Coronavirus, January 2021: an update

As we all know, social media and the American Media Maggots, in concert with the Demorats and Leftists, have done their level best to ensure that you, the average American citizen and — most importantly — taxpayer, has been treated like the average mushroom: kept in the dark, fed shit, and expected to produce nevertheless.

Don’t question what we say, don’t believe what you see us do — because we really didn’t do it. Okay, some of us did it, but that really doesn’t make any difference. Like Nancy Pelosi says, she was “set up” by her hairdresser.

Anyone besides me wondering “well, if you were set up by your hairdresser, what other ignorant decisions have you made in your 50,000 years in politics?” Sometimes, you have to actually be smarter than a house plant.

First, let’s sing an homage to Kalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom and other Leftist authoritarians in the age of Wuhan-19.

So let’s review, because so much more information has been revealed, and let’s examine this a bit chronologically, shall we, since my last communique?

How about some great ideas from Leftists and Demorats. Leftists cannot NOT destroy this nation and its economy. Leftist governors LOCKED down the country, now want to ADDITIONALLY TAX the same people they locked down — for complying. Leftists are insane. Let me remind you: Leftists destroy everything they touch.

Economists suggest $10 daily tax for those who work from home

WABC TV, 11-11-20

Should people who work from home face an additional tax?

The idea is not close to becoming reality, but economists from Deutsche Bank made the argument in a report that is causing quite a stir online.

The base argument here is that people who work from home aren’t using gas, buying coffee, doing things to help the economy that those who go into work tend to do.

Deutsche Bank researcher Luke Templeman is suggesting a $10 a day work from home tax in the U.S.

The money would help struggling workers who cannot work remotely.

Templeman and Jim Reid outline their plan in a November report called “What We Must Do to Rebuild,” saying the proposed tax would be for people who want to continue to work from home post-covid.

This is how the Leftist mind, in this case of Germany, functions. And you think you have problems now trying to find accurate information about Wuhan-19 — much less any other topic — just wait until Biden’s butt hits the Oval Office chair.

Biden Transition Official Believes the First Amendment Has a ‘Design Flaw’ — His Remedy Is to Curb Free Speech

by Robert Spencer, 11-14-20

Richard Stengel, according to the New York Post, “is the Biden transition ‘Team Lead’ for the US Agency for Global Media, the U.S. government media empire that includes Voice of America, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.” He is also a menace to our constitutional protections and to free society in general. If he is any indication of what is coming, we’re in for a rough four years, or longer.

Stengel wrote last year in a Washington Post op-ed that the freedom of speech must be restricted, for “all speech is not equal. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. I’m all for protecting ‘thought that we hate,’ but not speech that incites hate.”

Who determines that? Leftists, of course.

And our beloved Dr Fauci, King of All He Surveys, said this about Christmas.

Did you listen to his demands? If so, you’re likely a Leftist or a Fear Porn junkie.

Let me state up front: Leftists and Demorats are removing your freedoms, and then selling them occasionally back to you, when it suits their purposes, one molecule at a time, as long as you promise to obey them.

How do you keep an electorate under control? You frighten them beyond their wits. You tell them they’re going to die without a mask or six feet — but your superiors won’t be doing that. You tell them they can’t vote in person. You mushroom them. You keep them in the dark and feed them shit, then expect them to also keep producing taxes.

Because a frightened electorate will believe anything you tell them, and do anything you say, just for a scrap of bread or a sup of water. “Thank you sir, may I have another sir?”

The Wall Street Journal asked:

As Covid-19 Surges, the Big Unknown Is Where People Are Getting Infected

The U.S. and Europe struggle to identify where coronavirus infections are occurring, making it hard to impose targeted restrictions

I can answer that: no one really can say for sure. Statistics prove it isn’t in restaurants and bars, but we’ll get to that.

The other place people get infected? On paper. Through tests with false positives.

But who needs so-called “targeted restrictions”? Just restrict everything, according to Leftists and Demorats. See how much easier that is?

So Kalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom simply ordered a “curfew” on November 16th.

‘Time is of the essence’: 94% of CA population plunges into most restrictive COVID tier

Gov. Gavin Newsom says 41 of 58 counties will be in the purple tier; state weighs possibility of curfew

“California is pulling an emergency brake,” he said in announcing that 41 counties, which comprise over 94% of the state’s population, will be in the purple tier, effective Tuesday. Last week, 13 counties were in the state’s most restrictive tier.

A curfew! That will do it! Why didn’t I see that? Wuhan-19 is nothing if not obedient, if you just teach it how to tell time.

Some of these actions do occasionally have consequences.

Mass exodus from NYC is happening as New York state to lose $1.4 billion in tax revenue: Report

The Blaze, 11-19-20

New York is in real trouble.

Some extremely worrisome data has recently emerged providing a glimpse into the economic downfall of the real estate market in New York during the coronavirus pandemic.

The New York Post published a report detailing how New Yorkers are fleeing NYC in vast numbers. According to data from the United States Postal Service, more than 300,000 NYC residents have moved out of the Big Apple since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remembering, of course, that people don’t just vote at the ballot box. They vote with their feet as well.

Then there’s the continued lying a fudging numbers by the CDC and other “official” organizations. From

CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths

by Jim Hoft, 11-16-20

According to the CDC there were 26,557 heart attacks listed as Coronavirus deaths.

And there were 7,919 accident and poisoning deaths listed as Coronavirus deaths.

The CDC also revealed in their latest numbers that hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

“The CARES Act, passed by Congress in March of 2020, gives hospitals a 20% bonus on their diagnosis-related group, paid for by Medicare. Essentially, that means doctors are being paid to list deaths as Coronavirus without any indication the patient’s death was actually Covid-related.”

PLUS: “The CDC explains the Coronavirus itself is responsible for just 6% of all deaths listed as Coronavirus related. The other 94% of deaths are due to pre-existing co-morbidities including serious illnesses and advanced age.”

JUST. LIKE. THE. YEARLY. FLU. Except that Wuhan-19 is much more easily transmissible.

Again, as I’ve said numerous, numerous times, the difference between “with” and “of.”

Fear Porn, control, power, money. Do you finally see the linkage? But of course the stupidity it doesn’t stop there.

PA gov announces new COVID rules, including wearing a mask in your house

by Frank Miles, 11-17-20

Pennsylvania is planning to take additional steps to address a sharp increase in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations, including requiring masks to be worn indoors with limited exceptions, officials said Tuesday.

In addition, starting Friday, anyone who enters Pennsylvania must be tested at least 72 hours before arrival, and if they can or do not get a test, they must quarantine for 14 days. The order does not apply to people who commute to neighboring states for work or health care, officials said, and will be largely self-enforced.

Pennsylvania already has a statewide mask mandate, limits on indoor and outdoor gatherings and occupancy restrictions at bars and restaurants.

But the new rules go even further. Masks are required outside where it isn’t possible to maintain at least a six-foot distance from others, according to the order, and inside where people from multiple households are gathering, even if they can maintain a social distance. 

There were a few members of law enforcement who decided they prioritized the actual Constitution and Bill of Rights over Leftists issuing orders that bypassed every state legislature.

Butler County Sheriff: ‘I’m not going to be the curfew police’

by Travis Peters, 11-17-20

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced a statewide curfew Tuesday. Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones says he will not enforce it.

He is not the “mask police,” and now Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones says he’s not the “curfew police,” either.

“This curfew is going to do nothing, absolutely nothing,” Jones said.

Let’s remember that back on December 3rd, Kalifornia Governor Newsom put the entire state on a lockdown again. No one did, of course. The freeways were packed. Traffic up to Lake Tahoe was packed.

Newsom imposes new regional COVID-19 restrictions as cases spike

by Nathaniel Weixel, 12-3-20

Californians will face strict limits on in-person gatherings and shopping under new rules announced Thursday by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in an attempt to control the rapid spread of COVID-19 infections.

The rules will temporarily close indoor dining, bars, playgrounds, wineries, live sports with crowds, nail and hair salons and other personal services for a three-week period.

Schools already open will remain open, as will retail stores and malls, with a 20 percent capacity and metering restrictions. Religious institutions would be limited to outdoor services.

And you couldn’t have listened to this Los Angeles restaurant owner without crying, yourself.

Los Angeles County shut down outdoor dining for no reason. Another authoritarian move based on nothing.

Los Angeles Health Officials Unable to Provide Data to Support Outdoor Dining Ban

by Zachary Steiber, 11-25-20

Los Angeles County public health officials on Tuesday said they don’t have data to support a weekslong ban on outdoor dining, triggering pushback from supervisors.

Health officials said they believe outdoor eating at restaurants is a place with a high risk of transmission of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.

Dr. Muntu Davis, the county’s public health officer, told the county Board of Supervisors that the best data officials have is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency in September published a case control probe that found a link between COVID-19 cases and going to locations that offer on-site eating and drinking options.

