaction to House Speaker John Boehner inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak before Congress on the Iranian nuclear situation. The Obama administration has completely freaked out, lobbing public barrages against Netanyahu and Boehner for “going around the White House and diplomatic protocol.” This is quite humorous for the president who famously said “I have a pen and a phone and can do anything I want”–but that’s for another column.

The real questions are: Who is pushing this agenda? Who is pushing for Iran to go nuclear? And, who is so scared of Netanyahu briefing Congress and the American people on what Iran is up to?

The answer is Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s Rasputin. This is where the anger from the White House is coming from.

Most people know she was born in Iran. This in itself does not disqualify her from advising the president, but it does open her agenda to scrutiny. There have been reports that she has been secretly negotiating with Iran on the nuclear issue, but the White House has vehemently denied it.

Now, the Jerusalem Post is reporting that the Obama administration has already given Iran eighty percent of what it has demanded in the negotiations.  The “deal” to be reached will leave Iran within months of going nuclear if they decide to move forward. All of the centrifuges will remain under their control.

This “deal” is not a deal, but an appeasement.

This is what Valerie Jarrett is so scared of–that her secret deals with Iran to allow them to go nuclear will become public knowledge. She is scared Netanyahu will tell Congress and the American people what is really going on. We can’t have that, can we?

Why else would the White House be so scared that one of our closest and reliable allies is speaking to a co-equal branch of government?

Why indeed?

As always: check the CV.  Check the background.  Check the antecedents.  As with Obama, so with Valerie June Bowman-Jarrett.


Vaccines: good or bad?

US-CRIME-POLICE-RACISM-COMMUNITY-OBAMAMany more doctors are saying: good.

Further, they are saying: if your children aren’t vaccinated, I’m dropping you as a client.

Rather judgmental, eh wot?  Or warranted?

Brought about by recent measles outbreaks started first in LA from Disneyland and now across the nation, and a TB outbreak included in a local Sacramento, California school.

First things first:

Question: when this nation had these diseases kicked for decades, why are they emerging again now?

Answer: because of illegal immigrant children purposely imported in the United States of America at the direction of Barack Hussein Obama.

Illegal (mostly Mexican and CA/SA) children who haven’t been screened and who have purposely been spirited away and imported into numerous communities around the US with no accountability and no traceability are the norm these days.  You can’t trace their movements and that would be considered racist anyway, in the extreme.  Comments about this later.

At the behest of Mr Barack Hussein Obama II.

You can ask the federal government for an accounting of these streams, but they won’t answer because they don’t have to.  Covered as they are, of course, by Barack Hussein Obama.  The EOTUS.

Obama LIARNo accountability, no answerability, lies at the drop of a hat.

From YahooNews.com:

Some doctors won’t see patients with anti-vaccine views

by Alicia Chang

LOS ANGELES (AP) — With California gripped by a measles outbreak, Dr. Charles Goodman posted a clear notice in his waiting room and on Facebook: His practice will no longer see children whose parents won’t get them vaccinated.

“Parents who choose not to give measles shots, they’re not just putting their kids at risk, but they’re also putting other kids at risk — especially kids in my waiting room,” the Los Angeles pediatrician said.

It’s a sentiment echoed by a small number of doctors who in recent years have “fired” patients who continue to believe debunked research linking vaccines to autism. They hope the strategy will lead parents to change their minds; if that fails, they hope it will at least reduce the risk to other children in the office.

 Some mothers who have been dropped by their doctors feel “betrayed and upset,” said Dotty Hagmier, founder of the support group Moms in Charge. She said these parents made up their minds about vaccines after “careful research and diligence to understand the risks versus the benefits for their own children’s circumstances.”


Younger Americans are much more skeptical of vaccination than their elders

95 people across the US and Mexico have been affected by an outbreak of measles that has been traced back to the Disneyland theme park in southern California. Outbreaks of measles have become increasingly common in recent years as the number of unvaccinated children have increased. Last year the CDC reported the largest outbreak of measles since 1996, despite the fact that the disease had been considered ‘eradicated’ in 2000

Your thoughts?

Frankly, I was multi-vaccinated as a young person in the late 50s and early 60s.  I still have the star-shaped vaccine scar on my shoulder.  And somehow I am still alive, despite the most severe of odds.

I have to side with the doctors who insist upon vaccines.

Simple as that.

On the other hand:



Reagan nails Obama

Prescient, over 40 years ago.

The United States of America: truly, the last stand on earth.  When we go, the rest of the planet will travel with us.



Obama: still despises Israel & Netanyahu

Netanyahu Defends IsraelMr Obama still despises Israel and its Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It’s no more complicated than this: Mr Obama despises the United States for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people,” and Israel for having acquired its power base “on the backs of small brown people.”

Mr Obama will do his best to level these two nations out.  Both the US and Israel need to be knocked down a peg or ten.  Both nations acquired power in a completely unfair fashion.  Power they don’t deserve and power they need to release.

Mr Obama isn’t just refusing to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu.  He is actively advocating against Netanyahu and for his new political opponent.  Doubt me?  Click this link.

PM Netanyahu was invited to speak before the US Congress by Republicans.  Mr Obama refuses to meet with Netanyahu when this occurs.  Yet, Mr Obama will do everything he can to smooth the ruffled feathers of Iran and demands US pols not insist that further sanctions be levied against Iran.

Because, evidently, Mr Obama has such a nuanced and effective plan in place to disarm Iran and make it docile.

Oh my God.  Are Republicans possibly that stupid?

You, my dear readers, know the inherent answer to that question.

From the NYTimes.com:

Administration Official Criticizes Israeli Ambassador Over Netanyahu Visit

by Julie Hirschfeld Davis

The Obama administration, after days of mounting tension, signaled on Wednesday how angry it is with Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accepted Republican leaders’ invitation to address Congress on Iran without consulting the White House. The outrage the episode has incited within President Obama’s inner circle became clear in unusually sharp criticism by a senior administration official who said that the Israeli ambassador, Ron Dermer, who helped orchestrate the invitation, had repeatedly placed Mr. Netanyahu’s political fortunes above the relationship between Israel and the United States.

And yet, Mr Obama will hold Iran in the highest regard.

And yet, Mr Obama cannot even name terrorist organizations.

The Taliban is not a “terrorist organization.”

“Sometimes they carry out tactics that are sometimes akin to terrorism.”

Are you kidding me?