But that report did not distinguish between outdoor and indoor dining and Davis admitted officials don’t have information about restaurant patrons contracting COVID-19.

“But fuck it, we’ll do it anyway because we have the power and you don’t.” Trust me, if Trump wanted outdoor dining banned, they’d be screaming to keep it open.

There was some common sense. Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County (CA) nailed the hypocrisy of Newsom’s dictatorial edicts which are NOT backed by “the science.” Over 60% of the new cases are from people who STAYED INSIDE under lockdown.

Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes also weighed in.

It’s more of this:

  • Do what we tell you.
  • Shut your business.
  • Lose your business.
  • Or we’ll cite you.
  • Arrest you.
  • Turn off your water.
  • Turn off your electricity.
  • Lose your business license.
  • Lose your job.
  • Lose your house.
  • Lose your apartment.
  • Lose your car.

It was never political, of course.

Pelosi fears passing another virus relief bill would give Trump a win, Mnuchin says

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Monday that he worries another coronavirus relief package might not be enacted because Speaker Nancy Pelosi fears it would reflect positively on President Trump.

“I am somewhat concerned that she is afraid that any deal would be good for the president,” he told CNBC.

Then this:

Pelosi on reason for shift to supporting smaller coronavirus relief: ‘New president’

Sam Dorman, 12-4-20

‘Don’t characterize what we did before as a mistake.’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said on Friday that she was willing to move forward with a smaller coronavirus relief package with President-elect Biden headed to the White House and a vaccine on the way.

Pelosi previously encountered criticism for not supporting a moderate Democratic proposal, insisting on a much larger price tag. The current proposal from the Problem Solvers Caucus, a group of 25 Republicans and 25 Democrats working to find bipartisan solutions, is $908 billion, significantly less than the $1.5 trillion proposed before the election. In October, the White House had also proposed a $1.8 trillion package, roughly twice the size of the one Pelosi is now backing.

When asked about her shift on supporting the much smaller package, Pelosi cited “a new president and a vaccine.”

She added that the current proposal “has simplicity, it’s what we had in our bills, it’s for a shorter period of time, but that’s O.K. now because we have a new president.”

Translation: we couldn’t have afforded to give Trump anything remotely resembling a “win.”

Then this from Bernie Sanders:

Bernie Sanders concedes Democrats held up coronavirus relief: ‘That’s right’

by Audrey Conklin, 12-8-20

His remarks seemed to clash with the Democratic narrative

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Monday criticized Democratic leaders for getting behind a smaller $908 billion coronavirus relief package after rejecting a $1.8 trillion proposal from President Trump in October

Then this from the NEJM, the New England Journal of Medicine.

Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era

  • Michael Klompas, M.D., M.P.H., 
  • Charles A. Morris, M.D., M.P.H., 
  • Julia Sinclair, M.B.A., 
  • Madelyn Pearson, D.N.P., R.N., 
  • and Erica S. Shenoy, M.D., Ph.D.

As the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to explode, hospital systems are scrambling to intensify their measures for protecting patients and health care workers from the virus. An increasing number of frontline providers are wondering whether this effort should include universal use of masks by all health care workers. Universal masking is already standard practice in Hong Kong, Singapore, and other parts of Asia and has recently been adopted by a handful of U.S. hospitals.

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

But you were never supposed to hear that or read that. Just putting that article or quoting that article on social media got you deleted or eliminated wholesale.

Of course, irony plays a big part now in our daily lives. Take it away, Mexico:

Mexico: López Obrador says pandemic lockdowns are the tactic of dictators

AP, 12-2-20

Mexicos’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested on Wednesday that politicians who impose lockdowns or curfews to limit Covid-19 are acting like dictators.

The comments came as López Obrador once again fended off questions about why he almost never wears a face mask, saying it was a question of liberty.

The Mexican leader said pandemic measures that limit people’s movements are “fashionable among authorities … who want to show they are heavy-handed, dictatorship.

“A lot of them are letting their authoritarian instincts show,” he said, adding “the fundamental thing is to guarantee liberty.”

And speaking of more Kalifornia Korruption:

Companies part of group founded by CA governor collectively get nearly $3 million in PPP loans, data shows

ABC7, 12-8-20

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — At least eight companies partially owned by Gov. Gavin Newsom collectively received millions of dollars from the Paycheck Protection Program, according to an ABC7 analysis.

While data released by the Small Business Administration earlier this year showed the PlumpJack Group received up to $350,000 worth of PPP loans, newly-released data by the SBA indicated PlumpJack businesses – including wineries, bars, and restaurants – received more than eight times that amount at nearly $3 million altogether.

The average small business loan for California companies retaining 14 employees was roughly $128,000. Yet, the PlumpJack entity Villa Encinal Partners LP – that according to SBA data also retained 14 employees – received more than seven times that amount at $918,720.

ABC7 reached out to Gov. Newsom for further comment on this story and have yet to hear back.

Then on December 9th, Governor Newsom locked down the entire state under his “stay at home” order. Unconstitutional as it was. The freeways were packed. Lots of cars were still traveling to Lake Tahoe on the weekends.

And oddly enough, like magic, the flu just disappeared.

Flu hospitalizations this season too low for CDC to run model on disease burden

by Michael Lee, 12-7-20

Influenza hospitalizations so far this fall have been too low for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to run its model on the burden of the flu season.

“CDC, can’t run their flu model; too few hospitalizations,” columnist Phil Kerpen noted on Twitter while sharing a snapshot of the CDC website.

“The model used to generate influenza in-season preliminary burden estimates uses current season flu hospitalization data,” the CDC website says. “Reported flu hospitalizations are too low at this time to generate an estimate.”

That wouldn’t be because any deaths resulting from the flu somehow got rolled in Wuhan-19 deaths, would it?

In the meantime, people occasionally found their voices. I had been saying, all along, that people should withdraw the consent of the governed.

Anti-mask protesters in Idaho overwhelm cops, force cancellation of public health meeting

by Joseph Wilkinson, 12-9-20

Idaho public health commissioners had to shut down their meeting and scramble home because of coordinated protests across the Boise area.

The commissioners tried to meet Tuesday to address the COVID-19 pandemic, but were met with fierce resistance from anti-mask protesters, the Idaho Statesman reported.

The anti-maskers gathered outside the public health building in downtown Boise and at commissioners’ houses around the city, according to a press release from Boise police.

One person was arrested trespassing at the public health building, according to Boise police. Cops said they’re trying to get arrest warrants for some people who demonstrated outside the officials’ homes.

Please note that if you’re protesting outside the houses of various officials for freedom, you’re subject to arrest. If you’re protesting because you want to rip freedom apart, light fires and loot, then that’s nifty.

Of course, we’re on hyperdrive with a vaccine. Let’s ask Billionaire Bill about its safety.

And first, we all know the Wuhan-19 tests are incredibly accurate, right?

Live PCR test in Parliament: Coca Cola tests COVID-19 positive

Austrian MP administers COVID-19 PCR test to beverage Coca Cola in plenum before colleagues. Popular drink tests positive for COVID-19.



Live PCR test in Parliament: Coca Cola tests COVID-19 positive

Austrian MP administers COVID-19 PCR test to beverage Coca Cola in plenum before colleagues. Popular drink tests positive for COVID-19.


Arutz Sheva Staff , Dec 12 , 2020 7:22 PM

Austrian FPÖ Member of Parliament Michael Schnedlitz administered a COVID-19 PCR test to the beverage Coca Cola in the plenum before his colleagues. The popular drink tested positive for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

He said he was performing the test live before parliament: “so you can see how worthless and misguided these mass tests are.”

He continued: “The evidence is overwhelming, starting with the absolutely absurd mass tests that are currently being carried out, which are nothing more than a large-scale redistribution of tens of millions of euros in tax money from the population…it can’t go on like this.”

Another article you weren’t supposed to read or know about was this, from Canada.

Canadian Pathologist: Coronavirus Is “Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated”

By Ryan Craswell, 11-19-20

A leading Canadian pathologist called COVID-19 a hoax and shamed governments nation-wide for overblown responses.

In a recently released Zoom call with Edmonton City Council, Dr. Roger Hodkinson said the virus is nothing more than “bad flu”. He suggested the hysteria and shutdowns stop immediately while also criticizing the public for blindly donning masks and walking around “like lemmings”.

“This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,” said Hodkinson in his address. “It’s outrageous.”

“It should be nothing more than a bad flu season,” he continued. “This is not Ebola, it’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game.”

Dr. Hodkinson is a graduate of Cambridge University in the UK. He is a medical specialist in pathology, including virology, and served as Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa. He previously worked as a Pathologist in the Medical Examiner’s Office in Edmonton and is now the CEO of Western Medical Assessments.

He called on the city officials to open businesses, drop any mask mandates and get back to life as normal.

“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians,” he said.

“Masks are utterly useless,” Dr. Hodkinson added. “There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever. Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling.”

The doctor also called social distancing useless. He said the only action needed is for people to rest at home while sick, protect the most vulnerable and give at-risk individuals 3,000-5,000 IU of Vitamin D per day.

Dr. Hodkinson noted that Vitamin D has been “shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection”.

“You gotta get a grip on this,” he told the council. “The scale of the response you are undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous.

Then the actual pushback began.

Minnesota businesses plan defiant mass reopening

ANS, 12-14-20

Employees of closed businesses have “bills to pay, children to feed, presents to gift and they’re going to lose their homes.”

More than 150 businesses plan to reopen this week in defiance of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s coronavirus shutdown.

The businesses have organized as the Reopen Minnesota Coalition. This group has created a Facebook page and GoFundMe to raise awareness and money for business owners who will likely face legal consequences for their actions. Rural businesses involved in the effort plan to open Wednesday, Dec. 16, while metro businesses will open two days later on Friday. Walz’s current shutdown order is set to expire on Friday, but an extension is possible.

And this.

Solvang Openly Defies State COVID-19 Order

by Tyler Hayden, 12-11-20

As Santa Barbara County battles against its third wave of the coronavirus, reporting 643 active cases Friday and 140 total deaths, Solvang is actively flouting Governor Gavin Newsom’s latest stay-at-home order. The order closed all in-person dining, hotels, and wineries and breweries ― the types of businesses the Danish-themed tourist town lives on.

On Monday, the city council voted to defy the state edict, which applies to the entire Southern California region, including Los Angeles. Mayor Ryan Toussaint filed the emergency motion. It was approved unanimously. “As of tonight, they can go about their business,” said Councilmember Daniel Johnson of the restaurants and bars lining downtown’s Copenhagen Drive. 

“People can’t keep getting kicked like this,” said Councilmember Robert Clarke, complaining Solvang and Santa Barbara County shouldn’t be lumped with Los Angeles and its spiking caseload. “Maybe we need to rename all our restaurants French Laundry,” he quipped, alluding to Newsom’s famously hypocritical close-quarters dinner at an upscale Napa restaurant.

And this.

‘Are you gonna pay my rent?’: California restaurant owner explodes at health dept. workers citing him for defying closure order

The Blaze, 12-15-20

‘My calling is to all the other restaurant owners to open your restaurants. If we all open up, they can’t do anything.’

The owner of a restaurant in Ventura, California, exploded in anger at a couple of health department workers who issued him a citation Monday over his refusal to close and thus “breaking” the “law.”

Just who is “essential”? And who owns restaurants?

Northstate lawmakers call for restaurants to be declared essential

by Austin Herbaugh, 12-15-20

Northstate lawmakers are calling on Governor Gavin Newsom to declare restaurants essential to allow them to stay open during the pandemic.

“Closed restaurants means jobs lost, missed rent, mortgage and car payments and a lot of unemployment checks,” the Dec.11 letter sent to the Governor reads in part.

Several state lawmakers– including Northstate Republican Senators Brian Dahle and Jim Nielsen– are urging Newsom to lift tough restrictions that are devastating many businesses.

“We ask that you immediately reclassify the restaurant industry as critical infrastructure before even more damage is done to our communities,” the letter states before emphasizing the role these businesses play in communities.

The California Restaurant Association reports that 60% of California restaurants are owned by people of color, and 50% of California restaurants are owned or partly-owned by women. in 2019, more than 1.8 million jobs were attributed to the restaurant and food service industry in California. This equates to approximately eleven percent of employment in the state. Closed restaurants means jobs lost, missed rent, mortgage and car payments and a lot of unemployment checks.

Then shhhh, a wee bit of truth slipped out. You weren’t supposed to hear or read this either.

California’s Health Secretary Concedes There Is No Empirical Basis for the State’s Ban on Outdoor Dining

by Jacob Sullum, 12-11-20

The ban is “not a comment on the relative safety of outdoor dining,” Mark Ghaly says, but part of the effort to keep people from leaving home.

This week a Los Angeles County judge ruled that a local ban on outdoor dining at restaurants, ostensibly aimed at reducing transmission of the COVID-19 virus, was “not grounded in science, evidence, or logic.” Around the same time, California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly admitted that the same thing is true of a state ban on outdoor dining that currently applies to all of Southern California, including Los Angeles County. Ghaly said that ban, which is one of many restrictions that are triggered when a region’s available ICU capacity drops below 15 percent, is “not a comment on the relative safety of outdoor dining” but is instead aimed at discouraging Californians from leaving home.

“The decision to include, among other sectors, outdoor dining and limiting that, turning to restaurants to deliver and provide takeout options instead, really has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home,” Ghaly said during a briefing on Tuesday. He noted that “we have worked hard with that industry to create safer ways for outdoor dining to happen.”

The whole deal behind Wuhan-19 is Slim Shady at best. Because then you have this.

Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead

by Emily Mangiaracina, 12-15-20

‘If something were to happen to me,’ Brandy Vaughan wrote in late 2019, ‘it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.’

Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8.

According to Children’s Health Defense, Vaughan is reported to have died of “gallbladder complications,” although the source of the report has not been cited, nor has it shared the specific cause of the complications (such as a gallbladder rupture).

Soon after learning of her death, a friend of Vaughn’s, Erin Elizabeth, shared screenshots of a Facebook post Vaughan had written in December of 2019, in which she assured readers that she was not suicidal and did not take any drugs that would cause her to die suddenly.

In her 2019 Facebook post, Vaughan wrote, “If something were to happen to me, I have arranged for a close group of my friends to start a GoFundMe to hire a team of private investigators to figure out all the details.”

“There have been many on this mission or a similar one that have been killed and it’s time this b——- stopped. The darkness cannot win.”

And, of course, that’s the very last you heard of that.

We know that freedom and security are a scale, and we try our best to balance them. You can have lots of freedom but less security. You can have lots of security but little freedom. When Hollywood weighs in, you know there is a concern.

David Mamet Warns Americans Are Giving Up Their Rights Under Coronavirus Lockdowns: ‘We’ve Forgotten the Constitution’

by David Ng, 12-17-20

Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and Oscar-nominated screenwriter David Mamet is warning Americans that they are giving up their Constitutional rights under coronavirus lockdowns, saying that questioning government authorities needs to remain a vital part of the country’s democratic tradition.

In an interview with Breitbart News’ editor-in-chief Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot 125, David Mamet blasted the shut-down and stay-at-home orders that have once again taken effect in many states, leading to widespread economic devastation.

“It just doesn’t make any sense. It’s the first time in history that an entire economy has been shut down because of an infection,” he said during Wednesday’s broadcast. “And obviously everyone gets to pick his or her own experts and say whom they believe in. But that’s what you’re supposed to do with your health, right? We’re supposed to make our own decisions about our health.”

Oddly enough, David Mamet nailed it. And Dr Anthony Fauci got pissed at our independence.

Fauci blames America’s ‘independent spirit’ for rise in COVID cases

by Art Moore, 12-17-20

America’s “independent spirit” is partly to blame for the fact that the Fauci family won’t be gathering for Christmas, says the White House coronavirus adviser.

He was asked Wednesday in an interview with the Washington Post’s Power Up newsletter whether the rise in cases this fall could be attributed to American individualism or President Trump’s refusals to mandate masks and other mitigation efforts.

The “independent spirit in the United States of people not wanting to comply with public health measures has certainly hurt us a bit,” Fauci said.

Damn you for embracing your stupid Bill of Rights.

Business owners in New York City weren’t happy. But wait; there’s more.

San Francisco put a quarantine into effect. Nothing really happened. They were counting on your obeisance.

San Francisco’s 10-Day Travel Quarantine Order Takes Effect

NBC, 12-17-20

San Francisco on Thursday announced a mandatory 10-day quarantine for anyone coming into the city from outside the Bay Area, and it went into effect Friday.

The travel quarantine order, which started at 12:01 a.m. Friday, remains in effect until at least 12:01 a.m. Jan. 4. It applies to returning residents and those moving to the city who spent any time outside the following nearby counties: San Mateo, Santa Clara, Alameda, Contra Costa, Solano, Sonoma, Napa, Marin and Santa Cruz.

Those who have to quarantine have to stay home and not physically interact with others outside their household. They are not allowed to go to work, school or any other place outside their home. They should have food and other essential items delivered to them.

This, of course, was ridiculous on its face. How do you enforce this? Shut down the Bay Bridge? The Golden Gate Bridge?

Thank goodness some people know how to act during a plandemic.

Then this information dribbled out of the World Health Organization, the WHO, and was promptly tamped down and removed from social media.

WHO Finally Admits COVID19 PCR Test Has A ‘Problem’

by John O’Sullivan, 12-17-20

In a statement released on December 14, 2020 the World Health Organization finally owned up to what 100,000’s of doctors and medical professionals have been saying for months: the PCR test used to diagnose COVID-19 is a hit and miss process with way too many false positives.

This  WHO-admitted “Problem” comes in the wake of international lawsuits exposing the incompetence and malfeasance of public health officials and policymakers for reliance on a diagnostic test not fit for purpose.

This World Health Organization admission is that the crux of the “problem” is a wholly arbitrary cycling process which “means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.”  [emphasis added]

The UN body is now clearly looking to distance itself from the fatally flawed test as a growing number of lawsuits are processing through the courts exposing the insanity of relying on a test that even the inventor, Professor Kary B. Mullis said was never designed to diagnose diseases. [1]

Again, let me state the obvious. If the DC politicians — on both side of aisle, Demorats and Republicans — truly cared about the effects of the Coronavirus on average American lawful citizens, they would have crafted a clear bill, put nothing else inside, and passed it in the light of day.

But they refused. Both parties. They played politics with your lives, your family, your parents, your grandparents, your job, your business, your mortgage, your bills, your car payments, and brought additional drugs, overdoses, mental conditions, suicides and human torment into the mix.

Demorats didn’t want to give Trump a path towards a second term victory. And YOU were the political ping-pong ball slapped about on the table by both sides. Did you HEAR ANY Republican — at all — even one time — call for a clear bill?

No you didn’t. Instead, they wanted to slip bullshit and politics and billions of dollars we don’t have into a bill that sent more billions of YOUR hard-earned American Taxpayer Dollars overseas.

They clearly displayed, to me, that they have ZERO concern for you. THEY have jobs. THEY haven’t had to sacrifice or lose businesses, homes, marriages, friends and family members to suicide.


Later, after this is all over, I’m sure we’ll find some commonalities in dealing with the plandemic. One will be the CRIMINAL FAILURE to prophylatically apply hydroxychloroquine. There will be others. This may be one immediate commonality.

Study finds over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients vitamin D deficient

by Jackie Salo, 10-27-20

More than 80 percent of 200 patients hospitalized in Spain with COVID-19 had low levels of vitamin D, a new study found.

The study, which was published Tuesday in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, found that the majority of patients being treated for COVID-19 at a hospital in the northern city of Santander suffered from a deficiency of vitamin D.

Researchers at the University of Cantabria determined that just 82 percent of the 216 patients had inadequate levels — compared to around 47 percent of people in a control group who didn’t have the virus.

The vitamin, which promotes healthy bones and supports immune system function, is produced by the body naturally when it’s exposed to sunlight, though it can also be obtained from eating foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, mushrooms and cheese.

Patients with deficiencies of the sunlight vitamin in the study were also more likely to have hypertension and heart disease, as well as experience longer hospital stays.

One thing mentioned during the 1918 flu pandemic — which occurred in the middle of World War I, was that soldiers and victims were placed in outdoors tents and settings. Did this have an affect? Again, time will tell.

Then bit by bit, more information leaked. Things were not always what they seemed. Again, social media didn’t want you to have this information. There was and is, naturally, only one way to think about the plandemic, and that’s to do everything that Dr Anthony Fauci says.

Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates

by Emma Colton, 12-22-20

Two Minnesota state lawmakers are calling for an audit of death certificates that were attributed to the coronavirus, saying COVID-19 deaths could have been inflated by 40%.

State Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen released a video last week revealing that after reviewing thousands of death certificates in the state, 40% did not have COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death.

“I have other examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death, where we have a fall. Another example is we have a freshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multiorgan failure,” Franson said in the video.

She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

Shark bite. Covid. You’ve seen the meme.

“For 17 years, the CDC document that guides us as physicians to do death certificates has stood, but this year, we were told, through the Department of Health and the CDC, that the rules were changing if COVID-19 was involved.”

“If it’s COVID-19, we’re told now it doesn’t matter if it was actually the diagnosis that caused death. If someone had it, they died of it,” he said.

Then there was this release from OAN and man, you were NEVER to report this in social media. It would get you instantly excommunicated.

Click here, because I cannot embed the video:

Dr Simone Gold said this and I agree. Just say no. Withdraw your consent to be governed by authoritarians.

However, beware. If this is advocated in Australia — then it will be pushed here.

Small business calls for mandatory vaccine laws for employees


Small businesses are calling for a new law to stand down workers without pay if they refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The Pfizer-bioNtech vaccine is set to be rolled out across Australia in March. Business owners fear employees won’t come to work if co-workers have not received the jab. Industrial relations minister Christian Porter says a number of issues are yet to be discussed by the government.

Here’s something else you’re not supposed to know about.

Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn’t occur at all, study of 10 million finds

by Michael Haynes, 12-23-20

Only 300 asymptomatic cases in the study of nearly 10 million were discovered, and none of those tested positive for COVID-19.

A study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan, China, found that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 did not occur at all, thus undermining the need for lockdowns, which are built on the premise of the virus being unwittingly spread by infectious, asymptomatic people.

Published in November in the scientific journal Nature Communicationsthe paper was compiled by 19 scientists, mainly from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, but also from scientific institutions across China as well as in the U.K. and Australia. It focused on the residents of Wuhan, ground zero for COVID-19, where 9,899,828 people took part in a screening program between May 14 and June 1, which provided clear results as to the possibility of any asymptomatic transmission of the virus.

Asymptomatic transmission has been the underlying justification of lockdowns enforced all across the world. The most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) still states that the virus “can be spread by people who do not have symptoms.” In fact, the CDC claimed that asymptomatic people “are estimated to account for more than 50 percent of transmissions.”

Do you see what’s happening here? Do you see what is unfolding before your eyes?

The recent findings should enable society to reopen once more, according to the AIER. Without asymptomatic transmission, “the whole basis for post-curve-flattening lockdowns,” life should resume and “we could take comfort in our normal intuition that healthy people can get out and about with no risk to others.”

The New York Post — shut down because it reported the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop — reports more truth.

How cancel culture keeps COVID-19 lockdown doubters silent

by Karol Markowicz, 12-27-20

Say the wrong thing online, and have your life destroyed. Cancel culture has permeated everything, including debates over how to deal with the pandemic. 

On the left, the conversation is heavily policed, with clear red lines drawn around “unacceptable” opinion. Reopening schools was treated as “irresponsible,” even though the numbers said otherwise. It wasn’t until Oct. 9 when things began to shift. That’s when a piece headlined “Schools Aren’t Super-Spreaders” appeared in The Atlantic. The piece didn’t exactly break new ground. What mattered is that it appeared in a liberal publication. That made it OK to believe and say what even many liberal parents knew but didn’t dare voice. 

Very few on the left have pointed out that, hey, these lockdowns don’t seem to be working at all. The groupthink on the left is fiercely enforced.

Absolutely. Because when the Gateway Pundit wrote this, and I re-Tweeted the article, I was suspended by Twitter and suspended by Fakebook for 30 days.

330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus – CDC says Number Who Died “From” Coronavirus Is Much Less, Around 6 Percent

by Joe Hoft, 12-27-20

We reported in August that the CDC admits that only 6% of all deaths in the US classified as Coronavirus deaths actually died from the China Coronavirus alone.

Yes, this was from the CDC’s own reporting.  So today it looks like less than 20,000 deaths in the US (330,000 x 6% = 19,800) over the past year have actually been due to the coronavirus only.  The remainder of the deaths reported by the CDC include accidents, overdoses, suicides and those presumed to have had the coronavirus upon their death.

This is the MASSIVE difference between two words: WITH and OF.

Then a win from a New York court.

Federal Court Blocks Governor Cuomo’s Restrictions on Churches

Wiz, 12-28-20

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit blocked New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s COVID-19 restrictions on religious gatherings.

On November 25, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the case, Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, holding that New York may not enforce 10- or 25-person congregation-size limits on certain Catholic churches and Orthodox synagogues, pending further litigation, because the restrictions likely discriminated against religion in violation of the First Amendment.

The Supreme Court temporarily blocked Cuomo from enforcing the restrictions but sent the case back down to the 2nd Circuit for further review.

Today, the 2nd Circuit held that Cuomo COVID restrictions were unconstitutional.

There were bound to be issues with vaccines. You’re an adult. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

ER nurse tests positive for COVID-19 eight days after receiving vaccine

by Michael Chen, 12-29-20

Health experts are weighing in after a San Diego-area nurse tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

In a Facebook message posted on December 18, Matthew W., an ER nurse at two different hospitals, talked about receiving the Pfizer vaccine that day. He told ABC 10News his arm was sore for a day but he suffered no other side effects.

Six days later on Christmas Eve — after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit — Matthew, 45, became sick. He got the chills and later came down with muscle aches and fatigue.

The day after Christmas, he went to a drive-up hospital testing site and tested positive for COVID-19.

Again, agencies and entities are playing fast and loose with the numbers. It’s why I doubt much of what I hear from the American Media Maggots and so-called “health professionals” when they tell me it’s “about the science.”

How can California have 0% ICU capacity and 1,300 available ICU beds?


We’ve been hearing for weeks about the crush of patients crowding intensive care units in hospitals as California copes with the worst phase of the coronavirus pandemic. But when the Golden State’s official calculation for statewide ICU capacity dropped to 0% late last week, it raised a question that anyone with a basic understanding of math would find perplexing:

How could something be at “zero percent” — for example, ICU beds — when some are still available?

Turns out, as with so many metrics tracking the COVID-19 outbreak, the state’s definition of “capacity” is far from simple.

With Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office desperately trying to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, the state on Dec. 3 linked its latest stay-at-home orders to ICU capacity. It broke California into five regions and announced that new restrictions would be triggered when ICU capacity dropped below 15%.

Adjusted or unadjusted, health experts say ICU capacity is a highly fluid number that also factors in the availability of ICU nurses, necessary equipment, and suitable space — not simply beds. Ultimately, experts say, capacity can be increased some, but gauging capacity is an essential tool to monitor how much we’re straining the system.

Dr. John Swartzberg, professor emeritus of infectious diseases and vaccinology at the University of California-Berkeley, said he understands why the state is adjusting ICU capacity but worries it could cause confusion and distrust.

“They need to explain why they’re thinking that way,” Swartzberg said of the state’s formula.

And then: political fact check. From Newsweek.

Fact Check: Did Democrats Block COVID Relief 40 Times as Republicans Claim?

“Democrats blocked key aid for small businesses and American workers 40+ times,” a graphic shared on social media said. GOP legislators, committees and the GOP shared similar sentiments, as well.

Mostly true.

Technically speaking, Republicans have tried more than 40 times to bring another round of relief to businesses and workers.

And here’s the evil statistic no one on the Left wants you to know.

Overdoses Have Killed More Than Three Times as Many People as COVID-19 in San Francisco

by Mel Baker, 12-17-20

While COVID-19 deaths have the potential for exponential growth due to the nature of a viral pandemic, they are dwarfed by the number of people who have died from drug overdoses in the city this year. 

As of Dec. 16, the San Francisco Department of Public Health reports that 172 people have died from COVID-19. The number of overdose deaths reported through the end of October stood at 570. There were 441 in 2019. 

Dr. Hannah Snyder, an addiction specialist at San Francisco’s general hospital, said the main driver of overdose death is the prevalence of the powerful opioid fentanyl. 

Overdoses. Suicide. Domestic violence. Alcoholism. Follow the science blindly. There are no unforeseen circumstances for doing so.

And even more information you’re not supposed to know. I call it “First Model Year Of A New Car Syndrome.”

“I’m Choosing The Risk Of Getting COVID”: Over Half Of Health Care Workers At California Hospitals Refuse Vaccinations

by Tyler Durden, 1-2-21

California’s health workers are refusing to take the new COVID-19 vaccines – with over half of frontline workers at one hospital unwilling to take it, and between 20% and 50% of workers at other facilities who feel the same, according to the Los Angeles Times.

So many frontline workers in Riverside County have refused the vaccine — an estimated 50% — that hospital and public officials met to strategize how best to distribute the unused doses, Public Health Director Kim Saruwatari said. -LA Times

Plus this.

Alarming number of US health care workers are refusing COVID-19 vaccine

by Kenneth Garger, 1-1-21

US health care workers are first in line to receive the COVID-19 vaccine — but an alarming number across the country are refusing to do so. 

Earlier this week, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine disclosed that about 60 percent of the nursing home workers in his state have so far chosen not to get vaccinated. 

More than half of New York City’s EMS workers have shown skepticism, The Post reported last month.

And now California and Texas are experiencing a high rate of health care worker refusals, according to reports.

An estimated 50 percent of front-line workers in Riverside County in the Golden State opted against the drug, the Los Angeles Times reported, citing public health officials. 

That is called a clue.

And this is what Leftists have in mind for you if Wuhan-19 gets worse.

New York Democrat’s bill allowing governor to detain individuals dangerous to ‘public health’ sparks backlash

by Evie Fordham, 1-3-21

State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry defended Bill A416, saying it does not violate Americans’ constitutional rights

New York Democrat’s bill that would allow the governor or his surrogates to detain individuals who pose a threat to public health “by a single order … in a medical facility or other appropriate facility” sparked fierce backlash online.

Something else you’re not supposed to see or acknowledge.

FDA warns Congress about Covid test that may give false results

NBC, 1-6-21

The new warning questions the efficacy of the tests administered by start-up Curative just weeks after becoming readily available in November.

Food and Drug Administration had a message for Congress — the tests available yield an alarmingly high rate of false negatives.

After a monthslong delay on Capitol Hill to implement Covid-19 testing for the members and staff, thousands of those who work in the building have become reliant on the system due to increased holiday travel and exposure.

But the new FDA warning questions the efficacy of tests administered by the start-up Curative just weeks after becoming readily available in November after a slew of positive cases among lawmakers.

Our loving Dr Fauci chimes in once again.

Fauci reinforces WHO’s recognition that vaccine may not prevent contraction, spread of virus

The World Health Organization said last week that there is no evidence that the vaccine prevents people from getting the virus and then passing it on.

With the possibility of coronavirus vaccine mandates for students, airline travelers and others, infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci acknowledges that the shots may not prevent the spread of the infection by those vaccinated.

Fauci’s statement in a recent Newsweek interview reinforced statements from the World Health Organization about the uncertainty around whether a vaccine will prevent infection or whether there will still be the possibility that those who receive a shot can still transmit the virus.

Studies suggest that symptoms could be lighter or unnoticeable with the shot, possibly allowing vaccinated individuals to still contract and spread the coronavirus.

“We do not know if the vaccines that prevent clinical disease also prevent infection,” Fauci said. “They very well might, but we have not proven that yet. … That’s the reason I keep saying that even though you get vaccinated, we should not eliminate, at all, public health measures like wearing masks because we don’t know yet what the effect [of the vaccine] is on transmissibility.”

1. Flatten the curve.
2. Don’t wear masks. Wear masks.
3. Just another month.
4. Stay home, don’t go out.
5. A vaccine will solve everything.
6. A vaccine won’t do shit.
7. Maybe 2022. Maybe not.
8. Shut up and do what I say.

Mushroomed. Fed shit. Kept in the dark. Shut up. Don’t listen to this.

Then, magically, mystically, all is well.

  • Cuomo: reopen the economy.
  • Whitmer: reopen the economy.
  • Bowser: reopen the economy.

1. So now that Trump won’t have a second term, it’s magically, politically, okay to open up after 10 months of KILLING businesses.

2. At a time that it’s CLAIMED Wuhan-19 cases are “SKYROCKETING.”

3. Meaning: the point was NEVER “the science,” was it?

While simultaneously, this.

Cuomo still refuses to disclose total number of COVID-19 nursing home deaths: watchdog

by Carl Campanile, 1-13-21

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration is again refusing to release the total number of nursing home residents who’ve died from the coronavirus for at least another two months — until March 22 at the earliest, a watchdog group charged.

The state Health Department is only publicly reporting residents who physically died in nursing homes – but not those who died after being sent to hospitals for medical care.

The state reports more than 8,201 residents died in nursing homes. But unreported nursing home deaths — those who were ill and died in the hospitals — could be in the thousands, said the Empire Center’s Bill Hammond.

“The state is stonewalling — plain and simple,” Hammond said in an interview Wednesday night.

“This would be like the New York City Police Department reporting homicides on weekdays and not weekends.”

I get to say this and write this because, after all, it is my blog and my post and my show — at least for a while until we turn into North Korea.

This was greatly avoidable had people prophylactically applied hydroxychloroquine and other cheap drugs. We will look upon this time in our history and realize, sadly, that we could have saved, literally, hundreds of thousands of Americans by using our heads and common sense.



BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Tuesday, 1-19-21, with Conservative Content Creators ERIC THOMPSON, KEN McCLENTON and JEREMY HANSON

Hours 1 and 2: BZ hosted a round table discussion tonight, in which he spoke to major Conservative content creators involved in social media, streaming video, and streaming audio and/or podcasts — covering the Triad of Conservative comms.

First was ERIC THOMPSON, creator and owner of the new Conservative social media site MAGABOOK.COM!

Second was KEN McCLENTON, owner and CEO of TECN-TV, a network that streams his show nightly, Monday through Friday, and whose video channel is live 24/7, with many other Conservative hosts.

Third was JEREMY HANSON of UNLEASHED JEREMY HANSON, an audio live streamer and podcaster who has been in the radio end of Conservatism for years, and knows the ins and outs of analytics and the broadcasting business.

The four talked about the new march towards totalitarianism and authoritarianism, and how it’s clear that, due to the Cancel Culture, Leftists, Demorats and the American Media Maggots are coming for every Conservative voice on the internet — live streamers, those who produce video, and podcasters.

Anyone and everyone who is Conservative, leans right, a Republican or is/was a Trump supporter.

Wake up America. We are LOSING our First Amendment right before our eyes.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Tuesday, 1-19-21, w/Conservative Content Creators ERIC THOMPSON, KEN McCLENTON & JEREMY HANSON” on Spreaker.

If you want to watch on YouTube, click the red arrow below.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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From a California nurse regarding Covid-19, and what’s really occurring

Note: this was taken from a local social media group involving a nurse from my general area. Those who will take me to task — and they’re going to be Leftists — have done their level best to ensure that information is not disseminated for some time, concentrated primarily this past year (the worst yet) and, oddly enough, when President Trump came to office. That tells me just about all I need to know.

For those who say that I am creating “damage” by disseminating such information, I should point you to the basics of medicine. I first think of the word “practice,” as in “medical practice” or “practicing physicians.”

When one doubts a medical opinion (in direct reference, for the ignorant amongst you, to the word “practice”), doctors, professionals and patients frequently seek a “second opinion.”

That’s because there is no “one way” to handle medicine, just as there is no “one way” to apply science, particularly regarding “global warming” and the almost meaningless phrase now, of “climate change.”

Also, because of my nature, when an individual, group, organization, political party, class or government sets limitations on information and proscribes what can and cannot be said, read, spoken or watched — well, that simply makes me want to double down on my beloved First Amendment.

There are some truths immured in blood and chaos and one of them is this (simply witness 2020): “in an election year, everything is about the election.” Tucker Carlson can give me a quarter for stealing my phrase, which I have used for decades.

Wuhan-19 is no exception.

When people tell you “it’s not about the money,” guess what? It’s about the money. And it’s about power and control. Check your local and state governments for those abuses. Oh. Did I mention power? The power to lock a state down, lie to our faces and tell us it’s raining expertise?

The excerpt for your perusal.


I’ve been working as a clinical nurse provider in pediatrics, oncology, long-term care and preventative medicine for 43 years, the past 30 years in El Dorado county and Sacramento. It’s a very tough time working in healthcare this year, but in ways you might not realize.

Doctors and nurses in the four local hospitals I work with are pressured to maintain a pretense that a corona virus named Covid is “virulent.”

We are expected to maintain an attitude of “better safe than sorry” to our patients, as if this is a potentially deadly contagion.

We are expected to pretend we don’t know hospitals (ours included) are “getting paid” ($19K-$39K) for every autopsy that states a patient died “from Covid” – when we know they didn’t die of it.

Media has gotten away with blatant slander, and we are being silenced from responding.

The chaos in ER is increasing with people coming in with random symptoms – in fear that a virus could kill them or be contagious. The reality is that asymptomatic patients (without symptoms of influenza) are sent home with a “Covid packet”, they can test if they want.

Patients with respiratory or cardiac features are held at the ER doctors’ discretion to admit or discharge for testing protocol.

We all know by now that the tests give only a false-positive.

The average DAILY death rate in the US is 8,500 to 9,000.

This year is no different in our hospitals. We are not inundated or needing to make “Covid wards.”

Despite the sensationalized numbers on TV, people are not dying of any influenza.

Though some can die “with” an influenza.

But all patients die from three core causes:

  • Malnutrition/starvation/dehydration,
  • Medical mistakes, and
  • Toxemia.

Healthy people do not get influenza; and unhealthy people do not die from influenza.

There is no difference between SARS caused by corona viruses from SARS caused by any other viruses.

And no one in history has died “from” a Corona virus.

There is a lot of debate about the the IFR of the SARS-CoV-2, but the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine states the rate is 0.5%.

That means 99.5% of SARS-Cov-2 infected people will survive.

It takes 4 to 7 years in a laboratory to create a viable PCR test, one that has been isolated, purified, and passed all 4 of Koch’s Postulates requirements – the 4 steps required to establish that a microorganism is the cause of a disease:

(1) it must be found in all cases of the disease;

(2) it must be isolated from the host and grown in pure culture;

(3) it must reproduce the original disease when introduced into a susceptible host;

(4) it must be found present in the experimental host so infected. Covid has failed all tests because a corona virus is not a contagion – not ever in history, and not in 2020.

The biggest travesty in history is that we are forced to use an invalid test as a diagnostic TOOL to DIAGNOSE Covid as a DISEASE.

The resultant false-positives from the test are being used as the fuel to justify the mindset of fear for creating the social control lockdown restrictions of masks, distancing and solitary confinement.

Unfortunately these measures have contributed to stress related illnesses and are contraindicated in typical medical treatment plans used for the past 700 years.

“Flu Season” is a term coined by the medical practice to describe symptoms of bodily detox during holiday winter months.

There are environmental and behavioral factors that directly impact declining health during these times such as: prolonged indoor habitation, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise, consuming more toxins than usual (alcohol, processed meats, boxed foods, dairy, fast foods, flour, sugar/high fructose etc.) exacerbated by daily use of chemicals in the form of prescription drugs, and radiation.

An overload of toxins contributes to disease susceptibility.

The “cure” is to minimize exposure to toxins, by eating organic food, daily exercise, drinking structured water, adding minerals and practicing herd immunity.

It is safer to get the flu naturally from another human than to inject man-made chemicals which carry a high risk of permanent side effects.

l personally would not get the Covid vaccine, nor recommend it to my patients.

First of all, there is no established credibility:

It takes 10-14 years (in double-blind lab studies) to create a viable vaccine. The Covid vaccine was made in 7 months.

<Secondly, the Covid vaccine contains mRNA and non-human genetic materials — ingredients never injected into humans before due to issues of “permanence.”

There are no studies of the permanent side-effects from combining non-human DNA with pharmaceutical Rx chemicals.

Thirdly, since vaccine manufacturers are “exempt from liability” they have no reason for caution from using the most neurotoxic ingredients on earth.

High risk patients with pre-existing disease, immune compromise, those taking prescribed chemical Rx, the elderly, and those experiencing systemic allergies are cautioned to avoid the Covid vaccine.

I care for medically fragile infants and children as an “independent clinical nurse practitioner.”

I contract with the State DHCS to provide services to those that need IV or ventilation care in their home. I work directly with my patients’ doctors and in their offices and hospitals: Kaiser, Sutter, Children’s and UCDMC. I can tell you that the ICU’s at these facilities are not “filled with Covid deaths” nor are patients “dying of it” in clinics or long-term facilities.

The nursing staff are conflicted. Half are conflicted from knowing that Covid is harmless, and yet we are stuck in some kind of a twilight zone or social experiment. And the other half are very frightened. Everyone is very confused. We are all very stressed. I have never met a nurse that believes Covid caused any of their patients’ deaths but refrain from speaking out due to job security fears.

Under the current censorship rules, our ability to think and speak out independently is under immediate threat. Social control tactics are coming at us from every angle, manipulating every aspect of our individual nursing jobs. The additional Covid requisites and rules, that defy basic science, have caused severe emotional stress.

For example, when flu season ended last summer the news stations suddenly began to sensationalize stories of “a rise in Covid deaths”, when there was no rise in deaths, not any flu admission.

Suddenly we were sucked in to the hysteria, the masking fear increased, families forced to wait outside in their cars. This was coincidentally when the Covid PCR test was first introduced.

It would be foolish and naïve to believe this will end here.

Covid is not the existential threat it’s been made out to be, yet the ‘powers in charge’ want us to believe otherwise. Seeing a fearful public not putting up a fight when their human rights are being stripped away; even gladly relinquishing freedoms all for the guise of “better safe than sorry” against a perceived threat is the epitome of insanity.

We are seeing patients coming in with full blown hysteria asking for the vaccine “as a cure”; when sadly the cure looks much worse than the cause. . .

This is my story – from my experiences in 2020, in my work, my town.

We’re all adults on this bus. With the exception that government is incapable of doing nothing but treating you like a child and a mushroom, all at once.

And if you doubt the monetary aspect involved, I should refer you to this video once more.

What we’ve discovered is that there is, literally, a world of difference between the words “with” and “of.”

“Of” makes money and statistics.

“With” means nothing.

Leftists and authoritarians need you in this mode.

Because the more you panic, the easier you are to control.

Never forget that.




Machinations: what is happening to our country?

First, let’s begin with the $900 BILLION dollar “stimulus” package that was pushed through by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who received roughly half of what President Trump proffered months earlier, but was refused by Her Highness. Back in October:

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Wednesday that Congress is unlikely to enact economic relief legislation before the November 3rd election because Nancy Pelosi-led Democrats do not want to deliver anything that President Donald Trump could portray to voters as a win.

So Pelosi held up money which could have been distributed months prior, because she enjoyed playing politics with the lives of Americans.

She literally said so. There’s a new president, so she’s willing to deal. Why? Because she couldn’t give Trump a win before the election. It really is that simple.

But Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas lays it all out with the truth.

It is one of the most craven, callous, cynical, despicable actions I’ve heard of, played for politics, by Demorats, in quite some time. And that’s saying something.

Refusing to open America up — whilst simultaneously playing god, dangling money in front of Americans and then snatching it away “because OMB: Orange Man Bad.”

When in fact the proper play would have been to SAVE that money and allow Americans to do what they’ve wanted for months: to get back to work.

We all know the numbers. We all know, as Americans, that we’ve been sold a massive bill of goods and that we have been gaslighted for over four years.

A small aside for a BZ Reality Check.

I’ve never worn gloves, a mask twice, I seldom wash my hands, I touch gas pump handles, groceries, goods in Costco, doors all over. I fear this like I fear the flu.

When I die, which won’t be that long, it’ll be due to a heart attack because I’m so fucking fat. I don’t fear death, and I’m not stopping living.

Too many have. Because of unreasonable government demands.

Which is why suicides have skyrocketed, OD’s have skyrocketed, Valium and other psychotropic prescriptions have skyrocketed, we’re ruining an entire generation of kids, keeping them from schools, from their pals and their friends, from necessary socialization.

We’ve set nursing homes on fire because they’re not the first priority, we’re watching domestic violence arrests, injuries and deaths skyrocket, people are divorcing, losing their jobs, their homes, their apartments, their cars, their savings, going bankrupt, becoming homeless.

All because government morons can’t understand the consequences of their actions.

And because THEY still have their jobs, have no skin in the game, go and do as they please despite their own orders — which tells me they don’t believe the bullshit they spew. And you can’t tell me there isn’t a punitive aspect to their strictures when they “feel” they’re being dismissed.

Their edicts clearly take precedence over something as stupid as some ancient, worthless document.

They’ll arrest “violators” of their Wuhan-19 regulations and put them in jail. But arsonists, rioters, assaulters, rapists, murderers, go free or with no bail.

We’re releasing felons, murderers, pederasts, but threatening normal people.

Here in Sacramento County, the Board is Supervisors are considering TEN THOUSAND DOLLAR FINES for violations. Not for murder, but for Wuhan-19.

That’s insane. No business can afford that. No private person can afford that. It’s simply punitive and oppressive.

Unlock America. Let people live their lives. You can’t stop this crap. People who are fearful should stay home. Period. More on this in a moment.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch.  .  .

Congress unveils massive $900B COVID government spending bill after months of negotiations

by Megan Henney, 12-21-20

The deal comes at an increasingly perilous time for the nation as it teeters on the brink of another economic downturn

Congressional leaders on Monday unveiled a mammoth agreement on a roughly $2.4 trillion spending package that includes $900 billion in coronavirus relief after a half-year stalemate, securing another tranche of aid as a surge in COVID-19 infections threatens to further derail the nation’s faltering economy.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has pledged that lawmakers won’t leave the Capitol until the bill is passed, giving lawmakers and their offices just a few hours to review the massive 5,593-page bill.

STOP. Any and every bill — specifically like this and the ACA (Affordable Bill Act, which was everything but), which contains this number of pages — almost 6,000 — should be on its face immediately refused on its face unless a sufficient period of time, which should be weeks, is allowed for its processing and, more importantly, discussing openly in chambers.

This is simple insanity. No human can read a bill this large and totally understand it, much less be able to craft any form of a cogent series of questions about it, or even discuss it, in hours.

There is ONLY ONE REASON for doing so, and that is to create arbitrary pressure — which could have been relieved literally months ago — in order to pass provisions in a bill of this size that would revolt even the strongest of stomach, to create emetic conditions.

In other words, there are NO good reasons to remotely consider passing bills like this. It’s sheer insanity, intended to confuse AND to slip things by members that they would, under normal conditions, object to vehemently. It’s to pull the wool over your eyes and trick you.

Particularly when we know something about their infamous contents.

The bipartisan, bicameral proposal — intended to blunt the continued economic fallout from the virus-induced crisis —  will be combined with $1.4 trillion in spending to fund government operations for the rest of the fiscal year, meaning the total package costs about $2.3 trillion. 

And so what else did we find contained within?

$135 Million dollars to Burma

$85.5 Million dollars to Cambodia

$1.4 Billion dollars for the “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act.” Hello? CHINA.

$130 Million dollars to Nepal

$700 Million dollars to Sudan

$26 Million dollars to the Kennedy Center — why does the Kennedy Center get precedence every year? I know why. So DC elites have somewhere to go, drink cocktails on your dime, show off to each other and talk shit behind each other’s political backs.

$1 Billion dollars to the Smithsonian.

$154 Million dollars to the National Art Gallery

$167 Million dollars to the National Arts and Humanities (nice places for cocktail parties)

$10 Million dollars for “gender programs” in Pakistan. You know. The nuclear armed Muslim country that wants to wipe out India, forces women to wear veils, adores honor killings. You know, because Pakistani Muslims are some of the most understanding of “gender studies” on the planet. And that cash goes into the pockets of the bureaucrats to create more weapons against Pakistani enemies.

$1.3 Billion dollars to Egypt

$453 Million dollars to Ukraine

$33 Million dollars to Venezuela

$3.3 Billion dollars of Grants to Israel

$3.36 Billion dollars to Bill Gates

YOU get $600. YOU are an AFTERTHOUGHT. Why? Because so many of you reprehensible people both voted for Trump and refuse to wear your masks, sit down, shut up, and listen to your superiors.

The agreement was expected to provide $600 stimulus payments to millions of American adults earning up to $75,000. It would revive lapsed supplemental federal unemployment benefits at $300 a week for 11 weeks — setting both at half the amount provided by the original stimulus law. It would also continue and expand benefits for gig workers and freelancers, and it would extend federal payments for people whose regular benefits have expired. The measure would also provide more than $284 billion for businesses and revive the Paycheck Protection Program, a popular federal loan program for small businesses that lapsed over the summer. It would expand eligibility under the program for nonprofits, local newspapers and radio and TV broadcasters and allocate $15 billion for performance venues, independent movie theaters and other cultural institutions devastated by the restrictions imposed to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

Of course, the New York Times reminded us of this:

Climate Change Legislation Included in Coronavirus Relief Deal

by Coral Davenport, 12-21-20

The legislation calls for cutting the use of powerful planet-warming chemicals common in air-conditioners and refrigerators.

In the waning days of the 116th Congress, lawmakers have authorized $35 billion in spending on wind, solar and other clean power sources while curtailing the use of a potent planet-warming chemical used in air-conditioners and refrigerators.

They amount to a rare party rebuke to Mr. Trump on the issue of global warming, after he spent the past four years mocking and systematically rolling back every major climate change rule. The comity may also signal that while President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is unlikely to secure his full climate plan, he may be able to make some progress in curbing global warming.

Advocates for climate change policy said passage of the climate measures — especially the limits on refrigerants — could signal to the rest of the world that the United States is ready to rejoin the global effort to slow the warming of the planet. The coolant phase-down would be one of the most significant federal policies ever taken to cut greenhouse gas emissions, according to an analysis by the Rhodium Group, a research and consulting firm.

The new legislation would require the nation’s chemical manufacturers to phase down the production and use of coolants called hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs. They are a small percentage of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, compared with carbon dioxide from the fossil fuels that power vehicles, electric plants and factories, but they have 1,000 times the heat-trapping potency of carbon dioxide.

You know. The things that actually work and keep you cool. Keep technology cool. Keep the massive server rooms of Google, Twitter, Facebook and others cool.

But why is this in a Coronavirus relief package at all? Because Leftists and Demorats realize that “global warming” isn’t resonating any more. You’re more concerned with your stupid little jobs, your stupid little wages, you’re stupid families, your stupid grandparents, your suicides that don’t mean anything except to a small circle of friends, your puny apartments and houses, having jobs, running a business, all the ridiculously immaterial things.

So if YOU won’t pay attention, they’ll just round up your money any way. Fuck you taxpayers.

Everything is upside down in terms of the election as well. Patrick Byrne weighs in on the election and what’s been happening.

Things got stranger and stranger. From

Pentagon Blocks Biden from Meeting with Military Intel Agencies

by Jack Davis, 12-6-20

The Pentagon has so far blocked meetings between the Biden transition team and officials with the intelligence agencies that are part of the Department of Defense, according to two new reports.

However, defense officials and the Biden team differ on the reason why the meetings have not yet taken place.

Presumptive potential President-elect Joe Biden has formed a transition team to facilitate a transfer of power. The General Services Administration has been given a green light to assist the transition team and meetings have been taking place with various agencies.

However, Biden’s transition officials have not yet met with representatives of the military intelligence agencies that are part of the Defense Department such as the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, according to CNN.

On December 10th, this was announced:

Pentagon weighs cutting most of its support to CIA’s counterterrorism missions

by Luiz Martinez, 12-10-20

CIA counterterrorism missions rely on military for logistical support, personnel

In a surprising move, the Pentagon has told the Central Intelligence Agency that it is weighing an end to the majority of the military support it provides to the agency’s counterterrorism missions, according to a former senior administration intelligence official.

It is unclear how the decision would impact the spy agency’s worldwide counterterrorism missions that often rely on the U.S. military for logistical support and personnel.

Is this because we’re discovering that Gina Haspel is an impediment to freedom when she refused to release documents President Trump had declassified?

Miller’s letter asked that the CIA provide a response by Jan. 5, according to a DOD official.

So remember January 5th — to see what occurs on this date between the CIA and the Pentagon.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Then we suffered the greatest hack of the century. From

The U.S. government is under the ‘hack of a decade’ after massive cyberattack grows


Hackers have breached America’s nuclear weapons stockpile, bringing grave risk to the U.S. government. Homeland Security issued a warning today. And a cybersecurity expert says there’s little doubt the hackers were from Russia. wrote:

How the US government hack happened, and what it means, explained by an expert


“This has only started,” Columbia University’s Jason Healey told Vox.

Suspected Russian government hackers breached the computer networks of the US Defense Department. The Commerce Department. The Treasury Department. The State Department. Homeland Security. Even the part of the Energy Department that oversees America’s nuclear arsenal.

And it appears they’ve had access since as far back as March.

It’s one of the largest and most brazen hacks in American history — and it may just be the beginning of a much larger global espionage effort.

What makes it even more troubling is that it’s still unclear precisely what they got access to. Some experts believe it may take years before the hackers are completely out of the US government’s networks and the full extent of their spying efforts are understood.

Some have said our nuclear launch codes were breached.

The FBI, the CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on Wednesday night, December 16th, confirming they became aware “over the course of the past several days” of “a significant and ongoing Cybersecurity campaign” targeting US government agencies through SolarWinds software. wrote:

In the wake of the SolarWinds breach, the National Security Council has activated an emergency cybersecurity process that is intended to help the government plan its response and recovery efforts, according to White House officials and other sources.

The move is a sign of just how seriously the Trump administration is taking the foreign espionage operation, former NSC officials told CyberScoop.

The action is rooted in a presidential directive issued during the Obama administration known as PPD-41, which establishes a Cyber Unified Coordination Group (UCG) that is intended to help the U.S. government coordinate multiple agencies’ responses to the significant hacking incident.

So what happened?

The SolarWinds breach — in which suspected Russia-backed hackers concealed malware in software updates by SolarWinds, a company that serves U.S. government and private sector entities — has reportedly compromised targets in the National Institutes of Health and the Departments of Commerce, Treasury, Defense, State and Homeland Security.

The breach is still being investigated. But the early signs indicate the reach of the stealthy supply-chain attack will have substantial aftershocks; SolarWinds claims to have 300,000 customers, including the National Security Agency, all five branches of the U.S. military, and entities in the health, technology, telecommunications, media and finance sectors.

Cybersecurity expert Jason Healey from Columbia University said:

The Russians, knowing they would struggle mightily to get into hard targets — the US government and also members of the Fortune 500 — instead found that they all used the same software for network management, made by a company called SolarWinds.

Rather than trying to come in the front door, they hacked SolarWinds and inserted their own code into the software. Then SolarWinds signed it and said, “Yes, this is authentic SolarWinds software.” Then all of those targets, and surely European and other democratic governments, also downloaded and accepted that Trojan horse unknowingly — and it’s been sitting there for months.

Oh. And they hit Microsoft also. Which means you. And me.

Lou Dobbs spoke on the 17th with Morgan Wright, former Senior State Department Security Advisor.

Add to all of this the carrier groups that have been placed off of both American coasts, the rumors of Chinese troops in Canada, the indicator that an F-16 pilot was killed in a Michigan crash on Tuesday, December 8th — and rumblings seem to suggest that he was shot down.

There were also rumors of a nuclear Chinese sub captured off the coast of Nova Scotia. And that the Biden family is somehow linked to the cyber attack. Notions that I wouldn’t kick out of my bed for eating crackers.

And, Attorney General William Barr has indicated he is leaving the Trump administration soon, and that he would not be recommending an independent or Special Counsel to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop. Nor would he be going after any kind of voter fraud investigation.

This story from might shed some light on that.

How Attorney General Bill Barr Built A $40 Million Fortune

by Dan Alexander, 7-19-20

William Barr made his name serving as attorney general for two presidents, George H. W. Bush and Donald J. Trump. But he made his fortune out of office, collecting more than $50 million in compensation as an executive and director for some of America’s largest companies.

Today Barr, who did not comment for this story, has an estimated net worth of $40 million, after accounting for taxes, personal spending and modest investment returns. That figure is more precise than what’s on Barr’s public financial disclosure report, a document that deals only in broad ranges and shows assets worth somewhere between $24 million and $74 million.

Alright. When, where and how?

The money started piling up around 1993, when Bush left the White House and Barr reentered the private sector. The next year, Barr became general counsel at telephone giant GTE Corporation. When GTE merged with Bell Atlantic to form Verizon in 2000, Barr stayed onboard as executive vice president and general counsel. From 2001 to 2007, he raked in an average of $1.7 million in annual salary and bonuses, according to documents filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission. Barr also received valuable stock options, some of which he traded while at the company, collecting an estimated $3 million after taxes from 2003 to 2007.

“The private sector been belly-belly good to me.”

The Verizon job came with other benefits. Barr got a $31,000 flexible spending allowance, $10,000 or so for financial planning, plus use of the company jet for personal purposes. The biggest benefit, however, came upon retirement. Barr stepped down from the company at the end of 2008, receiving a $17.1 million distribution from Verizon’s income deferral plan, according to an SEC filing. On top of that, company documents also detail an additional $10.4 million separation payment for Barr.

One might conclude that William Barr is not hurting for cash.

Retiring did not mean Barr was done working. The year after he left Verizon, he joined the boards of two publicly traded companies, Dominion Resources and Time Warner. From 2009 to 2018, Dominion paid Barr $1.2 million in cash and granted him another $1.1 million in stock awards, according to SEC filings.

Wait. Did you say Dominion? The company that owns voting machines?

Time Warner paid him $970,000 in cash and $1 million in equity awards for serving on its board from 2009 to 2016,  when the company agreed to combine with AT&T. That deal was lucrative for Barr—he disclosed $1.7 million of income related to it on his financial disclosure report. But the merger was troubling to Trump, whose Justice Department tried to block it. During his confirmation hearing, Barr promised to recuse himself from the case as attorney general.

Barr also served on the board of Och-Ziff Capital Management, joining in 2016, the same year a firm subsidiary pled guilty to conspiring to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Och-Ziff agreed to pay $412 million in penalties. It also paid Barr $190,000 in cash and $530,000 in stock awards from 2016 to 2018. The attorney general no longer serves on the boards of Och-Ziff,  Dominion Resources or Time Warner.

The board. Of Dominion Resources.


Smell test?

As I’ve said numerous time, “you can’t write shit like this.”




BZ’s Berserk Bobcat Saloon Radio Show, Thursday, 12-17-20, with PROFESSOR MIKE JONES and GABRIELLE INGRAM

Hour 1: BZ talked with Constitutional expert, Professor MICHAEL JONES, about the recent denial by SCOTUS to hear the Texas case involving election fraud, what it means, and why he said he’s terribly disappointed in SCOTUS for refusing to do the job for which it was created.

Professor JONES went into great detail about the Texas case, Constitutional law, and then went into more detail about what will happen on January 6th and then — so few people know this — in March.

After that, community activist GABRIELLE INGRAM returned to the Saloon in order to provide an update on how the County of Sacramento is handling Wuhan-19 lockdowns and how their plan was to originally levy fines up to $10,000 for struggling county businesses and, apparently, individual citizens. Please listen to her update, then visit her Facebook page, the group STAND UP SACRAMENTO COUNTY.

Don’t take the repeal of our freedoms and liberties lying down. GABRIELLE INGRAM is a citizen activist and you can be too. Withdraw your consent to be governed by Leftist authoritarians.

Finally, BZ played this rather succinct yet bombshellistic video wherein Patrick Byrne is interviewed, stating he was the bagman in terms of setting up Hillary Clinton for bribes — after she had already taken millions of dollars in bribes from Turkey. Watch.

Then there was this, released on Thursday night after the show, via Twitter.

Patrick Byrne better check the lug nuts on his car every time he travels, and better look under his car at the same time. “Suicides” are rising these days as well, we note.

Listen to the show, audio only, on Spreaker. Click on the yellow arrow below.

Listen to “BZ’s BBS, Thursday, 12-17-20, w/MICHAEL JONES and GABRIELLE INGRAM” on Spreaker.

YouTube won’t allow us to go live any more because we have “run out of quota,” We’ve checked high and low, and have no idea how to remedy the situation. That essentially means, for all practical purposes, that we can never use YouTube again.

Therefore, we have started streaming on Periscope. Click on this link to watch.

We also streamed to Facebook, which you may watch below.

Join me, the Bloviating Zeppelin every Tuesday and Thursday night on the SHR Media Network from 11 PM to 1 AM Eastern and 8 PM to 10 PM Pacific, at the Berserk Bobcat Saloon — where the speech is free but the booze is not.

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